What can you do with frozen fresh cucumbers? Freezing cucumbers for the winter: the best recipes with photos

Often in winter I want to buy green crispy cucumber and, enjoying the refreshing aroma, remember summer. But it’s quite difficult to find one, because at this time, if there are cucumbers on the shelves, they are greenhouse cucumbers - watery and tasteless.

Therefore, we suggest “preparing a sleigh in the summer” and making it in season frozen cucumber preparation. You can use this in salads, cold soups and sauces, the recipes for which we will present a little below, but for now we will tell you how to properly freeze cucumbers.

Freezing cucumbers

In order to make it convenient to work with the workpiece further, the cucumbers should be peeled and cut into thin strips before freezing; it is better to do this using a Korean carrot grater.

Distribute the cucumbers among plastic cups, cover with film and place in the freezer. After freezing, for convenience, you can put them in portion packages, releasing excess air: this way your workpiece will take up much less space in the freezer.

Before cooking dishes with frozen cucumbers, take out the required portion of aromatic vegetables, chop if necessary and place in the refrigerator until completely defrosted.

It is better to squeeze out the liquid that appears.

Frozen cucumber sauces

As promised, we are giving away several combinations for sauces from our stock. Preparing these is as easy as shelling pears: grind the proposed ingredients in a blender or finely chop them, adding a few liquid ingredients.

1. Mayonnaise with cucumbers
Mix 200 g of mayonnaise or salted sour cream and 50 g of frozen cucumbers, add 20 ml of lemon juice, 1 tsp. Sahara. Ready!

2. Applesauce
To 200 ml of liquid sour cream, add 50 g of cucumbers, 20 ml of lemon juice, a quarter of a grated apple and 1 tbsp. l. paste or grain mustard.

3. Green sauce
Grind 30 g of green onions, any other greens to taste and mix with 70 g of cucumbers. Add a tablespoon of mustard, the same amount of wine vinegar, 70 ml of olive oil, salt, sugar and ground pepper to taste.

4. Sauce with boiled egg
Grind the egg yolk with a pinch of salt and sugar, add 1 tbsp. l. wine or apple cider vinegar. Then add 30 g of cucumbers, finely chopped protein, chopped herbs to taste and 50 ml of olive oil.

In addition to the suggested options, frozen cucumbers can be used to create aromatic tartare and unique creamy tzatziki. Such sauces will highlight taste of fish or meat, especially if the food is grilled. We recommend stocking up on a jar of cucumber sauce before going on a picnic!

Often in winter I want to buy green crispy cucumber and, enjoying the refreshing aroma, remember summer. But it’s quite difficult to find one, because at this time, if there are cucumbers on the shelves, they are greenhouse cucumbers - watery and tasteless.

Therefore, we suggest “preparing a sleigh in the summer” and making it in season frozen cucumber preparation. You can use this in salads, cold soups and sauces, the recipes for which we will present a little below, but for now we will tell you how to properly freeze cucumbers.

Freezing cucumbers

In order to make it convenient to work with the workpiece further, the cucumbers should be peeled and cut into thin strips before freezing; it is better to do this using a Korean carrot grater.

Distribute the cucumbers among plastic cups, cover with film and place in the freezer. After freezing, for convenience, you can put them in portion packages, releasing excess air: this way your workpiece will take up much less space in the freezer.

Before cooking dishes with frozen cucumbers, take out the required portion of aromatic vegetables, chop if necessary and place in the refrigerator until completely defrosted.

It is better to squeeze out the liquid that appears.

Before freezing, cucumbers can be cut into rings for adding to salads and sandwiches.

Frozen cucumber sauces

As promised, we are giving away several combinations for sauces from our stock. Preparing these is as easy as shelling pears: grind the proposed ingredients in a blender or finely chop them, adding a few liquid ingredients.

In addition to the suggested options, you can also get a unique creamy one with frozen cucumbers. Such sauces will highlight taste of fish or meat, especially if the food is grilled. We recommend stocking up on a jar of cucumber sauce before going on a picnic!

If you like the idea of ​​frozen cucumbers, share healthy recipes with your friends, and let them stock up on aromatic cucumbers for the winter!

Freezing cucumbers to make okroshka

List of all the essentials:

  • A roll of plastic bags;
  • Cling film;
  • Cocktail tube.

First, wash the vegetables thoroughly, then cut off the “butts” from both ends. On a cutting board, cut the cucumbers vertically into four parts, and then horizontally along the entire length. You should get small slices - quarters of a circle.

On a note! If you prefer to cut the cucumbers into cubes, this will not spoil the recipe and will not in any way affect the taste of the frozen vegetables.

We take out a large plate (so that all the chopped cucumbers fit evenly on it), put vegetables on it and wrap it in film to create the effect of a “freezer” inside the dish. Cucumbers should be stored in the freezer for 6 hours.

After the expiration date, we take out the future ingredients of the winter okroshka and pour them into a plastic bag for more convenient storage until required.

Freeze cucumbers whole for the winter

Freezing whole cucumbers for the winter is an excellent alternative to seaming. If you have to tinker with preservation longer, and use such cucumbers only strictly according to recipes, then with fresh frozen ones you can expand the boundaries of cooking.

For freezing we will need:

  • Four to six pieces of fresh cucumbers;
  • A roll of plastic bags.

Wash the cucumbers thoroughly under warm water, then wipe dry so that the moisture does not freeze on the outside. We put each cucumber separately in its own bag and put it in the freezer. Cucumbers will not spoil and will retain their original taste!

It is important for housewives to know! When you use frozen whole cucumbers in preparing the desired dishes, do not allow them to defrost under any circumstances; use those that have just been removed from the freezer. Otherwise, the product will become tasteless and watery, and you will just have to throw it away.

Is it possible to do this? Will these vegetables retain their taste, texture and beneficial properties? These and many other questions concern housewives who want to give winter dishes a touch of freshness. Our recommendations will help you freeze and defrost cucumbers correctly and preserve their taste and benefits.

Selection and preparation of cucumbers for freezing

To make such a blank, pay special attention to the choice of raw materials. Vegetables should be fresh and firm. Do not use limp, damaged or rotten fruits for freezing.. Such vegetables, after defrosting, will have a bitter taste, which can spoil the taste of the dish.

Do not use hybrid and salad varieties for freezing. Due to their soft texture, after defrosting they will turn into porridge, losing not only their appearance, but also their taste.

Carefully selected vegetables wash under running water. Then products dry it paper towel or leave to dry naturally for 30-60 minutes. This will remove excess moisture. After the preparatory work has been completed, you can begin preparing the preparations.

Procedure for freezing fresh cucumbers and shelf life

Use chopped vegetables to freeze, since it is not recommended to freeze them whole.

First, cut off both ends of the selected cucumbers and try the product. If it tastes bitter, don't use it to freeze.

It is not recommended to freeze whole cucumbers, as once defrosted they will be impossible to slice or grate.

Now you need to choose a cutting method. It depends on the purpose for which the defrosted product will be used. For okroshka, vinaigrette or Olivier salad, chop the vegetables into cubes. For fresh salads, cut the cucumbers into slices or strips.

Before freezing chopped vegetables, carefully squeeze out the juice. This will help remove excess moisture and prevent the cucumbers from sticking together.

To properly freeze vegetables, place them on a cutting board or baking sheet, cover with cling film, and place them in a freezer drawer. After the cucumbers have frozen, package put them in bags (or closed containers) for storage and put them back in the freezer. It is not recommended to store vegetables open. Cucumbers absorb odors from other foods, which can negatively affect their taste.

It is also important for the housewife to know how long cucumbers can be stored in the freezer. Subject to all recommendations and maintaining a constant temperature shelf life with pre-frozen is 5-8 months.

Frozen cucumbers can be used for cosmetic purposes. If you’re too lazy to fuss, freeze the slices, spreading them out in one layer on a flat surface, and then put them in a container so that they don’t stick together. Every morning, take out 1-2 slices, let them thaw slightly and wipe your face and décolleté. The product invigorates, improves skin tone, nourishes, and prepares the skin for the application of day cream. If you’re not too lazy to bother, we freeze grated cucumbers in ice trays and get “wash cubes.”

Defrosting rules

After freezing cucumbers, remember the rules for defrosting them. It is best to add frozen vegetables to dishes. If this is not done, they will turn into an unappetizing mush.

Cucumbers, sliced can be defrosted in the refrigerator, placing them on the bottom shelf. Properly frozen and thawed cucumbers retain their taste, aroma and beneficial properties, but lose their structure and become watery.

To defrost, remove the amount of vegetables required for cooking. Cucumbers cannot be stored thawed or re-frozen.

To preserve fresh cucumbers for the winter, use the freezing method. To do this, choose strong and fresh fruits, chop them and put them in the freezer. By freezing you can stock up on aromatic and healthy vegetables.


Watch the video to learn the nuances of freezing cucumbers at home in the freezer:

Young mother, wife and housewife. She prepares delicious and, most importantly, healthy meals for her household. Therefore, he is looking for and testing various options for preserving the beneficial properties of fruits and vegetables at home. I am ready to share the experience gained and the results of experiments with readers.

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Do you know that:

Natural toxins are found in many plants; Those grown in gardens and vegetable gardens are no exception. Thus, the seeds of apples, apricots, and peaches contain hydrocyanic acid, and the tops and peels of unripe nightshades (potatoes, eggplants, tomatoes) contain solanine. But do not be afraid: their number is too small.

The homeland of pepper is America, but the main breeding work on developing sweet varieties was carried out, in particular, by Ferenc Horvath (Hungary) in the 20s. XX century in Europe, mainly in the Balkans. Pepper came to Russia from Bulgaria, which is why it received its usual name - “Bulgarian”.

One of the most convenient methods for preparing a harvest of vegetables, fruits and berries is freezing. Some believe that freezing causes the nutritional and health benefits of plant foods to be lost. As a result of the research, scientists have found that there is practically no decrease in nutritional value when frozen.

“Frost-resistant” varieties of garden strawberries (more often simply “strawberries”) need shelter just as much as ordinary varieties (especially in those regions where there are snowless winters or frosts alternating with thaws). All strawberries have superficial roots. This means that without shelter they freeze to death. Sellers’ assurances that strawberries are “frost-resistant,” “winter-hardy,” “tolerates frosts down to −35 ℃,” etc. are deception. Gardeners must remember that no one has yet managed to change the root system of strawberries.

In Australia, scientists have begun experiments in cloning several varieties of grapes grown in cold regions. Climate warming, which is predicted for the next 50 years, will lead to their disappearance. Australian varieties have excellent characteristics for winemaking and are not susceptible to diseases common in Europe and America.

A new product from American developers is the Tertill robot, which weeds weeds in the garden. The device was invented under the leadership of John Downes (creator of the robot vacuum cleaner) and works autonomously in all weather conditions, moving over uneven surfaces on wheels. At the same time, it cuts off all plants below 3 cm with the built-in trimmer.

From varietal tomatoes you can get “your own” seeds for sowing next year (if you really like the variety). But it is useless to do this with hybrids: you will get seeds, but they will carry the hereditary material not of the plant from which they were taken, but of its numerous “ancestors”.

It is believed that some vegetables and fruits (cucumbers, stem celery, all varieties of cabbage, peppers, apples) have “negative calorie content,” that is, more calories are consumed during digestion than they contain. In fact, only 10-20% of the calories received from food are consumed in the digestive process.

Oklahoma farmer Carl Burns developed an unusual variety of multi-colored corn called Rainbow Corn. The grains on each cob are of different colors and shades: brown, pink, purple, blue, green, etc. This result was achieved through many years of selecting the most colored ordinary varieties and crossing them.

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not specified

Without this salad it is impossible to imagine a single holiday, and especially New Year's table in the entire post-Soviet space. Sometimes you create, look for new recipes and realize that you want delicious and native Olivier. This family salad is the most win-win, classic and idealized in the Soviet style, carrying the spirit of the holiday.
To make the Olivier salad especially tasty, you will need high-quality, preferably homemade, products, but if you don’t have any, you can get by with store-bought ones. In addition, the highlight of today's recipe is fresh cucumbers, or rather fresh frozen ones. But since fresh cucumbers are very expensive in winter, and besides, they contain chemicals, it is better to freeze them in the fall. And fresh cucumbers add brightness and freshness to the dish, both in taste and smell. But I’ll immediately note that pickles are not excluded from the Olivier salad with frozen cucumbers; they will also be present in the dish. If you don’t have pickled cucumbers, you can replace them with pickled ones.

- potatoes – 3 pcs.,
- pork – 350 grams,
- eggs – 4 pcs.,
- canned green peas – 250 grams,
- pickles – 4 pcs.,
- fresh frozen cucumbers – 1 pc.,
- green onions - a bunch,
- mayonnaise – 250 grams,
- salt - to taste.

Step-by-step recipe with photos:

Wash the meat and boil in lightly salted water. Then cool it well and cut into medium-sized pieces.

Boil the eggs hard, cool, peel and cut into cubes.

Boil potatoes in their skins in salted water. Cool well, peel and cut into cubes.

Remove pickled or pickled cucumbers from the jar, allow excess liquid to drain and cut into cubes.

Wash the green onions, dry them and finely chop them.

Place all of the above ingredients (meat, potatoes, eggs, pickles, green onions) into one large container. Add canned green peas and frozen fresh cucumbers to them. It is advisable to give the cucumbers time to thaw a little. Also pour mayonnaise on all products.

Season Olivier salad with pickled and frozen cucumbers with salt, mix well and serve.
It turns out very original