Making delicious pancakes: as easy as shelling pears. Recipe for making kefir pancakes (lush) What should the pancake dough be like?

Pancakes are delicious flatbreads made from a variety of ingredients. In addition to the main ingredient of wheat flour, semolina, oatmeal, hard cheese, cottage cheese, grated zucchini, grated potatoes, apples and mushrooms are also added to the pancakes. Pancake dough is also divided into two more categories: yeast dough and dough prepared with kefir. Pancakes are usually served for breakfast. Pancakes are topped with sour cream, condensed milk, honey and jam.

Pancakes are a hearty and nutritious dish that is perfect for baby food, as well as for adults as a delicious breakfast.

Recipe 1. Pancakes with yeast dough


  • Wheat flour – 300 grams
  • Yeast – 15 grams
  • Milk or water – 200 ml
  • Salt - to taste

Cooking method:

  1. You need to warm the milk a little and dissolve the yeast in it without stirring.
  2. After 15 minutes, the yeast will begin to dissolve, so the milk must be mixed well until the yeast is completely dissolved.
  3. Add sifted flour and knead the dough.
  4. Place the dough in a warm place and when it rises you need to add salt, sugar, vegetable oil, mix and put it back in a warm place.
  5. After the dough has risen a second time, you need to heat a frying pan with vegetable oil and spoon the dough into it with a tablespoon.
  6. Fry the pancakes on both sides until golden brown.

Recipe 2. Making pancakes with kefir


  • Wheat flour – 300 grams
  • Kefir – 500 ml
  • Granulated sugar – 1 tablespoon
  • Chicken eggs – 2 pieces
  • Refined vegetable oil – 1 tablespoon
  • Vinegar 6% - 1 tablespoon
  • Soda - half a teaspoon
  • Salt - half a teaspoon

Cooking method:

  1. You need to beat the eggs into a bowl, add salt and sugar and beat thoroughly with a whisk, then pour in 250 milliliters of kefir, add soda and quench it with vinegar.
  2. Add flour, add vegetable oil and mix.
  3. Then you need to pour in another 250 milliliters of kefir and mix again until smooth, making sure that no lumps form. The dough should have the consistency of sour cream.
  4. The dough should be scooped out with a tablespoon, poured into a heated frying pan with vegetable oil and fry until cooked on both sides.

Recipe 3. Semolina pancakes


  • Semolina – 200 grams
  • Chicken eggs – 5 pieces
  • Milk – 300 ml
  • Refined vegetable oil – 1 tablespoon
  • Granulated sugar – 1 tablespoon
  • Salt - to taste

Cooking method:

  1. To prepare semolina pancakes, you first need to cook semolina porridge in milk, then cool it and beat in eggs, add vegetable oil, sugar, and salt.
  2. Mix everything well and put it in the pan with a tablespoon.
  3. Fry the pancakes on both sides until cooked.

Recipe 4. Oat pancakes


  • Oatmeal – 1 cup
  • Chicken eggs – 2 pieces
  • Water – 400 ml
  • Refined vegetable oil -0 1 tablespoon
  • Granulated sugar – 1 tablespoon
  • Salt - to taste

Cooking method:

  1. To prepare oatmeal pancakes, boil oatmeal in water, then cool and add sugar, salt, vegetable oil and egg yolks.
  2. Mix the mixture thoroughly, and then add the beaten egg whites and mix the dough again.
  3. Bake the pancakes in vegetable oil on both sides until cooked.

One can safely include pancakes in the list of dishes that are very popular among many peoples of the world. The process of preparing this dish is quite simple and does not take much time. Today, any housewife can boast of her own original recipe for this dish.

Inexperienced cooks can easily find a description of how to make pancake dough. It may vary. One of the most popular methods is cooking. It is done as follows. Two glasses of fresh kefir are mixed with 40 grams of sugar, a pinch of salt and two glasses of flour. To make the culinary product more fluffy (as a leavening agent), one third of a teaspoon of soda is added to the pancake dough, which is quenched with vinegar. Add flour gradually, stirring constantly to avoid the formation of lumps. The finished dough should be thick, similar in consistency to sour cream.

Bake this dish in a hot frying pan in a sufficient amount of oil. The trick is that for one pancake, one spoon of dough is enough. They are distributed on the roasting pan so that the edges do not touch each other. Bake the flatbreads over low heat, frying on both sides.

During the cooking process, the culinary products brown perfectly and become fluffy and soft. If desired, you can add all kinds of fruits to the pancake dough. This helps you get a completely new tasting dish every time. You can emphasize its taste by serving it with honey, sour cream, any fruit jam or syrup.

Very often they make yeast dough. To prepare it you will need twenty-five grams of yeast, forty grams of sugar, a glass of warm water, a pinch of salt and half a glass of flour. The yeast is ground with sugar and then dissolved in water. Add all the flour to this mixture, whisking constantly, in small portions. The resulting pancake dough is mixed well. Cover the container with a towel and let it rise.

The process of baking the finished dough is the same as in the first recipe. When toasted, it cooks well, forming quite fluffy golden brown cakes. The process must be closely monitored. Otherwise, the pancakes will burn, which will lead to spoilage of the finished dish.

Among the huge variety of everything on pancakes, dishes with spices deserve attention. In fact, in this case the dough is prepared in any of the ways you like. The originality of this option lies in the addition of a roast, which is fried along with the main dough. Any fruit, vegetables, herbs or minced meat can be used as a baking dish. Pancakes with seasoning are prepared as follows. Spoon the finished pancake dough into portions onto the frying pan. When the flatbreads are slightly fried, the baking mixture is spread on them. Then the dough is applied again. By frying the flatbreads on both sides, the result is pancakes with filling. Regardless of the cooking method, this dish will always be satisfying and tasty. It can be served for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Compared to yeast pancakes, kefir pancakes are much healthier and cook much faster, due to the fact that you don’t have to wait for the dough to rise. There are many different options for making kefir pancakes. You can experiment with any of them.

Here are some of them:

Lush kefir pancakes (recipe 1):

Lush kefir pancakes are very easy to prepare, and now you will see for yourself. So, to make kefir pancakes you will need the following ingredients:

  • Kefir - glass
  • Flour - glass
  • Egg - one piece
  • Sugar - two tablespoons
  • Salt - half a teaspoon
  • Soda - half a teaspoon
  • Vegetable oil - 2-3 tablespoons

Step two: Place the egg, sugar and kefir in a clean bowl. Then mix everything properly with a whisk. (of course, you can use a mixer, but when you prepare food with your hands, you put a piece of your soul into the food, and the result is tastier)

Step three: Add salt and oil (vegetable) to the resulting mixture of egg/sugar and kefir. Then stir well again.

Step four: In a separate bowl, mix the baking soda and flour, and then sift into the mixture obtained in step 3

Step five: Mix the resulting mixture thoroughly into a homogeneous mass without lumps

Step six: Lightly oil a frying pan and heat it over medium heat. Then place the future pancakes on it (but do not spread them on the frying pan) and put the heat on low. Fry the pancakes with the lid closed. This way they will be much tastier, due to the fact that they will bake better and will be taller). Fry until the pancakes are slightly golden on each side (about 3-4 minutes on each side).

Step 7: When the pancakes are ready, take them out, add sour cream or jam to taste and eat.

Lush kefir pancakes (recipe 2):

For the next version of fluffy kefir pancakes you will need the following ingredients:

  • Kefir - 500 ml.
  • Eggs - 4
  • Sugar - 8 tbsp.
  • Flour - 2 cups + 1/3
  • Salt - half a teaspoon
  • Soda - teaspoon
  • Baking powder - 2 teaspoons
  • Vegetable oil for frying

The recipe for this version of kefir pancakes is as follows:

  1. Mix eggs, sugar, salt, kefir.
  2. Add flour little by little, stirring constantly.
  3. Once the dough is ready, add baking powder and soda and mix lightly. How fluffy the pancakes will be depends on this stage.
  4. Fry covered with plenty of vegetable oil.

Lush pancakes with kefir (recipe 3):

These pancakes are very fluffy, soft, tasty and do not fall off.

For this recipe for kefir pancakes you will need:

  • Kefir - 500 ml
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Eggs - 2 pcs
  • Salt - 0.5 tsp
  • Flour - 400-500 gr.
  • Vegetable oil for frying

Preparation of kefir pancakes (lush):

Add soda to kefir. Let sit for 2 minutes until the kefir stops bubbling.

Thoroughly mix eggs, sugar and salt in kefir. The dough should be thick and flowing, like honey.

Place the dough into the pan with a tablespoon (1 tablespoon - 1 pancake). The frying pan must naturally be pre-oiled and heated. You need to fry the pancakes over low heat, otherwise the dough will not bake well inside. It is advisable to close the lid. You also need to keep an eye on the oil. The pancakes absorb them perfectly, so you need to add more. However, oddly enough, the finished fluffy pancakes will not be greasy.

When the pancakes are covered with a light golden crust (literally after 2-4 minutes), turn them over. When both sides of the pancakes are covered with a golden color, you can take them out and eat them.

Lush pancakes go wonderfully with sour cream, jam, and honey.

Pancakes prepared in this way are very fluffy, do not fall off, are soft and very, very tasty. Fluffy pancakes go well with sour cream, jam, and maple syrup.

  • It is advisable to use a cast iron frying pan (or any other one with a thick bottom) as it may not work well with a Teflon one.
  • It is better to add butter and soda at the end to make the pancakes more appetizing.
  • The composition of the dough can be changed depending on your taste and preference, for example, a little more flour or less sugar.
  • Kefir is suitable for any level of fat content. The main thing is that it is fresh and of high quality.
  • It is better to mix the dough by hand, as mentioned above, rather than with a mixer.
  • The lower the amount of sugar, the taller and softer the pancakes

A nutritionist's opinion about fluffy kefir pancakes

  • Kefir pancakes are healthy and not dangerous to cook in refined olive (sunflower) or melted butter. Otherwise, due to high temperatures, carcinogens may appear.
  • For the diet, it is better to use coarse durum wheat flour.
  • Kefir is better skimmed from fresh milk
  • 2-3 pancakes a day will not affect your weight. However, if you eat 5 fluffy pancakes a day, then if you do not reduce your consumption of other flour products, you will begin to gain weight.
  • Pancakes contain little protein, so they won't build muscle.
  • Pancakes are very high in calories
  • Pancakes are good to eat if there is a lack of animal fats and for people with low nutrition
  • If you have diabetes, atherosclerosis, liver, pancreas, stomach or biliary tract diseases, then you should not eat pancakes.
  • Pancakes contain fat-soluble vitamins, microelements, fats, cholesterol, proteins, and carbohydrates. Lush pancakes can only be consumed from 5 years of age and in small doses.
  • The sticks contained in kefir survive the creation of pancakes, therefore it improves digestion.
  • The dish contains fat-soluble vitamins, microelements, cholesterol, vegetable and animal fats, proteins, carbohydrates. It is recommended for children over 5 years of age in limited quantities. Kefir sticks are not completely destroyed during cooking and contribute to normal digestion.

Every housewife strives to make every breakfast not only nutritious, but also varied. The value of a good breakfast is its nutritional value and healthiness. Breakfast should give you energy for the whole day, and not create a feeling of heaviness in your stomach. Yeast dough for pancakes can be made in half an hour. And the pancakes from it will turn out fluffy, tasty and easy to digest. Pancakes can be prepared using fresh yeast, or you can use dry yeast.

In our country, many people have a weakness for homemade pancakes: they are aromatic, airy, and rosy. This dish is usually served for breakfast - it is easily digestible and contains healthy components. The dough prepared with yeast makes the pancakes fluffy, soft and tender.

Professionals advise preparing the dough using fresh yeast, as they influence the strong fermentation of the dough, which makes it especially tender and tasty.

When purchasing fresh yeast, it is important to ensure that it has an even brown color and that the moisture content is not more or less than 80%. Immediately before cooking, the yeast is removed from the refrigerator, finely chopped and placed in warm water. It is important that the water does not exceed 40 degrees, as water that is too hot will kill the organisms that are responsible for fermentation. When using dry yeast, its volume is halved.


There are a lot of pancake recipes. Each housewife experiments and chooses the recipe that she and her household like best.

Ingredients for making classic pancakes:

  1. Milk – 250 gr.;
  2. Yeast (fresh) – 20 gr.;
  3. Water – 50 ml;
  4. Chicken egg – 1 pc.;
  5. Flour – 250 gr.;
  6. Granulated sugar – 45 gr.;
  7. Salt - a pinch;
  8. Sunflower oil – 50 gr.

To prepare yeast dough, water, kefir, milk, yogurt or whey can be used. This dough takes longer to prepare than usual, but the result will surprise you with its taste.

A simple recipe for pancakes made from yeast dough

It’s interesting that each housewife’s pancakes are different, although they can be prepared according to the same recipe. It all depends on how carefully the housewife follows the tips for preparing pancakes. Changing the amount of ingredients can significantly affect the final result.

To prepare yeast dough, you need to use a tall dish, since the housewife should be honored that the dough will rise twice as long.

The dough should be kept warm. It is also very important to ensure that it is not too loud, as the dough may fall off ahead of time. You need to work with yeast dough carefully even after it has risen.

Recipe for pancakes with yeast:

  1. Make the dough. Stir a small spoonful of dry yeast in warm milk. It will become creamy. Let the mixture stand for a quarter of an hour.
  2. Add to milk, pre-beaten egg, salt and sugar (to taste).
  3. Sift three glasses of wheat flour, slowly, stirring, add it to the milk. The composition must be stirred until it becomes uniform, without lumps.
  4. The finished dough should be covered with a napkin and left warm for an hour and a half. Bubbles should appear on the dough - this will mean that it is ready for frying.

The dough must be collected carefully. Before frying, grease the frying pan with oil and heat it well. Pancakes should be fried over low heat until golden brown. You can cover them with a lid.

Dietary dough for pancakes with yeast and water

Dietary pancakes taste almost no different from those prepared with milk or kefir. They're just not as fatty, which reduces their calorie content. Such pancakes do not affect your figure.

To make pancakes dietary, you can use a sweetener - the pancakes will be digested even better.

Pancakes can be made not only sweet. Salty pancakes are delicious with sour cream. But honey, jam or condensed milk go well with sweets.

Recipe for diet pancakes:

  1. Prepare a glass of warm boiled water.
  2. Add an egg, one and a half large spoons of granulated sugar, half a teaspoon of salt, and yeast to the water. Leave the mixture for ten minutes.
  3. Slowly add two cups of flour and mix everything thoroughly. The dough should be free of lumps.
  4. Heat a spoonful of sunflower oil in a frying pan.
  5. Fry the pancakes on both sides for a few minutes until golden brown.

Such pancakes do not lose their splendor even the next day. They can be eaten as breakfast, snack or dessert. Delicious pancakes are made with the addition of grated or chopped apples.

Recipe for yeast dough for pancakes (video)

Pancakes for breakfast are a great idea. You’ll just have to start preparing the pancakes earlier if the dough is prepared with yeast. You can make a quick dough with yeast - it will rise in just 15 minutes rather than an hour. This dough is considered the most delicious for pancakes: it is fluffy, tender and airy. Yeast for making dough can be used dry or fresh. Pancakes are served with sour cream, jam or fruit jam.

Yeast dough pancakes: recipe (photo)

I offer you a universal recipe for dough for kefir pancakes, which both children and adults really like! Ruddy, fluffy pancakes are delicious both on their own and with a variety of fillings.

Now I’ll tell you how to prepare dough for pancakes, and we’ll dream up variations on the theme together!


  • 0.5 liters of kefir or yogurt;
  • 2 – 3 eggs;
  • sugar to taste (several tablespoons);
  • baking soda 1 teaspoon;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • flour - about one and a half glasses or a little less, or a little more, taking into account the thickness of kefir (after all, 1% kefir is less thick than 2.5%).

How to prepare pancake dough:

Mix eggs with sugar with a spoon. If you have a mixer, you can use it, but I prefer to take out my own for those recipes where strong beating is absolutely necessary - for example, for sponge cake. And for the pancake batter, you can simply shake the mixture well with a spoon.

If you are going to make sweet pancakes, with cherries or apples, take 4 - 5 tablespoons of sugar, if unsweetened - with herbs, for example, then 1 spoon is enough.

Pour kefir into the eggs beaten with sugar. Sour milk will also work, just try so that the yogurt does not taste bitter.

Pour a teaspoon of soda into kefir. There is no need to extinguish with vinegar. Stir the dough and see how bubbles appear - kefir will do an excellent job of slaking soda even without vinegar!

Now add flour in 2-3 additions, stirring and making sure not to overdo it. The dough for pancakes should be pourable, but not too liquid (otherwise you will end up with pancakes instead of pancakes) - it looks like thick sour cream. There’s no need to add too much flour either – we want the pancakes to be tender and fluffy!

The dough for kefir pancakes is ready.

Now let's fry some pancakes! Pour odorless sunflower oil into the pan. It is convenient to fry pancakes in a ceramic pancake pan - then less oil is required; or in a cast iron frying pan - then you will need more oil, of course, the pancakes should not float in deep fat like donuts, but the frying pan should not be dry either. The oil should cover the pan evenly so that it bubbles along the edges of the pancakes - and the pancakes will turn out fluffy, soft, with a golden crispy crust. With a little practice, you will get the hang of it.

So, pour a tablespoon of dough to make round pancakes. If the dough spreads, it means you need to add a little flour.

Fry without a lid, over medium heat. Soon you will see that the pancakes become holey and lacy - which means it’s time to turn them over with a spatula or fork to the other side.

Turning the pancakes over, fry them a little more on the second side until browned, and then remove them with a spatula onto a dish. And then we serve and eat! After all, as Moomintroll from the wonderful fairy tale by Tove Jansson quite rightly noted, the only way to eat pancakes correctly is to eat them piping hot! And if you top it with cool sour cream, or jam (apricot or strawberry), or amber honey!.. Yes, with a cup of cocoa or fermented baked milk! Yummy!

Before each new batch of pancakes, add a little oil to the pan.

You can fry it like this or add filling - depending on your imagination and time of year! You can add cherries and apples (grated or in small slices), chopped herbs and raisins to the dough. You can pour a little dough into the frying pan, put jam or cottage cheese in the middle, and then pour on the top layer of dough - you will have original and tasty pancakes “with a surprise”!

Let's come up with pancake recipes together! I will share my inventions with you here.

Pancakes with cherries