How to eliminate the smell of alcohol quickly and reliably: recommendations and methods. How to quickly get rid of the smell of alcohol from your mouth using pharmaceutical and folk remedies

The smell of breath in the morning is an unpleasant consequence of a well-spent evening. A terrible aroma will certainly appear some time after drinking alcohol, regardless of the volume drunk. The duration of the phenomenon depends on the strength of the drink consumed.

Most alcoholic drinks contain ethanol, which has the ability to be quickly absorbed through the intestinal wall. Part is excreted naturally, the second half breaks down in the liver into products, including acetaldehyde. The substance is not digested, but turns into acetic acid and is absorbed into the blood. Due to this process, bad breath occurs.

Sometimes you need to eliminate the stench as quickly as possible. This can be done with the help of modern medications.

Pharmacy drugs

Pharmacies offer consumers a variety of products that can eliminate fumes. A common remedy - Antipolitsay masks the stench thanks to herbs with a rich aroma contained in the composition. To kill the unpleasant aroma, you need to suck on 1 lollipop. Remedies against fumes:

  • Zorex - anti-hangover capsules. It is used half an hour before meals as a remedy to eliminate the effects of an alcohol overdose.
  • Limontar - the drug activates the work of internal organs and accelerates metabolic processes. Helps get rid of a hangover.
  • Glycine is a drug that neutralizes toxic breakdown products of alcohol. For a hangover, it is recommended to put two tablets under the tongue until completely dissolved.
  • Activated carbon - a medicine that will help quickly remove toxic substances from the body.
  • Thiamine is a drug that accelerates metabolic processes and promotes the rapid removal of alcohol toxins. An important condition is not to exceed the dosage to avoid worsening the condition.

other methods

A hangover is an unpleasant human condition, but few people manage to avoid the phenomenon after a party with alcohol. It is possible to get rid of the smell of alcohol using folk remedies. Home remedies to help neutralize the smell of alcohol:

Every person experiencing a hangover dreams of not only getting rid of the aroma, but also alleviating the condition. To restore strength and eliminate the stench after alcohol, you need to eat well. Contrary to the rules, it is better to eat dense food in the form of rich, satisfying broths. During the day after a hangover, it is recommended to eat fresh vegetables and fruits, foods rich in vitamins.

For smokers, after each cigarette the problem becomes worse - the fumes return again. It is recommended to give up the habit during treatment.

Many people think that mint-flavored chewing gum will help reduce the stench. The opinion is wrong. Fruit-flavored chewing gum will hide the smell.

To achieve better results, you can use several effective methods.

A good option to alleviate the condition after a feast is to visit the bathhouse. Suitable for those who don't need to rush to work. Steam and hot air accelerate the removal of toxic substances.

How to prevent fumes

It will not be possible to completely eliminate the appearance of fumes. No matter how much a person drinks, the alcoholic aroma will appear. Even a glass of wine will reflect an unpleasant, although not strong, amber. But it is possible to reduce the strength of morning fumes in the evening.

There is a known way to prevent a severe hangover using regular potatoes. Grate raw potatoes and eat before bed. If this is impossible, squeeze out the potatoes and drink the juice. Starch neutralizes harmful substances overnight, and you will feel good in the morning.

Before the feast, take sorbents. Thanks to the drugs, the absorption of toxins into the blood will noticeably decrease.

It is advisable to eat a hearty meal before consuming alcohol-containing products. Fatty foods are acceptable.

Do not mix alcoholic drinks. After the feast, you need to have a good rest and sleep.

How long does the fume last?

How long alcohol and fumes last in the human body in the morning depends on the strength of the drink and the volume drunk in the evening. An important factor is the individual characteristics of the body, weight and even gender. The persistence of alcohol in the body depends on factors:

  • Age of people. The metabolism of young people is faster, the processing of ethyl alcohol is accelerated.
  • Liver condition. The pathological condition of the organ slows down the processing of ethanol.
  • Thin people eliminate alcohol more slowly than overweight people.
  • Coffee and tonic drinks will not help remove alcohol, but, on the contrary, will slow down the process.

Despite these factors, for each alcoholic drink there is a period of time during which the alcohol is completely eliminated from the body. The table indicates the approximate time for the alcoholic aroma to dissipate:

As you can see, the stronger the alcohol, the longer the smell lasts in a person. Absolute elimination of traces of alcohol occurs after 28 days.

If a person has not been drinking, but a characteristic odor is present, you need to check your health. Perhaps the causes of the stench are hidden inside the body. Pathologies of the digestive organs are often accompanied by symptoms. In this case, the methods will not help to completely eliminate the unpleasant aroma; they will only hide it for a short time.

There are many ways to get rid of alcohol smell in a short time. Not everyone is able to alleviate the condition and completely relieve a hangover, but you can mask the aroma and freshen your breath with home remedies.

Anyone who has ever drank alcohol has encountered the problem of bad breath. After a fun evening spent drinking alcohol, in the morning we are faced with the problem of fumes.

It’s okay if it’s a day off and you don’t need to go anywhere, but if you have an important day, you need to go to work, communicate with your boss, or have some other meetings scheduled, then fumes will be a hindrance for you.

Or you drank a glass of beer, and half an hour later you have a date with a girl who cannot stand the strong smell of alcohol.

So what can be done?

In this article we will tell you how to quickly remove the smell of fumes from your mouth.

What is a fume?

Any alcoholic drink contains ethyl alcohol, which, once in our body, is processed by the liver, after which the processing produces a by-product such as acetaldehyde, which has a sharp and unpleasant odor that you hear from your mouth.

This product enters our bloodstream and is distributed throughout the body, ending up in our urine, sweat and lungs. This is where we get the fumes from. Many people told you that the fumes come from the stomach, but this is not true, the smell comes from the lungs and comes out of the mouth.

Fume- this is acetaldehyde coming out of our lungs, this is where the smell comes from. But you may also have noticed the unusual smell that comes from the clothes in which you drank alcohol.

This is all because the by-product obtained from ethyl alcohol also comes out through sweat, and clothes simply absorb it.

There is no instant way to completely get rid of fumes. You can remove bad breath either instantly but for a short time with the help of the right products, or by spending a certain amount of time, but the fumes will disappear completely.

How to remove fumes?

When you wake up in the morning, if you feel fine, then try to exercise well, physical exercise will help you sweat well. Take a contrast shower or a warm bath, this will help you wash away and remove from your skin all the toxins that have left the body through sweat. The body will immediately feel easier to breathe.

You can drink more liquid so that acetaldehyde leaves the body through urine more quickly.

It is best to drink natural juices and mineral water. Or if you don’t have heart problems, then green tea or coffee, they contain caffeine, it will speed up the functioning of the kidneys.

You can also try drinking water with honey and citric acid. Go for a walk, preferably to a park, breathe in some fresh air, ventilate your lungs.

Try not to wear the clothes you were drinking in yesterday, they still have an unpleasant smell that has been emanating from your time. Just wash it.

There are 12 effective ways to remove the smell of fumes or drown it out for a short time

Breathing technique. It is best to go out into the fresh air, you can go to the balcony or just open the window.

Take deep breaths and exhales for about 30 minutes. You will notice how your lungs are well ventilated after this and it will become much easier for you to breathe.

This seemingly simple technique will help you quickly eliminate bad breath.

  1. Brush your teeth thoroughly and rinse your mouth with mint mouthwash. This will save you from fumes for ten or even fifteen minutes
  2. Chewing gum. By the way, there is a very common belief that mint chewing gum will hide the smell well, but this is not so. Peppermint gum has a very pungent smell, which can mix with fumes and you will not get exactly the result you expect. So – it’s best to choose fruit flavors
  3. Try chewing coffee beans. Fried, of course. This product eliminates bad breath quite well. But again, not for long. Just about forty minutes. But if you chew them constantly, then the effect will last much longer. But don't forget about the rather strong smell of coffee on your breath. No coffee beans
  4. Chew some nutmeg. Just be careful, as the taste is not pleasant. It will be bitter. But this product will help eliminate the unpleasant smell.
  5. Mint leaves, bay leaf, unground cloves. We chew it all. If you want a longer lasting effect, then chew longer, almost without stopping.
  6. What I always have at home is parsley. Not a bad remedy either. It will help for about twenty to forty minutes. Both leaves and roots will help
  7. One tablespoon of salt dissolved in a glass of water also helps. True, this remedy will not solve the problem for a long time.
  8. Drink a tablespoon of flaxseed oil or walnut oil if you have it. This method will help to coat the stomach well and for some time stop the release of the byproduct aldehyde,
  9. Rinse your mouth with wormwood infusion

And of course, the easiest way is “ Anti-policeman», « Petrusha», « Alcoclean" These special products can be purchased, by the way, not only at the pharmacy, but also at any other grocery store. It will save you from burning out for about a whole hour.

Moreover, it will not cause you any discomfort, since it tastes pleasant. The composition includes special herbal remedies that envelop the stomach

If you have a pharmacy nearby, then buy the drug biotredin or glycine, available without a prescription. The effect lasts for about an hour. The tool is quite reliable. Quickly helps eliminate the smell of fumes

Of course, the most effective, simple and common means that will help get rid of fumes for a short time are the last two methods. But you already choose what suits you best, since the list of options is very large.

The fumes also depend on the alcohol you consumed. Each alcoholic drink contains a certain amount of alcohol. So in vodka and cognac there is about 40%, and in wine about 14-20% alcohol, which affects how long it takes for the by-product aldehyde to leave your body.

By the way, if you drank wine, then chewing seasonings (bay leaf, cloves, nutmeg) will help you get rid of the fume, but for a short time.

Calculate the amount of alcohol you drink by the time it takes for it to disappear from your body. For example, the fumes from a glass of beer will disappear in two and a half hours, just like from a hundred grams of champagne, 200 grams of dry wine will disappear in three and a half hours, but one hundred grams of vodka or cognac will disappear in five and a half hours.

These are the figures for the average organism. In general, unpleasant odor from the mouth will disappear when all alcohol toxins are completely removed from the body. That is, approximately one and a half to thirty-six hours of time should pass.

It is not always possible to correctly calculate the evening dose of alcohol, which results in a morning hangover, accompanied by a feeling of fumes coming from the mouth. If it’s not a day off, when you can endure the hardships of a hangover in a horizontal position, the question naturally arises of how to quickly remove the smell of fumes, because no one has canceled business or work, and appearing among colleagues with a persistent odor is somehow unethical. What is the nature of fumes and how to properly get rid of the smell of alcohol from your breath will be discussed in the article.

The nature of fumes

A healthy liver copes with small doses of alcoholic beverages painlessly, converting ethyl alcohol into non-toxic compounds. If the volume of alcohol consumed exceeds the functional capacity of the organ, most of the ethanol is broken down into intermediate products that are toxic. The main one among the under-oxidized products of alcohol metabolism is acetaldehyde (acetaldehyde), a substance whose concentration in the blood after a “successful” feast significantly exceeds the permissible levels.

In addition to the fact that acetaldehyde is toxic, it has a characteristic pungent odor, which is felt by others when breathing too much the day before. The breakdown product of ethanol is removed from the blood by all available routes, including through the lungs along with exhaled air. Consequently, until the body is cleansed of the toxin, it will not be possible to completely eliminate the smell, except to reduce the smell of fumes with available flavorings. Another conclusion is that in the morning you have to remove not the smell of alcohol from your mouth, but the “aroma” of acetaldehyde, which poisons the entire body.

Fumes are one of the components of the hangover syndrome. It is usually not possible to get rid of the smell completely or quickly, although it all depends on the severity of the hangover. But not everything is hopeless. With the help of simple and accessible measures, you can significantly speed up the cleansing of the body from the cause of fumes, at the same time easing your general condition. If the hangover is serious, and it is necessary to appear in public, some improvised and pharmacological remedies will help to complete getting rid of the fumes from the mouth.

Emergency body cleansing

If the hangover is significant, there is an important business meeting ahead, or the watchful eye of the boss at work, just removing the fumes from your mouth will not be enough. After all, there will be other visible signs of a deplorable post-alcohol state that cannot be hidden, so it makes sense to try to urgently improve your well-being, that is, to reduce the level of toxins in the blood as much as possible. What are they doing for this?

  1. Cleansing the intestines of toxins. Acetaldehyde in large quantities from the liver, along with bile, enters the intestines and is excreted in the feces. It is necessary to facilitate this process, possibly with the use of mild laxatives, because some of the toxins are again absorbed into the blood through the intestinal wall, aggravating the intoxication. You can cleanse the “upper” intestines and stomach as much as possible with several tablets of activated carbon (one per 15 kg of weight).
  2. Restoration of water-salt balance. The lion's share of acetaldehyde is excreted by the kidneys, which require a lot of water and some minerals (potassium, magnesium, sodium). Homemade brine (cucumber, tomato), high-quality mineral water or fermented milk whey will help the kidneys while extinguishing the internal hangover “fire.” It is advisable to drink a little more of one of these drinks than you want to delay the onset of the next attack of thirst.
  3. In case of severe intoxication, some of the toxins are released by the skin. It is not difficult to verify this - profuse sweating, the sweat is sticky and does not smell very good. Water procedures (shower, bath) will help remove unhealthy sweat, cleanse pores and restore skin respiration and metabolism. The underwear needs to be changed - it is saturated with toxic skin secretions. These simple procedures help remove fumes faster.
  4. Help for an overloaded liver. Pharmaceutical drugs from the group of hepatoprotectors (Carsil, Essentiale, Gepabene, etc.) will help improve the functioning of the organ, thereby accelerating the elimination of ethanol metabolic products. Home remedies for maintaining liver function and accelerating the excretion of bile are decoctions of corn silk and rose hips (can be combined).
  5. If the condition allows, it is advisable to ventilate the lungs after these procedures. A simple but intense exercise or ten-minute jog is suitable for this. Physical activity will not only force the lungs to work intensively, releasing much more acetaldehyde, but will also speed up metabolism and give vigor.

All the described activities, which will take an hour and a half, will significantly improve your well-being, cleanse the body of alcohol toxins and allow you to quickly get rid of fume odors coming from your mouth. To completely reduce the unpleasant aroma, you need to eat a hearty meal and brush your teeth. If the hangover was serious, there will most likely be residual effects, including mild fumes. To completely freshen your breath, use the remedies described below.

Important! If you feel better and you don’t smell your breath, it’s too early to get behind the wheel. There is still a lot of residual alcohol in the blood, which will be detected by a breathalyzer, especially by a medical examination.

Remedies for quickly getting rid of the smell of alcohol fumes

Numerous home remedies with an intense aroma and some specific pharmaceutical preparations will help to completely mask the alcohol fume. The latter also help get rid of some symptoms of hangover intoxication.

How to reduce fumes with products with a strong odor and what are they? Here are the most effective ones.

  1. Nutmeg can fight off even the intense smell of fresh alcohol or fumes. Its specific aroma is very strong. It is enough to bite off a small piece of the nut and chew it little by little. The aroma lasts for a long time, the effect is impressive.
  2. Roasted coffee beans are less effective, but they will help to completely hide the remnants of fumes or the smell of recently drunk alcohol. They also need to be chewed slowly, trying to stretch out the process. There is no need to indulge in large quantities of coffee beans, especially if you are prone to hypertension.
  3. Bay leaf is less pleasant to the taste, but it does a good job of eliminating characteristic odors. The effect is less long-lasting than the products listed above.
  4. Parsley root It has a pleasant aroma and is able to hide medium-intensity fumes. This product will not overcome the strong odor of alcohol from your breath.

  1. Coriander or clove seeds produce a similar effect - they won’t completely hide the fumes, but the quality of exhaled air will improve significantly.
  2. How else to remove fumes? Regular chewing gum and mint candies can significantly improve your breath. The disadvantage is that the effect does not last long.

Special anti-fume agents include the drugs “Antipolitsay” and “Petrusha”. They can be purchased not only at the pharmacy, but also on the shelves of supermarkets and shops. The purpose of such products is to mask the unpleasant odor and relieve the main hangover symptoms. The drugs “Limontar” and “Biotredin”, which are sold only in the pharmacy chain, but without the need to provide a prescription, will reduce intoxication and significantly reduce the intensity of the unpleasant odor.

Knowing how to quickly remove the smell of fumes from your mouth, you can avoid complaints from others. However, you should not count on such remedies too often - it is better to learn to give up excess alcohol.

Bad breath that appears after drinking alcohol is familiar to almost every person. This so-called fume is indisputable evidence that the person drank alcoholic beverages. Fumes are a very persistent smell, so it is much easier to prevent its appearance and not drink alcohol than to get rid of it later. But if for some reason a person needs it, then there are several methods for this, each of which is effective to one degree or another.

Where does the fumes come from?

Ethyl alcohol, which is the basis of alcoholic drinks, is absorbed into the blood in the small intestine. It spreads very quickly throughout the body through the bloodstream. Up to 30% of alcohol is immediately eliminated from the body along with exhaled carbon dioxide through the lungs, then excreted through the skin and through the kidneys in the urine. The rest of the alcohol (70-90%) goes to the liver, where its processing begins.
The liver produces enzymes that break down alcohol. One of the products of this processing is acetaldehyde (or acetaldehyde). In small quantities, acetaldehyde will not cause harm to the body, since in the liver it is processed into acetic acid, which is harmless to humans. However, when drinking a large amount of alcohol, acetaldehyde does not have time to be processed and converted into acetic acid. If this happens, acetaldehyde begins to destroy liver cells. This is a very toxic substance with a pungent odor. Its excess, which is not processed in the liver, is carried throughout the body and enters the lungs. Together with exhaled carbon dioxide, it leaves the body, which is why fumes appear.

That is, you can eliminate the smell of fumes if you remove excess amounts of acetaldehyde from the body. To do this, it is necessary to activate the organs that perform the excretory function. These include the kidneys, skin and lungs. Various methods can be used for this.

Effective ways to eliminate fumes

You can remove the smell of beer or other alcohol from your breath by drinking as much liquid as possible.

In this way, the work of the kidneys is activated, due to which the rate of elimination of alcohol breakdown products from the body will increase. Any non-alcoholic drinks will be effective in this case, but if possible, preference should be given to the following:

In addition to drinks, it is recommended to eat diuretic foods. This effect has: watermelon, zucchini, cucumbers, strawberries and wild strawberries.

It is advisable to stay in the fresh air as long as possible, since in this case the work of the lungs is activated, due to which acetaldehyde will be eliminated from the body faster. If possible, it is advisable to take a walk in the forest, park or garden. In this case, you need to take deep breaths and exhales.

You can activate the excretory function of the skin in a bath. Acetaldehyde will be excreted along with sweat through the pores, which will open due to the high temperature. At home, you can achieve a similar effect by taking a hot bath. If you limit yourself to a shower, the effect will also be there, but less pronounced.

You can also increase sweating through exercise. However, it is recommended to give the body moderate stress so as not to overload the heart.

How to get rid of bad breath?

The above methods can effectively eliminate fumes, but require some time. What to do if you need to fight off the fumes urgently? The smell of alcohol from your breath can be eliminated if you use one of the emergency methods: bay leaf, coffee beans or “anti-policeman”. However, the effect will be short-lived, since these products can only mask the smell of beer or other alcoholic beverages.

Gradually, the smell of the product that was used to kill the fume will disappear and the fume will return if nothing is done to remove acetaldehyde from the body. How long it takes to remove the fumes depends on the type of alcohol consumed and the build of the person consuming it. For example, from the body of a man of average build weighing about 70-80 kg, 0.5 liters of beer comes out in about 2.5 hours, and 100 g of vodka or cognac will come out in 4.5-5.5 hours.

Thus, there are several ways to get rid of fumes. It is recommended to use them in combination, since it is quite difficult to fight off the smell of alcohol. You can use “anti-police” or coffee beans. Bay leaves also reduce odor, but these methods only give a temporary effect. In any case, it is better to stop drinking alcohol than to deal with its consequences later.

Thank you for your feedback


    Megan92 () 2 weeks ago

    Has anyone succeeded in ridding their husband of alcoholism? My drink never stops, I don’t know what to do anymore ((I was thinking about getting a divorce, but I don’t want to leave the child without a father, and I feel sorry for my husband, he’s a great person when he doesn’t drink

    Daria () 2 weeks ago

    I have already tried so many things, and only after reading this article, I was able to wean my husband off alcohol; now he doesn’t drink at all, even on holidays.

    Megan92 () 13 days ago

    Daria () 12 days ago

    Megan92, that’s what I wrote in my first comment) I’ll duplicate it just in case - link to article.

    Sonya 10 days ago

    Isn't this a scam? Why do they sell on the Internet?

    Yulek26 (Tver) 10 days ago

    Sonya, what country do you live in? They sell it on the Internet because stores and pharmacies charge outrageous markups. In addition, payment is only after receipt, that is, they first looked, checked and only then paid. And now they sell everything on the Internet - from clothes to TVs and furniture.

    Editor's response 10 days ago

    Sonya, hello. This drug for the treatment of alcohol dependence is indeed not sold through pharmacy chains and retail stores in order to avoid inflated prices. Currently you can only order from official website. Be healthy!

    Sonya 10 days ago

    I apologize, I didn’t notice the information about cash on delivery at first. Then everything is fine if payment is made upon receipt.

    Margo (Ulyanovsk) 8 days ago

    Has anyone tried traditional methods to get rid of alcoholism? My father drinks, I can’t influence him in any way ((

    Andrey () A week ago

    I haven’t tried any folk remedies, my father-in-law still drinks and drinks

    Ekaterina A week ago

    I tried to give my husband a decoction of bay leaves (she said it was good for the heart), but within an hour he left with the men to drink. I no longer believe in these folk methods...

    Maria 5 days ago

    I recently watched a program on Channel One, they also talked about this Alcolock. Elena Malysheva recommended for the treatment of alcoholism. I ordered it, I put a few drops in my food, he doesn’t even know about it. Yesterday, I see, he bought himself some beer, well, I don’t think it helped, he didn’t even take a sip, he just sniffed it and immediately ran to rinse his mouth. He doesn’t understand what’s happening to him))

Society is skeptical about drinkers. The problem becomes especially urgent at the moment when morning fumes appear after a noisy celebration. There are a lot of folk remedies that suppress the stench coming from the mouth. You can use both medications and folk remedies.

Features of the smell of alcohol from the mouth

Many people believe that alcoholic breath is just particles of alcohol that are present in all strong drinks. However, this misconception is erroneous.

In reality, the situation is different: the stench comes from the fact that the body contains under-oxidized organic compounds - products of the breakdown of alcohol. They are volatile molecular compounds of high and medium density.

A pungent odor appears 1.5-2 hours after the first dose. It continues until all volatile elements are released naturally (sweat, urine, etc.) In cases where drinking continues, the smell does not appear until the last drink is consumed. The fume indicates that the alcohol contained in the blood begins to evaporate and decompose. At the same time, enzymes that process ethanol come into force.

If fumes seem to be a harmless consequence for an adult, then for an infant it causes real poisoning. When a child begins to inhale the escaping fumes, there is a risk that he will burp, cry and be capricious. This fact indicates a violation of autonomic function.

The rate of evaporation of alcoholic odor directly depends on the consumption of various types of drinks. After 0.5 liters of beer, the stench persists for 2.5-3 hours, while after taking 100 ml. champagne - 3 hours. As for dry and semi-dry wine, the “aroma” emanates for 3.5-4 hours, from vodka - 4.5-5 hours. The most pungent smell appears after cognac, rum, whiskey - at least 5.5 hours. The time interval for the drinks described above is calculated taking into account the consumption of 100 ml. product.

Before you start eliminating the stench, take care of your clothes. It often happens that the smell of alcohol permeates a jumper or T-shirt, so you should definitely change your clothes. It is also worth taking a shower, but you should not use deodorants, they will only make the situation worse. Once you get your body in order, start fighting bad breath.

Method No. 1. Maintain food hygiene
Eat before drinking alcohol, during and after the celebration. Eating a meal throughout the drinking period will reduce the risk of fumes by 2-2.5 times. Food absorbs more than 30% of the alcohol consumed, which is later released naturally. Food also stimulates the production of saliva, which fights stench by preventing dehydration.

Most bars do not serve main courses; most often on the menu you can find nuts, fish, chips and other snacks. Take advantage of this offer, such products not only reduce fumes, but also fight the gag reflex that occurs if the dose is exceeded.

If the entertainment event is being held at a party or in your own apartment, purchase snacks for the whole group. It is important to stock up on snacks so that there is enough for everyone. Snacks reduce odor by 20%.

Method number 2. Don't give up chewing gum
Chewing gum helps eliminate fumes by 45-50%, so you should not blindly believe people who talk about the low effectiveness of this product. The main thing to remember is that you need to choose a gum with a fruity flavor.

An effective result is also achieved by consuming sour gum (lime, lemon, etc.). It promotes accelerated salivation, which suppresses unpleasant odor.

A combination of lemon and mint chewing gum would be a good idea. This combination is doubly effective, since menthol is often used as a breath freshener.

Method No. 3. Eat garlic and onions
The main feature of these products is their pungent aroma, which can overcome any unpleasant odor. Of course, replacing one with the other is not the best solution, but this option is suitable for lovers of such “delicacies”. Give preference to red sweet onions, they are more effective.

It is not necessary to eat vegetables in their pure form; add them to main courses, salads, and snacks. Make sandwiches, shawarma or hamburgers. You can also fry potatoes with garlic and mushrooms. As for onions, it is better to snack on alcohol or eat them no later than 2 hours after drinking.

It is important to understand that consuming a pure product entails a new unpleasant odor. It will be felt not only from the mouth, but also through the skin. The garlic aroma is no less repulsive, but it is more easily perceived by society than fumes. Act according to the situation.

Method number 4. Drink more fluid
It is no secret that alcohol is excreted in liquid naturally. For this reason, it is necessary to drink more filtered water (at least 3 liters per day), starting in the early morning. Also, a mug of strong coffee with heavy cream will not be superfluous, which will strengthen the stomach and speed up the breakdown of ethanol.

Water replenishes the balance that was disturbed by drinking alcohol. It is recommended to rely on freshly squeezed juices (not citrus fruits). Give preference to carrot, cabbage, and tomato drinks. A saline solution from pickled cucumbers helps a lot, but not everyone will like it.

After waking up in the morning and a cup of coffee, drink a glass of kefir with sugar or honey. If possible, combine fermented milk products with cottage cheese, fermented baked milk or liquid sour cream.

Method No. 5. Perform oral hygiene
Food particles stuck between teeth have absorbed the alcohol consumed, so brush for longer than usual. Treat the oral cavity with menthol or honey paste for 3-5 minutes. It is important that the composition has an odor no less pungent than the fume.

Before or after the procedure, it is recommended to use dental floss, which also removes saturated food particles. Next, you should rinse your mouth with a special liquid to refresh the cavity (at least 45 seconds, the exact time is indicated on the back of the bottle).

Method number 6. Use pharmaceutical drugs

The most effective means of combating the smell of alcohol are Glycine, Biotredin and Limontar. Take one tablet with water at room temperature immediately after waking up in the morning. In cases where such drugs are not at hand, replace them with activated carbon. The main thing is to increase the dose by 2-2.5 times for better effectiveness.

The next effective drug is considered to be everyone’s favorite “Anti-policeman”. The product is designed specifically for such purposes; in addition, it helps to sober up if drinking has been excessive. The tablets not only block the odor, but also remove the stench from the stomach, eliminating the problem at the root.

After taking medications, perform ventilation of the respiratory tract. For 7-10 minutes, slowly inhale and exhale, perform manipulations in a sitting position. This move will reduce the concentration of alcohol vapor, thereby clearing your breath.

Method No. 7. Chew the coffee beans
An excellent product that eliminates the smell of alcohol is coffee. Chew 5 grains one at a time, then brush your teeth. If you wish, you can use this trick in conjunction with a freshly brewed drink.

If you don't have whole grains on hand, use parsley root (leafy greens can be used) or nutmeg. The fumes are suppressed due to the bitterness of these products.

The smell of alcohol sometimes causes irreparable harm if you do not get rid of it in time. Problems in his personal life and difficult mutual understandings with his superiors begin to haunt him. Maintain good food hygiene, chew gum, eat onions and garlic, chew coffee beans or nutmeg.

Video: how to remove the smell of fumes from your mouth in the morning