Homemade cheesecakes in chocolate. Homemade chocolate covered curd cheeses

It’s hard to imagine the taste of childhood without cottage cheese products. Here is my favorite curd dessert - chocolate glazed cheese curds. In my childhood there was not such an abundance of curd cheeses and choice as there is now, perhaps that’s why it seems to me that those cheese curds from my childhood were the most delicious...

Homemade cheesecakes in chocolate are very healthy and tasty, but it seems to me that they are still missing some secret ingredient!!!??

1. First of all, we need to prepare chocolate molds for the cheesecakes. In the absence of rectangular ones, I used regular silicone muffin tins. Of course, they are a little big, but this does not affect the taste at all.

2. Melt the chocolate in a water bath with the addition of a small piece (about 10-15 grams) of butter.

3. When the chocolate and butter melt, mix everything and grease the molds with a silicone brush.

4. So generously so that the chocolate layer is even. Now put the chocolate blanks in the freezer for 10-15 minutes.

5. Take homemade cottage cheese, preferably wet, so that the curds turn out juicy, put it in a deep container.

6. Add condensed milk.

7. And softened butter.

8. Using a blender attachment, mix the mass until smooth. The curd part is ready.

9. Meanwhile, the chocolate molds had time to harden. We take them out of the freezer.

10. And fill to the top with curd and creamy mass.

11. Cover the top with the remaining melted chocolate (you may need to heat it again in a steam bath). And put it in the freezer for 10-15 minutes.

12. Done! We take out chocolate-covered curd cheeses from silicone molds and treat them to our household.

13. My bottom layer of chocolate turned out to be very thin, so the curd mass is visible. Transfer the dessert to a plate.

14. Drizzle with condensed milk or your favorite syrup and serve with tea or cocoa. Tasty and healthy!

Cottage cheese is a healthy product. In its pure form, it is not attractive to everyone, with rare exceptions, perhaps for supporters of a healthy lifestyle. And you can’t force children to have a healthy dairy product for breakfast. However, you can use a trick and prepare the most delicate chocolate-covered curd cheeses. Homemade cottage cheese treats are different from store-bought ones. It contains no artificial flavors, dyes or other harmful substances. Only natural products that can be found in the refrigerator in the kitchen of any housewife. It is important to find quality cottage cheese. The best ones are to buy natural ones from local farmers. By preparing this delicate delicacy, you can pamper your loved ones with a delicious and at the same time healthy dessert at home.

Why is cottage cheese so healthy?

Cottage cheese contains many useful substances needed by the body. By including it in your diet, intestinal function and general condition will noticeably improve.

Cottage cheese contains:

  • Protein
  • Calcium
  • Vitamins A, C, D
  • Group B elements
  • Iron
  • Phosphorus

Cottage cheese is recommended for children and pregnant women, because the elements in it help the development of bone tissue. Daily consumption will help improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and normalize the cardiovascular system. It enhances the production of hemoglobin, and this speeds up metabolic processes. Group B elements fight the development of atherosclerosis. Cottage cheese is also useful for vegetarians, because in terms of the amount of milk protein it competes with animal products.

Method for making curd cheese

This is a classic cottage cheese recipe. It is very convenient, because there are no specific ingredients. If you follow the step-by-step instructions and tips, everything will work out.


For the curd mass:

0.5 kg cottage cheese

3 tbsp. l. sour cream

1-2 tbsp. l. powdered sugar

half a stick of butter

For chocolate glaze:

0.5 kg dark chocolate

Step by step recipe:

  1. First, make some cottage cheese. You need to grind it to achieve a delicate consistency. To do this, the cottage cheese is rubbed through a sieve.
  2. Start creating a creamy mass from the butter. Place the butter in a separate bowl and beat it with a blender until strong and white. Add powdered sugar, vanillin, a pinch of salt to it and continue beating for a couple of minutes.
  3. Add 1 tbsp to the already made butter fudge. l. sour cream and a third of chopped cottage cheese. Beat everything for 1-2 minutes. After this, add another spoonful of sour cream and the second third of cottage cheese. Repeat beating. Combine the remaining sour cream and cottage cheese and beat until the curd mass is smooth and fluffy.
  4. You can form the mass using a pastry bag. Press it into sausage shapes onto a flat surface lined with parchment paper and place in the freezer until completely set. You can use silicone molds and put the sweet mass there. The main thing is that the cheese separates well and is convenient for dipping into the chocolate glaze.
  5. Speaking of glaze. The time to start preparing it is when the cheese curds have frozen. The chocolate is crushed into pieces and melted in a water bath. Add a little butter to prevent the chocolate from hardening before you cover the cheese completely. Place the container with chocolate in boiling water.
  6. Dip the frozen sausages completely into the glaze and return them to the parchment. If you are dealing with silicone molds, then take care of the glazing in advance. Apply melted chocolate to the bottom and sides of the mold so that the glaze evenly covers them. Place in the freezer for an hour. Only then place freshly prepared curd mass in them. When the mold is filled to the top with the mixture, apply chocolate sauce on top so that when the cheese hardens, it will be completely covered in glaze. Place in the freezer overnight.

You need to understand that you are working with products that are effective at certain temperatures. That is, everything will work out only if the chocolate does not cool down and the cheese curds are frozen enough so as not to fall apart. You need to act quickly and clearly. Otherwise, don’t despair - you can always reheat the chocolate again and freeze the curd “sausages” again. Of course, you only need to store chocolate-covered cheese curds in the refrigerator. It’s better to prepare foil “candy wrappers” for them. Foil holds the temperature better.

How to make it tastier

There are many recipes for homemade chocolate covered curd cheeses. They add raisins, nuts, jams, cocoa, condensed milk, coconut flakes, crushed cookies - it all depends on taste preferences and imagination. This way, a tasty and healthy delicacy will not get boring and will delight your household more often.

  • It is a big mistake to think that if the cottage cheese is rubbed through a sieve, then it is already crushed enough and you can simply mix it with the liquid component. Nothing like this! If you want to achieve a delicate taste (and this is the beauty of cheese), then you cannot do without a mixer or immersion blender. Work it gently for at least a minute per session, adding the pureed cottage cheese in parts. So you will have to spend at least 5-6 minutes whipping.
  • The old school of cheesecake making says that the glaze should be made with cocoa powder. But as practice shows, a melted bar of regular dark or even white chocolate is much more convenient to work with, and the cheese tastes better.
  • To make the taste of the dessert even more delicate, add cream to the mixture. But this is provided that you are not going to store it for a long time.
  • This sweetness is quite high in calories. Therefore, in order not to harm your figure, it makes sense to use low-fat cottage cheese as a basis for cooking.
  • Carefully monitor the consistency of the curd mass. It should be tight. Therefore, when adding liquid ingredients you need to be very careful. If, nevertheless, the mass turns out to be much thinner and does not form in any way, then thicken it with crushed cookies or powdered milk.

So, now you know how to make chocolate covered cheesecakes. All that remains is to move on to practice. Having tried to make a dessert with your own hands using this recipe, the need to buy it in the store will disappear by itself. You can treat yourself to a treat without leaving your home.

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Let's create strong competition for store-bought curd and chocolate desserts - we prepare glazed cheese curds ourselves at home using a recipe with a detailed description and step-by-step photos. The process is quite simple, the list of ingredients is short and accessible, and the final delicacy is in no way inferior to store-bought copies, but at the same time has the most natural composition, without various chemicals added to store-bought sweets to extend the shelf life of the product.

The curd filling can be varied with coconut flakes, chopped nuts, pieces of fruit, candied fruits, etc. Milk chocolate can be replaced with white chocolate if desired. Thus, we have an excellent basic recipe that allows you to experiment and prepare glazed cheese curds with a variety of additives, dark or light shell.


  • homogeneous cottage cheese - 200 g;
  • sugar - 30 g;
  • butter - 30 g;
  • vanilla sugar - 1 teaspoon.

For the glaze:

  • milk chocolate - 100 g;
  • butter - 50 g.

Homemade glazed cheese curds recipe with photos

How to make chocolate covered curd cheeses

  1. Prepare the curd filling. Melt butter (30 g) to a homogeneous liquid consistency. Immediately add vanilla and regular sugar and mix thoroughly.
  2. After cooling the sugar-butter mixture slightly, add cottage cheese. Mix thoroughly with a spoon. If the cottage cheese initially has a coarse-grained structure, you must first rub it through a fine sieve to obtain a uniform consistency.
  3. We transfer the resulting curd mass into a pastry bag with a large nozzle, or take a regular plastic bag and cut off a corner. On a kitchen board covered with parchment paper, squeeze out the cottage cheese pieces in the form of sticks 5-6 cm long. Place the curds in the freezer for 1-2 hours.
  4. When the cottage cheese is frozen, we begin glazing. Break the chocolate into pieces and add butter. Stirring all the time, melt the mixture in a “water bath”. We achieve the disappearance of all chocolate clots and obtain a homogeneous smooth mass. We make sure that the chocolate does not overheat - cook on minimal heat and do not forget that the bottom of the bowl with glaze should not touch the water in the lower container.
  5. Place the frozen curd blocks one by one on a wooden skewer and pour melted chocolate over them. The shell should cover the curd with a continuous layer without gaps.
  6. Place the almost finished glazed cheese curds back on parchment paper and put them in the freezer for 20-30 minutes (until the chocolate hardens). Let the cottage cheese soften slightly after freezing, and then proceed to tasting the dessert. We store the products in the refrigerator.

Glazed cheese curds at home are ready! Bon appetit!

Everyone knows that cottage cheese is useful as an excellent source of calcium and protein. However, not everyone loves him. Another thing is glazed cheese. This is a popular delicacy from the dairy department, which is enjoyed by both adults and children. This alternative way of consuming cottage cheese would be good, if not for a few “buts”: like store-bought yoghurts, store-bought cheese curds contain many impurities, flavorings, taste improvers, but only a small part of the cottage cheese we need. What to do? Should I avoid this product? Not at all necessary. You just need to learn how to cook glazed cheese curds yourself.

Why buy when you can make it at home?

If you think that it is very difficult to replicate store-bought chocolate-coated cheesecake at home, then you are mistaken. In fact, you can not only prepare a delicacy that is very similar in taste and appearance, but also make it much healthier. The main thing is to get good cottage cheese, and even better - to purchase a natural village product. Then your glazed cheese will contain a storehouse of vitamins and have an unusually delicate taste. So let's get started.

Cooking easily and quickly

Products needed for homemade (500 grams), sugar (1-2 spoons), a little butter (about 100 grams) and vanillin. It is best to grind the sugar into powder so that it does not crunch on your teeth. Mix all the ingredients and form small “logs” from the resulting mass. They need to be placed on a flat plate and put in the freezer to harden. Meanwhile, let's start with the glaze.

The finishing touch is glaze

For homemade, take 2 large spoons of cocoa and 4 spoons of sugar and sour cream. Mix these ingredients and heat in a water bath to obtain a homogeneous mass. The thickness can be adjusted by adding water or milk. Cool the resulting chocolate sauce and pour it over the frozen cheeses. Now they need to be put back in the freezer. After a while, you can check out our homemade chocolate-covered cheese curds. In appearance, they are practically indistinguishable from store-bought ones, but in taste, home-cooked ones undoubtedly win.

Home range

You will say that there is such a variety of flavors and fillings on sale that homemade glazed cheesecake will quickly get boring. What's stopping you from expanding your own range? When cooking, you can add chopped nuts to it, hide berries, pieces of dried fruit inside, make a filling of jam or boiled condensed milk, mix with cocoa. You can form a curd log and place it on the cookies, and then pour chocolate over it. As you can see, there are no less opportunities to experiment at home.

How to make it tastier?

Some useful tips to make your glazed cheese even tastier. It is best not to just mix the curd base, but to beat it with a mixer. Then the product will turn out more airy and tender. The glaze doesn’t have to be made from cocoa; you can buy a bar of bitters, milk, or even just melt it in a water bath - it’s faster and tastier. If you are going to eat the cheese curds right away, you can add a little cream to the cottage cheese. For small children, the best fillings are berries and dried fruits; for adults and teenagers, the assortment can be expanded. Store-bought glazed cheese curd or homemade curd delicacy - what do you choose?

Do you still buy chocolate covered cheese curds? Then I'm coming to you! I’m going with my recipe for this simple, tasty and healthy dessert, which we will prepare at home with our own hands. Cottage cheese in chocolate glaze is a delicacy that everyone without exception likes, so make it soon!

A few words about the products that we will need today. You can use cottage cheese of any fat content (I have 5%), just don’t use liquid, otherwise the filling will also be liquid and not dense. You can also add butter of any fat content, but it should be butter, and not margarine or some kind of spread! Everything about condensed milk seems to be clear, but if you want, you can make it yourself using this recipe.

Regarding chocolate: I personally prefer bitter chocolate (there is practically no characteristic bitterness in ready-made cheese curds), but you can use milk chocolate to make the dessert just like in the store. But for me, industrial chocolate-covered cheesecakes are too sugary precisely because of this very sweet glaze. Vanillin is a purely voluntary matter and is needed only for a light aroma.

Today I offer a basic recipe for curd cheeses in chocolate glaze, and then only your imagination can stop you. Boiled condensed milk, berry jam or jam, pieces of cookies, chopped chocolate, nuts, dried fruits, candied fruits, marmalade... In general, try, experiment, my dear sweet tooth!


Cooking the dish step by step with photos:

First you need to melt the chocolate - this can be done either in a water bath or in the microwave. Today I decided to melt the chocolate in a water bath - it’s more convenient (the heat of the water does not harden the glaze in a bowl quickly). Break 100 grams of chocolate into a suitable heat-resistant bowl and add 10 grams of butter. Adding a small amount of butter will prevent the hardened chocolate glaze from breaking too much.

Pour water into a saucepan (about 2-3 fingers deep) and bring it to a boil. Place a bowl of chocolate inside so that its bottom does not touch the boiling water.

Keep the melted chocolate in a water bath, removing it from the stove. We take a suitable brush (I have a construction brush - I bought it, washed it thoroughly and dried it, and now I use it only for culinary purposes). Silicone, by the way, is not particularly convenient for applying chocolate.

Depending on your desires and capabilities, we select molds for future curd cheeses. It doesn’t matter what shape and volume they will be, the main thing is to use silicone ones. I have these muffin tins with a volume of 80 milliliters - 5 pieces. Coat the inside of the molds with melted chocolate so that you get a fairly thin layer. If there are places that haven't been coated, it doesn't matter - we'll hide the flaws later.

Then we apply the second layer - the work is quite dirty, you can smear your hands well with chocolate (then wash it). Try to make sure that the layer is even on the bottom and sides. Place the molds in the freezer again for another 10-15 minutes - it’s most convenient to immediately place them on a board or flat dish.

In the meantime, let's make the curd filling for the cheesecakes. Here everything is even simpler: put cottage cheese in a bowl, add 50 grams of soft butter (take it out of the refrigerator in advance), condensed milk and a pinch of vanillin for flavor.

Blend everything with an immersion blender until smooth and homogeneous. The mass is not very dense, but at the same time not liquid - like fatty sour cream. It holds its shape perfectly and does not flow. If you don’t have an immersion blender, you can, of course, use a regular blender. In this case, you MUST rub the cottage cheese through a sieve, preferably twice, otherwise you won’t get a smooth mass. The curd filling for homemade cheesecakes is ready.