Boiled lentils calorie content per 100. Calorie content of lentils and dietary properties

Taste qualities, as well as benefits for the body, bring lentils to a leading position among legumes. Lentils have been used in food since the times of Ancient Greece, Egypt and Rome. A large number of dishes are prepared from it, such as purees, soups, salads, side dishes, vegetable dishes, and used boiled or stewed. Lentils are rich in proteins, carbohydrates and fiber. It contains vitamins A, B, E, as well as macroelements (calcium, potassium, sodium, chlorine, phosphorus) and microelements (iron, boron, cobalt, iodine, manganese, silicon, molybdenum, copper, fluorine, nickel). On average, the calorie content of lentils is 310 kcal per 100 g of product. The calorie content of lentils in water will be less than the calorie content of this product in its raw form.

Beneficial properties of lentils

Lentils are rich in folic acid and iron. 200 grams of the product will provide the body with the daily norm of these substances. The large amount of protein allows lentils to compete with meat and dairy products. Lentils should be consumed for metabolic disorders, stomach ulcers, duodenal ulcers, colitis, problems with the genitourinary system, diabetes mellitus, and disorders of the nervous system. Due to the fact that lentils improve immunity and contain a large amount of fiber, they can have a beneficial effect on the normalization of the digestive system. Isoflavones contained in lentils can suppress the formation of cancer cells in the breast. These substances are not destroyed when they are exposed to heat. The medicinal properties of lentils make it possible to use it for various chronic diseases and for their prevention.

Boiled lentils

Lentil porridge stimulates improved metabolism, strengthens the immune system and normalizes the functioning of the genitourinary system. Lentils cook easily and quickly. For complete readiness, it will be enough to cook it for 40 - 70 minutes. The subtle and pleasant taste of boiled lentils will not leave anyone indifferent. Once lentils are cooked, they retain more than half of all their vitamins and minerals. The calorie content of boiled lentils is approximately 111 kcal per 100 g of product. In general, the calorie content of lentils in finished form depends not only on the cooking method, but also on the variety of lentils themselves.

Red lentils

Red lentils have a number of features. This variety cooks much faster than the others, in about 15 minutes, and does not have a shell. It was from this variety that the well-known biblical stew was made. In some countries, red lentils are considered a symbol of well-being and prosperity. The calorie content of red lentils is approximately 313 kcal per 100 g of product.

Green lentils

Green lentils were developed in France. Side dishes are prepared from it and added to salads. If green lentils are cooked properly, they won't get soggy. It has a more pronounced aroma compared to other varieties of lentils. Olive oil will give it a special taste. balsamic vinegar and herbs with mustard. Even though green lentils hold their shape, their surface is quite soft. Therefore, this type of lentil can be used in soups, main courses and casseroles. Green lentils contain soluble and insoluble lentils, which are so beneficial for the human body. The calorie content of cooked green lentils is approximately 120 kcal per 100 g of finished product.

Restrictions on the consumption of lentils

Lentils should not be consumed if you have gout, uric acid diathesis, or joint diseases.

Lentils contain a significant amount of useful substances and are characterized by a high content of vegetable protein. The product is used in a healthy diet. This is a dietary dish that can easily replace meat. Dishes with lentils came to the cuisines of the world from Asia. Soups, salads, and side dishes are prepared with the addition of this legume. The rich chemical composition allows the product to be used for the prevention and treatment of many diseases.

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    Calorie content of the product

    Nutritionists advise eating lentils as the main dietary dish, since the legume contains practically no fat, while saturating the body and providing it with all the necessary substances. The calorie content of the fresh product is only 106 kcal per 100 grams.


    • vegetable protein 25 g;
    • water 14 g;
    • carbohydrates 54 g;
    • fat 1 g.

    Nutritional value may vary depending on how the lentils are prepared. A boiled dish contains 111 kcal, and a fried dish contains 101 kcal. More details about the nutritional value can be found in the recipe. Dishes with lentils are suitable for daily consumption, during a diet, and on fasting days.

    Chemical composition

    Lentils have a rather rich chemical composition.


    There are five types of lentils in total:

    • red;
    • yellow;
    • green;
    • brown;
    • black.

    The red product contains the largest amount of iron. Regular consumption of this type of legume leads to improved functioning of the brain and nervous system. Red lentils cook quite quickly, as they do not have a shell.

    Green lentils, which are called French, have high healing properties. It contains a significant amount of fiber, which improves the functioning of the digestive system. The green variety takes the longest to cook and is used to normalize blood sugar levels and eliminate problems with the digestive system.

    Yellow legumes are the same green variety, only without the outer shell. This type differs from the previous one only in lower fiber content.

    Ripe green beans turn brown. They are common in cooking and are used to prepare various dishes.

    The black variety is considered the most aromatic and when cooked only reveals its taste. It is considered more nutritious due to its increased vegetable protein content. The color of the product is given by a special pigment that has antioxidant properties.

    Regardless of the variety, lentils have a lot of useful properties and have contraindications for use.

    Benefits and harms

    The benefits of legumes for the body are as follows:

    1. 1. A large amount of soluble fiber helps reduce the level of bad cholesterol, cleanse blood vessels, and improve the functioning of the heart muscle.
    2. 2. A large amount of magnesium included in the product ensures relaxation of smooth muscles, helps normalize heart rate, and eliminates cramps in the limbs.
    3. 3. The high content of folic acid helps improve reproductive function, normalize the functioning of the nervous system, and ensure the proper development of the embryo in the early stages of pregnancy.
    4. 4. Insoluble fiber helps normalize intestinal function.
    5. 5. Soluble fibers ensure normalization of carbohydrate metabolism.
    6. 6. A high concentration of iron has a beneficial effect on the circulatory system, prevents the development of anemia in pregnant women, women during menstruation, and children who do not eat meat.

    Contraindications for use:

    1. 1. Excessive consumption of the product leads to disruption of purine metabolism in the body, therefore, people with physiological problems in the absorption of this element are not recommended to eat the product.
    2. 2. In case of chronic kidney disease, legumes should be consumed with extreme caution.
    3. 3. Increased gas formation is also a contraindication to the use of this product.

    Lentils should be consumed in reasonable quantities so as not to harm the body.

    Use during pregnancy

    For pregnant women, the use of this product is of particular importance. Lentils contain a large amount of folic acid, which ensures normal development of the embryo in the early stages. This microelement is also useful when planning pregnancy, since its deficiency leads to the impossibility of successful conception and attachment of the embryo to the uterine wall. Vitamin E, which is also contained in this product, is important for the successful conception and bearing of a baby.

    A large amount of protein ensures proper growth and development of the child, and a high iron content ensures the prevention of anemia in pregnant women in the second trimester. The increased fiber content helps normalize the functioning of the digestive system and eliminates constipation.

    During pregnancy, it is important for a woman to supplement her diet with foods high in vitamin C, which allows microelements from lentils to be absorbed by the body almost 100%. It is enough to include legumes in the diet 1-2 times a week. If consumed frequently, lentil culture can harm a woman, causing headaches, nausea, and vomiting.

    Diet food

    The fibrous structure of legumes helps cleanse the digestive system of toxins. Clears radionuclides that cause cancer. The high protein content allows you to quickly gain muscle mass with proper physical activity.

    For men

    The anti-inflammatory effects of the product make it possible to use it for nutrition of older men. These properties help cope with chronic diseases and protect the genitourinary system from the development of inflammation. Bean culture replenishes a man's body with essential microelements, which improve the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, and increase the body's resistance to the negative effects of the external environment.

    As a preventive measure, lentils are used for the following diseases:

    • prostatitis;
    • sexual disorder;
    • oncology.

    Cereals are rich in protein, so it is important to include them in the diet of men involved in sports. A large amount of vegetable protein helps to quickly bring the body back to normal and get beautiful muscle relief. Sprouted lentils play a huge role in male potency. These grains should be consumed regularly in small quantities.

    Delicious soup recipe

    To prepare a delicious lentil soup, all you need is fresh vegetables, legumes and spices. No fat is used during cooking, which makes the dish dietary. The energy value of the soup is 95 kilocalories per 100 g of finished dish.

    To prepare you will need:

    • water - 1 l;
    • red lentils - 500 g;
    • carrots - 175 g;
    • zucchini - 150 g;
    • sweet onion - 100 g;
    • spices to taste;
    • parsley - 15 g;
    • green onions - 5 g.

    Place the beans in a saucepan and simmer over low heat for 15 minutes. Chop the vegetables and add them to the pan. Boil the soup for another 15 minutes, then puree in a blender. The dish is sprinkled with fresh herbs on top.

    Boiled lentils

    The easiest way to prepare legumes is to simply boil them. When cooked, it has a small amount of calories and can be eaten as porridge or a side dish with other vegetables and meat. It is easiest to cook the product in a slow cooker, since the cooking time in it will be reduced several times.

    To cook in a slow cooker, just sort out the dry lentils and rinse well. Pour the beans into the container, add 500 ml of hot water, add spices to taste, close the lid of the device. Set the “Porridge” mode and cook until the device turns off completely.

    Lentils boiled in water can be cooked in the microwave. Pour lentils into a deep plate, add 2 cups of hot water, add salt. Select the most powerful mode and cook for 10 minutes. However, you should not cover the container with a lid.

    Cook the lentils on the stove for at least 60 minutes. For 2 cups of cereal you need to take 5 cups of boiling water. When the cereal is ready, drain the water and cool. This side dish can be complemented with fried vegetables or meat.

    And a little about secrets...

    The story of one of our readers Alina R.:

    I was especially depressed about my weight. I gained a lot, after pregnancy I weighed as much as 3 sumo wrestlers together, namely 92 kg with a height of 165. I thought the belly would go away after giving birth, but no, on the contrary, I began to gain weight. How to cope with hormonal changes and obesity? But nothing disfigures or makes a person look younger than his figure. At the age of 20, I first learned that plump girls are called “WOMAN” and that “they don’t make clothes that size.” Then at the age of 29, divorce from my husband and depression...

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    And when will you find time for all this? And it's still very expensive. Especially now. That's why I chose a different method for myself...

Lentils are a legume crop; represents the genus of the same name and belongs to the legume family.

This leguminous crop was grown for food and as fodder many centuries ago.

Lentils are a very tasty and healthy product.

A specific feature of the plant is that it does not absorb harmful compounds.


The calorie content and nutritional value of grains depend on the variety and cooking technology:

Energy value, 100 g.Green and brown lentils rawBoiled green and brown lentilsRed lentils rawBoiled red lentils
Calorie content297 kcal105 kcal318 kcal100 kcal

Are lentils a protein or a carbohydrate? Lentil cereals are a source of light protein and complex carbohydrates.

Lentils have a varied chemical composition.

Grains contain the following microelements in large quantities:

  • potassium;
  • phosphorus;
  • magnesium;
  • amino acids tryptophan;
  • light vegetable protein;
  • Omega-3 and -6 fatty acids;
  • vitamins gr. B (especially high content of B1), PP.

Sprouted grains, as shoots grow, are enriched with vitamin C.
Sprouted lentils will compensate for the lack of vitamin C

This valuable cereal is a leader in folic acid content: a serving of boiled beans provides the body with 90% vitamin B9.

For better absorption of iron, the product is served with fresh vegetables and herbs containing the antioxidant vitamin C.


Lentils come in several varieties:

  • brown- the most popular. In American cuisine, vegetable soups are prepared with herbs and this type of cereal. The brown variety of beans has a nutty flavor. Effective for lung diseases, various injuries and fractures;
  • red— during the cooking process it quickly becomes soft since it lacks a shell;
  • black,“beluga”, similar to caviar;
  • green French "Puy"— grains of aromatic French lentils retain their integrity even after prolonged heat treatment. The Puy variety is used for making salads. Yellow beans are a green variety, only peeled from the shells.

Red lentils, benefits and harm

Eating red lentils will benefit you in the following cases:

  • Red lentils contain a lot of iron, so they will useful for anemia, anemia;
  • Vitamin A does strong hair and nails, the condition of the skin and teeth improves noticeably;
  • vitamin E prevents aging;
  • Dietary fiber functions as a regulator of metabolic processes, the body is filled with energy, the supply of which lasts for a long time.

A delicious soup is prepared from red lentils, you will learn the recipe in the video:

You may also be interested in learning about the benefits and harms. These are crushed barley seeds, which during processing are cleared only of flower films, as a result of which almost all the vitamins, microelements and fiber contained in the grains are retained.

Green lentils, benefits and harms

Green cereal takes a long time to boil, so it needs to be soaked.
Dishes made from this variety of lentil beans:

  • have a therapeutic effect for constipation, diabetes due to its high fiber content;
  • green beans lowers bad cholesterol levels;
  • in combination with other means are capable improve the condition of rheumatism, liver and gastrointestinal diseases, hypertension and etc.;
  • Unripe green lentils are richest in tryptophan, which triggers production of serotonin in organism.

The plant will also help produce serotonin. A true treasure trove of unique flavors and powerful healing properties, anyone can benefit from knowing how to consume amaranth seeds.

Which lentils are healthier, red or green? Each variety has a whole range of important substances and compounds, but the best in all respects is the green variety of lentil beans.

Green lentils are the healthiest


Lentils can help overcome some diseases:

  • Soluble fiber improves the digestion process and prevents the development of rectal tumors;
  • Dietary fiber in lentil beans improve cholesterol levels in blood;
  • Regular inclusion of lentil grains in the menu has a beneficial effect on the immune system, the genitourinary system, and improves metabolism in organism;
  • Will help for constipation problems in the absence of intestinal inflammation;
  • To solve the problem of constipation, you can use and. In addition, potato juice perfectly cleanses the body of toxins and fights intoxications of various origins.

  • Lentils can also be consumed for diabetes. The product is filled with light carbohydrates that do not increase blood sugar levels. It successfully replaces most cereals and baked goods for diabetics. The most useful for diabetes are plate-shaped lentils. It should be eaten 2 times a week.

If you have diabetes, you can also use. Fresh vegetable juice is beneficial for diabetics, improving overall well-being and helping to prevent many complications of the disease.

Benefits and harms for the liver

Lentil grains, like all legumes, contain lecithin acid in large quantities. This substance has the ability to restore liver cells. The seeds of this side plant have a diuretic effect, prevent the accumulation of excess fluid, and promote the renewal of liver cells. Lentils are a storehouse of natural protein and are practically devoid of fat. The product is extremely beneficial for the liver. Nutritionists recommend eating lentil cereal dishes 1-2 times a week.

You can prepare a decoction of lentils to cleanse the liver, you will learn more from the video:

For women

Lentil grains contain isoflavones, which prevent the occurrence and development of malignant tumors in the breast. They are preserved even in seeds that have undergone heat treatment.

For weight loss. This legume is rich in protein, which provides the body with energy for many hours and has virtually no fat. In addition to weight loss, the normal functioning of the body as a whole is improved. This natural product supports the body during diets, supplying it with all vital substances.

Lentil cereals help achieve the correct balance of hormones, improve metabolic processes, which leads to natural weight loss.

Vitamin E has a beneficial effect on appearance and gives beauty “from the inside.” Zinc makes muscles flexible, which is very important for a successful birth process without tearing.

Is it possible for pregnant women? During pregnancy, it is important to consume the most valuable foods possible. Thanks to folic acid in the cereal, lentils promote the proper development of the fetal brain, provide vitamins and other important substances to the body of the mother and the unborn baby.

When breastfeeding. The beneficial properties of lentils make it possible to recommend this product for breastfeeding. You can include lentils in the menu of nursing mothers after the baby is 2 months old to avoid colic and other tummy problems.

It is also useful for young mothers to take. This remedy not only increases milk volume during breastfeeding, but also helps a new mother cope with postpartum depression.

For children

Lentils should be offered to children over 2 years of age. It is better if this legume is part of a multi-component dish and is well boiled because The digestive system of a small organism is not yet perfect. For children's nutrition, it is best to use red, yellow and sprouted cereals.
Children enjoy eating red lentil soup

How is it useful for men?

Eating lentils will bring invaluable benefits to men. The natural product helps cleanse blood vessels, reduce “bad” cholesterol and prevent the development of heart disease, which often affects representatives of the “stronger” sex.

Zinc in lentil beans restores male strength, and protein helps effectively build muscle mass. Thanks to magnesium and potassium, muscles become elastic.

For those involved in bodybuilding, lentils are an important food product. Cereals contain vegetable protein that can be easily digested. The beneficial substances of lentil beans help keep muscles toned.
Lentils saturate the body with calories for a long time. It should be consumed before and after workouts.


Due to the presence of difficult-to-digest protein in lentils, its consumption may be contraindicated for people who have:

  • ulcers;
  • gastritis;
  • hepatitis;
  • problems with the pancreas;
  • gallbladder problems.

Lentils, like other legumes, stimulate the formation of gases, so in addition to their benefits, they can cause harm to people with dysbacteriosis, intestinal diseases, and those who suffer from gout. To avoid these problems, beans should be served with greens and eaten in small quantities.
In some cases, lentils should be consumed with caution

It is difficult for the body to digest, so it should be boiled until soft over low heat and consumed during the daytime.

The composition also contains phytates, compounds that prevent the normal absorption of beneficial substances and minerals.

Which is healthier?

Let's compare the benefits of lentils with other, more familiar legumes:

  • Beans- a bright representative of legumes, has many varieties. All of them are similar in chemical composition and nutritional value. Beans are richest in potassium, phosphorus, vitamin B9, magnesium, and calcium. Unlike lentil grains, beans contain the important trace element selenium. The content of protein and valuable dietary fiber in the crops is approximately the same. The calorie content of beans is slightly more than 100 Kcal/100 g;
  • Peas- also a representative of legumes. It has a richer composition of amino acids, however, it is inferior to lentils in terms of protein and iron content. Unlike lentil grains, it does not contain isoflavones.

As you can see, you can’t do without this legume – be sure to try this wonderful product.

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Lentils are little known to modern people. But nutritionists strongly recommend paying close attention to this culture - it is nourishing, healthy, rich in micro- and macroelements, and also allows you to diversify your diet with dietary and tasty dishes. Read more about it in a separate issue.

How many calories are in lentils

Lentils are one of the first legumes to appear on the human table. Dishes made from it are considered lean, but have good nutritional value.

Depending on the purpose and cooking method, you can get crumbly grains with a denser texture for salads or meaty ones, ideal for processing into gravy or sauce.

Lentil culture recipes

The grains are easily and quickly prepared, retaining maximum nutrients. The culture is used to prepare first courses (stews, soups, national liquid puree soups), but it is also suitable for preparing second courses, porridges, roasts, cutlets and meatballs. Lentils taste well with all vegetables, many cereals and seasonings.

Lentil soup

  • (1 large root vegetable);
  • , peeled (1 medium head);
  • (2.5 dessert spoons);
  • lentils (200 g);
  • water (one and a half glasses);
  • black pepper (¼ teaspoon);
  • ground;
  • clove;
  • salt (½ teaspoon).

The onion should be cut into cubes, the carrots should be grated, and then sautéed over low heat in vegetable oil for 25 minutes. It is advisable to do this immediately in the saucepan in which the soup will be cooked. Sort the lentils from bad grains, rinse and add to the vegetables, pouring water so that it covers the food by two fingers. Add the garlic clove, salt, pepper and ground ginger, passed through a garlic press. If you wish and taste, you can add your favorite spices and aromatic herbs. Cover the pan with a lid and cook for 30-35 minutes until the lentils are cooked. Homogenize the finished soup into a homogeneous mixture with a blender and garnish with chopped parsley before serving. The calorie content of the dish is 109 kcal/100 g.

Lentil meatballs

  • lentils (200 g);
  • onions (5 heads);
  • (100 ml);
  • salt (½ teaspoon);
  • pepper and other spices to taste;
  • breadcrumbs (200 g).

Rinse red lentils in advance with running water and soak overnight, they should
and will approximately double in volume. Finely chop the onion and fry in vegetable oil until golden brown. Drain the lentils in a colander and pass through a meat grinder along with the fried onions, adding salt and spices. Mix the mixture well, form balls, roll them in breadcrumbs and fry the meatballs for 7-8 minutes on each side until cooked. Serve the dish with chopped herbs and a spoonful of sour cream. The calorie content of 100 g is 283 kcal.

Pilaf with lentils

  • unpolished or brown (2.5 cups);
  • carrots (2 small pieces);
  • lentils (100 g);
  • onion (1 large head);
  • dark (50-55 g);
  • olive oil (5 dessert spoons).

Lentils must first be soaked in cold water for several hours. Carrots and onions should be peeled, cut and fried in olive oil. Then transfer to a saucepan, add rice and swollen lentils, add water so that it covers three fingers of food, and simmer over low heat for 30-40 minutes. 10 minutes before readiness, add washed raisins and spices to taste. The nutritional value of pilaf is 248 kcal/100 g.

Vegetable stew with lentils

  • carrots (2 medium pieces);
  • (3 root vegetables);
  • (200 g);
  • lentils (75 g);
  • water (500 ml);
  • , and salt (½ teaspoon each);
  • mustard seeds (1 dessert spoon);
  • (2 tablespoons).

Rinse the lentils, pour into a saucepan, add turmeric and, adding water, cook for 30 minutes. Peel the potatoes and carrots, cut into cubes, shred the cabbage. In a preheated deep frying pan, fry mustard seeds and cumin for 2 minutes, add carrots and fry for another 4 minutes. Add potatoes, cabbage, remaining spices and salt, close the lid and simmer for a quarter of an hour. Beat the boiled lentils with a blender, pour the resulting puree over the vegetables and simmer for another 15 minutes. Serve with rice or as a meal on its own. The energy value of the finished stew is 74 kcal / 100 g.

Boiled lentils

  • lentils (100 g);
  • minced beef (150 g);
  • (1 head);
  • olive oil (10 ml);
  • salt (½ teaspoon);
  • ground black pepper;
  • water (200 ml).

Boil the lentils. Cut the onion into cubes and fry in olive oil until golden brown, place the minced meat in a frying pan, add salt and pepper. Fry the onion-beef mixture over medium heat for 15-20 minutes, then add a glass of water, add the boiled lentils and simmer the dish for another quarter of an hour. Serve with sour cream. The calorie content of one serving (100 g) is only 119 kcal.

Nutritional value of beans

Lentils, like all legumes, are an excellent source of protein components, but, having a low glycemic index, lentil grains are a more effective source of slow carbohydrates. The significant content of fiber, soluble and insoluble dietary fiber allows you to reduce the amount of calories consumed without feeling hungry or experiencing discomfort.

% of the daily requirement indicated in the tables is an indicator indicating how many percent of the daily requirement in a substance we will satisfy the body's needs by eating 100 grams of lentils.

Vitamins and beneficial elements in lentils

Up to 90% of folic acid was found in the grains of the crop, which is necessary for the proper absorption of amino acids and the synthesis of DNA and RNA molecules, as well as the prevention of the development of cancer.

Element Content % of daily value
360 mcg90
0.5 mg33,4

Lentils are the lowest calorie plant in the legume family. People began to grow this useful crop from the most ancient times, long before the beginning of our era. Mentions of lentil dishes can even be found in the Bible. Nowadays, many diets have been developed based on these grains, and cereals are also a popular product among people who adhere to a balanced diet.

Composition of BJU lentils

Proteins, fats and carbohydrates are combined in the plant optimally for people who care about low-calorie food. 100 grams of lentils contain 20 grams of healthy carbohydrates, which is quite a bit compared to the composition of fatty acids in other legumes.

The cereal is also distinguished by a large amount of protein per 100 grams (0.9%) and a small proportion of fat (only 0.4%). In addition, an impressive portion of the fats contained in lentils are polyunsaturated - these elements contribute to weight loss and normalization of the body.

If you put it all together, the BJU of lentils looks like this:

  • proteins - 24 g;
  • carbohydrates - 46.3 g;
  • fats - 1.5 g.

Judging by the chemical composition, the benefits and harms of this crop lean toward the first “scale.”

Energy value of the product

The calorie content of lentils may vary depending on the type of plant. 100 grams of green grains contain 323 units, red lentils of the same volume differ in nutritional value by 314 kcal, the more common brown type of grain includes 116 units per 100 grams. The least calorie option is yellow lentils - 105 kcal.

These indicators correspond specifically to dry lentils, that is, uncooked cereals. Therefore, when counting calories for a diet, it is necessary to proceed from completely different indicators, which we will outline below. The calorie content of sprouted lentils also changes. This product has an energy value of about 106 kcal per 100 grams. As you can see, this figure is close to the least high-calorie yellow lentils, which is why sprouted grains are so popular for weight loss.

Calorie content of lentils for different preparations

Cooked lentils can have different nutritional values ​​depending on how they are processed. Boiled cereals have the least calorie content, 100 grams of which contain only 111 kilocalories. Sprouted legumes have higher values ​​(119 kcal), but are characterized by a higher content of amino acids, water-soluble antioxidants, fiber and some vitamins compared to raw legumes.

Lentil soup with vegetables (onions, peppers and tomatoes) includes 52 units (100 g), chicken soup with this legume can contain 122-162 kcal in 1 serving per 300 grams, depending on the recipe. The nutritional value of water porridge with the addition of various ingredients (mushrooms, carrots, garlic, onions) is characterized by 131-216 units, depending on the volume of added components.

Examples of other cooking methods with calorie content:

  • boiled lentils can become the basis of a puree, the energy value of which will be only 90 kcal (100 g);
  • puree soup will give a little more energy - 108 units;
  • stewed lentils have little nutritional value (95.4 kcal - 100 g), if the basis is dry cereal (250 g), water (500 ml), sunflower oil (1 tbsp.) and 120 grams of vegetables (carrots, onions) ;
  • Cutlets from this legume with egg and green salad have a low energy value: 196 kcal per 100 grams.

A full glass of uncooked (raw lentils) contains only 170 grams of grains, so a volume of 100-200 grams of cooked cereal can quite satisfy your hunger. These legumes are called one of the best dietary foods due to the feeling of fullness even after a small portion.

Recipes for dietary dishes with lentils

There are several simple dishes that will suit many followers of a healthy lifestyle.

If you are on a diet, try cooking some of them and see from your own experience that lentils perfectly satisfy your hunger, even if you consume very little product at a time.

Lentil soup.

To prepare, you will need 1 glass of milk, 1 glass of water, 1 glass of red lentils, 4 glasses of broth (it is better to take chicken or turkey), onions, medium carrots, 2 raw yolks, a glass of flour, herbs and croutons - to taste.

Fry the onion until soft, add flour to it and stir. Pour a glass of water into the broth, add a little salt and add red lentils and grated carrots, then simmer over low heat for 20-30 minutes. After the first 15 minutes, add the onion and stir constantly.

As soon as the lentils become soft, add the pre-beaten milk and egg yolks. Cook for another 5 minutes, stirring everything thoroughly until smooth. After this, beat the mixture with a blender to obtain a “creamy” consistency. Serve with herbs and croutons.

Stewed lentils with vegetables.

Yellow or red lentils work best for this recipe. Prepare a glass of lentils, 1 carrot, 1 onion, 1 sweet pepper, 3 medium-sized tomatoes, 2 cloves of garlic.

Wash the lentils and boil until tender (about 30 minutes). At this time, fry finely chopped onion in a frying pan, add grated carrots and diced pepper to it. Remove the skins from the tomatoes and finely chop with the rest of the vegetables. As soon as the lentils are ready, drain the broth and add the cereal to the rest of the ingredients. Season everything with salt and pepper to taste. Add finely chopped garlic and simmer covered for about 10 minutes.