What can be prepared from curdled milk and eggs. Curdled milk - recipes

Curdled milk is a very healthy and easily digestible fermented milk product. It is prepared from a special leaven containing We bring to your attention some recipes from yogurt.

Baking from curdled milk is easy to prepare and has a relatively low cost of ingredients.

Let's take cookies, for example. You will need flour - about 400 grams, half a glass of sugar, 50 grams of vegetable oil, lemon juice - about 2 half tablespoons, a little soda, yogurt - 2 cups, for decorating cookies - powdered sugar and a little butter for greasing.

Pour yogurt, vegetable oil and sugar into a deep bowl (for ease of mixing) and whisk until smooth. Add soda here (after extinguishing it so that you don’t feel its taste in the finished cookies) and flour, which is best sifted to saturate it with oxygen. Knead the soft dough and place it on a table lightly sprinkled with flour and roll out to a thickness of 5 millimeters. It is noteworthy that this recipe involves shaping the cookies themselves after baking, that is, the rolled out dough must be laid out entirely on a baking sheet (pre-greased). The oven temperature should be about 180 degrees. Determine readiness by color - future cookies should turn golden. Without letting it cool, cut it into pieces of the desired size and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

A yogurt pie will delight both your family and guests. It is also easy to prepare.

In addition to one glass of curdled milk, you will need 400 milliliters of milk, 4 eggs, sugar - up to two glasses, the same amount of flour, a pack of butter, walnuts,

Make a fluffy foam by whisking 2 eggs, half the sugar, and soda, first quenching it with vinegar. Then add curdled milk and a glass of flour. Mix everything again and divide into three parts.

Take a baking dish and grease it a little with oil. Place one part of the dough into the pan, place in a preheated oven and bake until done. Do the same with the rest of the dough.

While the cakes are baking, you can prepare the cream. To do this, mix the remaining two eggs with flour and sugar. Boil the milk. Place the mixture of flour, eggs and sugar into boiling milk and continue heating over low heat until thickened. Add butter to the cream, quickly stirring the warm mass. Place the cream in a cool place (or even in the refrigerator) for 20 minutes.

Grease the finished cakes with cream, stack one on top of the other, and sprinkle the top one with chopped nuts on top of the cream.

Baking from curdled milk can be very diverse - you can prepare and

Take two eggs, two glasses of flour, a little salt, soda, two glasses of yogurt, a few tablespoons of refined vegetable oil, three to four tablespoons of sugar.

First of all, beat the eggs, sugar, soda and salt well. Add yogurt here, add flour little by little, stirring constantly. to achieve a uniform consistency of liquid sour cream. The thickness of the dough can be adjusted by adding yogurt or flour. Add vegetable oil to the finished dough and mix again.

Let the dough sit for about half an hour - then the flour will swell and the pancakes will be noticeably tastier.

Before pouring the dough into the frying pan, warm it up well. When hot, grease it with oil and pour in a portion of the dough. Since you added vegetable oil, the pancakes will not burn. But if you like richer food, you can grease the pan with oil before baking each new pancake. The pancakes will not be quite thin, but it is convenient to stuff them with meat, caviar, liver or sweets - jam, cottage cheese.

As you can see, baking from curdled milk does not take much time and may well take its rightful place on your table. Without much effort, you will prepare a delicious treat for your family and guests, and you won’t have to bother with yeast dough. Baking with curdled milk is a worthy way to show off your culinary skills.

I really love and often make shortbread cookies and shortcrust pastry pies. Traditionally, margarine or butter is used for their preparation. I respect the latter very much and, moreover, love it. But if you cook with it often, it will be a bit greasy (in every sense of the word). A lot has already been said about margarine and spreads, but I think it would be worth recalling that the transgenic fats they contain lead to an increase in the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood, disrupt the normal functioning of cell membranes, contribute to the development of vascular diseases, etc. Therefore I completely excluded these “products” from my kitchen. Now I make shortbread dough using vegetable oil. Completely safe, tasty and healthy. And what is important is even cheaper and faster than with margarine! And a few more words about margarine. Margarine lovers are more likely to develop angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, arrhythmia and heart failure. It was invented in France to feed the army and the poor - a cheap product for sandwiches and frying. All this happened at the end of the century before last; people had different ideas about food and life. I want to warn you that products made from this dough are a BIT tougher than those made from margarine or butter, but is it worth ruining your blood vessels for the sake of a small difference???

Curdled milk is a frequent guest in the refrigerator. You can make pancakes and pancakes from sour milk, but pies are especially successful and fluffy. They can be prepared with any sweet and meat, fish, and vegetable fillings.

Curdled milk pie - general principles of preparation

The dough with yogurt is usually prepared as jellied, that is, it is not thick and resembles a biscuit mass in consistency. Additionally, eggs, sugar and salt, and fats are added. The amount of flour depends on the recipe, but it is important to regulate it yourself, since curdled milk is not always thick and greasy, you may have to add a few more spoons.

Common pie fillings:

Fish, meat, canned food;

Fresh and dried fruits;

Cheese, eggs.

There are pies without filling, for example, with cocoa. They look and taste like biscuits, but they are much easier to prepare; one of the recipes is below. The filling can be mixed with the dough, laid out in layers, sometimes the products placed in the mold are simply poured on top.

Pies are usually baked in a simple oven, the average temperature is from 180 to 200 degrees. If raw products are used for the filling, the process will take 35-50 minutes.

Sweet yogurt pie with raisins

The recipe for a very simple and tasty yogurt pie. You can use not only raisins, but also a mixture of dried fruits and nuts, but the total weight should not exceed the amount indicated in the list.


Half a stick of butter;

One glass of curdled milk;

0.7 tsp. soda;

One glass of sugar;

One and a half cups of flour;

100 g raisins;

Two eggs;

A couple of spoons of powder;

1 tsp. vanilla Sahara.


1. Combine yogurt at room temperature with soda and stir.

2. Rinse the raisins and place on a napkin. If you take large dried fruits, you also need to wash them, then cut them so that the pieces are approximately the same size as raisins.

3. Shake the eggs in a bowl; you can knead the dough with a mixer.

4. Add granulated sugar with a pinch of salt to the eggs, beat for a minute.

5. Pour the prepared yogurt and soda into the dough.

6. Add oil. You can melt it first or just soften it very well. Stir.

7. Add flour to the dough, mix and add dried fruits. Distribute in the total mass.

8. The mold must be prepared according to all the rules: first grease it, you can rub it with a piece of butter, then sprinkle it with flour. Then there will be no problems with removing the pie.

9. Transfer the dough, level it, and place the pie in a preheated oven. Bake at 180 degrees for about half an hour.

10. Or we also grease the multicooker bowl, pour in the dough, set the baking program for the yogurt pie, cook for 50 minutes, in most appliances this is a full cycle.

11. Sprinkle the cooled pie with powder mixed with vanilla sugar.

Jellied yogurt pie with fish

This buttermilk pie uses fresh fish for the filling. But you can also take canned food, it also turns out delicious. To complement the green onions, use a large bunch.


400 g yogurt;

A pair of eggs;

2.5 tbsp. flour;

Soda 1 tsp;

2 tsp. granulated sugar;

Half a stick of butter (margarine, fat).

For the filling, green onions and 300-400 g of fillet of any river or sea fish, spices, lemon juice to taste, you can use a little soy sauce.


1. Immediately make the filling. To do this, cut the fish fillet into small cubes or strips and sprinkle with lemon juice. You can pour in a spoonful of soy sauce, it turns out incredibly tasty, season with spices and stir.

2. Chop the green onions, add them to the fish, and let them marinate. If you use canned food, you need to take at least two cans. Drain the liquid, break into pieces and also mix with the onion.

3. Turn on the oven at 180 degrees.

4. Melt the butter or margarine, you can simply heat it in the microwave and let it cool.

5. Beat the eggs, pour in the yogurt, add soda and stir.

6. Add half a teaspoon of salt and granulated sugar, dissolve.

7. Pour in the melted butter, which has already cooled down, add flour, and quickly knead the dough.

8. Pour about half the mass into the greased form.

9. Spread the fish filling and make an even layer.

10. Pour over the rest of the dough. We do this carefully so as not to disturb the layer of filling; it is better to lay it out in parts using a spoon. Gently stretch the top layer to hide the filling.

11. Bake for approximately 40 minutes.

12. Serve the fish pie warm.

Yogurt pie with chicken and cheese

Another very successful version of a yogurt pie with a very tasty and satisfying filling. The chicken will be fried with onions, it is best to use fillet.


0.8 cups yogurt;

Three eggs;

100 grams of plain water;

70 g butter;

10 grams of ripper;

A spoonful of sugar;

1 tsp. without a lump of salt;

Flour (about four cups).

Pie filling:

300 g chicken;

100 g cheese;

2 onions;

Spices, a little oil.


1. It’s better to start with the filling so that it has time to cool. Cut the onion into cubes and place it in a heated frying pan with oil. Start frying.

2. Cut the washed chicken into cubes, add to the onion after a minute, fry together for about three minutes, that’s enough. The filling will be fully cooked in the pie.

4. After cooling, add coarsely grated or diced cheese to the filling.

5. Mix eggs with salt and sugar, beat well until foamy. Add yogurt, pour in water.

6. Melt the butter and add it to the dough.

7. Add ripper mixed with flour. Bring the mass until smooth. The dough is aspic, not very thick, but not liquid either, perhaps a little less flour will be needed.

8. Pour ½ of the dough into the mold and level it with a spoon.

9. Distribute the chicken filling with cheese and onions.

10. Fill with the rest of the dough and immediately send to bake.

11. Prepare chicken pie with yogurt for about 35-40 minutes in the oven at 190 degrees.

Yogurt pie with cabbage

One of the most delicious options for mixed pie made from the simplest ingredients. Cabbage is used for filling. You can change the taste by adding chopped sausage, fish, boiled eggs, and vegetables.


500 g cabbage;

A glass of curdled milk;

A pair of eggs;

¾ cup flour;

0.5 tsp. soda;

20 g butter.


1. Chop the cabbage as desired, add spices, stir. If desired, add any additives to the filling. Transfer it all into a large bowl.

2. Beat the eggs immediately with the yogurt, add salt, to improve the taste you can add a teaspoon of sugar. Add baking soda.

3. Add flour, beat again.

4. Grease the mold with a piece of butter.

5. Pour the dough into the cabbage. Stir and place it all in the prepared form.

6. Place in the oven to bake. Cook the pie until golden brown at 180 degrees. The cabbage in the filling should not be crunchy.

Curdled milk pie with apples (pears, quince, apples)

In fact, the type of filling in this yogurt pie can be changed. The main condition is the use of not very juicy products. If the berries are soft, for example raspberries, then it is better to reduce the quantity.


Half a liter of curdled milk;

Three glasses of flour;

One glass of sugar (approximately 180 g);

A pair of eggs;

Two apples;

0.3 tbsp. vegetable oils;

1 tsp. soda;

Ground cinnamon;

50 g butter drained.


1. Place the eggs in a bowl, immediately pour sand into them, and throw in a pinch of salt. Whisk it all together for a minute.

2. Add yogurt, add soda and stir.

3. Add melted butter and regular odorless vegetable oil, stir.

4. Add flour to the dough and stir again.

5. Peel the apples and cut into small pieces. If the peel is not very thick and tough, then you don’t have to remove it.

6. Pour ½ part of the kneaded dough into a greased pan, arrange pieces of apples or other fruits and berries.

7. Sprinkle cinnamon on top. If you don't like the scent, you can skip this step.

8. Pour the remaining dough over the filling and hide all the pieces.

9. Bake the pie until done at 200 degrees. When serving, sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Chocolate pie with buttermilk and coconut flakes

Another recipe for a sweet pie made with yogurt. This is a great alternative to cake. If desired, the cake can be cut and greased with cream or simply poured glaze on top.


300 g yogurt;

Three glasses of flour;

100 g softened sl. oils;

A glass of sugar;

50 g cocoa powder;

50 g coconut flakes;

Three eggs;

1 tsp. soda


1. Sift cocoa together with flour into a bowl so that no lumps appear when combined with the liquid mass. Add coke shavings here.

2. Mix eggs and yogurt, add sugar, throw in a couple of pinches of salt. Beat with a mixer for a minute, add baking soda and add oil. Beat for another minute.

3. Combine both masses, beat the dough until smooth.

4. Transfer the chocolate mixture with chips into a greased mold, level it, and place in the oven.

5. The chocolate pie is baked with yogurt for about half an hour at 200 degrees. We determine readiness in the standard way: pierce the central part with a match and touch it. Nothing should stick to your hands.

To prevent the cake from sticking to the pan and to have a crispy crust, after greasing the pan, you can sprinkle it with semolina.

You need to decorate baked goods with powder only after they have cooled, otherwise it will melt.

In order for the filling of dried fruits or pieces of fresh fruit to be evenly distributed in the dough, the products are first mixed with a couple of tablespoons of flour, then added to the total mass.

Using yogurt you can prepare a huge variety of dishes. From the following 5 recipes you will learn what to cook from yogurt and other ingredients you have at home. Here are some national dishes, as well as recipes that you can surprise your family with.

Banosh in Hutsul

  • 200 grams of coarse corn flour;
  • 500 grams of yogurt;
  • 200 grams of whole pasteurized milk 3 – 5% fat;
  • 400 grams of pork lard (neck, cheek or brisket);
  • 2 tbsp. l. pork lard;
  • 1 PC. onions;
  • 200 grams of sheep cheese;
  • Salt, sugar, pepper to taste.

Cooking technology:

  1. Take a deep cast iron pot. Pour 500g. sour cream, 200g. milk. Boil. Add salt and sugar to taste. Consider the saltiness of the cheese. Pour 200 gr into the cauldron. flour. Stir the contents until droplets of fat appear on the surface. Cook the homogeneous mixture for 25-30 minutes
  2. Cut the lard. Cut the onion into rings. While the banosh is cooking, fry the lard in lard. After frying, remove the lard and fry the onion in the fat. Add pepper at the end.
  3. After preparing all the ingredients, pour the porridge onto a flat plate and place the fried cracklings and onions on top. Break the cheese with your hands and sprinkle it on the porridge. Pour the remaining fat from frying over everything.
  4. Banosh is served exclusively hot with the following layers: porridge, cracklings, onions, cheese, fat.

Bon appetit!

Mushroom okroshka

What you will need to prepare:

  • 200 grams of fresh mushrooms;
  • 200 grams of boiled sausage;
  • 4 things. chicken eggs;
  • 2-3 pcs. fresh cucumbers;
  • 6 -7 pcs. fresh radishes;
  • 4 things. potatoes;
  • 2l. unsweetened bread kvass;
  • 100 grams of yogurt;
  • Dill, parsley, green onions, horseradish, salt to taste

Cooking technology:

  1. If you are using dried mushrooms, soak them overnight. Steam in the same water. Cook the mushrooms until fully cooked. Place the finished mushrooms on a plate. Don't throw away the water.
  2. Boil eggs “hard” and potatoes in their jackets.
  3. Cut the chilled potatoes, eggs, sausage and cucumbers into cubes. Place in a bowl.
  4. Simply chop the radishes, onions, mushrooms, parsley and dill.
  5. Place the slices in one bowl and refrigerate.
  6. In a saucepan, mix kvass, sour cream and mushroom broth into one consistency. Proportions should be adjusted to taste. For example: 2l. Kvass, 500 grams of sour cream, 300 grams of broth. Place in the refrigerator.
  7. Once cooled, combine solid and liquid ingredients for one serving.

Bon appetit!

What you will need to prepare:

  • 1 kg chicken;
  • 500 grams of green beans;
  • 2 pcs. onions;
  • 2 spoons of sugar;
  • 200 grams of yogurt;
  • Cilantro, basil, parsley, salt, ground cinnamon, cloves, black pepper, allspice - to taste.

What you will need to prepare matsoni:

  • 500 ml milk (fat content 5.2%);
  • 2 tsp. sour cream (25%).

Matsoni preparation technology:

  1. Boil the milk. Cool to about 30-35 degrees
  2. Place 2 teaspoons of sour cream in a jar and add boiled milk. Wrap the jar in a towel to delay the cooling process.
  3. After 4 hours, place the jar in the refrigerator for another 12 hours. There is no need to shake the jar for the thickening process to occur correctly.

Cooking technology:

  1. Chop greens and onions.
  2. Gut the chicken and cut into pieces. Fry with salt and pepper. You can add sour cream to the frying. Fry until golden brown.
  3. Boil green beans. Then fry it with the addition of spices: Cilantro, basil, parsley, salt, ground cinnamon, cloves, black pepper, allspice. Add spices to taste.
  4. Place the beans on a plate. Place the chicken on the beans and the beans on it again. Pour matsoni over everything. The dish should be served hot.

Bon appetit.

What you will need to prepare:

  • 400 grams of yogurt;
  • 200 grams of granulated sugar;
  • 10 grams of vanillin;
  • 2 pcs. eggs;
  • 250 grams of margarine;
  • 1 kg. premium wheat flour;
  • 1 tsp. soda;
  • 1 tsp. vinegar;
  • Jam or marmalade to taste.

Cooking technology:

  1. Mix kefir, sugar and vanillin. Add soda slaked with vinegar. Then 2 eggs. Beat with a blender.
  2. Melt the margarine. Add the mixture whipped with a blender. Mix well.
  3. Now add flour, stirring it at the same time. The dough should be plastic, not tough.
  4. Place 1/3 of the resulting dough in the freezer
  5. Place foil on a baking sheet and grease with sunflower oil.
  6. Distribute the dough evenly over the entire surface of the baking sheet.
  7. Spread jam and then jam evenly on top. Now take the frozen dough and crumble it into jam. Place jam or preserves on top again, but in a loose layer.
  8. Place a baking sheet in a preheated oven at 180 degrees. Make sure the dough browns.
  9. When everything is baked, let it cool.

Bon appetit!

Pancakes with lungs

What you will need to prepare:

  • 1 kg. light beef;
  • 3 pcs. onions;
  • 1 PC. carrots;
  • 500 gr. sifted wheat flour;
  • 1 l. kefir, milk or curdled milk;
  • 2 pcs. eggs;
  • 1 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 0.5 tsp soda;
  • Ground black pepper and salt - to taste

Cooking technology:

  1. Cut the lungs into pieces (2 cm each).
  2. Boil them and rinse with water. Cook again for 2 hours.
  3. Cut the onion and carrot into cubes (1 cm each)
  4. After cooking the lungs, simmer the onions and carrots in this broth.
  5. Grind the lungs, onions and carrots in a meat grinder. Salt and pepper the minced meat.
  6. Break two eggs. Add kefir, sugar and salt and beat until smooth - yellow foam. You will get a very liquid dough. Then add half a teaspoon of soda and beat the ingredients for another 3 to 4 minutes. Add kefir and beat the mixture for another 2 - 3 minutes . Add approximately 150 - 200 milliliters of vegetable oil to the dough and beat the mixture again with a mixer for 1 - 2 minutes . Add the rest of the flour and beat the dough until smooth for 3 to 5 minutes.
  7. Apply a very thin layer of oil to a heated frying pan. Fry the pancakes (3 seconds on each side).
  8. Wrap the minced meat in pancakes (envelopes). Approximately 2 tbsp. spoons per pancake.
  9. Fry the envelopes until golden brown.
  10. Pancakes should be served hot with sour cream.

Bon appetit!

    I cook pancakes, pancakes, a certain okroshka (kefir, egg, green onion, mustard), you can cook a lot of things. Sour milk is the same as kefir. and kefir is used mainly for preparing dough, it can also be used for the face in the form of a mask, etc.

    The first thing that comes to mind, of course, is pancakes, but a lot has been said about them here. I took a simple recipe for sauce for vegetable dishes from a program by Yulia Vysotskaya. However, I also use the sauce for meat. Mix the greens (I take a regular bunch of dill and parsley) and garlic, add yogurt, add a little lemon juice and add salt to your taste.

    There is such a very tasty Azerbaijani soup that can be eaten both hot and cold: put curdled milk (1.5 l) in a saucepan over low heat and bring to a boil, stirring constantly so that it does not curdle, then add 1/2 cup of boiled rice , stirring constantly, add a mixture of 2 eggs, 1-2 tbsp flour and 1 tbsp cold yogurt. Bring the mixture to a boil, without stopping stirring, add 2-3 tablespoons of finely chopped cilantro. When the mixture boils again, add salt to taste and turn it off immediately.

    You need to add salt strictly before turning it off, because if you do it earlier, the curdled milk will curdle and the soup will not work.

    We make it in the summer and no matter how much of this soup I prepare, it is eaten in half a day.

    And in Georgia, okroshka is prepared using yogurt diluted with water, but neither meat nor sausage is added to it - only potatoes, eggs, cucumbers, herbs and radishes.

    Pancakes, of course, are a way out of the situation, but I want something more healthy. I often specially ferment milk to make homemade cottage cheese. It can't be compared to store bought. Yes, and on the market it can be sour or dry. But homemade, still soft, you'll lick your fingers! The only main thing is not to overcook it, and it is best to do it in a water bath. Pancakes somehow don’t go well in our family, they absorb a lot of fat, but they’re just right for various baked goods. Moreover, there is no need to extinguish the soda; it is naturally extinguished during the baking process, so the dough turns out more airy. It also happens that there is no time to use curdled milk at the moment, then I freeze it and, on occasion, use it for baking, the effect is the same.

    You can make cottage cheese from yogurt. You will get cottage cheese and whey. The preparation is not complicated, but the cottage cheese takes more than a day to prepare. In addition, you can simply stir the yogurt, add sugar and drink. A tasty and healthy drink.

    Prepare from curdled milk Can cottage cheese.

    To do this, you need to put it in a warm place so that the cheese mass separates.

    Then we squeeze this mass through cheesecloth and get cottage cheese.

    You can use curdled milk when making pancakes.

    And then these pancakes yes, jam and milk go well with the soul :)

    You can make flatbreads from yogurt, very simply and quickly, I usually do this when there is no bread in the house, and I’m too lazy to go to the store or the weather is bad.

    You need to take half a kilogram of flour, even 1st grade.

    If you make it with chicken eggs, then break two eggs into a bowl, stir well and add salt, add sugar to taste, and also add slaked soda or just soda if there is no vinegar.

    Mix everything well and add flour.

    In the middle of stirring, add sunflower oil and continue kneading the dough further.

    After the dough is ready, divide it into several future flat cakes and roll it out with a rocker to a flat cake shape.

    Heat the frying pan without adding oil, just put the tortilla in the frying pan and cover with a lid.

    After 5-7 minutes, if you see that the bottom of the flatbread has browned, you need to turn the flatbread over and finish cooking in the frying pan without a lid.

    This flatbread can be made with or without eggs.

    Is it delicious to eat a flatbread dipped in sour cream or just eat the flatbread like bread?

    the result is a cake similar to this one:

    You can make cottage cheese and whey from curdled milk. You can bake bread or make okroshka from whey. You can simply eat cottage cheese or make cheesecakes. Curdled milk can also be used in baking, for example for manna. And of course pancakes and pancakes. And some people just drink it.

    If it happens that the milk turns sour, I prepare manna from it. For one glass of curdled milk I take 1 glass of granulated sugar, 1 glass of semolina, 1 egg and a teaspoon of soda. There is no need to extinguish the soda. I mix everything, leave it for a couple of hours so that the semolina swells, grease the mold or frying pan with sunflower oil, then sprinkle it with semolina and pour the dough into it. Then into the oven for 30 - 40 minutes.