What baked pies are smeared with. Pies with a beautiful golden brown crust - the whole secret is in the icing

Baking always pleases the household and is accompanied by a unique aroma that creates an atmosphere of comfort. It is useful for every housewife to know how to grease the pies so that they are ruddy and look appetizing. There are many tricks that our grandmothers used when they baked pies and buns.

In recipe books, we often see photos of finished baking, which

instantly makes you want to cook something similar. First of all, of course, you need to learn how to make dough and stuffing.

However, housewives are often upset by the appearance of baking after it is removed from oven or stoves. Put pale products on festive table do not want at all. So how to grease the pies so that they are ruddy? A lot depends on what kind of baking you want to get as a result.

Pies may vary in appearance, but this does not affect them. taste qualities. Matte is just as good as glossy. Someone likes when pastries are soft, and someone likes a crispy crust.

When wondering how to grease the pies so that they are ruddy, you should also think about when is the best time to do this. Some housewives send dough products to the oven without processing them. After cooking, the pies are smeared and become glossy.

Most often, the dough is processed still raw and only then sent to the oven. This allows it to brown slightly and brown. Baking has a delicious glossy crust, which is like a varnish coating.

Someone waits for the pies to bake a little, and only then puts a whipped yolk on them. This prevents the dough from burning and guarantees a rich, even color.

To get glossy pastries, you can grease them before going into the oven. The mixture is applied directly to raw dough. There are several options for greasing pies and buns before baking.

  • You can use egg white, which must be separated from the yolk and beaten. Lubricate the dough with the resulting white foam. The cake will be crispy and shiny.
  • If you beat the whole egg, the gloss effect will be the same, but the color will become paler.
  • If you add a little to a beaten egg butter, pies will become softer and more fragrant.

When lubricating baking with a whole egg, apply the resulting foam in a thin layer, otherwise it may crack during baking.

Every hostess wants her to have a beautiful ruddy pastries. How to make pies ruddy if you have not greased them beforehand? It turns out that there are tricks to give gloss to finished dough products.

  • Heated milk can soften the crust of baked pies and make them slightly shiny.
  • Brushing with butter makes baked goods glossy and adds a pleasant aroma.
  • If you dissolve a little sugar in warm water and anoint the buns that have not cooled down with syrup, they will become shiny after drying.
  • You can also use plain water. It needs to be applied quite a bit. The water will soften the crust and create a mother-of-pearl effect.

To prepare appetizing culinary masterpieces it’s not enough just to find out what the baked goods are lubricated with. The secrets of ruddy pies include how to properly apply the mixture to dough products.

To get shiny, neat pies, you need to lubricate them with direct longitudinal movements, lightly touching the surface so that the form does not deform. It is advisable to coat the product from beginning to end in one fell swoop, otherwise the mixture will lie unevenly, and ugly stripes will turn out.

To apply the mixture, it is recommended to use a special silicone pastry brush, which can be purchased at a hardware store. It is convenient for her to apply a liquid mass, and she does not scratch the dough. If there is no such brush, you can take a piece of gauze folded several times, or a chicken feather. The main thing is to ensure that there are no villi and threads on the baking.

Lubricate the pies in a very thin layer. Otherwise, the mixture will begin to drain and form smudges on the sides of the product, which will spoil its appearance. It is worth remembering that greasing pies is used only to add shine. The mixture should not overpower the flavor of the baked goods.

About how to grease the pies so that they are ruddy, you can think of it yourself. Note that the appearance of a crust on pastries depends on the temperature in the oven. The lower it is, the softer the pies are. If you bake them at 200 degrees, they will get a golden crust.

There are many ways to make pies. Try, experiment and enjoy your delicious creations!

Every woman is a hostess by nature. Everyone wants to please their husband, children or guests with delicious and healthy food. But often situations arise when women do not know which ingredient better fit for any given dish. One of the most FAQ the fair sex has a theme of eggs, namely - how they grease pastries - protein or yolk. Today we will try to understand this topic.

Why are eggs useful?

A dozen eggs can always be found in the refrigerator of any housewife. With their help, you can cook many dishes - scrambled eggs, scrambled eggs, various pastries. The eggs are also very useful product. Eggs contain 15% of daily allowance proteins. Therefore, eggs are present in the diet of many athletes, because protein is the “building material” of the body.

Also in building egg whites involved leucine is an important amino acid. Of course, this product contains a lot beneficial vitamins, minerals and microelements, which have a very good effect on the vital activity of the body.

Eggs are very well absorbed by the body, especially if they are consumed during minimum heat treatment. Chicken eggs are good for of cardio-vascular system human, as a cancer prevention, they strengthen bones and teeth and contain substances that are useful for vision.

Which is healthier - egg yolk or white?

In scientific circles, disputes about the benefits of eggs, as well as its components - protein and yolk, do not subside. Many people like the yolk more because it tastes better, but is it really healthy and can it be consumed in unlimited quantities?

The yolk has more calories than protein and contains more cholesterol. However, only the yolk contains such substances:

  1. Vitamin D
  2. Vitamin E
  3. Phosphorus,
  4. Fatty acid,
  5. Calcium,
  6. Folic acid.

All these substances are necessary for our body to function properly.

Nutritionists say that people who want to lose weight need to give up yolks and consume only proteins. However, we believe that it is not necessary to treat this issue so radically. It is enough just to limit the consumption of yolks. It would be ideal to eat two eggs with yolks a day, and then just consume egg whites.

What is smeared with pies - protein or yolk?

It should be noted right away that no matter what you smear a pie or pastries, it will not add new taste sensations. But housewives lubricate pastries not for taste, but for beauty. The greased cake is shiny and crispy.

Lubricate the pies with both protein and yolk, only the effect is somewhat different. If lubricated only yolk, then the cake will turn out more brilliant, and if only protein- the crust will be more crispy.

Some housewives kill two birds with one stone and brush the pastries with a lightly beaten egg or an egg with salt or sugar. A silicone brush is best for greasing pastries, because it is very easy to handle, soft and will not spoil the appearance of the dough.

Other options for greasing pastries

It may turn out that there are no eggs at hand, but you still want to make the cake beautiful and shiny. In this case, sweet water can help. Only when using sweet water do not lubricate, but spray pastries from a spray bottle. Moreover, this should be done only at the end of baking, when literally five minutes remain before the finished cake.

Some women smear pies with the following ingredients:

  • vegetable oil;
  • melted butter;
  • milk
  • Mayonnaise or sour cream (thin layer)

All of these methods will ensure a beautiful cake and a shiny crust, but they contain more calories and cholesterol than eggs. Therefore, it is better to stock up on a few eggs if you plan to bake something.

To give the cake new flavor accents and beauty, you can sprinkle it with sesame seeds, caraway seeds, poppy seeds, seeds, oatmeal and coconut flakes. The choice of topping depends on what end result do you want.

Of course, the topping can be completely different, it depends only on your imagination and taste.

What to add to cutlets - yolk or protein?

You may have noticed that each housewife prepares cutlets of different taste. It depends on the quality of the products and the presence of certain ingredients in the meat. Protein is usually added to cutlets, which is whipped, but it is better not to use the yolk, you can spoil the minced meat.

You will get great cutlets if you add to them:

  • White bread;
  • Potato
  • Sour cream
  • Butter

If you want really juicy and original cutlets, you can mix several types of meat. Minced meat is kneaded for about five minutes so that it is saturated with juice, and then it must be left to “rest” in the cold for about one hour.

Also, do not neglect the secrets proper frying. First, the cutlets are fried over high heat, and then it is reduced. It is better to add oil to the cutlets themselves from time to time. By following these tips, your cutlets will exceed expectations and become a decoration on the table.

The harm of eggs to humans

We talked a lot about the benefits of eggs, but it does not happen that the product is completely harmless. In addition to cholesterol and extra calories in the yolks, eggs carry other dangers that are much less pleasant than a hundred extra grams on the scales.

  • Frequent protein intake leads to liver and kidney disease, as it increases the load on them.
  • Also, when eating eggs, you can become infected with salmonellosis. But this disease is easy to avoid: it is enough not to consume raw or incomplete ready eggs and you need to wash your hands after raw eggs.
  • It's no secret that long heat treatment kills useful material in foods, eggs are no exception. However, it will help you not get infected with salmonella. If a person has good immunity, he will cope with this pathogen.
  • Eggs that meet us on store shelves can be "stuffed" with antibiotics. This is done so that the eggs are larger and look more attractive. So if you have access to farm eggs, it's best to buy them directly from a producer you trust.
  • Eggs contain nitrates and toxic substances, with limited use of eggs, they are not dangerous, but it is worth consuming eggs with caution for children and pregnant women.

Despite all the above risks, we can say that you should not constantly eat eggs, but nothing will happen to you from one or two pieces a day.

In the article, we tried to understand the benefits and harms of eggs and their components, how they lubricate pastries - with protein or yolk, which should be added to cutlets. These tips will help you become a good housewife and calculate correctly. daily intake eggs. A product such as eggs can be both very useful and quite harmful, the main thing is to know the measure of consumption.

Cooking video: how and what to grease pastries

In this video, chef Ilya Lazarev will tell you the best way to grease pies before baking and how this can be done without a culinary brush:

To ready-made pastries was ruddy and glossy, it is smeared with a beaten chicken egg.

Many housewives use both protein and yolk, and a little sugar is also added to them.

But professional bakers say that in order to achieve the perfect appearance ready pies and pies, you should not use a whole egg, but its components.

Shortbread dough is covered with slightly shaken egg white, and yeast dough is covered with yolk.

Note to housewives: if there are no eggs in the refrigerator, you can use sweet water.

Eggs can also be replaced with milk, butter or vegetable oil, mayonnaise or sour cream.

When to brush pies and buns with egg yolk

This question is asked by novice housewives and experienced bakers. The end result depends on when and how the baking is greased.

There are several methods, and only experience will tell you which one is more correct.

  • Before putting into the oven.

Many women claim that brush the pies with egg yolk needed before placing the baking sheet in the oven. This option is suitable for baking that cooks quickly.

  • 15 minutes after the start of baking.

It is believed that during this time the crust of the pie has hardened enough so that the yolk does not soak the dough, but remains on the surface. The result is a very ruddy and bright baked goods.

  • A few minutes before it's ready.

This method should be used during the preparation of pies for children. Two to three minutes is enough for the pastries to turn out moderately ruddy and without a hard crust.


How else is an egg used in baking?

Cooking pies, buns, bread is not complete without eggs. They are added to the dough, they also lubricate the surface of baking before baking or during cooking.

What else can eggs be used for?

  1. For making stuffing. The most common combinations are boiled egg and green onion or rice, boiled yolks and grated baked carrots.
  2. For filling. To big open pie cooked correctly, that is, the dough with the filling at the same time, filling is often used. To do this, beat eggs or only proteins together with milk, cheese, sugar, salt. The resulting mixture is poured over the filling before putting the cake in the oven. Unique recipe is Adjarian khachapuri, when the egg just breaks into the middle.


Delicious recipes

Pies with green onions and egg

There are several cooking methods: you can bake in the oven or oven, fry. You can also take as a basis fresh, puff or yeast dough. Most delicious pies are obtained from the dough, for the preparation of which yeast is used.

For test:

  • three eggs;
  • two large spoons of sugar;
  • 500 grams of warm milk;
  • a pack of dry yeast;
  • flour;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 100 g butter.

Add milk, yeast diluted in warm water, 250 grams of flour to beaten eggs with sugar and mix thoroughly. Leave in a warm place for 30 minutes. After - pour in the melted butter and add as much flour as the dough takes. Put away ready dough in a warm room for one hour.

For filling:

  • green onion, finely chopped;
  • boiled chicken eggs (8-10 pieces).


  1. It is necessary to form pies the size of a palm, put them on a baking sheet greased with butter and sprinkled with flour.
  2. Cook at a temperature of 200 degrees for 15 minutes, then remove and brush with egg yolk whipped with sugar.
  3. Leave in the oven for another 10-15 minutes!

Grandma's Egg and Rice Pies

For these pies, you can take the yeast dough from the previous recipe.

For the filling you will need:

  • 200 grams of boiled rice;
  • 5 large chicken eggs;
  • a pinch of salt and black pepper.

You can also add a little fried with onions minced chicken, but in this case, the number of eggs should be reduced. Mix the ingredients thoroughly, adding spices to taste.


  1. From ready dough make small balls, roll them out and put the stuffing in the middle.
  2. Form pies, put them on a baking sheet and grease with yolk.
  3. Baking time 25-35 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees, depending on the characteristics of the oven.

For test:

  • 7 g yeast;
  • half a tablespoon of sugar;
  • one egg;
  • 300 g of warm milk;
  • two tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • 500 g flour;
  • a pinch of salt.

Dough for khachapuri is prepared as follows:

  1. Salt and sugar, one egg, flour and yeast are added to warm milk.
  2. Everything is thoroughly mixed, a large ball is formed, which is placed in a bowl.
  3. The dough covered with a towel is placed in a warm room for one hour.

The filling for khachapuri is hard cheese suluguni with spices and oriental herbs (of your choice). It should be grated or finely chopped.


  1. From the finished dough you need to form boats.
  2. Put the cheese in the middle, and grease the edges of the dough with beaten yolk.
  3. Bake for half an hour, then remove the khachapuri from the oven and break one egg into the middle of each.
  4. Cook for another 10-15 minutes.

Enjoy your meal!

On the example of simple delicious buns We will tell you how to properly lubricate pastries so that after you take them out of the oven there will be no disappointments.

Products are not lubricated only if another decoration is provided. So, below will be described a recipe for fresh, fragrant, ruddy buns, which are smeared with an egg to give a shiny, ruddy crust like a leaf.

  1. Egg - 3 pcs. (1 piece for greasing rolls);
  2. Milk - 230 ml;
  3. Flour - 120 gr;
  4. Salt - 0.5 tsp.


  1. You need to mix flour, salt, a couple of beaten eggs. Mix so that there are no lumps.
  2. Then you need to add milk.
  3. Divide batter halfway between muffin pans as it will rise during baking.
  4. Put to bake in the oven.
  5. As soon as you see that the buns are almost ready, you need to open the oven, pull out the baking sheet and brush the buns with a beaten egg so that they shine after baking. When the buns are lightly baked, an even ruddy color is guaranteed.

How to grease pies to shine after baking

Apply the mixture directly on the raw dough, on ready product, which is already laid out on parchment, on baking paper.

  1. For ruddy shiny baking usually use a whipped protein separated from the yolk. It is applied to products before baking.
  2. If you spread pastries with an undivided egg, then the pastries will turn out ruddy, but still a little paler.
  3. If you beat an egg with butter and spread it with a mixture of pastries, then the buns will become softer and more fragrant.

Attention! If the pastry is smeared with a beaten, unseparated egg, then the mixture must be applied thinly, otherwise the pastry will crack and lose its attractiveness.

What lubricate pies with protein or yolk

Pies and any pastries can be greased with both protein and yolk, and you can also add shine with other shaving brushes. For example, every housewife will be interested in how to grease the buns to make them beautiful, appetizing, if she forgot to grease them before sending them to the oven.

  1. Warmed milk will make the buns shine and soften the crust a little.
  2. Butter will make pastries soft and fragrant.
  3. If you grease the buns sugar water, then after the syrup dries they will sparkle charmingly.
  4. Suitable and plain water. If you lightly smear the baking surface, then after drying, a mother-of-pearl effect will be obtained.

How to grease baked goods

Whatever composition the baking is lubricated in order for it to be appetizing look and had a ruddy surface, you must be able to properly apply the mixture. Pies should be lubricated longitudinally, preferably with one stroke of the entire product, otherwise it will be streaked. It is recommended to apply the mixture with a special confectionery brush.

The brush does not scratch the product and applies the composition evenly. It needs to be applied in a very, very thin layer.

In addition, we must not forget about the baking temperature, at a lower temperature, pies and buns will be softer and lighter, at 200 gr. they acquire a ruddy appetizing crust.

Baking always pleases family and guests. For every housewife who loves to bake, there will be no superfluous information on how to properly grease pastries.

Egg-buttered buns: step by step recipe with photo

beautiful, fragrant pies loved by adults and children. Remember the exciting moment in childhood, when the grandmother takes out of the oven a handsome man bursting with heat and burning with gold, and immediately the saliva begins to run. In order for the baking to be a success, she put a piece of her love, warmth and care into it. But that's not all. Even if the dough has risen remarkably, it may remain pale and ugly in the oven. Today we will talk about how to grease pies for golden brown.

Before, after or during

This is one of the most important questions to consider before putting your product in the oven. The algorithm is as follows: while the dough finally fits on the baking sheet, you must turn on the oven to warm up. Put in a cold oven delicate products it is forbidden.

Now let's move on. What is the chosen form? Small pies can be lubricated in advance. Similarly, baking is performed from tender, puff or shortcrust pastry. Even during cutting, cover them with prepared glaze and send them to the oven. They bake perfectly, and the top does not have time to burn.

Below we will analyze in more detail various options than to grease pies for a golden crust, but for now let's finish the thought. Large items with meat or fish will be in the oven much longer, so it is recommended to postpone the glazing. Approximately 10 minutes before readiness, it will be possible to remove the cake, apply the selected composition and return it back. It is not recommended to go far now, as soon as the surface becomes perfectly beautiful - it's time to pull it out.

plain water

Since it is not so difficult to make a pie, this dish is often on our table. And if hard times have come, and there are only enough products for the filling? How to lubricate the surface so that the family will eat your cooking with pleasure? There is nothing easier. Immediately after baking, go over the surface with a brush moistened with water. This will not give shine, but will make the crust more ruddy and soft. Usually this is enough, because you are not cooking for the competition.


This is the very first thing that comes to mind. Indeed, what is there to think about than to grease pies for a golden crust. Beat the egg, waved the brush - and the result is obvious. This is the simplest and efficient view glazing, which is used by almost all housewives. However, there are subtleties here. An egg is a yolk + white. In this case, everyone decides what exactly to use. If you take only protein, then it will give a light coating. Add some sugar and you get a meringue that's good for Easter baking. However bakery products should be golden, for this we are talking today about how to grease pies for a golden crust. Hostesses use the following options.

The whole egg is beaten and applied to the surface of the product. What is the advantage of such a method? The pies are very beautiful, tender and ruddy, as if tanned in the sun. A warm shade goes with delicious products. He has only one drawback - the appetite becomes indomitable.

Someone likes that pies or pies are not just golden, but dark brown. There are two options for this: add some sugar to egg mixture(a teaspoon without a slide) or take only the yolk. If you are afraid that in this case it will turn out pale, then just a few grains of sugar are enough, and your product will shine with chocolate gloss.

Sweet tea

Of course, this option is best suited for buns. Baking becomes ruddy, beautiful crust even tastier. However, this recipe can be adapted "just in case".

Here is a product on your table, ready for baking, and the eggs are over. Don't run to the store. And how to make a ruddy crust on a pie? Very simple, make a little strong tea leaves and cool. The tan will be less pronounced, but still noticeable. For 100 g of boiling water, 1 tsp is enough. dry welding. If the pastries are sweet, you can put 2 tablespoons of sugar on this amount. For meat pies 0.5 teaspoon is enough. A very good magic wand - be sure to write it down for yourself.

Dairy Shores

Ask your grandmother what she greases pies with. Surely in her arsenal there is also a milk crust. They did not expect? But many chefs keep this recipe a secret. Unlike an egg, milk gives a tender, soft crust. Therefore, if you are making pies that should not be crunchy, then this perfect recipe. beautiful pie even a novice hostess will come out of a yeast dough if:

  • let him go;
  • preheat the oven;
  • bake until half cooked;
  • 5-10 minutes before readiness, remove and grease warm milk. The last point is very important, because the longer the product covered with such a glaze is subjected to heat treatment, the darker it becomes. And if the temperature exceeds 180 degrees, then it can even burn out.


Speaking about how to grease pies before baking, we should not forget about the role of fats. It all depends on what effect you want. If you want a pie magical fragrance and creamy taste, then send it to the oven without glaze and bake until fully prepared. After that (now the crust is still quite hard when pressed, but this is not for long) prick on a fork good piece butter and generously go over the entire surface. After finishing, cover the cake with a napkin, then with a thick towel and leave for 30 minutes to rest. Delicate, fragrant, soft and ruddy crust is provided to you. True, there will be no gloss.

Vegetable oil

This is another option for those who are wondering how to grease pies before baking. And it is not necessary to take sunflower. Olive, cotton, in a word, any vegetable will do, it is only desirable that it be refined, since we subject it heat treatment. You will not get a shiny crust, but it will be very soft.

Vegetable oil is applied with a brush on products made of puff or extraction test before you put them in the oven. But yeast or butter can be glazed still hot, after the oven.

The easiest recipe

If you are a novice hostess, then you may be interested not so much in how to glaze the surface as in how to cook it tasty and fragrant. In fact, there is nothing complicated. There are numerous sites for simple recipes for pies in the oven, but today our goal is to find an option that has been tested by time and generations.

Since we assume baking without the use of oil, it is necessary to introduce fats into the dough itself. Otherwise, the products will dry out and become completely boring. The basis will be milk, it makes the most delicious and magnificent dough.

So, take 1 liter of milk, 150 g of margarine, 1.5 kg of flour, 4 chicken eggs, 5 g of dry yeast and 3-4 tablespoons of sugar. The ingredients are simple, they are in every kitchen.

Preparing a beautiful yeast dough pie sponge method. There are other options, but this is a topic for a separate article. So, heat a glass of milk and dilute the yeast in it, add a spoonful of sugar and 8 flour, leave for 15 minutes. Once the mixture has doubled in size, all other ingredients can be added. Knead a soft, elastic dough. Now you know how to make a pie. It remains to add the filling. It can be anything, but this dough is best combined with jam and cottage cheese, cherries and raspberries, that is, with sweet fillings.

Meat beauties

And we continue to share secrets with you and tell you simple recipes pies in the oven. Speaking of hearty and delicious products with meat and fish, you need to remember that here much less fat goes into the dough. Juicy stuffing compensates for their lack, and the cake turns out to be very tasty.

So, the classic pie dough is performed as follows. You will need 500 g of flour, 1.5 cups of milk, 30 g of yeast, 1-2 eggs, 1 tablespoon of sugar and 3 tablespoons of sunflower oil.

The technology of preparation is similar. We heat the milk, we introduce yeast, sugar and flour into it. Mix and leave to rise. Do not forget that all ingredients are taken warm ( room temperature), and the flour is sifted. Now we introduce all the other components and leave until the volume doubles. Mix well and put back into the saucepan to rise again. Now we shake out the dough on the table and beat it out, lightly dusting the surface with flour. Everything, you can form a product. From such a base you get a luxurious yeast pie with fish or meat, with cabbage and minced meat, with chicken and mushrooms.

Finishing touch

The foundation is very important. Half the success depends on what kind of dough you have. And to make the pies ruddy, you just need to apply gloss. Milk, sugar, tea - this is the best option for sweet buns. And what to do if a handsome man is sitting in the oven with meat stuffing? Try the unique tandem of butter and egg yolk. If you cover the cake with this icing 10 minutes before the end of baking, you will get a rich, amber-colored surface. It will shine with all facets of gloss in the sun, delighting your family.

Instead of a conclusion

We have reviewed the simplest and most reliable recipes for making sweet and meat pies in the oven. Each one is reliable and can be used in your kitchen. As for glossing techniques, the choice here is up to the hostess. If you want, you can do without glazing at all, but the product will lose some of its attractiveness.