What to cook for dinner by candlelight. Romantic dinner for two: fast and beautiful...

The first meeting, the first date, the first romantic evening together... We sacredly keep these events in our memory all our lives. And even after many years, they still evoke awe and a happy smile. But, as they say, you have been married for a long time and firmly, and romantic dinners have long flown into quiet family dinners, there is no that enthusiasm and happy sparkle in your eyes. It's sad, isn't it? But feelings are alive, so why not refresh them by briefly plunging into the past and, as it were, simultaneously looking into such a promising future. And for this you don’t need to “reinvent the wheel” at all, but simply arrange a romantic dinner for two, which will become another tender declaration of love.

This is a responsible matter, so it is important to think through everything in advance and, most importantly, to plan the menu, purchase the necessary products and try to put into the prepared dishes for a romantic evening everything that your heart feels: love, tenderness, a bit of passion and, of course, a little mystery and unpredictability. There is no rush or incredible accumulation of dishes, everything is simple, tasteful and at the same time not without a touch of charm and sophistication. There should be nothing superfluous on the table set for a romantic dinner, nothing should distract attention from each other, because this is what everything was designed for: two cutlery, candles, champagne, flowers and the dishes you have prepared: one or two appetizers, salad, main course and dessert.

Food should not be heavy; it is not intended to fill the stomach, but to stun with its appetizing appearance, exquisite taste, tease with its smell and give pleasure. By the way, contrary to popular belief that champagne is a must on the table, it is worth noting that it can be replaced with your favorite wine or a light, intriguing cocktail - it all depends on the taste preferences of the person for whom this wonderful surprise is being prepared. Let there be quiet, unobtrusive music (your favorite song or melody), which does not interfere with the conversation, but rather encourages it. Don't skimp on creativity and imagination. The appearance of your dishes must certainly be beautiful, and therefore pay special attention to their decoration: more fresh herbs and bright, life-affirming flowers, this will create that very romantic mood that will be with you throughout the dinner.

A romantic dinner for two should surprise and make your partner, with whom you have spent many years, look at you in a new way. And for those who will have this romantic dinner for the first time, you will not only be able to amaze with your culinary skills, but also show how interesting, multi-faceted you are and have that very “zest” that every man strives to see in his chosen one. There is no template in preparing dishes for a romantic dinner, because this is a small story about the love of two hearts, and, as we know, no two identical stories exist. But... we can always suggest a few recipes that we hope will be very useful to you.

Tartines with cheese and tomatoes “Originalki”

500 g puff pastry,
4 tomatoes
1 egg,
100 g cheese,
2 sprigs of basil,
2 sprigs of thyme,
olives, dill, parsley.

Defrost the dough, roll it out into a layer 4-5 mm thick and cut into small squares (about 6-7 cm). Place the dough squares on a greased baking sheet. Cut the tomatoes into slices and place one slice on the tartines. Place sliced ​​olives, slices of cheese, thyme and basil leaves on top of the tomatoes. Place the tray with the tartines in an oven preheated to 180°C and bake for 15 minutes. Garnish with fresh dill or parsley.

Curd balls with avocado “Little Secret”

300 g cottage cheese,
1 avocado,
30 g almonds,
1 clove of garlic,
1 tbsp. sour cream,
3 sprigs of basil,
a bunch of dill, salt, spices.

Grind cottage cheese, avocado, garlic and sour cream in a blender until smooth. Chop the dill, add to the curd mass, salt, pepper, season with spices to taste and mix thoroughly. Form small balls from the resulting mass, place each on a basil leaf and garnish with almonds.

Cheese rolls with sprats “Wonderful treat”

1 can of sprat,
200 g hard cheese,
1 tomato
1 sweet pepper,
lettuce leaves, parsley.

Cut the cheese into thin slices in the shape of triangles, cut the pepper into strips, and cut the tomatoes into slices. Remove the sprats from the jar and blot off the oil. Place 1 fish, 1 thin strip of bell pepper, 1 slice of tomato and a sprig of parsley on the wide part of the cheese triangle. Roll the cheese into a roll, secure with a skewer and serve, placing it on lettuce leaves.

Snack puffs with mushrooms “Naslazhdeniye”

250 g puff pastry dough,
100 g canned mushrooms,
100 g cream cheese,
1 onion,
a little ground black pepper.

Blend mushrooms, cheese, onions and peppers in a blender until smooth. Roll out the dough and cut into rectangular layers. Spread the mushroom mixture evenly over the surface of the dough layers and roll them into rolls. Cut each roll into small pieces and place on a baking sheet. Bake in the oven for 10-15 minutes at 200°C.

Appetizer “Banana boats”

300 g chicken fillet,
4 bananas,
1 tomato
1 cucumber
5 quail eggs,
50 g pitted olives,
1 stalk of celery,
2 tsp lemon juice,
1 tbsp. mayonnaise,
1 tbsp. vegetable oil,
herbs, salt, spices - to taste.

Cut the chicken fillet into small cubes and fry it in vegetable oil. Boil quail eggs and cut into quarters. Finely chop the cucumber, tomato and celery, cut the olives in half. Cut the top of the banana peel into a thin strip without cutting all the way through. Wrap the cut part up and pin it to the banana with a toothpick. Remove the banana pulp from the peel with a teaspoon, chop and sprinkle with lemon juice. Mix chicken, eggs, vegetables and banana pulp, season the mixture with spices and mayonnaise, stuff banana boats with the resulting filling and garnish with herbs and olive halves to your liking.

Salad with smoked meat and cinnamon “Delight”

100 g smoked meat,
2 cucumbers,
1 carrot,
1 bunch of radishes,
100 g salad mixture,
½ tsp. powdered sugar,
½ tsp. cinnamon.
1 tbsp. vegetable oil,
salt, spices.

Cut the smoked meat into thin strips, radish, carrots, cucumber into slices. Place the salad mixture on the bottom of the salad bowl, add meat and vegetables and stir. Combine cinnamon with powdered sugar, butter, salt, spices and season the salad with this mixture.

Vegetable salad with chicken “Light flirting”

200 g chicken fillet,
100 pitted olives,
100 g cheese.
2 tomatoes
1 onion,
1 carrot,
1 bunch of parsley,
4 tbsp vegetable oil,
salt, spices.

Cut the chicken fillet into cubes and fry 2 tbsp until cooked. vegetable oil. Cut the olives in half, chop the parsley coarsely. Cut the onion and cheese into cubes, tomatoes into slices, grate the carrots. Mix, salt, add spices to taste. Season the salad with the remaining vegetable oil and garnish with fresh herbs.

Salad with bacon and dates “Temptation”

100 g raw smoked bacon,
100 g pitted dates,
100 g goat cheese,
50 g of any chopped nuts,
50 g salad,
4 tsp honey,
1.5 tbsp. wine vinegar,
2 tbsp. olive oil,

Fry the bacon in a dry frying pan until golden brown and place on a plate. Mix butter and honey, pour into the pan where the bacon was fried, and heat through. Cut the dates into thin rings and chop the onion. Fry onions and dates in oil with honey, add vinegar and spices to the resulting honey sauce. Coarsely chop the salad and goat cheese into small pieces. Combine all the ingredients together and season the salad with honey sauce.

Salad with smoked salmon “Bright mood”

200 g smoked salmon bellies,
5 cherry tomatoes,
1 carrot,
3 stalks of celery,
100 g leeks,
2 tbsp. vegetable oil,
2 tbsp. lemon juice.
1 bunch of parsley,
salt, spices.

Peel the salmon bellies and cut into cubes, cut the tomatoes in half. Grate the carrots, chop the onion, parsley and celery. Mix vegetable oil with lemon juice, add salt and spices. Mix all the ingredients and pour the dressing over the finished salad.

Meat salad with mustard dressing “Acuity of the senses”

300 g boiled beef,
5 cherry tomatoes,
2 boiled eggs,
2 cloves of garlic,
1 bunch of lettuce,
1 tsp mustard,
1 tsp balsamic vinegar,
2 tbsp. olive oil,
salt, spices.

Cut the meat into strips, eggs into cubes, cherry tomatoes into quarters, cut the lettuce leaves coarsely or simply tear them with your hands. For the dressing, mix oil, vinegar, chopped garlic and mustard. Add salt, season with spices and mix thoroughly. Top with dressing.

Pork ribs with raspberry sauce “Not life, but raspberries!”

500 g pork ribs,
200 g frozen raspberries,
50 g butter,
2 tbsp. honey,
2 tbsp. soy sauce,
1 tbsp. flour,
1 tbsp. Sahara,
1 tbsp. starch,
1 tbsp. mustard seeds.

Mix honey with mustard and soy sauce. Marinate the ribs and refrigerate for 2 hours. Then place the ribs in a baking dish, pour over the marinade, cover tightly with foil and bake for 1 hour at 180°C. Then remove the foil and bake for another 30 minutes. Melt the butter in a frying pan, add raspberries and sugar, pour in 3 tbsp. water and put it out. Then add flour and starch, mix thoroughly, pour in another half a glass of water and cook until thickened. Serve the finished ribs with raspberry sauce.

Fish in tangerine marinade “Charming”

4 fish fillets,
4 tangerines,
½ tsp. cinnamon,
butter, fresh herbs, lettuce, salt, pepper - to taste.

Squeeze the juice from two tangerines, add salt and pepper to taste. Pour the resulting marinade over the fish fillets and leave for 10-15 minutes. Melt butter in a frying pan, fry fish fillets in it and place on plates. Divide the remaining tangerines into slices, lightly fry them in the same frying pan, and place on plates with the fish fillet. Add lettuce leaves and fresh herbs to taste. Boil the juice remaining in the pan, add salt to taste and pour the resulting sauce over the fish.

“Pockets” of pork with ginger “Surprise”

4 pieces of pork loin on the bone,
2 sweet peppers,
1 onion,
75 g fresh ginger root.
For the marinade:
1 onion,
100 ml vegetable oil,
150 ml dry white wine,
1 tsp adzhiki.

Chop the ginger and onion. Cut the pepper into small cubes. Wash the pork and pat dry with paper towels. Cut the side of the flesh to create a pocket. Place the vegetable filling inside and press the edges together. For the marinade, cut the onion into half rings, mix it with vegetable oil, wine and adjika. Pour the marinade over the meat and leave for several hours. Then fry the pork “pockets” for 4-5 minutes on each side, pouring over the marinade.

Chicken with apples and cinnamon “Happy Moments”

2 chicken breasts,
2 apples,
1 tsp paprika,
1-2 tbsp. vegetable oil,
½ tsp. cinnamon.

Cut the chicken fillet into small pieces and fry over medium heat. Salt and season with paprika. Then add the apples cut into slices and fry a little more until the chicken is golden brown. A couple of minutes before cooking, add cinnamon to the dish, stir and keep covered. Serve the finished dish with fresh herbs.

Coffee dessert with liqueur

25 g ground coffee,
150 ml liqueur,
400 ml cream,
50 g instant gelatin,
3 tbsp. Sahara.

Brew coffee in two glasses of water. Remove from heat, add sugar and dissolve gelatin in it. Pour into the mold and let set in the cold. Cut the finished jelly into cubes and place in bowls. Whip the cream and pour in the liqueur. Pour the creamy liqueur mixture over the jelly cubes and decorate the dessert as you wish.

Tiramisu with peaches

several canned peaches,
12 pieces of biscuits,
2 eggs,
2 tbsp. powdered sugar,
150 g mascarpone cheese,
1 tsp vanilla sugar,
white and dark chocolate - for decoration.

Separate the yolks from the whites. Mix the yolks with granulated sugar and vanilla sugar and beat until white foam. Then add the mascarpone to this mixture and whisk (the mixture should be smooth). Separately, beat the whites into a strong foam. Gradually add the whites and mix. Dip the cookies in peach syrup and place in the pan. Top with sliced ​​peaches and cream. Grate white and dark chocolate on a coarse grater and sprinkle over the dessert. Cool in the refrigerator.

That's all. We can only wish that your collection of happy moments will be replenished with one more, and let it be your romantic dinner for two.

Larisa Shuftaykina

Having decided to please herself and her beloved with a quiet evening together, every housewife inevitably thinks about what to cook for a romantic dinner. The question is really difficult, because you need to create an amazing atmosphere of celebration, love, feed a hungry man and at the same time not overfill his stomach, causing drowsiness. A dilemma that I propose to deal with today.

When can you organize such a quiet holiday? The occasion can be different - a loved one’s birthday or yours, which you want to spend away from the noise and friends, the anniversary of an acquaintance, a wedding, the completion of an important task, a promotion, a loved one’s arrival from a long business trip, or just a day when the spouses for once stayed at home alone, without children. Just like that, when you’re in the mood, why not? After all, it is precisely such evenings that give relationships warmth and tenderness, which are often lacking.

A romantic evening for two, in a pleasant home environment (you can also do it outdoors, on the roof, but then the organization will take more time and hassle, because the prepared dishes will still have to be delivered to the place) - an excellent way for recently met people to get to know each other better, and for long-time spouses will help refresh feelings that have faded under the pressure of everyday life.

In addition to the surroundings itself, that is, traditional candles, a beautiful tablecloth, the decor of dishes and, naturally, the attractive appearance of the hostess herself, food is of great importance. We all remember that the way to the heart of the stronger sex is through the stomach? Then head to the kitchen!

Here it is important to choose the right menu so as not to leave the man hungry and to preserve your strength. Agree, a tired woman, exhausted from hours of cooking, is not the best interlocutor, much less a lover. Therefore, you should not spread yourself too thin by preparing mountains of dishes; a couple of appetizers, a salad, a main course and a dessert will be enough. Tasty, varied, but does not distract attention from the main thing - communication.

  • Snack rolls

To prepare the dish you need:

0.5 cans of pink salmon, grated cheese, eggs, mayonnaise, herring, toasted bread;

  • Peel the crust off the toasted bread, carefully roll it out with a rolling pin, spread it with different fillings and wrap it in a roll.

the bread must be taken fresh, otherwise it will simply crumble when exposed to it, and rolls will not work

  • For the first type of rolls, combine chopped cheese, eggs, pink salmon, add mayonnaise, mix everything, apply on bread
  • for the second, combine fine cheese, egg, dill, garlic again
  • for the third - grind the salted herring to a puree.

This way we get three types of rolls, which just need to be cut into neat pieces with a sharp knife, placed on a plate, and decorated.

  • Croutons with fish cheese

We need:

Prepare baguette, curd cheese, tuna;

  • cut the baguette into cubes, fry in a dry frying pan until browned
  • combine cheese with dill, fish (drain the juice from the can, mash the fillet with a fork)
  • brush the bread with the mixture, garnish with lettuce leaves and other herbs.
  • Meat chops

For a man, the only thing better than meat is meat.

Take meat, onions, champignons, bell peppers, garlic, sour cream, cheese;

  • cut the meat into large pieces

  • salt, pepper, beat through cling film on both sides

  • chop the onion into feathers
  • simmer it in vegetable oil
  • Cut the champignons into cubes, add to the onion, fry for 2-4 minutes

  • cut the bell pepper into slices, fry for a minute on each side

  • finely chop the garlic, add to the mushrooms, pour in a couple of tablespoons of sour cream

  • In a dry frying pan, fry the meat on both sides over high heat, sealing the juices inside

  • Place the chops on a baking sheet, place peppers and mushroom mixture on top, sprinkle with cheese, and place in the oven for 10-15 minutes at 200 degrees.

Recipes for a romantic dinner for your loved one at home

It will be easy for men to prepare a few simple, cheap, quick recipes for a romantic dinner to organize a holiday in just a couple of hours. I suggest starting with appetizers.

  • Tomatoes under a fur coat

You can make this snack in a couple of minutes:

  • cut the tomato into slices
  • mix mayonnaise with spices (the original requires garlic, but it is not very suitable for such a dinner), chopped dill
  • brush the tomatoes with the mixture
  • sprinkle cheese on top.

The turn of salads has come; they should also be original, but light, tender, without excessive spiciness or too-smelling ingredients. Agree, fresh onions and garlic are not the aromas you want to smell in a romantic setting!

  • Salad with pine nuts

It is prepared like this:

For dressing you need to take 2 tbsp. soy sauce, 1 tbsp. mayonnaise, 2 tbsp. heavy cream, ¼ tsp. Tabasco sauce for spicy lovers;

Main ingredients – 1 squid, half an apple, half a head of Chinese cabbage, 1 tbsp. pine nuts;

  • The squid is quickly boiled, cut into thin strips
  • shredded Beijing and thinly sliced ​​sweet and sour apple are added to it
  • combines with sauce
  • The salad is sprinkled with small nuts on top.

You can also prepare light salads, for example, - original, but not too filling.

The main decoration of the table will be hot. What you choose, fish or meat, is up to you. I offer ideas for both options.

  • Fish under oranges

This dish is juicy, tender, unusual and looks really beautiful - just what you need for a special occasion!

The preparation is simple:

  • take the prepared fish fillet, add salt, pepper, add spices (coriander), orange zest, juice of half an orange, a little lemon juice, leave to marinate for 15-20 minutes
  • cut the remaining half of the orange into slices
  • dry the fish, fry in breading (flour, then beaten egg, breadcrumbs) in butter until cooked
  • fry the orange in the same pan until nicely colored
  • then pour the marinade into the frying pan, evaporate to the desired thickness, taste, add salt and lemon juice if necessary
  • put an orange on the fish, pour sauce over it, garnish

How to quickly prepare simple recipes for dinner in a slow cooker

A multicooker is an amazing invention of mankind that allows many dishes to be cooked not only faster, but also without human intervention. That is, you don’t need to stand at the stove, constantly stirring your food. Another plus is the ability to use one appliance instead of a mountain of dishes. For example, replace a frying pan, a baking sheet, a saucepan, or a saucepan with a multicooker bowl. I offer several delicious recipes for this wonderful machine.

  • Chicken steak

Take 2 chicken breasts, a little garlic, 1 tbsp. vegetable fat, 3 tbsp. soy sauce, chicken seasoning;

  • cut the fillet into steaks (split in half lengthwise)
  • marinate in a sauce of seasoning, chopped garlic, soy dressing, vegetable oil for about 10-15 minutes
  • fry in a dry multicooker bowl, after lightly blotting the meat from excess marinade, about 2-4 minutes on each side
  • garnish and serve with salad.

  • Meat in French

A dish familiar to many, which is easy to prepare using a slow cooker.

To do this you need:

potatoes, onions, heavy cream, meat (preferably fatty pork);

  • cut the meat into 1.5-2 cm cubes
  • Chop peeled potatoes, wash with water, dry, mix with chopped onions
  • add cream, salt, spices, mix well

  • Set the multicooker to frying mode, fry the meat for 10 minutes, add salt and spices.

  • Place potatoes on top of the meat, smooth, close the lid of the device, leave in baking mode for 30-40 minutes
  • then add the cheese, leave for 10-15 minutes to melt the cheese
  • serve with greens.

Sweet desserts for two

All that remains is to discuss desserts; I offer fairly simple ideas for a sweet end to the evening.

  • Strawberries under the snow

It has long been established that strawberries are an aphrodisiac, so using them for dessert for a romantic dinner is practically a rule. Let's not deviate from it, having prepared this delicacy:

300 gr. strawberries, 5 pcs. proteins, 370 gr. sugar, a little lemon juice;

  • make syrup from 100 ml of water and 370 gr. sugar, evaporate until the liquid turns into caramel
  • Wash the strawberries, remove the stems, cut into halves, place in molds (one-piece glass molds are better, since the berries will then give juice)
  • Separate fresh, cold whites from the yolks, pour into a large container, beat
  • add a few tablespoons of lemon juice to the syrup

  • hot syrup is poured in a thin stream into the whipped whites

  • All that remains is to put the “snow” on the strawberries and bake at 250 degrees for 5-7 minutes.

  • Simple panna cotta

You can also surprise your loved one with a luxurious dessert that many have heard about but never tried. Shall we take a risk?

To do this you will need:

1 l. cream 15% fat, 150 gr. powdered sugar, 20 gr. gelatin, 60 gr. cocoa, dark and white chocolate, vanillin;

  • Heat the cream until boiling, but do not boil, soak the gelatin with 3 tbsp. cold water
  • add powdered sugar and vanillin to the cream, cool to 60°, add gelatin, stir with a whisk for 5 minutes;
  • pour half of the masa into the molds, then add cocoa to the rest, mix, pour in there
  • Place the frozen panna cotta on a plate (dip the pan in boiling water for a couple of seconds, turn it over), decorate with melted chocolate.

If you want to cook something more substantial, you can bake it.

How to decorate a table and decorate dishes for a candlelight dinner

Traditionally, we imagine a romantic evening for two as a dinner on the roof or a room decorated with armfuls of flowers, rose petals, and thousands of candles. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to organize such decor, and it is not necessary - the main thing is to create an atmosphere of comfort, love, tenderness.

In addition, men are not so romantic, often not appreciating, and sometimes not even noticing, lovingly lit candles, and considering the petals to be just garbage. Why, some individuals even lose sight of a new dress, sexy lingerie, carefully created hairstyle, beautiful makeup... Well, never mind, we will adapt to the person’s characteristics, creating an atmosphere that suits both.

The bare minimum is:

  • cover the table with a beautiful tablecloth
  • organize gentle lighting (put the same candles, light wall sconces, lamps instead of too bright overhead light)
  • put a minimum of dishes - two glasses, plates, dishes with food
  • prepare a drink, it can be champagne, your favorite wine, mulled wine, an interesting cocktail or even juice (there are people who don’t drink!)
  • It’s worth decorating delicacies with bright colors - greens, vegetables, fruits, so that even the sight of food lifts your spirits, excites your imagination, and pleases the eye.

Everything else is at your discretion!

It remains to add a few secrets for creating such a quiet holiday. I recommend:

  1. Choose a good date, timed to coincide with a memorable day or just a romantic mood. It’s better if it’s Friday or Saturday evening, so you don’t have to rush anywhere in the morning
  2. Make sure that no one or anything interferes with communication - complete all urgent matters, ask grandparents, friends to look after the children in the evening, if you have them
  3. Decorate the room so that the overall picture puts you in a loving mood (the same candles, flowers, beautiful dishes, unusual bed linen
  4. Take care of your appearance - a luxurious dress (and underwear too), a spectacular hairstyle, makeup, hair removal, manicure, pedicure
  5. Prepare the delicious dishes we talked about earlier
  6. You can prepare a small gift, a surprise - close the man’s eyes, tie a scarf, give a symbolic present
  7. Last, but not least, is the right attitude, the desire to please your loved one, to demonstrate all those tender feelings that are in your heart.

Romantic evenings for two are a great way to get to know each other better, no matter whether you have known each other for two weeks or twenty years. Communicate, talk, admire your loved ones, because this is so important for a strong relationship! See you soon, look for new tips on our blog, bye!

A romantic dinner at home is cheaper than a date at an expensive restaurant. How to arrange a cheap but promising romantic date that ends in sex?

A romantic dinner at home can be much more special than a meal at a restaurant, not to mention much cheaper. If you want to prepare a romantic dinner at home, you need to carefully plan the menu and set the mood before your dinner begins. Follow these steps to make your romantic dinner at home special.

1. Menu creation

1.1 Select drinks. If you are planning to have a romantic dinner at home, then the first thing you need to do is have a drink to mark the start of your delicious home-cooked dinner. Wine is the most romantic drink, so if you and your partner drink wine, stock up on a bottle of red or white wine (or other), depending on what you're having. Red wines tend to pair better with steak and other meats, while white wines are better for summer and pair well with lighter foods like shrimp or salads. If you have a casual setting or just like beer, this will work too.

If you plan to drink beer, white wine, or another drink that should be served cold, be sure to put it in the refrigerator in advance.

You should also prepare lemon water. Place a jug of cold water on the table. You don't want to run to the refrigerator for it in the middle of dinner.

1.2 Choose simple snacks. After you've poured the drinks, you need to serve the appetizers. You don't want to spend an hour sipping drinks while waiting for your main course to be ready. While cooking together is fun, you probably won't enjoy it if you're both too hungry. Prepare simple snacks, such as finger foods, to whet your appetite. Here's what you can try:

Prepare bruschetta in advance, but on the same day. All you need is a baguette, garlic, olive oil, onions, tomatoes and a few other simple ingredients.

If you want to make something special, you can make the deviled eggs the day before and serve them while you wait for dinner.

Make ahead or store-bought guacamole and serve with a small bowl of chips.

In the summer, make a simple four-ingredient salad: watermelon, feta cheese, sunflower seeds and mint.

Hummus with pita chips and fresh vegetables are always great.

Although cheese and crackers are traditionally eaten after the main course, you can put them on a plate and serve them as an appetizer. Gouda, brie and fontina go great with crackers.

1.3 Choose your main course. The main course should be simple and not require much preparation, or you should be able to partially prepare it in advance so that it takes you no more than 45 minutes to finish in the evening.

If you're making homemade pizza, have all the ingredients ready and preheat the oven so all you have to do is put the ingredients on the pizza and put it in the oven. Here are a few more dishes for you to consider:

Chicken fried with vegetables is perfect for a romantic dinner at home. Wash, marinate and bread the chicken in advance so that it doesn't take long to prepare later.

Baked salmon with rice and Brussels sprouts is another great option for a homemade dinner.

If you decide to make pasta, instead of spaghetti or fettuccine, choose penne, tortellini, orzo or ravioli, which will be easier to eat.

Don't prepare dishes with too many ingredients or that require a lot of cleanup after cooking. You can make your mom's 12-layer lasagne recipe, but you'll spend all evening fussing and then have a lot of cleanup to do.

Choose aphrodisiac foods to create an even more romantic atmosphere. Such foods include oysters, almonds, basil and asparagus.

Don't use too much onion or garlic while cooking, otherwise you won't feel romantic after dinner. The same goes for fatty and creamy foods, which will leave your stomach feeling heavy.

Avoid foods that are easy to get dirty, such as lobster or French onion soup. If you are making a salad, chop it thoroughly so that the pieces are easy to eat.

Choose a simple main dish that your partner can help prepare, such as chopping celery or tomatoes or preparing a simple salad.

1.4 Choose a simple dessert. If you've done a good job with the wine, appetizers, and main course, you may not have much room in your stomach for dessert. Instead of making an elaborate dessert, simply buy cupcakes from your favorite local bakery or ice cream and serve it with whipped cream and a handful of raspberries and blueberries.

1.5 Have a backup plan. While your romantic dinner at home should go as smoothly as possible, you should have a backup plan in place just in case. This doesn't mean you have to prepare anything else, but it does mean that you should have a plan for what to do if something goes wrong. You can simply keep the menu from your favorite sushi restaurant on hand or put frozen pizza in the freezer. If something happens and you don't have any other products on hand, you're in trouble.

2. Creating a mood

2.1 Determine the location. You can always have dinner in the garden if you have one. This can be very romantic at the right time of year if you have a nice insect-free garden. You can also eat in the kitchen, but then you will be in a rush to clean everything up to make the kitchen look nice. If possible, choose a place where you don't usually eat to make the evening special. If you have a fancy dining table that you never use, now is the time.

2.2 Use beautiful dishes. Perhaps you have a nice set of crystal glasses, pretty plates, napkins and silverware that you never use because they're for special occasions. Now is the time to use them and enjoy the romantic atmosphere they create.

2.3 Choose romantic decorations. Flowers, rose petals and unscented candles work great. There are many options you can use, just use your creativity. Remember that candles are important for a romantic dinner, so light a few and place them near the table. Flowers, such as elegant roses, are almost as important. Both extravagant and simple flowers look good on the table. Just remember that you should be able to see each other across the table. Light jazz or romantic music can also help create a romantic mood, as long as it is not distracting.

2.4 Get dressed. Before you start your romantic dinner, take a shower and apply some perfume or cologne. Dress as you would if going to a restaurant. Wear casual but nice clothes that make you look fresh and attractive. Your partner will appreciate the effort and make the evening even more special. Discuss the dress code with your partner to ensure your clothing is appropriate.

Avoid any distractions. Think everything through and avoid distractions so that you and your partner can easily enjoy delicious food and each other's company. If you have children, make arrangements in advance to have a nanny look after them outside the home. Also, turn off your phones, TV and radio and focus only on each other. If an important championship is being shown that day, and you both really love sports, reschedule the date so as not to be distracted. Once you get rid of all distractions, you can enjoy your romantic evening.


Play slow, quiet music that you both enjoy.

Dinner and the table should be ready when your partner arrives.

Dim the lights and light candles before your partner arrives.

Make sure the house smells good.

Make sure your home is at a good temperature.

When your partner gets home, call and make sure everything is okay.

Your home should be clean.

You can have dinner together, have a drink, and then give your partner the opportunity to shower, change clothes, and maybe watch a movie together.

Turn off your phone so that a random call doesn't ruin your mood.

Leave the dinner mess for the next day.

In order to arrange a romantic dinner for your beloved “half,” you don’t have to wait until February 14 or March 8. And you shouldn’t even wait for the weekend - you can organize a pleasant evening in the middle of the work week, the main thing is not to oversleep before work the next day. “Surprise” and “mystery” - these words should become the motto of the upcoming evening. And so that this very evening does not become a bolt from the blue for your beloved, start artillery preparation in the morning. Write a note on a long strip of paper with words of love and a promise of a wonderful evening at the end of a hard day, and also warn of surprises. Tear the paper tape into several pieces and place them in different places. One, for example, in the bathroom, another in the kitchen, next to the coffee maker, and put the third in your cosmetic bag or purse. Arrange the pieces of the “puzzle” so that your beloved girl can compose a message from them during her morning preparations.

When your intrigued partner leaves for work, prepare a surprise for your loved one for a romantic dinner called "Rain of Petals" To do this, buy a bag of petals at the flower shop and stock up on strong threads. At home, take a regular garbage bag (preferably green or blue, so that there are no bad associations) and make several cuts 5-7 cm long at the bottom, connected by short jumpers. Tie threads to the jumpers. Fill the bag with petals and attach it above the door, and secure the threads to the door. The scheme of this surprise is as follows: the girl opens the door to the apartment, the door swings open, the threads are stretched, the jumpers at the bottom of the bag break, and the petals rain down in colorful rain right on the head of your amazed lady. It is advisable to capture this moment on video. And for a guaranteed result, practice in advance to be completely sure that instead of a surprise there will be no embarrassment.

Another pleasant surprise for a romantic dinner for your loved one can be “flying flowers”. To prepare this surprise, buy balloons filled with helium and tie one flower to each balloon using fishing line. Flowers floating in the air are unusual and unusual.

Place small candles on the floor of the apartment and place a note under each one. Let the hint notes lead your beloved to the bathroom, where she can relax after a working day in fragrant foam with a glass of champagne, and then to the table. By the way, the table does not necessarily have to stand in the center of the living room and be an example of restaurant chic: a romantic dinner means comfort and warmth of communication, so the table can be set in the kitchen. Dim or turn off the lights and light candles. You need to choose candles that are tall and as thick as possible, this way you will protect yourself from drops of melted wax. Place them in different places: on the floor, shelves, windowsill, just remember about safety! Cover the table with a white tablecloth, laying it so that the ends of the tablecloth hang down at the corners of the table, and place a brightly colored tablecloth on top of it (for example, red, dark green or rich orange). This tablecloth should be slightly smaller in size and should be laid by shifting the corners by 45° relative to the lower tablecloth. In the center of the table, place a wide dish filled with water, in which flower buds, petals and small candles float.

And now the actual romantic dinner for your beloved. It is advisable to set the table so that you do not have to periodically jump up and run for the next dish or cutlery. In the end, you are not preparing a feast, but a cozy evening together, so a salad, a main course with a side dish and light snacks will be enough. If you intend to hold out until dessert, then after dinner you can move closer to the TV and have a tea party while watching your favorite movie. But that’s later, but now let’s get to the dishes. Since this is still a dinner, albeit a romantic one, the food should be not only light, but also satisfying. After all, the working day is over. Therefore, you cannot do without meat or seafood. Pay special attention to seafood, because they contain substances that increase libido. In addition to seafood, ginger and other warming spices have stimulating properties. “Culinary Eden” offers you a choice of several types of dishes from which you can create the menu for your romantic dinner.

800 g boiled chicken fillet,
200 g black or red grapes,
1 avocado,
2 tangerines,
50 g of any nuts,
3 tbsp. orange juice,
1 tbsp. dry red wine,
3 tbsp. cream,
2 tbsp. mayonnaise,
½ tsp. salt,
lettuce leaves.

Cut skinless chicken fillet into pieces. Cut the avocado into thin slices. Cut the grapes in half and remove the seeds. Divide the tangerines into slices. Combine chicken, avocado, grapes and tangerines, mix gently. Place lettuce leaves on a plate, place the resulting mixture on them and pour the sauce over them. For the sauce, combine mayonnaise with wine, orange juice and cream, and add salt to taste. Sprinkle the salad with chopped nuts.

4 small cucumbers,
½ lemon
1 large red onion,
50 g cashew nuts,
¼ cup chopped cilantro,
1 tsp spicy curry,
1 tsp ground turmeric,
1 tsp honey,
½ tsp. sea ​​salt,
1 tbsp. olive oil.

Cut the cucumbers into thin slices, cut the onion into cubes, crush the nuts with the flat side of a knife and chop them, squeeze the juice from half a lemon. Combine all ingredients in a bowl, stir thoroughly until the honey is completely dissolved.

150 g couscous,
4 salmon steaks,
1 young zucchini,
1 carrot,
1 tomato
1 lemon,
2 tsp seasonings for fish,
2 tbsp. olive oil,
½ tsp. ground black pepper,
½ tsp. salt.

Preheat the oven to 200°C. Cook couscous according to package instructions. Cut the zucchini, carrots, tomatoes and lemon into thin slices. Prepare 4 large sheets of parchment or foil. Place couscous in the center of each sheet, place 1 piece of salmon fillet on it, place pieces of vegetables and lemon on top of the fish. Sprinkle the top with a mixture of spices, salt and pepper, drizzle with olive oil and wrap the sheets into bags. Place the bags on a baking sheet and place in the oven for 20-25 minutes. Serve directly in the bags, placing them on serving plates and carefully unwrapping them.

½ cup long grain brown rice,
500 g peeled shrimp,
¼ cup soy sauce,
¼ cup lemon juice,
2 tbsp. rice vinegar,
2 tsp brown sugar,
1 tbsp. vegetable oil,
250 g green peas,
30 g ginger root,
1 avocado,
1 stack water,
salt, ground black pepper - to taste.

Bring water to a boil in a saucepan, add rice, cover with a lid, reduce heat to low and simmer for 40-45 minutes until the liquid has completely evaporated. Remove from heat and let stand for 10 minutes without opening the lid. For the sauce, combine soy sauce, lemon juice, vinegar and sugar and stir until the sugar is completely dissolved. Heat vegetable oil in a large frying pan, add shrimp, thinly sliced ​​ginger and peas, add salt and pepper and fry until tender for 3-4 minutes. Peel and cut the avocado into cubes and mix with the shrimp. Place rice on plates, top with shrimp and serve with sauce.

2 pcs. sole fillet,
6 strips of bacon,
150 g cheese,
2 cloves of garlic,
50 g butter,
salt, pepper - to taste,
lemon juice,

Cut the thawed fillet lengthwise into three parts, add salt, pepper, lemon juice and refrigerate for 30 minutes. Prepare the filling: combine grated cheese, chopped garlic and herbs, mix well. After this, place a strip of bacon on each strip of fish, place the cheese mixture on it, and roll into a tight roll. Secure with toothpicks. Place the finished rolls on a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil, place a piece of butter on each and place in an oven preheated to 220°C for 15 minutes.

Almost no woman can resist sweets, and if they are also prepared by the hands of a loved one, then such a dessert is simply impossible to refuse!

200 g flour,
150 g butter,
1 egg,
2 tbsp. orange juice,
75 g sugar or powdered sugar,
strawberries or cherries,
red jelly for decoration.
Marzipan mass:
1 stack almonds,
1 stack Sahara,
¼ cup water,
2-3 drops almond essence (if available)
food coloring.

First, cook the marzipan mass. To do this, place unpeeled almonds in boiling water, boil for 1-2 minutes, then drain in a colander. When the almonds have cooled slightly, remove the skins from the nuts; this is not difficult to do. After this, fry the nuts in a dry frying pan for 10-15 minutes, stirring constantly so that the nuts do not burn. Grind the nuts in a blender until pureed. Pour the sugar with water and boil the syrup until such a state that the drop can be rolled into an elastic ball. Pour the chopped almonds into the syrup and heat for another 3-4 minutes, stirring constantly. Add almond essence and food coloring. Sprinkle a cutting board (ideally a stone one) with powdered sugar, place the almond mass on it and roll out to the desired thickness. The marzipan mass dries out quickly, so store it in cling film. Meanwhile, knead the dough from flour, butter and sugar, roll into a ball and put in the refrigerator for 1 hour. Then roll it out into a thin layer on baking paper, cut out a large heart and carefully place it on a baking sheet. Mix orange juice with 200 g of marzipan mass and 1 yolk. Make sides from half, spread the other half on the heart. Beat the egg whites with 75 g of powdered sugar into a stiff foam and apply along the inside of the sides. Place the center of the heart with berries and place in an oven preheated to 175°C for 25 minutes. Prepare the jelly and cool slightly. Cool the finished heart and glaze the jelly by applying it with a brush.

175g self-raising flour
75 g powdered sugar,
75 g butter,
2 tsp instant coffee,
1 tsp hot water,
1 egg.
For the glaze:
50 g butter,
100 g powdered sugar,
3 tsp cocoa powder.

Combine the flour, sugar, and butter in the bowl of a food processor and mix on low speed until the mixture turns into crumbs. In a small cup, mix coffee with hot water, add an egg and whisk. Add to the butter crumbs in the food processor bowl and process until smooth. Dust the board with powdered sugar, place the dough on it and roll out to a thickness of 5 mm. Cut out cookies using a heart-shaped notch. Place it on baking sheets and place in a preheated oven at 180°C for 10-15 minutes. Bake the cookies until golden brown. Remove the cookies from the baking sheet while they are still hot and cool on a wire rack. Make the chocolate frosting: Combine the butter, powdered sugar and cocoa powder in a bowl, stirring with a wooden spoon. Connect the cookies in pairs, gluing them together with icing.

Prepare a signature drink. True, you need to prepare it in advance. Call it, for example, “Wine of Love.” The recipe for the drink is simple: add the juice of one orange to 500 ml of dry white wine, 2-3 tbsp. honey, ½ tsp. ground ginger, ¼ tsp. ground nutmeg and ¼ tsp. ground cinnamon. Refrigerate for 2 weeks.

125 ml chocolate liqueur,
90 ml vodka,
25 g dark chocolate.

Fill 2 martini glasses with ice, pour the ice into a shaker, pour in the liqueur and vodka and shake vigorously. Strain into glasses and sprinkle with grated chocolate.

If you are against alcohol, then try making a ginger drink: add 3 tbsp to 1.2 liters of boiling water. finely grated ginger. Stir, reduce heat and simmer for 10 minutes. Add a pinch of ground black pepper. Remove from heat, strain and squeeze out the pulp. Add 5 tbsp. honey, stir. Cut 1 lemon in half and squeeze the juice into the drink to taste. If it turns out too sour, add more honey. Pour tea into cups and garnish with mint leaves.

Love and romance to you!

Larisa Shuftaykina

A romantic evening is a great way to express your feelings to your loved one. You don’t have to wait for a special occasion and go to a cafe or posh restaurant; you can make each other happy at home. But how to prepare a romantic dinner at home if you are far from a chef? For this occasion, there are a lot of simple, but at the same time original and tasty dishes. We will talk about them, as well as some of the secrets of organizing an unforgettable romantic evening.

A properly planned menu is already half the success. When choosing dishes for a candlelit dinner, remember that the food should be light. It is better to refrain from preparing fatty and too rich food, especially if dinner involves a romantic continuation, which a full stomach does not contribute to.

You shouldn’t make a lot of dishes from complex ingredients either. This will take up a lot of your time, but you will still need it for decorating the meeting place. Moreover, the main goal is not food, but time spent with your loved one.

The menu usually includes main courses, appetizers and dessert. But, if you know the tastes of your other half well, you can limit yourself to one or two dishes that you will definitely like. It would not be a bad idea to include natural aphrodisiacs in the list of products, namely: seafood, cinnamon, strawberries,.

Note to men! If you want to treat a girl to a romantic dinner, before organizing a sweet table, try to delicately find out if she is on a diet. Otherwise, it is possible that your chosen one will refuse the treat, and the evening may be ruined.

Simple recipes for a romantic dinner

We present to your attention several simple snacks and desserts that can be prepared quickly and without special culinary skills.

Hot dishes

There should be at least one meat dish or fish and other seafood on the table. If you opt for fish, purchase fillets that have already been removed from the bones. You can bake it with herbs and lemon juice or make tender fish rolls using the recipe below.

Fish rolls with shrimp

Fish rolls with shrimp can be served either hot or cold.

Ingredients you will need:

  • 600 g fish fillet (any suitable one, usually salmon or salmon);
  • 0.5 kg shrimp, preferably large ones;
  • a glass of fish broth;
  • salt, herbs and spices to taste;
  • ginger root;
  • freshly squeezed juice of one orange;
  • 80 g butter.

Cut the fillet lengthwise into long strips, wrap in cling film and lightly tap with a kitchen hammer. Then add salt to the fish, rub with spices and leave to soak for a couple of minutes. We clean the shrimp and wrap each one in a strip of fillet. To prevent the rolls from falling apart during cooking, they can be tied with culinary thread.

Pour fish broth into a deep frying pan, bring to a boil and lower the rolls into it. Simmer the dish over low heat until done.

While the seafood is cooking, you can make the sauce. To do this, pour into a saucepan, add 15 g of grated on a fine grater and bring to a boil. Stirring constantly, add butter, salt and spices to the mixture. Cook the sauce until it thickens, then cool and strain through a sieve. The rolls are served both hot and cold with sauce and lemon rings.

Pork tenderloin with potatoes and apples

Fish, of course, is a delicacy, but among the representatives of the stronger half of humanity there are many more meat lovers. Therefore, girls who want to please their loved ones should pay attention to meat dishes. One of these is oven-baked pork tenderloin. It is surprisingly easy to prepare.

To prepare you need 1.5 kg of pork, 4-5 medium-sized potato tubers, 1-2 onions, 3 tbsp. l. butter, steam and an hour of time left. First of all, turn on the oven and set the temperature to 230º. While it is heating up, rub the tenderloin with black pepper and salt mixed with butter (1 tbsp.).

Grease a baking sheet with the remaining oil and place the meat (in its entirety) in the center. We fill the remaining free space around the tenderloin with potatoes cut into quarters; there is no need to peel them, just rinse them well. Add onion cut into half rings to the potatoes.

Place the meat and vegetables in the oven for 20 minutes and prepare the apples. The fruits need to be washed, cored, cut into slices and placed on a baking sheet with the rest of the ingredients. After adding the apples, bake the tenderloin for another 40 minutes. The finished meat is allowed to cool slightly, cut into pieces and served with a side dish and herbs.

Salads and snacks

After a hearty hot meal, it doesn’t hurt to pamper yourself and your loved one with a light salad that awakens romantic feelings. If there is almost no time left before the event, you can whip up a spicy avocado salad.

Salad with avocado and ham

Required Products:

  • ripe avocado;
  • 200 g ham (low-fat);
  • a small bunch of white seedless;
  • salt and olive oil.

We wash the grapes, separate the berries and cut each in half, 20 grapes will be enough. Then cut the ham into small strips. Peel the avocado, cut it in half lengthwise and remove the pit. Cut the pulp into cubes or strips and sprinkle with lemon juice to prevent it from darkening. All you have to do is mix all the ingredients, add salt, and the light salad is ready.

Before serving, it is better to transfer it to two separate plates. If you wish, you can do a little magic on the design of the salad and decorate the dish with tomato hearts or boiled tomatoes.

Salad "Heart"

This salad cannot be prepared quickly, but it will become the main decoration of the table and create the right atmosphere. In fact, this is the well-known “Garnet Bracelet”, but in a new, thematic design.


  • chicken fillet – 1 pc.;
  • eggs – 3 pcs.;
  • onions – 2 pcs.;
  • carrots – 2 pcs.;
  • beets – 1-2 pcs. depending on size;
  • hard cheese – 150 g;
  • walnuts – 50 g;
  • light mayonnaise – 100 g;
  • seeds of one pomegranate.

First, finely chop the onion, fry it over low heat until golden brown and leave to cool. Then cook the chicken fillet in salted water until tender, cool and cut into small cubes.

We grate pre-boiled eggs, beets and carrots, as well as cheese on a fine grater into different containers, although you don’t have to do this in advance, but grate the products directly into the salad bowl as you lay out the layers. We clean the nuts and finely chop them with a knife, cut the pomegranate and carefully separate the grains.

Now the most important stage is the formation of layers. There are several ways to give the salad the desired shape. The first is to place it on a regular plate and then cut it with a knife, the second is to use a heart-shaped springform baking dish and then remove it. In any case, the main thing is to arrange the ingredients correctly. Lay out the layers in the following order:

  1. Chicken fillet, lightly salted and sprinkled with pepper.
  2. Onion layer.
  3. Grated carrots.
  4. Eggs (grated or chopped with a knife).
  5. Layer of cheese and nuts.
  6. Grated beets.

Each layer is smeared with mayonnaise on top, and the top of the salad is thickly sprinkled with pomegranate seeds. In order for the flavor to fully develop, the finished dish is left to brew in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.


Canapés can combine various products.

Canapés are tiny sandwiches that came to us from French cuisine. Usually they take toasted white or black bread as a basis, and put a variety of products on top: lightly salted salmon, cheese, sausage, caviar, olives, vegetables, etc. The entire structure is held together with a decorative skewer.

Popular combinations of ingredients for canapés:

  • white bread with cherry tomatoes and hard cheese;
  • black bread with salmon or shrimp and olives;
  • smoked chicken breast with pickled mushrooms and white bread;
  • toast with pineapple and boiled chicken fillet;
  • sliced ​​loaf with red caviar and cheese.

What's for dessert?

Many men, and women too, have a sweet tooth, so you can’t do without a sweet table. Of course, the store has sweets for every taste, but they cannot replace a homemade dessert.


Strawberries with whipped cream is one of the most romantic combinations. This dessert is perfect for creating a special atmosphere, and anyone can handle its preparation.

You will need fresh strawberries (0.5 kg), half a glass of sugar, vanilla, powdered sugar and high-fat liquid cream (at least 30%) or ready-made, whipped. It is better to buy homemade berries, but out of season you can get by with strawberries from the supermarket, the main thing is that they are a uniform ruby ​​red color, firm to the touch and have fresh foliage.

Pour the strawberries into a colander, rinse with cool water and carefully remove the stems. We cut each berry into slices, traditionally into 4 parts. It’s easier to buy ready-made whipped cream, since whipping it requires following several rules and may not work the first time.

To whip cream at home, cool it well, otherwise the product will separate, and beat it with a mixer, starting at low speeds and gradually increasing speed. While beating, add vanilla and powdered sugar to taste in small portions. When the whisk begins to leave marks on the surface of the cream, turn off the mixer.

The berries are laid out in glass bowls, sprinkled with sugar, poured with cream and sent to the refrigerator to wait in the wings. Before serving, the dessert can be decorated with grated chocolate or leaves.

Chocolate covered bananas

Chocolate covered bananas are a tasty and healthy treat.

This delicacy is not only tasty, but also healthy, because bananas are a real storehouse of vitamins and microelements. In addition, both components (chocolate and banana) are known aphrodisiacs.


  • bananas – 2 pcs.;
  • 1/2 bar of dark chocolate;
  • packaging of confectionery sprinkles or coconut flakes, you can also use nuts.

You will also need long wooden skewers. Peel the bananas, cut each into three parts and put on skewers. Melt the chocolate in a water bath or microwave, dip the fruit in it and sprinkle with confectionery sprinkles. In order not to smear the coating, place the sweetness in a narrow cup with the skewers down and put it in the refrigerator for 20 minutes. Dessert is ready!

Choosing drinks

It’s worth saying a few words about drinks. For a romantic dinner, light alcohol is more suitable: wine, champagne or cocktails. But you need to choose one thing, otherwise a headache can ruin the evening. If your significant other doesn’t drink alcohol on principle, please treat her with fruit and berry smoothies or home-brewed ones.

Table setting and decoration

It’s not enough to just prepare a delicious treat, you also need to be able to present it beautifully. You can set the table in any suitable room, but not in the kitchen, it’s too ordinary. It is better to take a white or neutral tablecloth and create bright accents on it with beautiful dishes or themed figures. Since red is the color of love, it is desirable that it be present in the design.

And, of course, candles. There should be a lot of them. Ideally, you need to replace the overhead light with them so that you don’t have to sit in the dark, but at the same time the lighting is dim. If there are not enough candles for this task, turn on a floor lamp nearby.

Advice! You shouldn't take scented candles, especially if you plan to light a lot of them. They may give off a too strong odor.

Atmosphere and music

There are no trifles in organizing a romantic evening, so the setting and atmosphere must be appropriate. In the room where the dinner will be held, you can scatter rose petals or arrange small bouquets of fresh flowers.

Another mandatory attribute is romantic music. It is better to create a playlist in advance, including calm and unobtrusive compositions. If you don’t yet know your loved one’s musical preferences or there are no melodies suitable for the occasion, you can play something from the classics in the background.

But the main component that will tell you how to prepare a romantic dinner at home and make it unique is love. With it, any dish will become much tastier, and the evening will be unforgettable. We wish you mutual love and romance!

Useful videos on the topic

Useful tips from Yulia Vysotskaya.

A few more ideas from the video magazine “Men’s Cooking”.