How to replace dairy products. How to replace milk and dairy products

Almond milk. The sweet makes an excellent substitute for cow's milk. First, the almonds must be soaked for several hours in boiled water, then drained, poured into a blender and ground with the addition of water in a ratio of 1:3. This drink contains large amounts of calcium, phosphorus, B vitamins, potassium and manganese in bioavailable forms. Almond milk is perfect for making smoothies and milkshakes, desserts and cold milk soups.

Goat milk. If you are allergic to milk (lactose), it is recommended to drink goat's milk. However, it has a slightly salty taste, which may not be to everyone's taste. Goat's milk is in no way inferior to cow's milk in its beneficial qualities. Recent research in the field of nutrition shows that drinking goat's milk is beneficial for both children and adults. And the clot that forms in the stomach when digesting goat's milk is much less dense than when drinking cow's milk, which makes it easier to process by digestive enzymes.

Soy milk. Products based on it have long been in demand among lovers of proper nutrition and vegans. Soy milk is not as widespread as, for example, soy meat. However, in terms of its beneficial qualities, soy milk is in no way inferior to other soy products. Soy milk contains valuable soy protein, which contains all eight essential amino acids. Many varieties are additionally fortified with calcium and vitamin B12, which are also found in cow's milk. Soy milk is easily absorbed by the body. Scientists say that consuming just 25 grams of soy daily will significantly reduce the risk of cancer.

Rice milk. Milk obtained from some varieties of brown milk is rich in fiber, which lowers cholesterol levels in the body and keeps blood sugar levels constant. Rice milk contains as much calcium and vitamins as cow's milk, but it is not as fatty. Rice milk, which can be bought in hypermarkets today, is often fortified with calcium and vitamins A and D, so it is especially useful for strengthening bones.

Potato broth. Ideal for replacing milk in yeast dough. You just need to boil three or four small potatoes, pour the broth into a container, and crush the potatoes. The resulting puree should be added to the container with the broth and mixed well. You need to replace milk in a 1:1 ratio. Housewives say that yeast dough really “loves” potato broth.

Water. Yes, as much as it sounds, plain water can be a suitable substitute for milk in a recipe. The dish will definitely be less high in calories and fat. This option is especially suitable for hot dish recipes. Don't pour milk over the meat, add water and you won't lose anything. Of course, meat stewed in milk turns out to be a little more tender and has a different aroma. But by simply replacing the fluid, you can avoid many unnecessary calories.

Experiment, and you will definitely find your own recipes for delicious and healthy dishes!”

Milk is produced by mammals such as cows, goats, etc. It contains a variety of nutrients and is generally associated with a number of health benefits. However, in recent years, many have begun to shun animal milk due to increased awareness of potential side effects, including allergies and lactose intolerance, a possible increased risk of certain cancers and diabetes, and ethical concerns about the use of animals. In addition, many people reduce dairy products in their diets for other reasons, such as to avoid the hormones and antibiotics that these products are often loaded with.


It provides the body with a convenient source of fat, protein, calcium and vitamin D. It is especially necessary for a growing body. But for an adult, these macro- and micronutrients can be more than sufficiently supplied in the form of other foods in a balanced diet.


Cow's milk allergy is the most common nutritional problem in young children, characterized by the body's inability to digest the sugar (lactose) in milk due to the lack of the lactase enzyme. For most animals (including humans), lactase production ceases after nursing. Children and adults who continue to drink animal breast milk without producing enough lactase to digest lactose often experience symptoms of intolerance, such as flatulence, bloating, diarrhea and discomfort, so the question of how to replace cow's milk becomes very relevant.

Rates of lactose intolerance vary: 15% of people of Northern European descent, 80% of blacks and Hispanics, and up to 100% of Asians. Some people may be better able to tolerate fermented dairy sources such as yogurt, hard cheeses and cottage cheese (which tend to have lower levels of lactose and higher levels of beneficial bacteria to support lactose digestion). For other people, even a small amount of milk in coffee can cause digestive upset.

Substitutes for cow's milk: non-dairy alternatives


Soy milk is, in fact, the most popular and one of the first alternatives to cow's milk. It is made by soaking, crushing and cooking soybeans and then extracting the liquid.


Of all dairy analogues, soy contains the most protein. This makes soy milk more filling than other lower protein options. While soy protein may not be as effective at promoting muscle building as whey (due to its poorer amino acid composition and lower levels of the anabolic amino acid leucine), it can still help meet some protein needs. Soy milk is also a source of potassium.


The presence of isoflavones in soy products raises debate among researchers. Phytoestrogens are associated with the problem of stimulating the reproductive system of animals and humans. Scientists at the University of Connecticut found that men who consumed soy protein for two weeks experienced an inhibition of the increase in blood testosterone levels in response to strength training compared to those who consumed the same amount of whey. Additionally, some brands add cheap oils to the drink, which can lead to you consuming unnecessary amounts of low-quality calories. And the group of oligosaccharides in soy products can be difficult to digest and lead to gas-containing side effects.


It is a liquid made from almonds that are ground with water and then filtered to remove solids. Its mild, nutty flavor can enhance the flavor of protein shakes (), porridge, soups and baked goods. Almond milk has much less protein than cow's milk and soy milk, but many people find its slightly sweet flavor and creamy texture, which is similar to cow's milk, more appealing.


Almond milk contains no saturated fat and is low in calories.


Like most other non-dairy drinks, almond milk typically contains emulsifiers such as carrageenan, a polysaccharide extracted from seaweed, which are added during the manufacturing process to improve texture. Some studies indicate that the ingredients listed may be of poor quality. For example, a study conducted by Georgia State University researchers found that emulsifiers can disrupt the composition of healthy bacteria in the gut. It is important to note that this study was conducted on mice, more data needs to be obtained from human experiments.


Among the newest additions to the non-dairy lineup, this one comes closest to matching the creamy texture. Made from cashew nuts crushed with water.


Cashew milk is often fortified with a range of nutrients such as calcium, vitamin D, vitamin B12 and zinc. However, the question remains about how well the body absorbs vitamins and minerals added to non-dairy products compared to those naturally present in a product such as regular milk.


All versions of nut milk are generally low in calories. But the low calorie count means you're essentially paying for a diluted product. A cup of cashews contains about 800 calories, so to get a glass of cashew milk to 25 calories, manufacturers heavily dilute the drink with water. So when you drink these foods, don't expect the same level and range of natural nutrients found in whole nuts or seeds.

HEMP milk

It's made by mixing hemp seeds with water to create a drink with a distinctive earthy, nutty flavor that may not be to everyone's taste. It is worth noting that this milk does not contain psychoactive ingredients that can be found in marijuana. Therefore, it is legal for sale even in states where marijuana is not legalized.


Hemp milk can be a good alternative for those with allergies to soy, nuts and gluten. It contains a good amount of protein and has an excellent fatty acid profile (providing higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids than other alternative milk drinks). While there's no doubt that omega-3 fatty acids found in fatty fish like salmon are more potent than plant sources, these options can still be beneficial, especially for vegetarians. Hemp milk is also a dietary source of iron, which is not found in cow's milk. Unlike soy, hemp is never genetically modified.


The main pitfall of milk alternative drinks is that they can be laden with added sugars, including rice syrup and sugar cane. After all, natural milk contains natural sugar (lactose). In addition, manufacturers try to mask the sometimes bitter and specific taste of dairy alternatives. While hemp seeds themselves are an excellent source of plant-based protein, the drink provides 75% less of it than cow's milk.


Made by mixing water and filtered coconut liquid, squeezed from grated coconut flesh.


Coconut contains a number of beneficial substances. It is good to use for baking. The creamy texture is closest to cow's milk.


The lack of protein in coconut milk means that it cannot be considered a protein nutritional product. Added sugar, artificial micronutrients, and a diluted product are common disadvantages for all plant-based dairy alternatives.


Made by mixing cooked rice with water, then adding brown rice syrup and brown rice starch. Rice milk has sweet notes and a smooth texture, making it a popular milk alternative option for adding to coffee, smoothies and desserts.


Rice is considered hypoallergenic, a safe option for those with food sensitivities to dairy, nuts, or soy. As with other non-dairy alternatives, rice milk is often fortified with calcium and vitamin D.


For those watching the amount of carbohydrates in their diet, it should be noted that rice milk tends to have a higher carbohydrate content. In addition, depending on where the rice was grown, we can talk about the content of a certain amount of arsenic. Recently, there have been many reports of the use of arsenic-contaminated groundwater to irrigate crops in Southeast Asia. More research is needed to determine how much arsenic may be found in popular brands of rice milk, and whether it poses a health risk.


The preparation method is similar to rice milk. Made from oat flakes or oats with the addition of water.


Like many plant-based milk options, oats are cholesterol- and lactose-free and are rich in vitamin E and contain folic acid.


Like rice milk, it contains a lot of sugar and does not contain calcium and protein, unlike cow's milk. Not suitable for people with gluten allergies and also has a distinctive aroma that may not suit everyone.

How can you replace cow's milk: dairy alternatives

In addition to non-dairy alternatives, dairy options are also worth considering. There are different situations when cow's milk needs to be replaced with an analogue. Therefore, for some, the solution may be to consume real milk, but from other mammals.


Goat's milk contains 15% more calcium and vitamin A, D, potassium, copper and manganese than cow's milk. Good source of phosphorus and riboflavin (vitamin B2). Goats are not fed growth hormones.


Sheep's milk contains twice as much of many minerals (including calcium, phosphorus, zinc and vitamin B) as cow's milk. Among other things, it is a rich source of Iodine, which is beneficial for people with thyroid problems. Unfortunately, sheep's milk contains twice as many calories as cow's milk. Although it contains higher levels of milk fat, it actually has lower levels of saturated fat than other types of milk.


Buffalo are generally raised without high levels of hormone concentrations in the feed. Grass, clover and hay make up the bulk of the diet. 7% fat content similar to cow's milk, has an almost indistinguishable nutritional profile. However, buffalo milk has lower amounts of cholesterol and higher levels of protein, calcium, iron and phosphorus than cow's milk. The presence of high levels of immunoglobulins, lactoferrin, lysozyme, and lactoperoxidase make buffalo milk a special dietary product that is beneficial for health.

Lactose-free cow's milk

Lactose-free milk has all the positive characteristics of regular milk, but contains additional enzymes to digest lactose. Therefore, this option can also be considered as an alternative for those whose only limitation is mild lactose intolerance.

Instead of results

Plant-based milk is technically not milk at all. An alternative drink is produced based on plants. It contains no cholesterol and is low in saturated fat. But even though the drinks are made from nuts, seeds and grains, they shouldn't be considered as healthy or natural as their sources.

Because this is the result of industrial processing, part of the process of which may be completely unhealthy manipulations and components. For example, plant-based drinks can be loaded with sugar. They are fortified with a less potent vitamin D than that found in animal milk, as this option cannot be used in vegan drinks. Nut milk is deficient in vitamin B12 and has very little protein other than soy. If you have a need to replace cow's milk, then considering alternatives is important. But if there is no such need, then, as a rule, it is not worth it. These drinks are not nutritionally equivalent to cow's milk and certainly cannot replace baby food.

When choosing drink options, consider not only your body's health, but also how they fit with your fitness goals. If you don't consume cow's milk, be sure to find a good source of calcium in other foods in your diet, including green leafy vegetables, tofu, beans, and so on. Read labels and fit the chosen product organically into your diet.

Today, more and more people, unfortunately, suffer from various types of allergic reactions. And the most common is allergies to certain foods. So, recently doctors say that the number of patients diagnosed with lactose intolerance has increased significantly.

What should such patients do? How can you replace dairy products in your diet? This is what I would like to talk about now.

A few words about the body’s reaction to dairy

At the very beginning, it should be noted that lactose intolerance can vary. Thus, it is not suitable for one person to consume exclusively cow's milk (while goat's or mare's milk can be drunk without fear).

Another must give up all dairy products that exist. The thing is that the milk of artiodactyl animals contains a slightly different protein, to which the body may have a special reaction.

Doctors say that intolerance often occurs due to the proteins contained in milk. So, first of all it is casein. This is the most important protein; milk contains almost 80%. And it is found in the milk of almost all animals.

Special substances that may also not be absorbed by the body of some people are beta-lactoglobulins. They make up approximately 10% of the total mass of milk protein, but, nevertheless, they can also provoke hypersensitivity. Sometimes dairy intolerance occurs as a reaction to lipoproteins.

Statistics show that lactose intolerance occurs most often in very young children. In its chronic form, this problem is extremely rarely diagnosed in adults.

Diagnosis first

You should not make diagnoses on your own and decide whether your child has dairy intolerance. It's so easy to make a mistake. At the first suspicion, you should go to see a doctor. It is worth noting that in this case the symptoms are very similar to some infectious diseases.

So, a person will need to donate blood, where specific IgE immunoglobulins are examined. As an additional check, doctors often recommend conducting a simple experiment. You will have to exclude all dairy products from your diet for a week and monitor the reaction.

Afterwards you will need to drink a glass of cow's milk and again, see how the body reacts. This will be the main answer to the question of whether a person has lactose intolerance.

Analogues from specialized stores

What can replace cow's milk if a person cannot consume it for certain reasons? So, there are analogues of this food product, which should be sold in specialized stores. But there are a few “buts” here:

  1. This is a very expensive product, which is manufactured mainly in foreign countries.
  2. Not every city has such stores. Most often they are located in big cities, and besides, they are not on every corner.

These are special preparations that are similar in composition to milk, but they are created artificially.

Soy milk to the rescue

An excellent substitute for natural dairy products is soy milk. So, it can be used to make breakfast cereals, pancakes, ice cream, baked goods and milkshakes. It is worth saying that its range is very wide. So, soy milk can be with various additives - chocolate, calcium-fortified, vanilla, etc.

You can also find similar products in the line for vegetarians. There, milk can be made not only from soybeans, but also nuts, rice, oats, almonds, millet, etc. However, these foods often have a specific taste, so you will need to get used to it.

Fermented milk products are an excellent alternative to milk

Separately, it is necessary to say about fermented milk products. If a person has mild lactose intolerance, he can eat kefir or fermented baked milk in small quantities. There is no point in giving up their consumption. After all, these foods have a great effect on the functioning of the intestines and the stomach itself. You need to be more careful with cottage cheese, because it contains much more harmful protein.

Research by American scientists

American scientists say that you can easily replace cow's milk with coconut or almond milk. And all because their composition is as close as possible: it is not only the presence of calcium, but also the content in large quantities. Researchers also include a longer shelf life as an advantage.

In addition, you can make almond milk at home yourself. Scientists say that it can be safely used in baking, as well as in the making of pasta, chocolate and cheese. However, it also has one significant drawback: such milk cannot be used as a breast milk substitute for lactose intolerant infants.

Cow's milk and dairy products made from it are one of the main sources of protein, fats and carbohydrates necessary for the normal functioning of the body. What is noteworthy is that all these substances are contained in milk in an easily digestible form, so the body spends virtually no energy processing them. We can talk about the benefits of milk for a long time - it strengthens bones, promotes normal functioning of the brain and internal organs, and slows down aging. However, there are substitutes for such a unique product.

How can we replace the usual cartons of milk that we regularly buy in the store?

1. Oat milk
Oats are rich in fiber and substances that lower cholesterol levels in the body. During digestion, oats provide the body with a large supply of energy. Oat-based milk is usually drunk by athletes before training. Today, such milk can be purchased either in sports stores or in large supermarkets. However, it can also be done at home. Fill a large bowl one-third with oatmeal and two-thirds with water. Stir. Let sit overnight. The next morning, strain the resulting mixture and you will get a white liquid that can be used instead of cow's milk.2. Raw, unpasteurized milk
Fresh milk has long been considered a cure for many diseases - from psoriasis to high blood pressure. During pasteurization, both beneficial bacteria, which are responsible for its healing properties, and harmful ones, which accelerate the souring of milk, die in milk. Thanks to pasteurization, milk can be stored much longer, but its beneficial qualities are lost.

3. Goat milk
Goat's milk is commonly drunk by people who are allergic to lactose, the milk sugar found in cow's milk. Goat milk has a slightly salty taste, which not everyone likes. Goat's milk is in no way inferior to cow's milk in its beneficial qualities. It also contains large quantities of vitamin B12, a deficiency of which is common in children under five years of age.4. Soy milk
Today, soy-based food products have become very popular. Soy milk is not as widespread as, for example, soy meat. However, in terms of its beneficial qualities, it is in no way inferior to other soy products. Scientists say that if you include just 25 grams of soy in your daily diet, this will significantly reduce the risk of cancer and bone loss in older women.5. Rice milk
Although regular rice is not a raw material for milk, some varieties of brown rice are suitable for the production of this drink. Rice milk contains as much calcium and vitamins as cow's milk, but it is not as fatty. The main benefit of rice milk is that it is rich in fiber, which reduces cholesterol levels in the body and keeps blood sugar levels constant. Rice milk found on supermarket shelves is often fortified with calcium, vitamin A and vitamin D, making it especially beneficial for strong bones.

Based on materials from The Guardian prepared by Alexander Timoshik

Three years ago I consciously stopped drinking milk and dairy products. Then I wrote an article about it, which became quite popular on the Internet. Since then, readers have constantly asked me the same question. How do I replace milk in my diet?

It's high time I wrote a response article instead of responding to each commenter individually. 🙂

So, I’ll tell you about the options I know for replacing animal milk in a healthy diet. I use some of them myself, and some I picked up from people around me especially for you. 🙂

First, about personal experience.

When they ask me what I replace milk with (and with it sour cream, butter, etc.), the first answer that appears on my tongue is nothing. I just crossed all this out of my life, for me it’s not food, so I don’t even think about finding a replacement. I just eat plant foods and cook only from them.

Although, if you try, you can still make a list of products that conditionally replace milk and its derivatives in our family’s diet.

What do I replace milk with:

  • in drinking - water, natural;
  • in coffee (for my husband and guests, I don’t drink coffee myself) - coconut milk;
  • c – water;
  • in porridges - water.

What I use instead of sour cream:

  • for dumplings (for the husband) - homemade mayonnaise;
  • for borscht (for husband) - homemade mayonnaise;
  • in salads - olive oil or tahini (and sometimes nothing, many salads are tasty without dressing);
  • for pancakes - nothing or thick natural date juice (if you want to enjoy dessert). 🙂 In the photo it’s in the first row – it’s dark, in a jar.

My butter substitute:

  • on bread for my husband (and I spread it on slices of cucumber and tomato for myself) - or;
  • for frying something in a frying pan - coconut oil;
  • in cookie dough - coconut oil;
  • in porridges - nothing (I just cook porridge in water without oil, add only salt), but we eat them, as a rule, with salads or.

Instead of cheese we eat:

  • in second courses - tofu (though mostly in catering establishments; so far I’ve only cooked with tofu);
  • on sandwiches - hummus, avocado (see the “butter” item above).

I wrote that water and the listed plant products CONDITIONALLY replace milk, sour cream, etc., not one to one. And this is true, take, for example, fats. By giving up dairy in favor of plant foods, I significantly reduced the amount of fat I consumed (and largely thanks to this). After all, with milk, sour cream, cheese and butter, a person eats several times more fat than with water, date juice, hummus and avocado. Of course, if you don’t only hamster avocados around the clock. 🙂 🙂 🙂

Now about the spied experience of others. About soy milk.

Many people at my work do not drink animal milk, but they like to drink coffee with milk. For this they use soy milk. There are always one or two liter packages in the refrigerator at work.

When I was planning to write this article, I specifically bought soy milk at the store (in the photo it is in a cardboard package and in a glass in the second row), but at work it never occurred to me to try it. And I read on Wikipedia about how it is produced.

What can I tell you... Close enough to regular milk. If you miss its taste, then soy milk may be a good substitute for you.

But I have different needs. I found soy milk too sweet (sugar is added to it), there are a lot of “yes” in the composition, and the information about the production process is somewhat annoying (normal raw materials, but the process is long, multi-stage, with cooking). I probably won’t use it every day, but I can use it occasionally.

While digging on the Internet, I also looked at how my favorite coconut milk is produced. And I realized that I was confused. It turns out that you need to separate the concepts of “coconut milk” and “coconut liquid”. What I use is called “coconut liquid” (it says so on the can). Although it is white and the consistency, if you shake the contents of the jar, resembles milk.

In short, where in my list of products that replace cow and goat milk it says “coconut milk”, most likely you should read “coconut liquid”. Although who will sort it out, this confusion in terminology? 🙂

Okay, friends - lovers of healthy lifestyle, the article has been written, now it’s up to you. Share on social networks, criticize, comment, complement, talk about your experience and ideas. Who replaces milk and dairy products with what?