Blackcurrant in its own juice without sterilization. Black currants in their own juice without sugar - a homemade recipe for the winter

Fruits and are the most popular among housewives. They are easy to prepare and store... Moreover, such preparations for the winter retain more nutrients than jams that take a long time to cook on the stove. So currants in their own juice are an excellent choice for those who love the taste and aroma of this healthy berry!


  • black currants – liter jar
  • sugar – 1 glass

  • No water is needed to prepare this preserve.
  • Instead of black currants, you can use red or yellow ones: they will need the same amount of sugar.

Currants in their own juice preparation method:

1. Sort the currants - remove the green tails and leaves from each berry, if any. Rinse the berries well in a bowl, filling it with water several times and then straining the liquid through a colander.

Place the currants on a flat surface covered with a cotton cloth. The berries should dry completely on it, so it is better to lay the currants in one layer. It will take several hours for the berries to dry, so you can leave the berries on the cloth overnight.

2. Sterilize jars prepared for preservation. To do this, turn them upside down, place them in a pan of water, place screw caps next to them and boil for 10 minutes. To prepare the specified amount of currants, you will need three 300 ml jars, and one of them will only be auxiliary.

So, place one layer of sugar in three hot jars (cover the bottom of the jars with it).

3. Then place one layer of currants in the jars and immediately sprinkle them with sugar.

4. Fill the jars to the top in this way (you can even fill them with a slide), and sprinkle the rest of the sugar on top.

5. Line the bottom of a wide pan with a cotton kitchen towel to prevent the jars from hitting the metal bottom during cooking. Place all three jars of currants on a towel, cover them with lids (if you have arranged the berries in a heap, then cover the jars with the lids a little later, when the berries have squatted) and fill them with water up to the shoulders.

6. Boil the jars in a saucepan for 10 minutes, then remove them and seal the lids. Most often, the currants shrink too much during the heat treatment, so the berries from the third jar can be divided into two others.

Turn the hot jars upside down, listen carefully to see if they “squeak”, and then leave them on the table under a towel until they cool completely.

The currants are ready for the winter! How nice it will be to take out one of these jars on cold winter evenings and treat yourself to something sweet!

Good luck with your winter preparations!

Best regards, Victoria Dolgova.

This recipe for red currants in their own juice is suitable for people who suffer from diabetes, as it does not contain sugar. But all people who care about their health can eat red currants in their own juice for the winter. Since ancient times, red currants have been considered a berry of health and a healer for many diseases. Currants help cope with various gastrointestinal diseases, reduce internal inflammatory processes, and can even stop the development of cancer cells.


  • Red currants – 2 kilograms.

Step by step recipe for red currants in own juice

  1. Place the red currants in a colander, rinse several times with cold water, let the water drain and separate the berries from the branches.
  2. Place the prepared berries tightly in clean, dry jars and cover with lids.
  3. Place the jars in a pan of cold water with a wooden or metal grate placed on the bottom and heat.
  4. As the berries release juice, they decrease in volume, so you need to add more berries until the juice rises to the neck of the jar.
  5. Sterilize jars of currants in boiling water for 10-30 minutes (depending on the size of the jar), then roll up and cool in the same water.

I wish you health, and may this miraculous red currant in its own juice help you maintain health and well-being.

Black currant is considered one of the healthiest berries, including due to the high content of ascorbic acid in its composition. Vitamin C reacts poorly to exposure to high temperatures. When the berries are boiled, it is destroyed. Preparations whose preparation technology does not involve boiling the fruit are much more useful. These include black currants in their own juice, which even a novice housewife can prepare for the winter.

Cooking features

The process of preparing blackcurrants in their own juice has certain specifics and requires quite a lot of time, but it is not complicated. Even an inexperienced cook can successfully cope with the task if he knows and takes into account several points.

  • Black currants must be thoroughly washed before cooking; this can be done in several waters, but it is advisable not to do this under a strong stream of water. Although currants are not a fragile berry, careless handling can lead to premature damage to the fruit and loss of some of the juice.
  • After the currants are washed, you need to remove the branches from the berries and dry the fruits by pouring them onto a towel. If tap water gets into the product, it will make its taste less pleasant and will negatively affect the preservation of canned food.
  • To prepare blackcurrants in their own juice, you can use only cleanly washed and sterilized jars. They are closed with metal lids to ensure tightness. Plastic lids are not suitable for this purpose. The lids also need to be sterilized; to do this, they are usually boiled for 5–10 minutes.
  • The technology for preparing blackcurrants in their own juice is based on the release of juice by the berries when they are heated for a long time. Currants are sterilized in jars by placing them in a pan filled with water. You need to place a towel or silicone mat in the pan to prevent the jars from breaking. Heat the water in the pan over low heat. The water level should reach the hangers of the cans.

Black currants in their own juice can be prepared according to several recipes, including without added sugar. Sugar-free canned food is healthier and less caloric; it can be eaten by people suffering from diabetes. There is only one drawback to such preparations - they can only be stored in the refrigerator and for no more than 6 months. Canned food prepared with added sugar is stored in a cool place and does not spoil for at least 12 months.

Classic recipe for currants in their own juice with sugar

Composition (per 1 l):

  • black currant – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 0.35 kg.

Cooking method:

  • Sort, wash the blackcurrants, remove the branches.
  • Sterilize jars and matching lids.
  • Pour the currants into jars, sprinkling each layer of berries with sugar.
  • Cover with lids and leave for 2 hours at room temperature. During this time, the berries will release juice and settle.
  • Add currants to the jars.
  • Place a towel on the bottom of the pan and place jars of currants on it.
  • Pour water into the pan so that the level reaches the hangers of the cans.
  • Place the pan over low heat. As the berries settle, add currants until you have used the amount specified in the recipe.
  • When the currants are finished, note the time. Half-liter jars need to be sterilized for 20 minutes, liter jars for half an hour.
  • Carefully remove the jars from the pan and seal them tightly.
  • Turn the jars over and cover with a blanket. Leave to cool in a steam bath, at which time additional preservation occurs.

After the currants preserved in their own juice have cooled, they can be moved to the pantry or other cool room.

Blackcurrant in freshly squeezed currant juice

Composition (per 2 l):

  • black currant – 3 kg;
  • water – 100 ml.

Cooking method:

  • Sort the currants, wash them, let them dry.
  • Place half the currants in a bowl, add water.
  • Place the basin on the fire, bring the water to a boil, cook for 5 minutes.
  • Rub the currants through a sieve and squeeze out the pulp.
  • Scatter the remaining berries into prepared jars and fill with juice.
  • Cover the jars with lids and place in a saucepan with a towel previously placed on the bottom. Pour in water.
  • Place the pan over low heat. Sterilize jars for 20–55 minutes, depending on their volume.
  • After removing the jars from the pan, roll them up, turn them over, and wrap them in a blanket.

When the jars of currants have cooled, the dessert must be put in the refrigerator - at room temperature it will quickly spoil.

A simple recipe for currants in their own juice without sugar

Composition (per 1 l):

  • currants – 1.3–1.5 kg.

Cooking method:

  • Sterilize two liter jars or four half-liter jars - you will need 2 times more containers than the planned volume of preparations.
  • Wash and dry the currants.
  • Fill the jars with berries.
  • Cover them with sterilized lids. Place in a saucepan half filled with water. Place a towel or silicone mat on the bottom of the pan.
  • Place the pan on the stove. Bring the water to a boil over low heat.
  • Wait until the currants give juice and settle so that the jars are about half full.
  • Pour currants from incomplete jars into the remaining containers. Continue sterilizing them for 10 minutes.
  • Remove the jars from the pan and roll up.
  • Allow the jars to cool in a steam bath.

Canned berries prepared according to this recipe should be stored in the refrigerator.

Black currants contain many useful substances that can be destroyed when the berries are cooked. This will not happen if you make blackcurrants in their own juice for the winter. A berry sealed in this way retains not only its beneficial properties, but also its characteristic taste and aroma.

This is one of the fastest recipes that produces a real natural product. It is better not to use such preservation as a filling for all kinds of pies and pies.


  • currants – 1kg
  • sugar - 1 kg

Cooking method

  1. Before you start canning, be sure to sort out the berries and then wash the berries.
  2. Pour boiling water over jars up to one liter in volume. Place berries in them, sprinkling them with sugar. Do this so that the berry mass does not “dance” throughout the container; the layers should be dense.
  3. Send jars, covered with lids, for sterilization:
    -Choose a dish with a wide bottom, which you can cover with a piece of cotton cloth or a towel.
    -If several cans are placed in such a home sterilizer at once, try to ensure that they do not touch each other.
    -Install the jars, and then pour water (room temperature) into the sterilization container so that it does not get inside the jars with the preparations.
    -As soon as the water boils, the sterilization process begins, which will take 15 minutes for jars up to a liter in volume.
  4. Then the jars need to be quickly screwed on with their lids. And be sure to turn it upside down. In this position, they are cooled and at the same time the quality of the twist is rechecked.

Ready! As soon as the jars have cooled, you can hide the currants in their own juice in a cold place, prepared for preparations awaiting the winter.

kerescan - May 13th, 2015

Recipes for homemade preparations for the winter involve the use of very different technological processes. We suggest you prepare this simple recipe. Blackcurrant in its own juice without sugar is good not only because the cooking process does not involve the use of sugar, which means the berry is suitable in winter for those who are forced to adhere to a diet with low sugar use, but this recipe allows you to save your time and effort.

Healthy black currant - photo.

How to cook currants in your own juice without sugar.

Carefully selected large fruits, rinse and dry well.

Fill the prepared ones with berries (up to the shoulders).

Cover with lids.

Place a wooden grate or rag in the bottom of the pan and fill it halfway with water. Transfer the jars of blackcurrants there. Keep on low heat until the water warms up. After the berries give juice and the contents of the jar are reduced by half, pour the berries from two jars into one. Cover with lids again. Heat to 85 ° C. Liter jars for no more than 25 minutes.

Roll up the jars with lids.

Store in a cool place.

Agree that this recipe for homemade winter food without sugar is very simple to prepare, and