Homemade marshmallows from apples. Zephyr at home from applesauce

I often have a desire to eat something sweet. And about my desire, I often run to the store for sweets or chocolates. But sometimes, when I have the mood and desire, I make something sweet myself, and then I eat it with pleasure. Today I will tell you how to make marshmallows from apples at home with gelatin and then a step-by-step recipe with a photo. Of course, it is much more pleasant to buy sweets in the store, but they do not taste like what you make yourself.

For a long time I did not dare to cook apple marshmallows at home, but curiosity still got the better of me, especially after I got marshmallows. Inspired by my small successes, I decided to go further.

Unfortunately, this time I didn't like the result. No, the marshmallow itself turned out to be delicious, tender and very airy, melting in your mouth. But then I expected something completely different, I wanted to achieve such a taste as that of a store-bought marshmallow. Unfortunately, the difference is very big. I don’t know, maybe I did something wrong, but I tried to follow the recipe I liked exactly.

How to make marshmallows from apples with gelatin recipe with photo


  • Apples - 4 large (sour varieties)
  • Sugar 200 grams
  • Water - 120 ml. (50 ml for soaking gelatin and 50 ml for sugar syrup)
  • Gelatin - 25 gr.
  • Egg - 1 pc.

A step-by-step recipe for making apple marshmallows with a photo at home

Immediately pour gelatin with water, let it swell.

Next, you need to prepare applesauce. To do this, wash the apples, remove the core and put on a baking sheet lined with foil or parchment paper. We send apples to a preheated oven to 220C for 20 minutes.

Put the baked apples in a deep bowl and beat with a blender.

Now rub the resulting mass through a sieve.

When I was looking for a marshmallow recipe on the internet, I met conflicting information. On some sites and in videos, it was recommended to remove the skin from apples, on other sites, on the contrary, they assured that this should not be done, since the peel contains substances that allow the future marshmallow to get the desired consistency and shape. I decided not to peel. And now it seems to me that the skin still had to be removed, since hard particles are felt in the marshmallow, despite the fact that I chopped the apples with a blender and then rubbed them through a sieve.

You can add vanilla sugar to the resulting applesauce, mix and set aside for now, the path cools.

In the meantime, you need to prepare the syrup and dissolve the gelatin.

Pour 70 ml into a saucepan. water and pour 200 grams of sugar and put on fire. Cook the mass over medium heat for 5-8 minutes. In general, you need to boil the syrup until the effect of a soft ball. Checking the readiness of the syrup is easy. To do this, pour a little syrup with a spoon into cold water and try to make a ball out of it with your hands. If the ball is easily molded and does not spread, then the syrup is ready.

While the syrup is cooking, you can dissolve the gelatin in a water bath until smooth. You can not bring gelatin to a boil, otherwise it will lose its properties.

Beat applesauce a little with a mixer.

Add the egg white to the puree and beat the mixture until it becomes fluffy. The mass will increase slightly in volume.

Without stopping to beat the mass, you need to pour in a thin stream of sugar syrup. You need to beat until the mass has completely cooled down.

Continuing to beat the mass, pour in the gelatin in small portions and beat for another 5 minutes.

Now the resulting mass can be transferred to a pastry bag with an asterisk nozzle and squeeze the marshmallow of the desired shape onto a pre-prepared form covered with parchment. To be honest, I didn’t really want to mess with all this, then wash the bags. Yes, and for some reason I don’t know how to use pastry bags quite accurately, I’ll definitely get all smeared. Therefore, I covered a large form with oilcloth, poured the resulting marshmallow mass into it and put the form in the refrigerator for several hours (at least two hours). At the end, I simply cut the resulting mass into equal squares.

That's all, marshmallow from an apple with gelatin is ready, as you can see, it's not so difficult to cook it at home. But still, it worries me why the taste is different from the store. Although homemade marshmallows are more delicate and airy, they just melt in your mouth. Delicious. Bon appetit!

For me, there is no more beautiful and delicious picture than tea with marshmallows. Despite the wide variety of dessert choices in today's confectionery world, marshmallows remain a favorite sweet cloud. First of all, the composition of the marshmallow pleases. Natural homemade marshmallows contain only natural thickeners and nothing more.

What are marshmallows made from?

Marshmallow contains cooking puree of apples or berries, natural thickener agar-agar, protein and sugar. By the way, this recipe for marshmallows contains less sugar than recipes on the Internet according to GOST.

Such a marshmallow is allowed to be used during breastfeeding, because you know what it is made of, there are no prohibited components. You can read more about agar-agar in the article about the safety and benefits of agar-agar.

From the indicated quantities of ingredients, approximately 20 halves will be obtained.


  • Applesauce - 125 g (3-4 apples)
  • Sugar - 70 g
  • Egg white - from 1 egg

For syrup

  • Sugar - 130 g
  • Water - 75 ml
  • Agar-agar - 2.5 tsp (about 5 g)
  • Powdered sugar - for sprinkling

Marshmallow is not obtained from everyone the first time, so it was with me. The marshmallow turned out to be too liquid inside, did not hold its shape well, and froze for a long time. Everywhere they wrote that there was little sugar, and I added more, but it became cloying, and still did not freeze. Added less, and again the same. It took about 5 tries. But when it comes to marshmallows, I do not give up, and once I changed the way I work with sugar, and it worked!

The reason the marshmallows didn't turn out was the wrong handling of the sugar. After all, sugar is a component that holds the shape and structure of marshmallows. In other words, we need to bring sugar into the same state with mashed potatoes with the help of temperature, beat the mashed potatoes into foam and fix this state with sugar, which solidifies when it is cooled, and agar-agar will help us in this.

Cooking puree

Cut the apples into 2 parts and remove the cores, leave the peel, it contains the largest amount of pectin. Bake apples cut side down for 15-25 minutes at 180°C depending on the size of the apples. The apples should lose their shape and become very soft.

Puree the apples with the peel using a blender. Pass applesauce for marshmallows through a sieve. For homemade marshmallows, you will need 125 g of ready-made puree, which is about 3-4 apples.

Puree combine with 70 g of sugar and place on a small fire. It is necessary to bring the puree to a boil and boil for 1-2 minutes, stir so as not to burn. Remove applesauce with dissolved sugar from heat and let cool. After cooling, the puree will become thick, like jelly.

Add the protein to the completely cooled puree and start beating at high speeds of the mixer into a very steep foam. At this stage, you can always tell whether you will get a marshmallow or not. The foam should lighten and form standing "beaks" at the end of the corolla. This is a very important step in marshmallow preparation!

With a conventional hand mixer, you can achieve the desired result.

Pay attention to how thick the mass is, it does not fall, does not drain from the beaters.

Cooking syrup

Syrup for homemade marshmallows can be prepared without a special thermometer, the main thing is not to rush and bring it to the desired stage.

Pour agar-agar with water, add sugar and put on medium heat.

When the syrup begins to boil and foam, stir vigorously with a wooden spatula. The syrup can rise up to twice its volume, so keep this in mind when choosing your dishes. It is necessary to mix the syrup with a spatula so that the agar-agar does not stick to the bottom, but constantly dissolves and interacts with the syrup.

You will see the readiness of the syrup when a thick thread flows from the spoon, and it will not fall to the end, it will solidify with a long drop. The time it takes to bring the syrup to a boil can vary, depending on the strength of the fire and the quantities of ingredients, but for these proportions, it takes about 4-6 minutes after boiling.

If you beat the puree well and bring the syrup to the right stage, your marshmallow will never come out wet, hold its shape well and set quickly.

Pour the boiling syrup into the puree in a thin stream, while stirring the mass with a mixer at low speeds. The mass remains the same light, but only increases in volume. Do not peel off the remaining syrup with a spoon, they are already frozen, and if you add them to the marshmallow mass, they will remain large rubber pieces of agar-agar.

Beat the marshmallow mass for another 5-7 minutes, it must cool to bring the agar-agar into action.

The finished mass will be pliable to work, like a cream, so you get beautiful lines. And also airy and sticky naturally.

For me, there has always been a category of sweets that, in my opinion, it is impossible to cook at home in your kitchen. Desserts such as Bird's Milk soufflé, nougat or marshmallows seemed so incomprehensible and difficult to prepare to me that I did not even try to study their recipe, let alone repeat it myself. But, as folk wisdom says, everything ingenious is simple! And any interested housewife can prepare a delicacy with taste from childhood, provided she has a mixer, or at least a powerful hand blender. The main thing in this business is to beat the mass well. Another important point is a kitchen thermometer to measure the temperature of the agar syrup. These are the main postulates of making homemade marshmallows, otherwise there will be no difficulties.

250 gr. applesauce (4-8 apples).
-250 gr. sugar or powdered sugar for puree.
-1 chicken protein.
-4 tsp agar.
-160 gr. water.
-470 gr. sugar for syrup.
The presence of food coloring and a pastry bag with nozzles is welcome.

So let's get started. Cut the apples in half and remove the core and stalks. Speaking of apples, choose a variety with the most pectin, such apples are dense and sour. I chose the Semerenko variety. After that, bake in the oven until soft. At a temperature of 200 degrees, it takes about 30 minutes, it may take you a little more or less time, depending on the size of the apples.

While the apples are cooking, prepare the agar. Let's weigh out the right amount of water.

And pour 4 teaspoons without a slide of agar powder. Let's get wet.

The apples are baked. To me they look like this.

Scoop out the baked flesh from the skins with a spoon.

In order to get a smooth and high-quality puree, it is better to use a blender. If this is not possible, then you can wipe the pulp through a sieve.

And mix with mashed potatoes, if it has cooled down, you can warm it up a little before adding sugar. Let the puree cool down.

When the puree has cooled down, and the sugar has completely dissolved in it, we begin to boil the syrup on agar. Dissolve the soaked agar powder over medium heat. While stirring, you need to wait for large bubbles. As soon as the moment has come, pour in the sugar for the syrup and mix.

At this time, we begin to whip applesauce with half the protein.

We bring the syrup to a temperature of 110 degrees and remove from heat.

As soon as the puree begins to lighten, add the second half of the protein and continue to beat at high speeds. It will take time to mix well. You should get a dense consistency that holds its shape well.

On the wall of the bowl in a thin stream, we begin to pour in the syrup. It's cooled down a bit, but still hot. We continue to beat the mass.

You can add any food coloring at this point if you want to color your marshmallows. Although this is not at all necessary.

It is important to beat the mass well again before it starts to cool. Before you start jigging, you need to make sure that the mixture is thick enough to hold its shape.

Place the “dough” for the future marshmallow in a pastry bag and deposit marshmallows of arbitrary shape.

Don't be upset if you don't have a pastry bag. Marshmallows can also be put with an ordinary spoon, this will not affect the taste and stabilization process in any way.

Now you need to be patient and leave the marshmallow to dry for a day. But with a strong desire, you can try the delicacy after 5 hours of stabilization. Sprinkle the marshmallows with powdered sugar and carefully glue the halves in pairs.

Now you are convinced that homemade marshmallows are not a section of dishes, the complexity of which borders on fantasy. It's simple and insanely delicious. Be sure to impress your friends and loved ones with your culinary skills. And if you put marshmallows in a box or a spectacular bag, you get a nice and cute present.

Offer someone to try the air marshmallow, well, no one will refuse.

Even non-sweet lovers appreciate the sugary confectionery product, which is obtained by whipping a fruit and berry puree mass with egg white and granulated sugar.

On an industrial scale, a number of fillers are added to form and increase the shelf life of the dessert: gelatin mass, pectin or agar. Yes, and a bunch of all sorts of compounds there, which by no means improve health, especially in children.

And not to say that this purchased marshmallow is so harmful. Still, homemade apple marshmallows are much more pleasant to the soul and tastier than homemade ones.

Instead of crystal gelatin, we will use agar, which is quite popular in cooking. Now let's explain what it is.

Agar-agar is a vegetable substitute for gelatin, and is available in the form of plates, a yellowish-white powder, and in other varieties.

The product consists of a mixture of agarose and agaropectin polysaccharides obtained by extraction from red and brown algae growing in the waters of the Pacific Ocean, the White and Black Seas.

Agar is much stronger than gelatin in gelling. Even more, the composition is multiply thermoreversible. That is, from a liquid composition, the mixture turns into a dense product, and, conversely, repeatedly. We know the beneficial properties of gelatin, but agar-agar is also rich in calcium, iodine and iron. Products containing the ingredient contribute to the removal of toxins and slags from the human body, improve the activity of the gallbladder and liver, strengthen ligamentous tissues and cartilage. In retail, there is also a product where it contains agar.

If we consider agar as a substitute for crystalline gelatin, then it is worth using a ratio of 1: 4, and this is enough for cooking, jellies and marshmallows.

Ingredients for 60 halves

4 large apples for puree

250-300 grams of sugar sand

1 egg white

1 sachet of vanilla extract or vanilla sugar

To prepare syrup:

475-500 grams of sugar sand

160 grams of cooled water

30 grams of crystalline gelatin or 8 grams of agar (this is about 4 teaspoons without a hill)

powdered sugar for sprinkling dessert




baking sheet

parchment paper



How to make homemade marshmallows from apples

First of all, we soak the agar in a certain amount of water, as indicated in the recipe for using the product. The ingredient can be used in any kind of production.

We wash the apples well, remove the cores and put them in a convenient baking dish in the oven. Approximate baking time is equal to the number of halves. It will be enough for us to simmer the apples for about 7 minutes and no more.

Using a tablespoon, scrape out the pulp from the fruit. Beat the extracted pulp in a blender until a puree is formed or with a mixer. If it is not possible to use any of the proposed devices, then simply wipe the mass through a sieve.

When our mass is already whipped enough, we immediately transfer it to any convenient nozzle, with which we will plant marshmallows.

In this case, you need to hurry, because the products with agar freeze already at a temperature of 40 °.

Let's prepare a large baking sheet, because we will get several dozen marshmallows.

We leave the planted marshmallows to harden at room temperature, approximately overnight. During this period of time, the agar stabilizes the composition of the marshmallow, and the resulting crust of sugar will become visible on it, which we sprinkle with powdered sugar.

And we go to feast on yummy, drinking sweetness.

It is difficult to find a more suitable fruit than an apple for making marshmallows. Its dense, springy texture is achieved by using agar-agar, a vegetable substitute for gelatin, and pectin found in apple pulp.

Adding any fruit purees and vanilla will help give the treat the desired flavor, and baking will speed up the manufacturing process.

With a snow-white air mass, you can layer the cake or use it as a filling for sweets. It goes well with both white and dark chocolate. The finished dessert can be decorated with powdered sugar, candied fruit, walnut or waffle crumbs.


For 15 pcs. marshmallow:

  • 3 green apples
  • 80 g granulated sugar for apples
  • 1 chilled chicken protein
  • 1 st. sugar for syrup
  • 70 ml hot water
  • 2 tsp agar-agar


1. It is best not to use gelatin to create marshmallows - replace it with agar-agar and remember that it solidifies already at 38–40 ° C! Cut the apples into quarters and remove the seeds. Rinse in water and put in a special container for the microwave. Bake them in the microwave for about 3-5 minutes, determining the baking time according to the power of your equipment. You can bake fruits in the oven for about 30-40 minutes, but whole.

2. After that, be sure to cool them and separate the applesauce from the skins. Pass the puree through a blender, beating it until smooth, and place in the refrigerator for 1 hour - it should be very cold.

3. At this time, agar-agar, pour 70 ml of hot water and leave to swell. Immediately prepare an envelope with a nozzle, cover the form or plate with parchment paper - then you will not have time for this! Transfer the cooled applesauce to the bowl of a food processor, pour 100 g of granulated sugar into it, pour in half the egg white and start beating for about 5-7 minutes until the mass turns white.

4. Then add another half of the protein and continue to beat.

5. Place a saucepan with agar-agar on the stove and pour a glass of granulated sugar into it, reduce the heat to a minimum and cook the sugar syrup to a viscous string. If you made sugar candies as a child, then you roughly know what consistency it should have. The syrup should bubble up but not change color. As soon as it begins to turn slightly yellow, the syrup is ready. Pour it in a thin stream into the apple mass, without stopping whisking. At this stage, be patient, as you need to pour in the syrup for at least 2-3 minutes, or even all 5 minutes.

6. The mass should become dense, white and velvety in appearance. As soon as this happens, turn off the equipment and immediately transfer it to an envelope or a pastry syringe with a nozzle.

7. Plant marshmallow halves on parchment paper, trying to leave a small space between them. Act quickly, as the marshmallow mass quickly seizes and thickens before your eyes. Then the most tedious period begins - the halves of the dessert should dry out at room temperature for a day. Not in the oven, not in the refrigerator!

8. Only after 24 hours can they be sprinkled with powdered sugar on top. With a sharp knife, separate them from parchment paper and glue them in pairs.

Now the dessert is ready to serve. Enjoy every bite of this homemade apple marshmallow because you made it yourself!

Note to the owner

1. There is a lot of sugar in this dessert, but there is no palm oil, no butter, and even more so - margarine. Flour is also not included in the recipe. Anyone who adheres to moderately strict diets is allowed to eat 60–80 grams of marshmallows in the morning. It’s probably not worth doing this every day, but on weekends or on emotionally intense weekdays, when mood drops, nerves are tense and the brain gets tired, sweets are vital for a person. Those made with fruit puree are the best.

2. Today, cakes without dough are in demand. This means that puff, biscuit, shortbread cakes are being abandoned in favor of lighter ones. Just like that are marshmallows. Parfait, panna cotta, yogurt or curd soufflé, chopped fruit pulp, banana-nut cream, etc. are placed between them.

3. Marshmallows are stored for a long time, but if too much is cooked, it begins to dry out. Neither a microwave oven nor a steam bath can restore its airy consistency and softness. Meanwhile, it is not necessary to throw away a slightly hardened delicacy. You can cut it into miniature cubes the size of candied fruit and add them to granola, muesli, decorate ice cream, smoothies, and in the end - just put them in milk oatmeal or semolina.