What is the difference between natural yogurt and kefir? Kefir and yogurt: what's the difference? What is healthier, better, tastier: yogurt or kefir?

Many fermented milk products can be made from milk. Along with regular kefir, yogurt, yogurt, fermented baked milk, cottage cheese and curd mass are popular among consumers. Each product is unique in its composition and taste. Many people are accustomed to the fact that the main difference between kefir and yogurt is that fruit fillers are added to the latter, while the former is not. However, in reality there are much more differences between fermented milk products.

What is kefir?

Kefir is a fermented milk product with pronounced probiotic effect, which manifests itself in a beneficial effect on intestinal microflora and metabolism. The special value of kefir is that it prevents pathogenic flora from entering and multiplying in the intestines.

The vital activity of lactic acid microorganisms that make up the fermented milk product leads to the death of E. coli, pathogens of infectious diseases, including the causative agent of tuberculosis. The nutritional value of kefir also lies in the fact that it stimulates the immune system and has a diuretic effect. Since milk products are not suitable for everyone due to their high lactose content, kefir must be included in their diet, since it contains all the beneficial substances of milk, and also promotes the absorption of lactose, since it is its catalyst.

What is yogurt

On store shelves you can often find yogurt with various flavorings - fruits, cereals and chocolate, since in the CIS countries the fermented milk product positions itself more as a sweet dessert. In fact, in the homeland of the drink in Bulgaria, no additives can be added to yoghurt; it is often used to season low-fat salads. Fermented milk product is produced by fermentation with a protosymbiotic mixture of pure cultures, which include Bulgarian bacillus and thermophilic streptococcus. In total there are about 10 to 7 CFU in yogurt per 1 g of product.

What do kefir and yogurt have in common?

Both products very beneficial for the body, as they contain beneficial lactic acid bacteria, calcium, and protein, which are easily absorbed by the body, so after drinking drinks a person feels light - there is no heaviness or discomfort in the stomach.

And yogurt and kefir - diet foods with little fat, which means they can be the basis of the diet or one of its permitted products. Fermented milk products are indispensable for the stomach and intestines, as they improve metabolism, help cleanse the intestines of toxins and other harmful substances, and also coat the gastric mucosa, saving it from products that irritate it. Fermented milk drinks are made from milk and their production technology is almost the same. Milk is heated to 36 degrees, a special starter with lactic acid bacteria is added and as a result of milk fermentation, yogurt and kefir are obtained. To prevent them from spoiling, they are stored in the refrigerator and also transported so that a quality product reaches the buyer.

What is the difference between kefir and yogurt?

Despite the fact that both products are fermented milk products and are produced by fermenting milk, there are many differences between them.

  1. Type of starter. To make milk into yogurt, only two cultures are added to it: Streptococcus thermophilus and Bacillus bulgaricus. To produce kefir, you need a more complex starter culture, consisting of acetic acid bacteria, various yeasts, lactic acid streptococci and bacilli. In total, there are about 20 fermented milk cultures necessary for fermenting kefir.
  2. Production technology. Milk of different fat contents is suitable for making kefir, so kefir can be either full-fat or low-fat. Yogurt is made mainly from skim milk.
  3. Protein content. Kefir contains less protein than yogurt. There are about 8 g of protein per cup of product (150 g). It is considered complete because it contains all the necessary amino acids. Greek yogurt has more protein - 10 g per 150 g of product. The value of yogurt is that due to its high protein content, hunger sets in much later, as the product satisfies for a long time. Kefir contains only 4-5 g of protein per 150 g of fermented milk product.
  4. Effect on the gastrointestinal tract. Kefir has greater benefits for the stomach and intestines than yogurt. The fact is that those lactic acid bacteria that are part of it tend to settle on the walls of the intestines, thereby contributing to the restoration of beneficial microflora. Therefore, the product is recommended to be used after a course of antibiotics. Yogurt has a slightly different direction of action. The beneficial bacteria that are found in its composition cleanse the intestines of waste and toxins; it is especially useful to drink it during the diet.
  5. Taste qualities. Kefir, which can be seen on supermarket shelves, differs only in fat content. That is, you can buy low-fat kefir, one percent and fat - 2.5%. Yogurts can also have a certain percentage of fat content, but they also differ in flavor additives, which are very diverse. So, yogurt can be with peach, banana, apple, pumpkin, cereals, cocoa or just vanilla with added sugar. Therefore, most people perceive fermented milk product more like a dessert. There is also natural yogurt on sale without additives, and it can also be prepared at home.

Everyone has heard about the benefits of fermented milk products, and in Russia, kefir has long been considered the leader in this area: more than one generation has grown up on it. Yogurt - an overseas guest, which at first was perceived exclusively as a delicious dessert, over time began to be positioned as an alternative to kefir. There is no clear answer to the question of what is healthier – kefir or yogurt.

What is the difference between kefir and yogurt? Just a variety of microorganisms that are used to ferment milk. Yogurt will be obtained if a protosymbiotic mixture of two pure cultures is added to milk - the so-called Bulgarian bacillus and thermophilic streptococcus.

The mixture of microorganisms necessary to produce kefir is more extensive: these include streptococci, lactic acid bacilli, acetic acid bacteria, and yeast. And one more nuance: kefir can be made from both skim and whole milk, and yogurt is prepared mainly from low-fat raw materials. A type of kefir grain is the Tibetan milk fungus.

Which is healthier?

Actually, live yogurt, about the merits of which so much is said and written, is nothing more than biokefir. It is then given a “marketable appearance” using thickeners such as starch, synthetic flavor and odor enhancers, dyes and preservatives. In theory, any high-quality “live” fermented milk product should not be stored in a refrigerator for more than one week. The same thing, for example, applies to blue cheeses, the benefits and harms of which force nutritionists to engage in endless discussions. If the shelf life is extended to almost a month, then you can be sure: the substance in a beautiful plastic jar has nothing in common with natural yogurt. By the way, in Bulgaria, which is known as the birthplace of yogurt, the quality criteria for this lactic acid product are quite strict: sugar, thickeners, milk powder and other excesses are completely excluded from the recipe. But Russian yogurt producers use these components all the time.

So, what benefits will natural kefir bring to the body?
1. It is one of the best products for immunity, as it stimulates the functioning of the intestinal microflora - in the language of professional doctors this is called “probiotic effect”. Improving metabolism is inextricably linked with such processes.
2. Regular consumption of kefir at night, according to many doctors, helps improve immunity. From the same perspective, the benefits of acidophilus, another effective fermented milk product produced on a fungal basis, are usually assessed.
3. There is a slight calming effect of kefir.
4. Has a barely pronounced diuretic effect.
5. Lactose, a valuable carbohydrate from the group of disaccharides found in milk and dairy products, is best absorbed from kefir.

P.S.: If you want to supplement the material about the benefits of kefir and yogurt and express your opinion on this topic, you can add a comment right under this article.

The best yogurt, as well as how to ferment homemade kefir.

Kefir is one of the most common fermented milk products in Russia.

I have always loved it for its slightly sour taste. But now my love has reached almost mania.I ferment homemade kefir, from which I make smoothies, use it in recipes and drink it just like that.

This drink should be present in the daily diet of every person who tries to lead a healthy lifestyle.

This drink is rich in vitamins, minerals, is easily digestible and has many beneficial properties.

What is kefir

This is a fermented milk drink.

No one knows exactly where it came from, but many consider the Caucasus Mountains to be its homeland. Scientists suggest that the word kefir itself comes from the Turkish “keif”, which means “good feeling”.

This drink itself is unique; it is the only dairy culture that is formed using the so-called kefir grains.

Kefir grains are gelatin particles held together. These grains contain a mixture of bacteria and yeast along with milk protein and complex sugars. They ferment milk, introducing their beneficial microorganisms to produce a fermented milk product.

The sour taste of kefir is given by lactic acid, which is formed during the fermentation of lactose found in milk by the bacteria Lactobacillus Caucasus.

This drink not only contains the good probiotic bacteria found in yogurt, but also beneficial yeast. It is this symbiosis of yeast and bacteria that allows kefir to be one step higher than yogurt, surpassing the latter in “healthiness”.

Also kefir , Unlike yogurt, it is cultivated at room temperature.

Kefir can be obtained not only from cow's milk, but also from goat's, sheep's and even coconut or almond milk.

Useful properties of kefir

We can talk endlessly about the beneficial properties of kefir.

Judge for yourself:

  • Rich in vitamins B1, B9, B12, K2, biotin and minerals: calcium, magnesium and phosphorus.
  • Protein contained in kefir , already partially digested, so it is very easily absorbed in our gastrointestinal tract.
  • Contains the largest number of different types of beneficial bacteria - and yeast, compared to yogurt.
  • Creates ideal conditions in our intestines for the colonization of beneficial bacteria, unlike yogurt, which only feeds existing bacteria.
  • The yeast and bacteria found in kefir activate the enzyme lactase, which breaks down the lactose remaining after the fermentation process. Therefore, even people who suffer from lactose intolerance can consume kefir.
  • Improves the functioning of our digestive system.
  • Stimulates the immune protective function (our immunity is located in the intestines).
  • Has antifungal and antibacterial properties.
  • Combats digestive allergies.
  • Cleanses the body of toxins.
  • Fights inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (colitis, Crohn's disease).
  • Helps get rid of .
  • Reduces the risk of developing cancer cells.

Why is it worth fermenting homemade kefir?

There are many reasons.

Store-bought kefir is often not fully fermented. And pasteurization, which all store-bought dairy products undergo, kills not only harmful but also beneficial bacteria.

Homemade preserves all the beneficial properties and you can control the process of obtaining it yourself. All you need for this is kefir grains.

This drink, made from live kefir grains, contains 35!!! different types of beneficial bacteria and yeast.

I received my kefir grains from a friend and have been fermenting my homemade kefir for over 4 years now.

The process is extremely simple and natural:

  1. Take glassware (I use a regular 1 liter glass jar). It is very important not to let kefir grains come into contact with metal - it kills them. Why I avoid plastic You can read .
  2. Place grains in a jar, fill with milk, cover with a paper towel or gauze.
  3. We forget for a day or 2.
  4. After this, we strain our homemade kefir. Without washing the grains (chlorinated water also destroys kefir grains, so be careful if you decide to wash them), put them in a clean bowl and fill them with milk. And again we enjoy our kefir!

The beauty of homemade kefir is that the grains can be said to last forever. They grow very quickly.

Also, I urge you not to use 2% or . Firstly, fermentation will be very slow, and secondly, all products with chemically reduced fat are harmful to our body. They are not natural and contain various chemicals.

So, prepare it from full-fledged milk, or even better from fresh, unpasteurized milk.

Kefir is the path to health!

The famous Russian scientist, Nobel laureate Ilya Mechnikov, proposed the so-called Intoxication Theory of Disease.

In his opinion, the aging of the body and susceptibility to numerous diseases are accelerated many times over by toxins produced by harmful bacteria that live in our intestines. He also believed that good beneficial bacteria living in fermented milk products, especially kefir, were one of the reasons for the longevity of the inhabitants of the Caucasus Mountains.

On my own behalf, I would like to add that before homemade kefir became a regular drink in my diet, I was sick very often. I believe that it was kefir that helped me with Candidiasis and Thrush, as well as with the constant rash of herpes on the lips.

This probiotic drink helps restore and strengthen the immune system.

If you have not yet started loving kefir after this article, I advise you to hurry up. By including it in your daily diet, you protect your body from diseases and fight existing ones.

Do you like kefir? And do you ferment it at home? Posted in


Many people believe that since yogurt and kefir are fermented milk products, there is not much difference between them. This is not true. The differences between yogurt and kefir range from differences in production and the types of bacteria present in them, to different effects on human health.

Differences between kefir and yogurt when preparing

There are two types of yogurt: mesophilic and thermophilic.

Mesophilic yogurt means it is cultured at room temperature.

Thermophilic yogurt during manufacture, it requires a certain temperature range for incubation of bacteria. A special yogurt maker in Dnepropetrovsk will help you make thermophilic yogurt at home. During the preparation of yogurt, it maintains a certain temperature, which contributes to the correct cooking process.

Kefir is a mesophilic culture, manufactured at room temperature.

There is also a difference in what is used to make a new batch of product.

New batch yogurt is being prepared by adding a small amount of yoghurt from a previous batch to fresh milk. Yogurt can also be made from dry starter culture.

Kefir is produced using milk fungus (kefir grains). The number of gelatinous grains of this mushroom will increase with each new batch of kefir. When the kefir is ready, these grains are simply removed from the newly made batch and added to fresh milk to make the next batch. Kefir grains can also be purchased in the form of a dry starter.

What contains more bacteria - Yogurt or Kefir?

Yogurt and kefir differ in the types of bacteria they contain. And the drinks themselves differ in their effect on the body; they perform different tasks.

Yogurt contains two types of bacteria: Bulgaricus Lactobacillus and Streptococcus termophilus.

Kefir contains dozens of different types of lactic acid bacteria:

Lactobacillus acidophilus
- Lactobacilli brevis
- Lactobacilli casei
- Lactobacilli casei subsp. Rhamnosus
- Lactobacilli casei subsp. pseudo-plantarum
- Lactobacilli paracasei subsp. Paracasei
- Lactobacilli cellobiosus
- Lactobacilli delbrueckii subsp. Bulgaricus
- Lactobacilli delbrueckii subsp. Lactis
- Lactobacilli hilgardii
- Lactobacilli johnsonii
- Lactobacilli kefiri
- Lactobacilli kefiranofaciens
- Lactobacilli kefirgranum
- Lactobacilli parakefir
- Lactobacilli lactis
- Lactobacilli plantarum
- Lactococci lactis subsp. Lactis
- Lactococci lactis var. diacetylactis
- Lactococci lactis subsp. Cremoris
- Streptococci salivarius subsp. Thermophilus
- Streptococci lactis
- Leuconostoc cremoris
- Lieviti
- Acetobacter aceti
- Acetobacter rasene

Bacteria in yogurt help the digestive tract cleanse, yogurt is easily digestible and provides food for the bacteria that inhabit a healthy intestine.

Bacteria pass through the gastrointestinal tract without staying there.

Bacteria in kefir on the contrary, they can settle in the intestines and colonize it.

In addition to a large number of beneficial bacteria, kefir also contains yeast, which benefits the body. But yeast produces small amounts of alcohol, so kefir contains up to about 0.07% alcohol.

What tastes better: yogurt or kefir?

Yogurt has a tart, creamy taste and smooth texture.

Kefir also has a tart taste, but may still have a subtle aftertaste of yeast and alcohol.

We all know that yogurt is eaten with spoons, and kefir can even be drunk through a straw. Yogurt has a thicker consistency than kefir, with the same fermentation time.

CONCLUSION. Yogurt and kefir are healthy fermented milk products that perform different, different useful tasks in the body. π

Differences and beneficial properties of yogurt and kefir.

Yogurt and kefir are very healthy fermented milk products. They are usually used during a diet in order to cleanse the digestive tract and saturate the body with vitamins and microelements. In addition, the high protein content and low fat and carbohydrate content allows you to quickly bring your weight back to normal. Yogurt and kefir are different from each other. In this article we will tell you what is the difference between these two products.

What are yogurt and kefir, what is the difference between them: comparison

Yogurt and kefir are fermented milk products. The difference is that completely different bacteria are used to prepare them. When preparing yogurt, Bulgarian bacillus and thermophilic streptococcus are used. That is, only two microorganisms are involved in the creation of yogurt. More than 20 sticks are used to make kefir. This is a peculiar mixture of fermented milk microorganisms. In addition to Bulgarian bacillus and streptococci, this mixture also contains yeast and acetic acid.

Actually, due to the use of completely different starters, products with different tastes are obtained. Kefir has a pronounced sour taste. Yogurt has a neutral taste, so it can be supplemented with a variety of fruit additives, such as jam, marmalade or fresh berries. Such additives are usually not added to kefir.

What is healthier, better, tastier: yogurt or kefir?

In general, the benefits of these two products are somewhat different, but it is impossible to say which one is better. It all depends on the purpose and your problems.

If you have dysbiosis or indigestion, then it is best to use kefir. Since it contains a larger number of bacteria and they will be able to saturate the intestines with the necessary microflora, and also restore it. If you have problems with bowel movements and constipation, then in principle you can use yogurt. It has a laxative effect.

If you evaluate the benefits during weight loss, then these products should be alternated. Especially if you are on a protein diet. In this case, there are some problems with stool, so alternating yogurt and kefir would be an ideal option. In this case, kefir will be used to saturate the body with nutritional vitamins and microelements, and yogurt will be used to solve problems with stool.

Regarding tastes, this is a controversial issue, since kefir generally has a sour taste. Yogurt is neutral. Therefore, various sweeteners, dyes and flavors are introduced into it. But this is only in production conditions. Some companies produce only natural products. Therefore, jam, fresh fruit and sugar are used as additives to yogurt. It is impossible to say unequivocally that kefir or yogurt is more delicious. These products are not for everyone. Girls mostly prefer yogurt. It has a sweet taste, it is varied, and you can choose what you like. Kefir from almost all manufacturers has a similar taste.

Vitamins and beneficial microelements in kefir and yogurt: where to find more?

These products are similar in the amount of vitamins, but there are some differences in the recipe for their preparation. It is worth noting that kefir is most often prepared with a fat content of 2.5 and 3 2%. This is due to the fact that both whole and skim milk can be fermented. Therefore, at the end you will get full-fat or low-fat yogurt. But with a lot of protein and low carbs.

If whole milk is fermented, you will get a fatty product, with a higher percentage of fat content, but also rich in proteins. As for yogurt, it is mainly made from skim milk. Therefore, the resulting product is less fatty, but higher in calories. This is because sugar and flavoring agents are added to it. Often these are fresh fruits, berries, muesli, nuts or cereals.

Kefir vitamins:

Kefir and yogurt contain almost the same amount of vitamins A, B and D. But it is worth noting that in baby food you should give preference to higher-fat yogurts and kefirs. Since it is fat that allows calcium and vitamin D to be absorbed.

Vitamins in yogurt:

per 100 grams of product vitamin content, mg
Vitamin A 0.01
Vitamin B1 0.03
Vitamin B2 0.15
Vitamin B3 1.2
Vitamin B5 0.3
Vitamin B6 0.05
Vitamin C 0.6

It is vitamin D that allows calcium to be absorbed. Fatty foods contain much more of this vitamin than low-fat foods. It is thanks to calcium that fermented milk products, namely kefir and yogurt, are recommended for young children. Because they promote the development of the skeleton and bone tissue and prevent diseases such as rickets.

What is the difference between starter cultures for yogurt and kefir?

The composition of the products is somewhat different due to the starters used. Yogurt contains only two microorganisms, while kefir contains more than 20. Therefore, it is believed that kefir is a more universal product that will help normalize the microflora in the intestines. It will also prevent the development and growth of pathogenic microorganisms. Scientists have proven that those who take yogurt and kefir in sufficient quantities, that is, daily, are less likely to be susceptible to viral infections of the gastrointestinal tract.

As you can see, yogurt and kefir are quite healthy products, despite the fact that kefir contains more microorganisms. This does not mean that the product is more useful. It all depends on the specific purpose and your problems. It is best to alternate kefir and yogurt.

VIDEO: Yogurt and kefir