Tea with thyme - benefits and harm for men and women. Tea with thyme: the benefits of an aromatic drink, the best recipes for its preparation

Many people go into the forest to pick mushrooms or berries and often find a large clearing of thyme. Tea with thyme warms in winter, cools in summer, and helps people with many diseases. This is a herb that, when used correctly, helps maintain health for many years and prevent disease.

Thyme or thyme is a short herb that, when flowering, is covered with light lilac flowers and smells pleasant. It begins to bloom from June until the end of summer. It is recommended to harvest this herb during its flowering period. In this article we will talk about this herb, as well as the benefits and harms of tea with thyme.

Types of thyme

There are about 170 species of thyme, but only three species are the main ones.

  1. Common thyme. It grows up to 15 cm in length, the flowers are light purple or white, it all depends on the variety. Very sensitive and does not tolerate cold well.
  2. Creeping thyme. It is used in medicine as an expectorant, pathogenic, bactericidal and diuretic. It grows mainly wild on rocks or forest clearings.
  3. Lemon thyme. A subspecies of common thyme, it has a pleasant lemon smell. It is used mainly in cooking to add a subtle lemon flavor to food by adding it to a dish.

Thyme contains a huge amount of vitamins, such as vitamin C, B 1, B 2, B 5, B 6, B 9 and B pp. This herb is also rich in minerals. Potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus and iron, just to name a few. Thanks to them, the body gains strength and energy, and they also contribute to the proper functioning of all organs in the human body.

Nutritional value and calorie content

Per 100 grams of product

Benefits of thyme tea

  1. For diseases of the respiratory tract, it is an excellent expectorant; sputum leaves quite quickly. Helps even in case of advanced bronchitis or cough.
  2. Helps with colds. It is enough to add rose hips, a slice of lemon, currant leaf or St. John's wort to the tea. It will not only relieve weakness, but also help strengthen weakened immunity.
  3. For gastric disorders, as well as for improving appetite. Perfectly treats mild diseases of the liver and kidneys.
  4. For atherosclerosis. When there is blockage of blood vessels in the brain, tea with thyme is perfect.
  5. When losing weight. Helps people who want to lose extra pounds. But it does not burn fat, but only removes water, toxins and waste from the body.
  6. For mild brain contusions. It is enough to drink this tea three times a day, and the bruise will gradually begin to go away. In some cases, tea is useful for mild concussions and minor traumatic brain injuries.

Benefits of thyme tea for men

Thanks to the minerals selenium and molybdenum, which are part of thyme, thyme tea treats impotence and early ejaculation. A man's semen quality improves significantly, which is so important for conceiving a child. For prostatitis, the herb improves the flow of urine and relieves inflammation in the genitourinary system.

Also, tea with thyme can fight alcoholism. In most cases, they give medications that do not really cope with the problem. Thyme comes to the rescue and thyme is one and the same, as we found out.

This herb contains thymol, which when consumed with alcohol causes prolonged vomiting. Very effective for drinking bouts. They give you tea with thyme and immediately after it give you vodka to induce vomiting and cause aversion from alcohol in the patient.

Benefits of thyme tea for women

Tea with thyme helps cope with many gynecological diseases, including inflammation of the appendages. All you need to do is drink a cup a day. It is also useful for reducing pain during menstruation and better discharge of discharge.

It is also a good soothing and at the same time tonic drink. Tea lovers in general will be interested to learn about it on the pages of our website.

Harm of tea with thyme

Tea with thyme, despite its uniqueness and usefulness, can also cause some harm to the human body.

  1. During pregnancy. It is better for pregnant women to stop drinking this tea in the second trimester, since thyme slightly increases blood pressure.
  2. For hypertension. Since tea slightly, but still increases blood pressure, people with high blood pressure should not drink it.
  3. With exacerbation of chronic diseases. Typically, an exacerbation occurs in the fall, when dampness, drafts begin and it becomes quite cool.
  4. For heart failure.


    1. Small children under 3 years old.
    2. For liver and kidney disease.
    3. For stomach ulcers.
    4. For diseases of the thyroid gland.

    Thyme tea recipes

    1. Green tea with thyme will help you calm down and put your nervous system in order. It is simply poured with burning, but not boiling water, and left for 15-20 minutes.
    2. If you suddenly have a severe headache, then green tea with thyme and mint will help you. Everything is taken in equal proportions and filled with hot water. After 10-15 minutes, the tea is ready to drink.
    3. Thyme helps quite well for rejuvenating facial skin. We take part of thyme with coltsfoot and part of chamomile with lavender. Brew and drink 3 cups a day, and your skin will gradually begin to rejuvenate. But you don’t have to wait for an instant effect, this process is very long, you need to be patient.
    4. Tea with thyme and apple is distinguished by its splendor. Here preference should be given to black tea. Brew thyme tea in a teapot and let it steep. In the meantime, take an apple, preferably green and sour, and cut it into slices. You can put an apple slice in each mug and add 0.1 grams of ground cinnamon to each. While we were preparing the apple, our tea was brewed and ready for further use. Pour tea into a mug with apple and cinnamon. We wait 10-15 minutes and our tea is ready.
    5. The following recipe will help women lose weight. You need to put 1 tablespoon of dried thyme and the same amount of dried mint in 1 glass of water. Put all this on the stove and simmer over low heat for 5-7 minutes. Remove from heat, wrap in a terry towel, close with a lid and leave for another 15-20 minutes. The resulting decoction should be filtered and drunk instead of regular coffee or tea.
    6. If you have problems with digestion, you need to prepare a special decoction. To do this, take 40 grams of dried thyme, 30 grams each of dried centaury and dried peppermint. All this must be mixed and brewed in 750 ml. water. Leave the broth for 10 minutes, strain and drink warm. Moreover, consuming such a decoction will be beneficial if you do not add sugar or honey to it.
    7. If you are worried about a strong cough, then you need to take 1 liter of water and add 90 grams of dried thyme and 40 grams of anise, spring primrose root and sundew. Boil this for about 15-20 minutes to allow the tea to steep. Pass through a sieve and consume in the morning, afternoon and evening, one mug per day. The cough will gradually subside.
    8. For people suffering from baldness, and these are mostly men, it is recommended to mix 1 teaspoon of vodka with 3 drops of thyme essential oil and rub it into the scalp.

    As you can see, this drink can be used for...


    We told you about the benefits and harms of tea with thyme, as we told you earlier about other medicines, for example, about. Of course, it has more benefits, but we should not forget about the harm of this herb.

    Drinking thyme tea is acceptable in small quantities as it is medicinal. You can use it for about two weeks, after which you take a break for 1-2 months, and if you plan to continue using it, you should consult a doctor. Happy tea drinking and good health to you!

In the article we discuss tea with thyme - benefits and indications for use, recipes for the treatment of various diseases, contraindications and side effects. You will learn how to prevent colds using tea with thyme, get rid of insomnia and nervous agitation, and also solve problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Thyme or creeping thyme is a small subshrub with thin trunks, small green leaves and pink-purple flowers. In folk medicine, the aerial part of the plant is used, from which decoctions and teas are made.

Tea with thyme is good for the body

The beneficial properties of thyme tea are explained by its chemical composition:

  • iron - stimulates the growth of red cells in the blood, promotes oxygen saturation of internal organs;
  • manganese and potassium - have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, relax blood vessels and lower blood pressure;
  • carotenoids - prevent the development of cataracts;
  • vitamin C - strengthens the immune system;
  • Vitamin B - improves mood and relieves stress.

What is thyme tea good for:

Decoctions and teas with thyme help with the following diseases:

  • rheumatism;
  • diseases of joints and muscles;
  • hypovitaminosis;
  • colds;
  • pulmonary diseases;
  • hypertension;
  • prostatitis;
  • neurosis and depression;
  • gastritis;
  • diabetes;
  • kidney diseases;
  • stomach colic;
  • stomach ulcers.

Thyme tea recipes

You can use fresh or dried thyme to brew tea.

Tea with thyme has the same beneficial properties and contraindications when using fresh raw materials and dried herbs. Procurement conditions change:

  1. Choose fresh thyme without spots or yellowed areas.
  2. To keep thyme longer, lightly dampen a paper towel, wrap the herb in it, and place it in the refrigerator.
  3. When drying thyme, spread it in a thin layer in the shade and turn it periodically until the herb becomes dry and brittle.
  4. Store dry raw materials in a glass container with a tight-fitting lid in a cool, dark room. Shelf life: up to 6 months.

Be careful with the dosage of thyme in tea. Do not consume more than 1 teaspoon of the herb per glass. To enhance the thyme flavor, add mint or honey.

The course of treatment should not last longer than 2 weeks in a row. Be sure to take a break for 2-3 months, otherwise you will provoke hypothyroidism.

If you are taking medications while taking thyme, consult your doctor about whether thyme tea is beneficial for you. The components in the plant do not combine well with some medications.

Green tea with thyme

Green tea has high antioxidant properties and protects the body from aging. When drinking green tea with thyme, the beneficial properties of the drink are even stronger, providing a tonic and anti-inflammatory effect.


  1. Green tea leaves - 1 tsp.
  2. Thyme herb - 1 tsp.
  3. Water (boiling water) - 2 cups.

How to cook: Mix green tea with thyme and pour boiling water at a temperature no higher than 90 degrees. Infuse the drink for 5 minutes, then filter.

How to use: Take ⅓ glass of tea two to three times a day.

Result: Green tea with thyme eases breathing and relieves coughing spasms, protects the immune system, has a diuretic effect and removes toxins from the body, replenishes vitamin and mineral composition, reduces cholesterol levels in the blood and improves blood circulation, relieves headaches.

Black tea with thyme

With regular consumption of black tea with thyme, the beneficial properties of the herb will help cope with colds, vitamin deficiency and loss of strength.


  1. Black tea leaves - 1 tsp.
  2. Thyme herb - 1 tsp.
  3. Water (boiling water) - 1 glass.

How to cook: Scald a teapot or glass cup with water, drain the water, add tea and thyme and pour boiling water over it. Close the container and leave for 5-7 minutes. Strain the tea through a strainer or cheesecloth folded in several layers.

How to use: Drink ⅓ glass two to three times a day.

Result: Black tea with thyme improves immunity, warms in winter and quenches thirst in hot summer. Thanks to essential oils, the benefits of thyme in tea are increased due to its tonic effect - thymol stimulates the growth of brain cells, helps to concentrate and improves mental activity.

Vitamin tea

To restore a depleted body due to vitamin deficiency in the spring, take vitamin tea from thyme - the benefits of thyme will be especially noticeable if you add sources of vitamin C to the drink, such as lingonberry leaves and rose hips.


  1. Thyme herb - 1 tsp.
  2. Rose hips - 1 tbsp.
  3. Lingonberry leaves - 1 tbsp.
  4. Water (boiling water) - 2 cups.

How to cook: Grind the rose hips in a blender, add thyme and lingonberries to it and scald with boiling water. Place the mixture on low heat and cook for 5 minutes. remove the container from the heat and leave for 2-3 hours. Filter with gauze.

How to use: Take ½ glass warm three times a day.

Result: Lingonberries, thyme and rose hips add energy and vigor, increase the content of vitamin C, and quickly cope with ARVI and influenza. If you regularly drink vitamin tea with thyme during the cold season, the properties of vitamin C help the body resist viruses.

Calming collection

With nervous excitement, insomnia and overwork, the beneficial properties of thyme tea, such as sedative and stimulating, appear.


  1. Thyme herb - 1 tbsp.
  2. Valerian root - 1 tbsp.
  3. Peppermint - 1 tbsp.
  4. Water (boiling water) - 1 glass.

How to cook: Grind mint, thyme and valerian, pour boiling water and wait 20 minutes. Strain the soothing collection through several layers of gauze.

How to use: Take the decoction three times a day, ⅓ cup.

Result: The main benefit of tea with thyme, mint and valerian is the ability to relieve depression. The drink has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, relieves anxiety and irritability, stimulates brain processes, and improves sleep.

Gastric collection

Knowing the benefits of tea with thyme and mint, doctors often prescribe it for diseases of the stomach and intestines.


  1. Thyme herb - ½ tsp.
  2. Cumin - ½ tsp.
  3. Mint - ½ tsp.
  4. Centaury - ½ tsp.
  5. Water (boiling water) - 1 glass.

How to cook: Mix a collection of medicinal herbs in a glass container and pour boiling water over it. Leave the mixture for 20 minutes, then strain through cheesecloth.

How to use: Drink ⅓ glass of tea three times a day.

Result: The medicine eliminates intestinal colic, heartburn and bloating, improves appetite with regular consumption of tea with thyme - the effect of the drink is based on its antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties.

For more information about thyme, watch the video:

Contraindications and possible harm

Tea with thyme has the following contraindications:

  • cerebral atherosclerosis;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • atrial fibrillation;
  • progressive cardiosclerosis;
  • cardiac decompensation;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • stomach ulcer.

Be careful when taking the herb during pregnancy and lactation. If thyme is consumed in high concentrations, it brings both benefits and harm - tea with thyme calms the expectant mother, but at the same time causes bleeding and can provoke a miscarriage or premature birth. Thyme also stimulates lactation, but the active essential oils in the herb enter the child’s body along with milk and can develop allergies.

An allergic reaction can also occur in an adult. Signs include difficulty breathing, chest pain, swollen joints or skin rash. If you experience these symptoms after drinking thyme tea, consult your doctor immediately.

What to remember

  1. Tea with thyme effectively treats colds, diseases of the stomach and intestines, depression and nervous overexcitation, prostatitis and diabetes.
  2. For colds and exhaustion, take green and black tea with thyme.
  3. Vitamin tea helps with a lack of vitamin C in the body.
  4. If you have insomnia, try tea with mint, thyme and valerian.
  5. To treat heartburn and flatulence, do a gastric collection.

Thyme is an amazing herb that grows right under your feet. It has many medical indicators and is successfully used in official and folk medicine. What is thyme tea for, how to make it, what does it treat? Find out from this article.

Herbal teas have been used in folk medicine since time immemorial. At first, herbs were brewed with boiling water and such infusions were used for medicinal purposes. After the tea is distributed, various flavor compositions are created based on it. Thyme tea is one such drink. In addition to excellent taste, it has a number of characteristics that make this drink healing.

What is thyme?

The medicinal herb that grows in the steppe and forest-steppe zones of our country has many names. Mother of God herb, thyme, cap, thyme - these are a few of its names. This herb is used as a seasoning and as a medicinal drug. Almost all recipes recommend using the upper part of a flowering plant or its young leaves. The grass is harvested while it is blooming; it should not be dried in the open sun, but in a cool, shaded, well-ventilated room. It is not recommended to brew this herb separately - it has a rather pungent and specific taste.

How to brew?

Thyme in tea gives the usual drink medicinal properties. In summer, such a drink is pleasantly refreshing, but in winter it warms. Making black tea with thyme at home is quite simple: add a pinch of thyme into the teapot along with the tea, and brew this drink in the usual way. Some people add a slice of lemon to the finished tea. The sour fruit will further enhance the taste of the tea.

Beneficial features

What are the benefits of black tea with thyme? What diseases does this drink help with?

  • A morning cup of tea improves blood circulation, enhances brain activity, and improves body tone.
  • The drink relieves fatigue well and gives strength to those recovering.
  • This drink is prescribed to patients who have digestive problems.
  • Black tea with a pinch of thyme helps in the treatment of colds - it dilates blood vessels, removes phlegm, improves appetite, and reduces fever.
  • This drink is successfully used for allergies, soothes the skin during allergic rashes, and you can drink this tea and use it externally in the form of lotions.
  • Traditional medicine recipes significantly expand the range of beneficial properties of thyme in tea. This drink is used as an anthelmintic and is recommended for female diseases (anorrhea, amenorrhea).
  • Regular consumption is also recommended for men - the drink gives masculine strength and increases endurance.

Tea with thyme during pregnancy

The question often comes up online: Can pregnant women drink herbal teas and infusions? Expectant mothers and their relatives should understand that pregnancy is a special form of condition in a woman’s body. For nine months she directly takes part in the formation of a new life. At this time, it is undesirable to use any medicines – artificial or natural.

Herbs are no exception. Their effect on the body has not yet been fully studied. Thyme during pregnancy can be used by mothers with good kidneys and digestion. But women who suffer from thyroid diseases or chronic gastritis should not overuse this tea. In general, the beneficial properties and contraindications of black tea with thyme are considered individually for each woman in a delicate situation. Many factors should be taken into account to draw a conclusion about the indication or contraindication of a particular herbal collection. Therefore, let the attending physician evaluate the benefits and harms of tea with thyme.

Important! Official medicine warns that during pregnancy you should regularly take any herbal teas and infusions only under the supervision of a doctor.

You should also inform doctors about your habit of drinking herbal teas and medicinal mixtures. This information is needed to determine the compatibility of prescribed medications and those herbal remedies to which the pregnant woman is accustomed. Therefore, the doctor will tell you whether the expectant mother can drink tea with thyme and what possible consequences will arise due to the abuse of herbal teas. Well, irregular consumption of this tea will only give strength to the expectant mother.

Delicious recipes

  • It is interesting to add certain herbs to thyme tea for medicinal purposes or simply to create a unique flavor composition. Fans of aromatic, fragrant hot drinks will certainly enjoy black tea with thyme, oregano and a drop of honey. This composition perfectly helps with colds.
  • Tea with mint and thyme helps people suffering from diseases of the digestive tract; the drink “quenches” pain and alleviates gastritis and peptic ulcers.
  • As you can see, this is a unique natural drink that gives a good mood and excellent well-being. See for yourself. Brew black tea, add a pinch of thyme to it and surprise your family with this aromatic and healing drink.

Thyme (thyme) is an unpretentious, aromatic plant. It is usually used to give drinks, desserts, and some meat, fish and vegetable dishes a pleasant taste and aroma. Thyme is also known as a plant that has healing powers. Therefore, it has been used in folk medicine since ancient times.

For example, the ancient Greeks used it to calm the nerves. Healers of Armenia used it to treat atherosclerosis, bronchitis, and cataracts. In Tibet it was used in pediatrics. It is known that thyme has a calming, anti-inflammatory property, helps with cramps, and reduces pain.

Tea with this herb improves your well-being, warms you in winter, and refreshes you in the summer heat. This is simply wonderful, so let’s talk about what else tea with thyme can be good for our health, what are the beneficial properties and contraindications, and also consider the recipe for its preparation. Let's find out all this together:

How is the plant useful?

Let's start with the fact that the composition of thyme is very diverse. For example, the grass contains vitamins B and C. There are a lot of useful bitters, tannins, and organic acids. There are flavonoids and resins. Substances such as cymol and thymol give it that very pleasant, unique aroma for which this plant is so famous.

Thyme is useful for diseases such as sciatica, radiculitis, neuritis. In these cases, an infusion is made from it, which is used for lotions and taken orally.

Traditional medicine uses this herb in the complex treatment of bronchitis, tracheitis, and whooping cough in children. For this, 2 tbsp. l. The crushed plant needs to be poured with 200 ml of boiling water and wrapped well. After 4 hours, the infusion is ready for use. You just need to strain it and give the child 0.5 tsp. three times a day. Of course, you should first consult with your pediatrician.

Adults use thyme to treat tuberculosis, relieve pain, abdominal cramps, eliminate insomnia, and wash wounds and ulcers. It is also an effective remedy for treating alcoholism, as it causes a persistent aversion to alcohol.

Also, to improve the health of the body and to heal from many ailments, aromatic tea with thyme is prepared.

Benefits of thyme tea

First of all, this drink has an unforgettable taste and aroma. You just need to use high-quality, refined varieties of high-mountain black tea to prepare it. Green tea can also be used, but it's not for everyone. If you prefer green varieties, use loose leaf natural Chinese tea.

A freshly prepared drink increases tone, improves performance and vital functions of the body. The drink will easily help you cope with fatigue. A cup of tea drunk in the morning will fill the body with vigor and give energy.

Tea with thyme will help strengthen the immune system. It effectively cleanses blood vessels of deposits. May help relieve some types of allergies. It is considered an effective preventative against the development of cancer.

It is recommended to drink it for coughs, poor digestion, pain, and abdominal cramps. It is useful in the treatment of neuroses and dysbacteriosis. Effective for urolithiasis. Tea with this plant is recommended for men to drink. The drink contains zinc, which is known to improve male sexual function. The drink is recommended for all people who have suffered a serious illness and who are regaining strength during the recovery period.
Hot tea will warm you up very well on a cold winter evening. A cool drink will refresh you on a hot, sultry afternoon.

And most importantly, thyme has few contraindications. Therefore, it can be drunk every day, both for adults and children. This distinguishes thyme tea from most other medicinal plants. If your child gets wet feet or sniffles, brew fresh, weak tea with thyme. And give your child a healthy drink. Just add a little honey. This way you will prevent a cold from developing.

Tea recipe

To prepare a healing, aromatic and tasty drink, we need a teapot. First scald it with boiling water. Then pour 1 tbsp there. l. black tea, add 2-3 fresh sprigs of thyme. After this, pour boiling water, but not to the brim, but about 2/3. Close the kettle and wrap it in something warm. After 5-7 minutes. an invigorating, healthy drink will be ready. Add boiling water to full volume and drink to your health.

If you need to get rid of a cold, add a little linden honey to your tea. Only the tea should not be very hot. By the way, you can prepare a drink for colds using a different recipe:

Tea for colds

Also heat the teapot with boiling water. Now pour 1 tbsp there. l. black tea, 1 tsp. chopped dried thyme, 1 tsp. crushed rose hips. Pour boiling water as described in the first recipe. Drink a freshly prepared drink in the morning for breakfast. Add honey to slightly cooled tea.


Tea with thyme is definitely beneficial. But it also has some contraindications for use. For example, pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers should not drink it. There are contraindications for drinking tea for hepatitis and pyelonephritis. Therefore, it will be better if you consult your doctor before using it. Be healthy!

Thyme is a herb-shrub that densely covers the ground with creeping stems up to 30 cm long. The leaves of the plant, depending on the growth zone, can be round or slightly elongated. In spring, the shrub is covered with dense inflorescences of a delicate lilac color and spherical shape. Thyme (both stems and leaves with flowers) has an incredible spicy aroma.

A little history

According to historical information, many centuries ago the Greeks highly revered tea with thyme: its beneficial properties were used by healers in the treatment of female diseases, asthma, to restore memory and for fainting. Thyme boiled in vinegar was also applied to the head for meningitis. During the postpartum period, black was prescribed to women to restore strength (which also had a beneficial effect on the immune system of infants). In general, judging by the chronicles of Avicenna and Theophrastus, thyme was equated with a gift from God, sent to cure many ailments and prolong life. What can we say, the smoke of thyme even coped with cleansing houses from plague and leprosy. Today, the importance of thyme for people is not lost: on the day of the Dormition of the Holy Virgin, churches and houses are decorated with this herb, protecting the house from negativity.

What does thyme contain?

Thanks to its unique composition, thyme has found its use in many areas: cosmetology, dietetics, medicine and cooking. But they are most clearly expressed in tea. It is thanks to the brewing technique that the esters included in its composition are released and bring maximum benefits. In addition to essential oils, thyme contains vitamins A and B, folic and ascorbic acids, selenium, iron, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, sodium, copper and manganese. And, of course, phenolic compounds: thymol and carvacrol.

The effect of thyme on the human body

Tea, which is difficult to overestimate, has extremely positive effects on the human body. There is probably not a single system in our body that does not require preventive or therapeutic measures, where the main role would be given to the herb in question. As for external use, it is used to treat skin diseases, infections, and violations of the integrity of the skin, since it has strong disinfectant and bactericidal effects. Bronchitis, colds, pneumonia and other pathologies of the respiratory system are treated by tea with thyme. Its beneficial properties include diluting and removing accumulated mucus. The expectorant effect is due to the high concentration of essential oils. The benefits of tea with thyme for colds are also obvious: being a natural antiseptic, the herb treats sore throat, laryngitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, as well as sinusitis and runny nose.

Thyme for immunity

To strengthen the immune system, it is also recommended to drink freshly brewed thyme tea. The beneficial properties of this herb can be enhanced by adding other equally beneficial components. To prepare the drink, you will need dry or fresh raw materials: thyme, lingonberries and St. John's wort in equal quantities. All components need to be placed in a teapot and pour boiling water, close the lid and cover with a towel. After 15 minutes, the tea is ready: you can drink it with honey, this will only improve its healing qualities.

Thyme for men's health

Due to poor lifestyle, fatigue and stress, even fairly young men face problems such as early ejaculation, sexual weakness, prostatitis and even impotence. Regular consumption of tea with thyme, of course, will not solve serious problems, but it may well restore interest in intimate life, as well as normalize the functioning of the genitourinary system. To do this, you need to drink unsweetened tea (infusion) twice a day, prepared with two tablespoons of dry raw materials and a glass of boiling water.

Thyme for the treatment of alcoholism

Thyme has also found its use in the treatment of alcoholism. A decoction of wormwood (10 g) and thyme (50 g) should be taken one tablespoon each day. This method is effective in combination with endurance and willpower, since the infusion must be consumed for at least a year.

Slimming Tea

Thyme activates lymph flow, promoting the removal of excess fluid from the body, thereby reducing volume and weight. To prepare such a miracle tea, you need to pour one spoon of mint and thyme into 250 ml of boiling water and simmer on the fire under the lid for another 15 minutes. You need to drink this drink without sugar, you can sweeten it slightly with honey. And, of course, you should adhere to proper nutrition and lead an active lifestyle. By the way, this tea is distinguished by its ability to reduce appetite, which is important for low-calorie diets.

with thyme

The brewing process is no different. To prepare this drink you will need a teapot, boiling water and thyme itself. It is better to take a ceramic teapot with thick walls. You need to pour boiling water over it so that it heats up from the inside. Then put black tea leaves or thyme (fresh or dry) into it and pour boiling water over it. Cover the teapot with a towel or put a knitted hat on it and leave for 15 minutes. As a result, we get incredibly aromatic and healthy tea with excellent taste. It is not recommended to add sugar or a substitute to it: you can enhance the taste and healing properties of such a drink with natural honey. Thyme goes well with other herbs and berries, such as chamomile, mint and oregano, raspberries, cranberries and viburnum. As for compatibility with thyme, it can be brewed with both green and black products. In the summer, thyme tea can be drunk cold, adding a slice of lemon to it: it perfectly tones and quenches thirst.


Thyme is one of those herbs that have no contraindications even with frequent use. Children's medicines are made on its basis; tea with thyme is recommended for pregnant and lactating women to drink; it is extremely useful for a weakened body after illnesses. Thyme does not affect the central nervous system and therefore is not prohibited for people working in production and driving transport. Even for the youngest children, tea with thyme will only be beneficial.