What are the benefits of kombucha? Does it lower blood pressure? Kombucha - a natural healer: myths and reality

Beneficial properties of kombucha Many have already appreciated it. A drink prepared from it at home relieves thirst in the hot summer. Tea kvass has healing properties: it nourishes the body with valuable substances, helps get rid of colds, lowers blood pressure, and promotes weight loss.

The official name of Kombucha is medusomycete. He is a living creature that resembles a jellyfish and resides on the surface of the drink, transforming it into a healing liquid.


What are the benefits of kombucha?

Acetic acid bacteria and yeast fungi transform sweet tea into a medicinal drink. In the upper part of the mushroom they form a yellow-brown colony of a dense structure. The mushroom is loose at the bottom and has thread-like shoots.

The human body needs lactic bacteria, which dissolve toxins, strengthen tissues, and prevent hemorrhages. Supermarket dairy products are not rich in these microorganisms, which are destroyed during processing. The drink obtained as a result of fermentation of medusomycetes saturates the body with safe acids and enzymes.

Sugar dissolved in water is processed by yeast into ethyl alcohol. The waste product of fungi is carbon dioxide. Under the influence of carbon dioxide bacteria, alcohol is transformed into acetic acid. The functioning of microbes converts sweet tea into kvass with a sweet and sour taste.
  1. The healing properties of kombucha lie in the composition of the drink obtained during fermentation. Kvass is rich in vitamins B, C, D, PP. It contains acids beneficial to the body:
  2. apple;
  3. gluconic;
  4. vinegar;
  5. lemon;
  6. dairy;

Thanks to gluconic acid, muscles are strengthened and metabolism is improved. If the water used for the drink contains a significant amount of calcium salts, when combined with gluconic acid, they are converted into crystals that settle at the bottom of the container.

The benefit of kombucha lies in the following property: it produces enzymes that accelerate metabolic processes. An infusion of medusomycetes has antibacterial properties.


The drink obtained from the fermentation of medusomycetes saturates the body with vitamins and beneficial microelements.

For those who do not know what kombucha is, but want to have one, it is useful to know how it reproduces. The medusomycete consists of layers that form within 30 days. The new film is carefully removed and used as a new kombucha.

For normal development of the new jellyfish, suitable conditions are created: a three-liter glass jar is filled with weak tea infusion. The solution should be at room temperature. In order for kvass to be saturated with a maximum of useful substances, an infusion is prepared for it, observing the proportions: 1 liter of weak tea and 100 grams of sugar. The container is covered with gauze and placed in a place protected from direct sunlight. The optimal temperature for fermentation of medusomycetes is 24 degrees. After seven days of infusion, the product is ready to drink.

Half of the liquid is poured from the container, filtering through gauze collected in 4 layers. The resulting kvass is stored for no longer than 4 days in the refrigerator. The container with the jellyfish is topped up with sweet tea, covered with gauze and kept to form a new portion of the drink, which will be ready in 4-7 days.

To get a good drink, you should follow the kombucha recipe at home.


How to care for kombucha?

To prevent homemade kombucha from dying and developing normally, it is systematically filled with fresh infusion. It is prepared from black or green tea and does not contain flavorings or other additives that can harm the jellyfish.

The mushroom must be protected from direct contact with granulated sugar, which can cause burns. The solution is stirred until the sugar is completely dissolved in it.

The darkened color of the medusomycete will indicate poor quality of the infusion. In this case, the kvass is completely drained from the container, the jar is washed well and filled with new infusion.

The jellyfish needs to be rinsed every 14 days. You can wash the kombucha with boiled water at room temperature.

An indicator of the condition of a jellyfish is its location in the jar: if it stays on the surface, it means it is developing normally. If it sinks to the bottom, it is sick, and the drink is unfit for consumption.

To prepare the solution with which the medusomycete is poured, you need to use only high-quality tea.


The healing properties of kombucha

Scientists conducted experiments with medusomycetes using animals with high blood cholesterol levels. They have proven that the drink lowers cholesterol, increasing life expectancy.

Kombucha is used as a sedative. They drink it for insomnia.

Drinking this drink daily will help you get rid of alcoholism. Drink 1 liter of infusion 4-6 times a day. Drink it an hour before meals. The course of treatment is 3 months. After this, it is advisable to continue using the solution so that the craving for alcohol does not resume. Morning and evening intake acts as a prophylactic against alcoholism.

It is worth studying the medicinal properties of kombucha and contraindications before using it.


Treatment of the digestive system with kombucha

A solution of medusomycetes is used to normalize digestion. Its beneficial properties relieve constipation. The infusion is indicated for use by people suffering from diseases of the bile ducts that occur due to a sedentary lifestyle.

For high or low acidity, a mushroom solution is also used. It prevents the development of putrefactive microbes and removes accumulated toxic substances from the body.

They are treated for ailments of the digestive system according to the following scheme: half a glass of a week-old drink is drunk an hour before meals. When treating gallbladder diseases, it is recommended to spend an hour in bed after drinking the drink, lying on your right side.

Homemade mushroom, which is poured into sweet tea, helps normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.


Using Kombucha to Treat Colds

For colds and runny nose, they are also treated with mushrooms. With the help of kvass, which has an antibacterial effect, they get rid of inflammation. The composition is used to gargle for sore throat and ulcerative stomatitis.

Take the infusion according to the scheme used to treat diseases of the digestive system.

The medusomycete solution strengthens the immune system, which prevents the occurrence of colds.


How to treat atherosclerosis and hypertension with medusomycetes?

To treat hypertension, kvass mixed with dill seed infusion is used. The solution improves the functioning of the heart muscles, helps dilate blood vessels and normalize blood pressure.

For atherosclerosis, they are treated with a solution of medusomycetes according to the following scheme:
  1. For 7 days they drink 100 ml of kvass in the evenings, excluding the use of other liquids until the morning;
  2. 21 days take 200 ml in the evening and 100 ml in the morning;
  3. take a month's break and repeat the treatment.

Systematic consumption of the drink cleanses and strengthens blood vessels.


How to cure anemia?

For anemia, it is useful to consume jellyfish infusion and vegetable dishes. Daily diet during treatment:

  1. breakfast should include carrot salad (100 g), seasoned with vegetable oil;
  2. Take 200 ml of the drink an hour before lunch;
  3. include in the lunch menu a drink consisting of 120 ml of carrot juice, 40 ml of cucumber juice and the same amount of beet juice;
  4. An hour before bed, take a glass of kvass.

The infusion promotes the absorption of beneficial substances found in food.


Medusomycetes for weight loss

The drink contains enzymes that normalize metabolism, which helps get rid of excess weight.

To lose weight, drink a glass of infusion 20 minutes before meals. This time is enough for the stomach to secrete juice washed away by the drink, which promotes better absorption of food.

In order for weight loss with mushrooms to produce results, you need to additionally exercise and limit caloric intake.

Kvass should be used as part of a weight loss complex.


Kombucha hair treatment

For hair that has lost its shine, use the infusion as a rinse. It gets rid of dandruff and gray hair. For dry hair, rub kvass into the scalp 30 minutes before washing.

  1. Prepare the product from two liters of warm water and 200 ml of kvass, infused for two months. The components are mixed and rinsed after washing. The procedure softens the curls, making them shiny, light and manageable.
  2. A solution of a decoction of herbs and kombucha aged for a month is used for rinsing after washing. It is prepared from 2 liters of water, 200 ml of broth, 120 ml of kvass. The decoction is prepared from different herbs, depending on the problem at hand:
    - for brittle hair, as well as hair loss, a decoction is made from rosemary, nettle, chamomile, using a teaspoon of each herb
    - for oily hair, take rosemary, thyme, horsetail, and sage in similar quantities;
    - for dull hair, a decoction of 2 tablespoons of burdock leaves is suitable.

    Pour 200 ml of boiling water over the herbs and leave for 15 minutes.

Acetic acid, which is part of the infusion, has a beneficial effect on hair.

Medusomycetes in the treatment of nail fungus

For treatment, a mushroom plate is used, which is placed on the affected area of ​​the nail and covered with plastic wrap, secured with a bandage. The procedure is carried out before bedtime.

Such treatment may be accompanied by pain that must be endured.

In the morning, remove the bandage, wash the nails and remove the exfoliated parts of the nail. The affected area is treated with iodine. After a few days, the treatment is repeated.

Often, 3-4 procedures relieve the disease.

Before using medusomycetes for treatment, you should consult a doctor.

How to use medusomycetes for cellulite and skin lesions?

Kombucha helps with skin lesions:
  1. abrasions;
  2. burns;
  3. wounds with suppuration.
Stale kvass will cleanse the skin of age spots and warts, which need to be lubricated with an acidic composition.

To get rid of cellulite, use a remedy that is prepared according to the following recipe: mix 2 crushed lemons, golden mustache leaves, heated ten-day aged kvass. Infuse the product for 45 minutes.

Apply the prepared composition to problematic areas after a hot bath or sauna. It is applied to gauze, applied to the skin, wrapped with film and a towel on top.

A weekly infusion of medusomycetes contains an antibiotic that heals skin lesions, so it is useful to wash wounds.

Who is contraindicated for Kombucha?

Despite the fact that kvass has a number of beneficial properties, it is not recommended to use it for gastritis and hypotension. Kombucha should not be used if you have a stomach ulcer.

A highly oxidized drink can damage tooth enamel.

You should use kvass with caution if you have fungal diseases: yeast microorganisms can lead to complications.

There are a number of contraindications for which the use of medusomycete infusion is not recommended.


Kombucha: beneficial properties and contraindications. How to grow kombucha and consume it correctly?

Symbiotic organism: Kombucha or tea jellyfish (Medusomyces gisevii) was known 250 years before the beginning of our era, in the Han Dynasty in China. The Chinese called it the elixir of health and immortality.

This mushroom is familiar to many Russian people. Previously, it was an indispensable attribute of bourgeois and rural houses. Like many zoogles with healing properties, it came to us from Asia.

In general, this is one of the very ancient organisms, known since time immemorial. The first mentions of it were made in Manchuria and date back to 220 BC. e.

Ceylon is considered the birthplace of kombucha, from where it spread to India, and then moved to China. Already from the Celestial Empire, zooglea appeared in Manchuria and Eastern Siberia. The eastern origin of kombucha is also evidenced by its other name - kombucha. Scientifically, it is called a medusomycete (Medusomyces gisevi) for its external resemblance to jellyfish.

However, not all researchers share this version of the origin and spread of kombucha. Some believe that as such it originated in Tibet. Others point out that its properties were known to the ancient Greeks. It is now unlikely that it will be possible to establish the real history of this medicinal mushroom. However, it is known how kombucha came to Europe.

In Russia it has been studied since the end of the 19th century, since Transbaikalia and Manchuria were in the aura of interests of the Russian Empire. It was then established that it was, in fact, not a mushroom at all, but a symbiosis of acetic acid bacteria and several types of yeast. Scientists have discovered both the composition of zooglea and its healing properties.

In Russia, kombucha has taken root especially well in the Volga region, in the central provinces of Russia. He also found his niche in Ukraine, Belarus, and the Baltic states. It was also transferred to Transcaucasia.

Among European countries, Germany was the first to learn about kombucha. This happened at the beginning of the 20th century. The first truly scientific description of the organism was also compiled there. It was made in 1913 by the German mycologist G. Lindau. This is where the history of many years of constant study of kombucha begins.

In England, France and Prussia, vinegar was made from a drink prepared with kombucha. It was produced in open wooden barrels, and the mushroom films reached gigantic sizes. A patent was even received for producing vinegar in this way. It was also used as a regular drink, and therefore was called mushroom kvass, tea kvass. This is how he became known in Russian families.

Researchers also became interested in the specifics of this zooglea. They found that the liquid obtained as a result of fermentation has a positive effect on the condition of a person with high blood pressure and reduces the risk of atherosclerosis. A good effect was also found in a number of cases with acute gastrointestinal diseases. Based on kombucha, even a special antibiotic was isolated - medusin (E.K. Naumova). An infusion of the mushroom was prescribed for stomatitis. Since the middle of the last century, people have been talking about its bactericidal effect.

People consumed the drink made from kombucha not only as such, but also for medicinal purposes - to get rid of various types of colds, maintain strength, and tone the body. “Refreshing”, “sour”, “invigorating” - this is what all those who tried it said about it more than once. This drink was used for headaches and intestinal disorders. In Japan, for example, it was used to maintain a slim figure. The vinegar obtained from it was used to rinse hair to give it shine. Its effect on older people was considered especially beneficial. Mushroom kvass improved the well-being of elderly and elderly people. This drink was also “prescribed” for constipation.

Later, already in the heyday of biology, it was established that such drinking has pronounced metabolic properties, restoring normal conditions in cell membranes, which provides the effect of good health.

Beneficial features

The fungus does not absorb the aromatic, tannin and other substances of tea, but cannot live without it. What a paradox! Without tea, he cannot, for example, synthesize acids. Actually, the secret to preparing this healthy and aromatic drink from kombucha is very simple: water, tea, sugar, air, a secluded place, plus care and cleaning.

The fermentation process is initiated by yeast. As a result, ethyl alcohol and carbon dioxide are formed from sugar. Then bacteria come into play. They oxidize the alcohol, and the resulting acetic acid stops the fermentation process.

The result is a liquid that contains still under-fermented sugar, carbon dioxide, tannins (they are contained in the tea leaves you used), vitamins jpynnbi B and vitamin C. This infusion also contains organic acids (lactic, carbonic, gluconic, kojic, etc.), enzymes, aromatic substances. As scientists have found out, in terms of the number of acids included in such a drink, it is equal to ordinary kvass. However, it gets its more pronounced positive properties compared to kvass due to the combination of gluconic and kojic acids.

To properly store the mushroom and obtain a drink rich in nutrients, you need a suitable environment for this zooglea - filtered sweet black tea. This serves as further evidence that the mushroom appeared where the tea bush grows - in Asia. The stronger the tea, the more vitamins there will be in the desired product.

It is very important to take care of normal intestinal microflora. Bacteria beneficial to the human body stimulate its defense processes. They are responsible for removing toxins and waste - the main enemies of the bacteria that protect us, the most important among which is Escherichia coli (intestinal bacterium).

The intestinal microflora determines how successfully the body can cope with negative factors, including those that cause disease and aging. Poisoning of the systems working in our body manifests itself in bad breath, constant headaches, digestive difficulties, rheumatic diseases, and immune system disorders. Eczema and cancer - seemingly such dissimilar ailments - arise due to weakened immunity, damage to healthy systems as a result of the negative influence of toxins. Kombucha contains the acids the body needs and flushes out the germs that lead to these terrible consequences. It is very important that it is completely natural and safe.

Ripe tea kvass contains sucrose, glucose, fructose, and wine alcohol. - Kombucha contains useful acids: gluconic, citric, lactic, acetic, malic, kojic, as well as enzymes, B vitamins, vitamins C and PP, sugar, caffeine. - Kombucha improves digestion. - Has antibiotic properties. - It is recommended to rinse your mouth with its tincture to treat ulcerative stomatitis. - Daily consumption of tea kvass half a glass 3 times a day during a cycle of 2-3 weeks improves the well-being of people suffering from sclerotic forms of hypertension and reduces blood pressure. - Reduces and relieves headaches. - Recommended for older people to improve their well-being, especially those suffering from atherosclerosis. - Useful for a number of intestinal diseases, constipation. It is especially useful for people leading a sedentary lifestyle. - Has an antimicrobial antibiotic effect. The strength of this property depends on the accumulation of a special antibiotic, medusin, which is resistant to acids and heat, and non-toxic. - Used to treat some forms of sore throat. - Used for conjunctivitis, pustular skin lesions and as a bactericidal agent. - Kombucha is used to make a concentrated kombucha called Kombuka. The use of this drug had a beneficial effect on aging symptoms, especially atherosclerosis. - The drug "Meduzin" has an antibiotic effect. - The Kom-Bancha drink is made on the basis of Japanese green tea, it tastes sweet and is intended to restore the health of alcoholics and drug addicts. The same drink was recommended to cancer patients to restore strength to those patients who had lost their appetite. The drink is also suitable for diabetics. - The Kom-Chungmee drink is prepared on the basis of Chinese green tea, used all over the world, helps with diabetes, prostate diseases and kidney problems. - The Com-Sencha drink based on green tea helps with cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, and high blood cholesterol. Has a tonic and calming effect. - Kombucha helps in treating the liver and gallbladder. - Used to treat sore throat and tonsillitis. - Useful for treating eye infections. - Used together with other drugs in the treatment of scarlet fever, diphtheria, typhoid fever, influenza, acute respiratory infections, diseases of the ear, nose and throat. - Mushroom infusion slows down and eases the course of tuberculosis. - Strengthens the central nervous system. - Lowers blood pressure in patients with hypertension.

Description of the species

Kombucha is a type of symbiotic organism consisting of two components: a fungal (mycobiont) and an algal (phycobiont). Kombucha is a symbiosis of acetic acid and yeast fungi. Kombucha, together with kefir mushroom, belongs to the zoogley mushroom. Yeast fungus ferments sugar to form alcohol and carbon dioxide, and acetic acid bacteria oxidize alcohol and convert it into organic acids. The result is a flavored drink with a pleasant sour taste, reminiscent of tea kvass.

The fungus is a thick layered mucous film floating on the surface of a liquid nutrient medium - sweet tea or juice. Kombucha tends to fill the entire free surface of the nutrient medium, so in industrial conditions it can reach impressive sizes - up to 100 kg. At home, it is placed in glass jars from half a liter to five liters filled with sweet tea.

This mushroom, as already mentioned, looks like a jellyfish. Therefore, it often causes some wariness, and sometimes even unpleasant sensations. Its upper part is shiny, dense, the lower part has hanging threads. It is in it that the sugar solution and tea leaves are transformed into a healing drink.

To properly prepare this drink, you need sugar, like the Indian sea mushroom, and tea leaves. That's why this zooglea is called kombucha.

Its film is yellowish-brown in color and floats on the surface of the sweet black tea infusion. The liquid may contain glucose, sucrose, and fructose. The type of tea does not matter, but it must be without additives and black.

In addition, the drink obtained using kombucha contains a number of components:

Ethanol; . Sahara; . organic acids: acetic, oxalic, citric, malic, pyruvic, phosphoric, etc.; . ascorbic acid; . thiamine; . enzymes: lipase, protease, amylase, etc.; . fatty acids, etc.

Rules for cultivation, care and use

Typically, to prepare 1 liter of drink, add 2 teaspoons of dry black long tea and approximately 50 g of sugar (maximum 100 g). The tea should be poured so that it does not fall on the mushroom itself and cause decay processes.

You need to dilute kombucha and prepare a drink from it in a glass jar. It should be large - 2-3 liters, with a wide neck. Prepare the jar in the same way as for raising Indian sea rice. Pour in filtered sweet tea. Place the mushroom there. Take gauze folded in two layers. This is what should be used to close the jar, but in no case with a lid. A mushroom is a living organism and requires air.

Pour boiled or purified water, along with sugar dissolved in it. Raw water contains a lot of calcium, and a precipitate of gluconic acid salts can form in it. Do not sprinkle sugar on the mushroom - this will cause it to darken and reduce its performance.

The jar is left at room temperature, so that it is not exposed to direct sunlight. In addition, it should be kept away from the window and the cold. This slows down the growth of the fungus and degrades the quality of the drink.

Don't be afraid to grow a mushroom from the smallest piece of it. This zooglea grows quickly. Separate the bottom layer from the bottom of the mother mushroom and place it in a prepared jar, pouring cooled sweet tea into it.

For about three days, the kombucha will not rise to the surface. This is a completely normal reaction. Then it will float up, and after a week the first portion of the drink will be ready. Thanks to the carbon dioxide it contains, the resulting liquid will be slightly carbonated.

Soon the mushroom will reach a thickness of several centimeters. Every 10 days, another new layer forms on its surface - a thin mucous film. To propagate the fungus, such layers are separated (usually 1-2) and transplanted into a new container.

Carefully monitor the liquid level in the jar and add (from 0.5 to 2 l). If you suddenly forget about your kombucha, the liquid may evaporate. This is not a good thing, but Zooglea is very hardy and will not die. Once you add sweet tea, it will come to life again and begin to increase in size.

Kombucha is usually sweetened with a solution in the proportion of 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar and 2 teaspoons of tea per 3 liters of water.

Several other specific conditions for preparing this healthy drink must be observed.

Get two three-liter jars. One should contain a mushroom. You will pour the drink into the other, keeping it in the refrigerator. Drain the infusion every 5-7 days in winter; in summer, do this more often, every 3 days, because it gets warmer and the fungus becomes more active.

To maintain the optimal composition of kvass and acceptable taste properties, you should wash the mushroom with warm boiled water once a week. If you haven’t done this, your mushroom will become overgrown. A drink that has not been drained for a couple of weeks takes on the qualities of vinegar. You can't drink it. In summer, rinse the mushroom with clean water every two weeks, in winter - about once a month.

A special sign of the unfavorable state of kombucha is its darkening. The top film turns brown. This means that zooglea dies. Therefore, it was left in the infusion or you did not wash it properly. Prevent the situation by brewing new kombucha.

You can grow and propagate kombucha in another way. It is not necessary to separate new layers. Approximately 1 liter of 10-day infusion is placed in a warm place. After two weeks, a thin film will form. From it the zooglea of ​​kombucha is formed.

The resulting drink should taste sweet and sour, refreshing. In no case sharp, nor with a pronounced alcoholic taste, nor tart. Otherwise, you either went too far with sugar, or, conversely, put less of it than necessary. Maybe the brew was too strong or too weak. In addition, the taste of the drink depends on the length of time the mushroom is in it.

Since the incoming substances interact with food in your stomach, you should not drink mushroom kvass immediately before, during or immediately after meals so that no mixing with food occurs. It is believed that after a hearty lunch, if you ate fish, meat or poultry, two to three hours should pass, and after eating vegetables or fruits - 1-2 hours. But if you overeat, then to eliminate heaviness in the stomach, drink half a glass of kombucha infusion.

You can drink tea kvass in the morning and evening - twice a day. The morning intake has a stimulating function, the evening one has a calming effect, normalizing sleep.

Before drinking normal mushroom kvass, it should be filtered by pouring it through gauze folded in four layers. The most delicious drink is one aged for a week. Pour the drink into cans (or bottles) and store them in a cool place. It will taste better when chilled.

Although only black tea should be used for medicinal purposes, other types of tea can be used to suit special taste needs or in special cases. For example, green tea contains more vitamins and caffeine; such a drink will be a real tonic. You can even rinse your mouth with it after eating, as it has a strong antibacterial effect.

You can add tea with bergamot or herbs to infuse the drink - especially mint and oregano. This has a calming effect on the nervous system. Sometimes honey is added instead of sugar, as a result you will enrich the resulting drink with additional microelements, and the taste will be close to the type of honey you use.

Since many people are engaged in breeding kombucha, a lot of evidence has been collected that this organism as a whole is very unpretentious. Therefore, you should not have any particular difficulties in caring for it.

So, kombucha infusion improves digestion, treats arthritis, has antibacterial properties, helps lower blood pressure, and stimulates the immune system. In addition, being both healthy and tasty, it diversifies the traditional and sometimes stingy selection of drinks in your diet.

Therapeutic and cosmetic effects of kombucha

Let us once again list the cases when an infusion of kombucha has a preventive, and sometimes even a therapeutic effect:

Diseases of the liver and gall bladder; . diseases of the gastrointestinal tract; . vegetative-vascular dystonia; . tonsillitis; . conjunctivitis; . chronic enterocolitis; . influenza and ARVI; . gastritis; . wounds; . constipation

In addition, the doctors who conducted the research believe that this infusion is appropriate to drink for tuberculosis. It also serves as a supporting agent for diseases of the central nervous system.

To treat gastrointestinal diseases, as well as gallbladder diseases, the drink should be prepared in the manner indicated above and drunk regularly. Exactly the same recipe should be used in case of headaches, insomnia, and cardialgia.

The antibacterial effect of kombucha is manifested in the treatment of the nasopharynx and oral cavity. To enhance the effect, the solution is heated slightly. This should be done in enamel dishes (not aluminum or galvanized!), or even better - in clay or glass. There are examples when an infusion of kombucha prepared in this way was used in the treatment of sore throat for hourly rinsing. In such cases, water is added to the infusion in a ratio of 1:10. The nasal mucosa is washed with the same solution. In addition, mushroom kvass is drunk 2-3 glasses a day.

For stomatitis, rinse your mouth every half hour.

To prevent acute respiratory infections, drink 3 glasses every day.

For inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye or barley, an infusion of kombucha, diluted in a ratio of 1:20, is instilled 2-3 drops several times a day.

When relieving cold symptoms, gauze swabs soaked in this solution of kombucha are also used. They are changed every half hour.

An alcohol tincture prepared with concentrated kombucha is also very useful. To do this, you need to take the longest-stored infusion (maybe for a month) and add vodka to it in a ratio of 1:4. Next, infuse the drink for 2 weeks, strain, and then store it in a dark, cool place. Drink this tincture 1 teaspoon 3 times a day as a preventive measure to eliminate cold symptoms.

In addition, excellent homemade vinegar is prepared from kombucha. To do this, the mushroom is poured with boiled water, tea leaves and sugar syrup and kept for 3 weeks. Just remember to rinse the mushroom periodically. Then pour the infusion into a saucepan, boil for about 40 minutes, filter through cheesecloth and add citric acid. You will receive a product that can be used not only for cooking, but also for cosmetic purposes.

It should be said that the range of cosmetic uses of kombucha is quite wide. By diluting it in water, you can wash oily hair with it. You can use it to make an excellent lotion for caring for porous, oily skin, cleansing acne and pustular lesions. To do this, pour a week’s solution of the mushroom, soak a cotton swab in it and wipe your face with it along the lines of the skin. It is advisable to perform this procedure twice a day - in the mornings and evenings. Your skin condition will improve, and due to the antibacterial effect of the kombucha infusion, all sorts of rashes and redness should go away, unless, of course, they are of an allergic nature.

Kombucha infusion can be used to make a toning mask for any skin type. They do it like this. First, cleanse your face and generously lubricate it with natural cream. Then place gauze, generously soaked in the kombucha solution and wrung out so that the liquid does not drain, on your face. Lie down and rest for 20-30 minutes. When completing the procedure, wash your face with cool boiled water.

Kombucha - a natural cosmetic product

Kombucha infusion is a natural skin care product. It stimulates its excretory functions, improves blood circulation, smoothes and tones the skin. This product has a surprisingly diverse range of cosmetic uses, providing both therapeutic and cosmetic effects during many procedures.

Sebum and sweat, covering the skin with a thin layer, create an acidic environment, which is unfavorable for many microorganisms that cause various skin diseases. The skin, which is naturally acidic, thus performs an important protective function in relation to the entire body.

The vast majority of soaps damage this protective layer of the skin because they contain alkali. If your body or scalp is itchy, it usually means you've used too strong a cleanser and it has altered your skin's natural acidity. When acid is used as a cleanser, the skin receives a natural product that meets its natural needs.

Therefore, after washing with soap, it is very good to rinse or wipe the skin with an infusion of kombucha that has been aged for a month or even longer. This infusion has proven itself as an effective skin care product, thanks to which its acidic environment is restored. In addition, it is valuable because it has a soft and very delicate effect on the skin.

To eliminate acne, you can add lavender flowers to the kombucha infusion (a handful of flowers per glass of tea kvass) or lavender oil (in a volume similar to the volume of plants). Keep the lotion for three weeks in a cold place, then strain. Wash and take a bath by adding this solution to the water.

A good cleansing agent is an infusion of kombucha, aged for a month. This is a kind of scrub and lotion at the same time, which can be used to wipe the entire body. First, wash your body well with soap, then rub it with the mushroom infusion. Lie there for about ten minutes, then rinse everything off with clean water. After rubbing with the infusion, you can massage it, this will enhance its therapeutic and cosmetic effect.

It is not forbidden to add an infusion when taking a bath (a glass of kombucha infusion aged for at least 2-3 weeks). Stay in the water for 20-30 minutes.

To destroy bacteria from the skin, you can wipe your armpits with gauze or cotton cloth soaked in kombucha infusion. These are a very effective remedy for the unpleasant odor of sweat, preserving the natural acidic environment for the skin.

You can cleanse your facial skin in other ways. Wipe your face with cosmetic milk and rinse with warm water. Then soak a linen napkin well in a 2-week aged kombucha infusion, wring it out, place it on your face and cover with a warm towel. Lie like this for ten minutes. After this, remove the napkin, wash your face with warm water and massage your skin vigorously.

Kombucha infusion is also used to treat the scalp. Rinse your hair with kombucha infusion after each shampoo and it will become shiny. For oily hair, use a combination of mushroom infusion with nettle leaf infusion. Brew dried nettle leaves at the rate of 2 tbsp. spoons per glass of water, mix the resulting solution with mushroom kvass in a 1:1 ratio. After washing your hair, moisten your skin with this infusion and massage it along the hair growth lines. There is no need to rinse your hair with water after this. If you don’t like leaving the infusion unwashed, rinse them, but not earlier than half an hour later.

To care for oily hair, you can prepare another infusion: take 1 teaspoon each of sage, rosemary, thyme and horsetail, brew half a glass of boiling water and mix with half a glass of infusion.

For brittle hair, use nettle leaves, chamomile and mushroom infusion, taken in the same proportion.

To make your hair thicker, try caring for it using mushroom kvass with the addition of dry burdock herb (2 tablespoons per half glass).

Kombucha infusion also helps with dandruff. Rub it into your skin after shampooing, leave on for 20 minutes and then rinse.

In the same way, you can wipe your hands, torso, and nails with kombucha infusion. This helps improve their appearance and your overall well-being.


In case of increased stomach acidity or stomach ulcers, it is not recommended.

Kombucha is a unique living organism, which is a mucous substance in the form of a thick layered film, reminiscent of a jellyfish. Therefore, it is also called “medusomycete” or “tea jellyfish”. The body of the mushroom is a product of the symbiosis of yeast fungi and acetic acid bacteria.

Today it is difficult to name the homeland of kombucha: in some sources it is Japan, in others it is China. Therefore, it is not surprising that in some regions it is called the “Japanese” or “Manchurian” mushroom. There are other less popular names in our country: “sea kvass”, “fango”, “kombucha mushroom”.

For many hundreds of years, kombucha has been used to prepare a drink that has a unique taste and is very healthy for health - carbonated tea infusion. Our ancestors used it not only to quench thirst, but also for treatment. This wonderful kvass can heal and prevent many diseases. Its use, unlike medications, does not cause any side effects.

Chemical composition and structure of the infusion

Medicinal properties and uses

According to ancient Chinese manuscripts, the healing properties of kombucha were known more than 250 thousand years BC. Chinese healers called it “the elixir of health, youth and immortality.”

It is known that daily consumption of mushroom drink significantly reduces cholesterol in the body. Therefore, it is widely used for ischemia, varicose veins and hypertension, as well as for the prevention of these ailments.

Laboratory studies have shown that kombucha infusion has a beneficial effect on the nervous, hematopoietic and digestive systems. It also helps with: anemia, colds, headaches, neurasthenia, hemorrhoids, intestinal infections and conjunctivitis.

Thanks to the antibacterial substances included in this drink, it is taken for diseases of the respiratory and urinary tract, otitis media, tuberculosis, abscesses, stomatitis and poisoning.

An infusion of kombucha can activate all biological functions and maintain the body’s apparatus in constant tone. This healing drink suppresses pathogenic microbes in the intestines and revives beneficial microflora - increases the number of lactic acid bacteria. These microorganisms play an important role in maintaining health and preventing aging.

The healing drink is widely used both internally and externally in the form of compresses for cracks and spurs on the heels, for advanced sinusitis or frequent runny nose.

How to prepare a tea drink for treatment

To get a healthy drink, you need to pour one liter of slightly warm boiled water into a three-liter clean jar, dissolve 2 tablespoons of sugar in it and add a glass of strong green tea (you can also have black).

Next, you should carefully lower the kombucha into this container and cover the top with gauze. Infuse the drink in this environment for approximately one week. During this period, under the influence of yeast and sugar, the fermentation process will occur with the gradual formation of alcohol and carbon dioxide.

Bacteria will convert alcohol into organic acids (lactic, malic, citric, etc.), as well as enzymes, lipids and many other substances beneficial to the body. The finished infusion of kombucha is a pleasant-tasting, slightly carbonated, sweet and sour drink.

Kombucha care

  1. Periodically, the mushroom should be washed with clean water at approximately room temperature. This must be done very carefully so as not to damage it.
  2. The mushroom should also be fed, but under no circumstances should sugar be poured directly onto its surface. He may get burnt to the mucous layer and die.
  3. You should also not allow tea leaves to get into the solution with kombucha.
  4. Direct rays of the sun also have a detrimental effect on it. The best place for the mushroom would be a moderately lit corner in the kitchen.
  5. Do not overheat the water with the mushroom. He, like any living creature, lives comfortably at a temperature of 18°-25°C.
  6. You should also not use sweeteners instead of sugar.
  7. If the kombucha is healthy, it will float in the sugared solution on the surface.

The use of kombucha in folk medicine.

1. You can use mushroom infusion. It destroys various pathogenic bacteria. To enhance the medicinal properties, it is recommended to warm the infusion a little and dilute it with water (if it is very sour and highly carbonated). The procedure is carried out up to 7 times a day. For sore throat and tonsillitis, it is useful to take the infusion orally: 1 glass (warm) an hour or two before meals.

2. It is useful to drink mushroom infusion for people who have strained their voices (especially artists, teachers, speakers). To do this, you need to warm the product a little and drink it warm three times a day. You can also add honey or a warm infusion of medicinal herbs to the drink.

3. Cotton swabs soaked in the infusion should be inserted into the nasal passages for persistent runny nose or sinusitis. It is also useful to rinse your nose with this tea and apply lotions to the maxillary sinuses. Inflammatory processes in tissues will pass.

4. The healing properties of kombucha for wounds and burns are known. A mushroom layer should be applied to damaged skin. As it dries out, this “lotion” is replaced with a fresh one. In just a couple of days, the wound will begin to heal, inflammation and pain will subside.

5. and conjunctivitis, you need to wipe the affected areas with a cotton swab dipped in tea kvass. Thanks to the bactericidal properties of the mushroom drink, the skin will cleanse and purulent discharge from the eyes will disappear.

6. For gout, inflammation of the joints and neuralgia, compresses or lotions with kombucha infusion can be applied to the affected areas.

7. To improve the condition of your hair and reduce oiliness, you need to rinse it with kombucha infusion. If brittle, the strands should be washed with tea kvass with the addition of 1:1 nettle infusion.

8. The beneficial properties of the drink in restoring intestinal microflora and normalizing the digestive process are known. In addition, the mushroom infusion improves appetite and improves immunity. To do this, use four-day mushroom kvass with the obligatory addition of honey. The drink is taken one hour before meals.

9. If you overeat or increase the level of uric acid in the body, you need to drink three glasses of mushroom drink during the day.

10. You should drink an eight-day infusion of kombucha before meals, 100 milliliters. Stool and intestinal microflora are normalized. Cracks and inflammation in the rectum will go away.

11. For insomnia and nervous tension, you should drink a warm infusion of kombucha with honey at night, one glass at a time.

But for diseases such as insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, candidiasis and stomach ulcers, it is not recommended to take kvass from medusomycetes, or it should be consumed in small quantities and diluted with water.

With careful care and proper use of kombucha, this living miracle will bring only benefit and pleasure. This little “medical center” in a glass jar will be the key to health for the whole family!

Kombucha - beneficial properties and contraindications

Elixir of longevity - this is how kombucha was called in the Far East 2000 years ago.

Kombucha or kombucha is a drink that consists of probiotics and acetic acid bacteria. It stops the aging process and benefits the entire body.

Composition and calorie content of kombucha

Kombucha consists of black or green tea and sugar. It contains yeast and many beneficial bacteria.

After brewing, kombucha becomes a carbonated drink that contains B vitamins and acids.

Which kombucha is healthier?

The debate about the benefits and harms of pasteurized and unpasteurized kombucha is similar to the debate about milk. Pasteurization is a process during which bacteria are killed. After pasteurization, kombucha becomes an “empty” drink that does not contain bacteria beneficial to the intestines.

Unpasteurized kombucha is beneficial if you drink it immediately after brewing. The longer it is stored, the higher the percentage of alcohol in it.

Kombucha can rival green tea in terms of the importance of its beneficial properties. It contains almost all of the same plant compounds as green tea. However, probiotics are only present in kombucha.

For the heart and blood vessels

Kombucha improves cholesterol levels. By drinking kombucha for a month, the level of “bad” cholesterol drops and the level of “good” cholesterol increases.

Drinking kombucha reduces the risk of developing heart disease by 31%.

For the brain and nerves

Kombucha is rich in B vitamins, which are good for brain function.

The effect of kombucha on the intestines is reflected in the mood. Poor gut function and poor nutrient absorption cause inflammation, which leads to apathy and depression. If you feel that you get tired quickly, check your intestines and add kombucha to your diet.

For the gastrointestinal tract

Kombucha is a fermented product. During the fermentation process, it produces probiotics, which are important for intestinal health. They improve digestion, reduce inflammation and help you lose weight.

Kombucha produces acetic acid during fermentation. It, like polyphenols, kills harmful microorganisms. Kombucha is useful in the fight against fungal diseases and thrush.

Kombucha is also good for the stomach. It protects the organ from developing ulcers. And if you have an existing disease, kombucha speeds up recovery.

For the liver

Kombucha brewed with green tea stops liver damage thanks to its antioxidants.

Kombucha has an antibacterial effect against staphylococcus, E. coli, salmonella and other bacteria.

For skin and hair

Kombucha contains quercetin, which slows down aging and improves skin condition. The same substance increases life expectancy and protects against cancer.

For immunity

Research has shown that kombucha stops the growth and spread of cancer cells due to the antioxidants and polyphenols it contains.

80% of the immune system is hidden in the intestines. Since kombucha is rich in probiotics, which kill “bad” bacteria in the intestines and promote “good” ones, we can confidently say that kombucha strengthens the immune system.

Tea mushroom. Beneficial features. Kombucha infusion

Anyone who has tried it once will certainly want to try it again, say lovers of “tea kvass” - a drink made from kombucha. Although in fact no one knows its true origin. Some claim that it comes from China, others argue that kombucha was bred in Ceylon, and still others in India. One way or another, it spread to different countries, gaining wide popularity among the people thanks to its pleasant sweet and sour taste, rare unpretentiousness and healing properties. Italians, Czechs, Spaniards, English and even the French have kombucha in their homes.

Kombucha infusion
It gets its name because it feeds on a weakly sweetened solution or leftover tea. It looks like a jellyfish, it has a smooth top and shaggy bottom. Its mass, consisting of grayish-brown plates, represents colonies of multiplying lactic acid and other microorganisms. Kombucha can reach great thickness. It contains acetic acid bacteria and yeast, which at room temperature ferment sugar, forming a refreshing, slightly carbonated drink. Experts who have studied its effect on human health have come to optimistic conclusions. Having called the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, we heard positive reviews about kombucha, although everyone we talked to emphasized that it has not been fully studied.
The infusion contains enzymes, vitamins, malic, citric, lactic acids, caffeine, and alkaloids. This drink promotes metabolism, stimulates the secretion of digestive enzymes, helping to break down fats and carbohydrates entering the body. There are practically no restrictions on intake, with the exception of people with high acidity. They, like “ulcer sufferers,” should not get carried away with the drink, especially during the period of exacerbation of the disease. On the contrary, for those who have low stomach acidity, kombucha is very useful. It even helps in such cases to heal gastritis.
It should be borne in mind that a mushroom infusion using green tea is richer in its beneficial effects than the one used when brewing black tea leaves. Perhaps the most valuable property of kombucha is its ability to destroy putrefactive bacteria. For those who regularly consume the infusion, intestinal bloating and unhealthy stool odor disappear. The drink is also remarkable because it reduces the feeling of hunger, cravings for sweets, and removes toxins and excess fluid from the body.
Produces kombucha and alcohol. Its amount in the infusion is too small to cause alcohol dependence, but high enough to prevent cardiovascular diseases. Infusion, especially honey, reduces cholesterol levels in the blood and lowers blood pressure. It has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the liver and gall bladder, improves complexion, condition of the skin, hair and nails, and brings relief from catarrh of the upper respiratory tract and dysentery. A glass of infusion on an empty stomach in the morning relieves nervous tension, helps in healing purulent wounds, trophic ulcers, burns, frostbite. To reduce joint pain due to gout and rheumatism, apply a gauze bandage soaked in mushroom infusion.
It is recommended to drink kombucha for a sore throat, and if you have a sore throat, you should gargle with a slightly warmed infusion every hour. Those suffering from hemorrhoids are advised to apply a napkin soaked in an infusion mixed with honey to the cones.
For flu and colds, the following recipe is good - add 2 tsp to 1/2 cup of tea drink. honey and 1/2 tsp. chili pepper. Take 1 tsp. every 2-3 hours.
Kombucha is feared by dandruff, calluses and keratinized areas on the soles of the feet. It is good to rinse your mouth with its solution in the mornings and evenings - it is good for both gums and teeth. And whoever guesses to combine it with mineral water will receive an excellent cleanser.
Owners of the mushroom should not forget to regularly rinse it with cooled boiled water, and anyone who has gastrointestinal problems should consult a gastroenterologist about when and how best to consume the delicious “tea kvass.”

How to cook and care
Those glorious times have not yet passed when you can surprise guests with something unusual and original at the table. One of these bright, unforgettable treats is kombucha. It is still quite a common occurrence in apartments, cherished and protected by the owners.
Kombucha or Japanese kvass, Manchurian and sea kvass, was imported to Russia during the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905. In addition to the usual names, he also has less common ones - sea mushroom, Japanese queen, Japanese mushroom.
Outwardly, it resembles a swimming jellyfish; it is a symbiosis of yeast fungi and acetic fermentation bacteria. The upper part of the kombucha is shiny, dense, and the lower part has the appearance of numerous hanging threads and acts as a growth zone. It is in the lower part of the mushroom that the mixture of sugar solution and tea leaves is transformed into a healthy, and most importantly, tasty infusion.
But why does it have the word “mushroom” in its name? There are two logical explanations for this - it contains yeast fungi, very similar to those that live in the flowing juice of oak bark, on the surface of soft fruits or fermented fruit and berry juices, and its appearance and historical name.
Preparing a nutritious infusion
To drink the drink, you must first obtain it, and this is impossible without kombucha. For the growth and development of the fungus, a solution of tea with sugar is needed. It is prepared at the rate of 100-120 g of sugar per 1 liter of water. Tea is brewed. Sugar is dissolved in the container in which the tea is brewed, and then the now cooled mixture is added to the jar where the mushroom is located. When adding the solution, you should not pour it with a powerful stream from above, but it is advisable to tilt the jar in order to minimize injury to the fungus.
To propagate kombucha, you need to take 1-2 newly formed layers and transfer them to a 2-3 liter jar, pre-washed with hot water and filled with filtered tea infusion. The jar must be covered with 2-3 layers of gauze and placed in a warm room where the temperature should be in the range from 18 to 30°C. Temperatures below 17 degrees reduce bacterial activity, which can cause the growth of harmful organisms. Too bright and abundant light is quite harmful to the mushroom. The jar cannot be closed with a tight lid - the vital activity of yeast fungi requires air, which is not supplied if you close the lid. It is also undesirable to leave it open, as dust gets in and flies flock to the sweets.
Drink consumption
The resulting infusion in which the mushroom floats must be drained periodically, approximately every 5-6 days in winter and 2-4 days in summer, this is due to the growth of kombucha - it grows faster in summer than in winter. It is necessary to drain the infusion through cheesecloth to avoid particles of the fungus getting into the drinking infusion. Poured into bottles or other containers, the infusion can be stored in the refrigerator for a long time, becoming even tastier over time. The infusion acquires the greatest therapeutic activity on days 7-8.
Drinking directly from the jar is highly discouraged due to the possibility of parts of the kombucha getting into the stomach. It is advisable to pre-cool the infusion in the refrigerator.
Medicinal properties
In addition to quenching thirst, the mushroom infusion also has medicinal properties. The infusion successfully relieves inflammation in the nasopharynx and oral cavity, and helps well in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases, liver and gall bladder diseases. Very effective in combating constipation. The resulting drink is recommended for elderly people to drink, as it lowers blood pressure.
Numerous studies have proven that the use of kombucha in folk medicine is completely justified. This mushroom really has many useful and healing properties. It turns out that this is not only a wonderful remedy in the fight against excess weight, but also an excellent cosmetic product, which helps solve a number of quite serious problems.
It is a wonderful natural skin care product. Normalizes the excretory function of the skin, tones it, and even produces a pronounced smoothing effect. Moreover, this effect is not purely cosmetic; in most cases it is therapeutic.
If you add some herbal infusions, namely lavender and chamomile flowers, to a monthly infusion of the mushroom, you can treat such an unpleasant thing as acne. The same product can be used to deep cleanse the skin of the face and décolleté.
Recent studies have proven that kombucha infusion also has a beneficial effect on the condition of the scalp. With its help, you can treat such a nuisance as seborrhea, or simply dandruff. This remedy will also help with hair loss.
So before you go to a pharmacy or store for a whole bunch of expensive, and sometimes downright expensive, remedies, you need to listen to the advice of traditional healers and look into your kitchen. Moreover, these facts have received official scientific confirmation.

Kombucha - Medusomyces Gisevi, Japanese mushroom, sea kvass, tea jellyfish, medusomycete, jar, kombucha - a symbiotic organism, a symbiosis of yeast and acetic acid bacteria. Strains of microorganisms make up the “mushroom body”.
It is a thick layered mucous film floating on the surface of a liquid nutrient medium - sweet tea; it consists of a culture of two microorganisms in a symbiotic relationship - a yeast-like fungus and bacteria. Yeast ferments sugar to form alcohol and carbon dioxide, and bacteria oxidize ethyl alcohol into acetic acid. The liquid, usually a 4-6% sugar solution in weak tea, acquires a sweet and sour taste and turns into a slightly carbonated drink - kombucha or kombucha infusion.
What else is useful
There is evidence that kombucha has antibiotic properties - the antibiotic medusin, and produces gluconic, lactic, acetic, malic, kojic acids, enzymes, B vitamins, vitamin C
and PP.
The medicinal properties of the mushroom have long been used in folk medicine. It contains many healing substances - vitamins, enzymes, alkaloids, glucosides, aromatic and tannins. It also contains alcohol, acetic acid and sugar.
In addition to antibiotic properties, it has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, lowers blood pressure and cholesterol levels in the blood, regulates the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, and is also an excellent preventive agent for atherosclerosis, rheumatic carditis, and polyarthritis.
For colds, flu and sore throat, it is recommended to drink an infusion of kombucha, and as many as 6-7 glasses a day. They also gargle with a sore throat every hour, after warming it up.
For headaches, you should drink the infusion constantly, morning and evening, without taking a break. It will not have an immediate effect, but its use can permanently eliminate causeless headaches. If you have hypertension, you should drink kombucha infusion regularly, 2-3 glasses a day.
Kombucha can temporarily soothe a toothache. To do this, you need to heat the infusion and rinse the aching tooth with it. You can soak cotton wool in the infusion and hold it on it or put it behind your cheek.
The mushroom is especially good for relieving pain from sunburn. To do this, gauze folded in several layers is generously moistened with a week's infusion and applied to the burned area for an hour or two. As for more serious burns, a visit to the doctor cannot be avoided, but for the first time, the infusion will relieve pain and prevent suppuration.
Drink 4-5 glasses of infusion regularly. It has diuretic properties, cleanses the body of toxins, and helps well with any diseases of the urinary system.
Two completely opposite diseases, diarrhea and constipation, however, can be effectively cured.
Due to the content of enzymes, and primarily lipase, long-term use of kombucha significantly reduces the amount of cholesterol in the blood.
Joint diseases are often accompanied by inflammation and severe pain. If you take one glass of infusion in the morning on an empty stomach, it normalizes metabolism and cleanses the body of salts.
The substances included in the drink help normalize metabolism. It is also an effective means for losing weight.
Kombucha infusion tones, calms, and reduces mental fatigue. It is very useful to drink it in the morning and evening for preventive purposes: an infusion drunk on an empty stomach will prepare your digestive system for the day's stress, and taken before bed will disinfect the stomach, calm the nerves and improve sleep.
Here is such an unusual one, requiring care and attention, but very useful in our diet - kombucha.