Broccoli. Beneficial features

Hello dear readers. Broccoli is rightfully the “master” of cabbage. This annual vegetable is known all over the world thanks to the ancient Romans. Its beneficial properties are difficult to count on your fingers. Broccoli is a subspecies of cauliflower, despite significant differences in chemical composition and appearance. "Brocco" - with Italian language translated as shoot or branch. Broccoli came to us from the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, from distant Asia Minor. This annual plant gained popularity in Europe from the 16th to the 20th century. In Russia, mass cultivation of broccoli is not common. For consumption, broccoli stems and its inflorescences are used, which have a variety of colors: purple or green, that is, calabrese. Green option most common in Ukraine and Russia.

Composition of broccoli and vitamins - calorie content

Broccoli contains significantly more valuable substances than other vegetables, at least in the vast majority of them, and the amount of protein exceeds its presence in various other types of cabbage.

The protein of this cabbage is rich in amino acids, which support the normal functioning of the body, and are also a significant obstacle to the development of many diseases, such as, for example, atherosclerosis.

This overseas cabbage contains fiber and fats.

Micro- and macroelements:

  • potassium
  • calcium
  • and also magnesium
  • sodium
  • phosphorus
  • next - zinc and iodine
  • iron
  • manganese and rare selenium


  • B vitamins
  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin PP
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin E
  • Vitamin K
  • Vitamin U

Broccoli is a “carrier” of many vitamins: from groups B, as well as A, PP, C - the content of which in this cabbage is almost twice as high as in citrus fruits, only one hundred grams contains daily norm this vitamin, E, K, U.

In the struggle for the content of rare vitamin U, broccoli is second only to another well-known overseas product, but relatively rare for us - asparagus.

For those who want to always remain young and beautiful, broccoli is simply a salvation, since it contains a lot of beta-carotene, or rather vitamin A, which is also responsible for maintaining sharp vision. No lesser amounts of provitamin A are found in the familiar carrots and pumpkin.

Broccoli calories

The calorie content of broccoli will greatly please those who adhere to proper nutrition or are on a diet, since energy value vegetables only 30-35 kcal per 100 grams .

The same amount of calories in everyone's favorite apple.

Even though broccoli is a vegetable, it can be placed on the same level as beef or egg whites.

In products such as asparagus, potatoes, sweet corn, does not contain such abundant amounts of protein.

Despite being low in calories, broccoli is quite hearty product Therefore, broccoli is simply an indispensable ingredient in the diet of those who adhere to a diet or a special diet.

Broccoli - benefits and harms for health and the body

Removes cholesterol, good for the heart

Methionine and choline contained in broccoli help eliminate previously accumulated cholesterol, which is an important indicator for people with problems in the area. of cardio-vascular system.

In addition, eating broccoli prevents the risk of dangerous heart attacks and strokes.

Those whose activities or life in general are associated with nervous tension are also recommended to consume broccoli, because the substances present in cabbage have a positive effect on the nervous system and heart function.

Removes toxins from the body

The fiber found in broccoli helps cleanse the body of toxins, helps normalize the gastrointestinal tract, and will “make” you forget about constipation for a long time.

Broccoli is also useful for those who have problems with bile excretion, since eating this cabbage stimulates the functioning of the bile ducts and liver.

Surprising is the fact that broccoli has properties that promote the rapid removal from the body of toxins, dead cells, as well as heavy metal ions present in the body of people living in adverse radiation conditions and affected by radiation exposure. And this is the undoubted benefit of broccoli.

Promotes cell regeneration

As you know, the cells of the body are capable of regeneration, so even here it will be useful frequent use broccoli cabbage, because it helps accelerate the regeneration processes of cells and tissues of the human body, while promoting rapid recovery from various diseases.

Normalizes insulin levels

People who are sick diabetes mellitus with unstable insulin levels, broccoli is needed in large quantities, it regular use helps normalize insulin levels and protect the walls of blood vessels from damage associated with high sugar levels in the blood of diabetics.

The incredible benefits of broccoli for vision

People who regularly consume broccoli are less susceptible to diseases such as cataracts, due to the fact that broccoli contains carotenoids, which are responsible for strengthening the retina and lens of the human eye.

Great product for weight loss

Also, broccoli helps remove fluid from the body, which is responsible for the appearance of cellulite on women’s bodies.

Regular use of this healthy vegetable helps tighten the skin, make it firmer and smoother. The seeds of this miracle vegetable help get rid of worms; you just need to brew them and drink the decoction.

Harm of broccoli:

  • Speaking of harm, it is important to note that broccoli should not be consumed if you have intestinal diseases during an exacerbation period.
  • Do not eat cabbage raw for gastritis and gastric ulcers.
  • If you have individual intolerance, you will also have to refuse.

It is very important for pregnant women to eat broccoli, as it contains a lot of folic acid, which takes an active part in the formation of new cells of the growing fetus.

Broccoli - beneficial properties for health and pregnancy

Pregnancy is a very important period in the life of not only a woman, but also the entire family. At this time, it is important to eat properly so that the fetus develops fully and in a timely manner.

As mentioned above, broccoli, and its useful components, take part in many processes of restoration and maintenance of the body and its cells.

Pregnant women are no exception, therefore, it is very important to eat foods enriched with vitamins and minerals during this period. Broccoli is good for everyone, without exception.

During the period of bearing a child, the mother’s body experiences a double need to replenish minerals, trace elements and nutrients.

Pregnancy is very often accompanied by an increase in the pregnant woman’s body weight, therefore, by eating broccoli, which is low in calories, a woman does not risk gaining extra pounds.

This vegetable crop provides the woman’s body required quantity protein, the proteins of which are necessary building materials for the entire body of the unborn child.

Vitamin C found in broccoli

Also - chlorophyll has beneficial effect on blood composition and support immunity. By the way, immunity is very important during pregnancy, because the body at this time is very weakened, as it is subject to stress, and any disease can result in serious consequences for the growing fetus.

Folic acid and increased content of B vitamins

Having the ability to accumulate in human body, contribute to the proper development of his nervous, primarily the central, system and all the developing organs of the unborn child.

By the way, an insufficient amount of folic acid in the body can cause many serious and dangerous abnormalities in the development of a child: microcephaly, mental retardation, brain hernia. Keep an eye on this, perhaps take additional vitamins, after consulting with your doctor.


Which the body receives when consuming broccoli, is the building material of bone tissue in both children and adults, and for a developing child in utero it is one of the most important elements.

When turning to some doctors, expectant mothers may hear advice: start actively eating broccoli at the stage of planning a future child, in order to be able to compensate for the lack of micro- and macroelements in their own body (for bearing a healthy child).

If you have broccoli in your diet, then pregnancy will pass without problems and complications, you will be able to avoid anemia, constipation, vitamin deficiency and weakened immunity.

Eating broccoli is a guarantee not only of your own health, but also of the health of unborn children. But before consumption, weigh all the benefits and harms of broccoli.

Is broccoli good for lactation (breastfeeding)?

Breastfeeding mothers ask an important question: what are the benefits of broccoli, and in general, can it be consumed while breastfeeding? It is very important to get an answer to this question from the pediatrician so that the doctor gives the go-ahead.

If we talk about cabbage, then you should not eat it in the first three months of breastfeeding. It is better to do this after three months.

Introduce the product into the diet at 50 grams and watch the baby’s reaction. Gradually increasing to 200 grams per day, consuming about three times a week.

You can eat cabbage boiled, stewed, cooked in stews, soups, or steamed. Use the product if there are no contraindications.

Is frozen broccoli healthy?

IN modern cooking Freezing is very often used to preserve many products, while most frozen products do not lose their beneficial properties.

Frozen broccoli is no exception. The main condition is not to defrost it first, in order to preserve all its beneficial properties. Therefore, such a source useful substances It is possible to have it in your refrigerator all year round.

There are a great many recipes for cooking broccoli, because it can be fried, boiled, stewed, even baked. When cooking, you can use butter, crackers, cheese, cream, eggs, meat, sour cream.

Due to the fact that broccoli is a non-starchy product, it can be cooked together with almost any other product.

Do you like variety? Then you can prepare soup, stew, broccoli sauce. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s frozen or fresh.

It is important to remember that only shock and deep freeze products ensures the safety of all vitamins and beneficial substances of the product. In case of repeated defrosting and consumption, there is a risk of poisoning by developing bacteria!

How to choose broccoli and how to store it?

If you are followers fresh product, then you should go to large supermarkets, where you can buy fresh products almost all year round.

Those who understand that a properly frozen product does not lose its beneficial properties can purchase a frozen product.

For those who want to freeze broccoli themselves, it is possible to purchase cabbage during the season and store it in the freezer.

What to look for when choosing broccoli? It is best to choose broccoli in the summer-autumn period. When choosing broccoli, pay attention to the leaves and inflorescences.

The leaves, like the inflorescences, should be green, the stems should be thin, since thick stems are very hard, and also indicate that the broccoli is overripe.

Looking at the inflorescences, you should see compact, tightly closed green “twigs”. Cabbage with yellowed heads and opening flowers is not suitable for food!

How long does broccoli last in the refrigerator? Purchased cabbage must be cooked immediately, since long-term storage, no freezing, not recommended. Broccoli can only be stored in the refrigerator for 2-3 days, and only if they (the vegetables) were wrapped in wet paper towels.

How to store broccoli? It is strictly contraindicated to store broccoli in a space inaccessible to air: a bag, container; air must circulate. Ready meals It is not recommended to store broccoli for more than three days.

How to freeze broccoli?

It is better to freeze broccoli in a “disassembled” form: cut the inflorescences and stems into small pieces, lower and blanch in boiling water for 5 minutes.

Then immediately lower the cabbage into cold water, it’s better if it’s ice-cold.

Allow the cooled pieces to dry and place them in containers and place them in the freezer. The cabbage is ready, in this form it can be stored for a year.

What can you make from broccoli?

IN modern world a lot of attention is paid to proper nutrition and monitoring your own figure. Broccoli - great option for those who want tasty, satisfying and, most importantly, healthy food.

Today's culinary capabilities make it possible to prepare almost any dish from ingredients, sometimes even a work of art. Broccoli is also a great option for those who don’t like to spend a lot of time preparing hearty and healthy dishes.

Today, food lovers cook from this vegetable crop there are a lot of dishes, because broccoli can be fried, baked, stewed, boiled, cooked broccoli with eggs and cheese, chicken, sour cream, mayonnaise. There is no limit to imagination.

Among the dishes that housewives prepare: casserole with mushrooms, stew with broccoli, salads with broccoli and chicken, pasta with tomatoes and broccoli, broccoli in batter, omelette with broccoli in the oven and many, many others.

If you have tasty and interesting recipes including broccoli, share, let's cook.

So, to summarize, we can say with confidence that broccoli is not only a healthy product for the whole family, but also tasty, suitable for long storage frozen and used for cooking huge amount tasty and low-calorie dishes.

Broccoli nutrients are essential as healthy people, to maintain their health, and for those whose health is not in the best condition.

By consuming broccoli regularly, the body is saturated with beneficial micro- and macroelements, restored and maintained in a stable state.

If you are not fans of this vegetable, then only those who are concerned about high acidity and diseases have a reason not to like this product gastrointestinal tract. Sometimes allergic reactions develop, which is extremely rare.

Broccoli is one of those foods that deserves respect!

Just look at her appearance...

Here you can find the most interesting comparisons. The crown of the strongest tree - oak, a super-duper chef's hat from best restaurant peace or, for example, the crown of a conquering king.

What else can you compare broccoli to?

Write in the comments under the article, I’m interested in your opinion... :)

In addition, the benefits of broccoli are quite significant. However, even despite that impressive set useful elements and vitamins, many people do not eat this cabbage at all.

But today you must completely change your mind about this cruciferous vegetable. Because this product is simply packed with nutrients and provides us with many health benefits.

There are even studies that show that broccoli can help fight certain types of cancer...

Benefits of broccoli for the body

Here are some reasons why many should eat more cabbage broccoli and tell your children: “ Eat broccoli!«.

And to make it easy for you to remember some of its properties, I have prepared an interesting infographic for you...

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Now let's talk about some properties in more detail...

1. The richest complex of vitamins

Our body always needs nutrient-rich food. And broccoli here is one of the most powerful sources of nutrients, various vitamins and elements.

Like other types of cruciferous vegetables, it contains vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid. This vitamin is vital for the production of collagen, which is the basis of connective tissue between organs.

The website says that there is 2.5 times more of it than in citrus fruits, which are considered champions in its content. By the way, this is 220% of your daily need for it.

2. Super Source of Phytonutrients

One of the main reasons why plant-based foods are so good in our diets is because they contain phytochemicals, or phytonutrients as they are called.

Unlike vitamins and minerals, phytonutrients are not responsible for maintaining vital functions. These “guys” function as some kind of bonuses for your health.

If you eat broccoli daily or at least several times a week, you can protect yourself from some chronic diseases: coronary heart disease, hypertension, obesity and diabetes.

First of all, broccoli is rich in fiber. Remember our article. Well, in short, coarse fibers cleanse our body of bad cholesterol and thereby help cleanse the body and reduce weight.

Broccoli is also an incredible source of vitamin K and is one of the top foods rich in this vitamin.

When your body becomes overwhelmed with toxins, inflammatory reactions occur. This definitely leads to serious health problems.

Remember the coarse fibers?

Rough fiber is absolutely essential for your body, even if it is never digested. Men should eat about 38 grams of fiber per day, while women need about 25 grams.

Broccoli has almost 1 gram of fiber for every 10 calories. This is a strong indicator! Moreover, considering that broccoli contains both digestible and non-digestible fiber.

7. Broccoli for eye health

You most likely know that carrots are a super remedy for maintaining eye health. But there is information that some green and yellow vegetables more beneficial for the eyes than orange ones.

Yes, probably every one.

See how everyone puts on makeup to look great and younger.

And you are always looking for new ways to rejuvenate your We are always fighting to prolong our vital functions.

And there is an answer...

Experts have been saying this for many years. They argue that the older a person is, the more vegetables he must eat. Of course, becoming a full vegetarian is difficult. But you can set aside 2 or 3 days a week during which you include more green vegetables and cereals.

Is it difficult? ...

Diet, rich in vegetables, especially cruciferous ones, improves our metabolism, say researchers in the American Journal of Healthy Eating. Thus, they may be associated with aging.

9. Improves Heart Health

As we have already figured out, broccoli is rich in dietary fiber. This is great for lowering bad cholesterol levels. After all, it is fiber that cleans the walls of blood vessels well!

Broccoli contains omega-3 fatty acids...

These acids also help improve heart health. Also…

And vitamin K contained in broccoli is also good for the heart. He is a good fighter against high blood pressure.

According to researchers, the protective effect of broccoli is due to high content some substances, in particular sulforaphane, which stimulate the formation of thioredoxin.

This protein plays an important role in protecting cells in conditions of impaired blood supply to the heart muscle.

10. Broccoli against cancer

Broccoli's protective benefits go beyond preventing heart or eye disease. Thus, some studies have shown that broccoli improves the mammary glands and prostate gland.

It is also known that steamed cabbage has the greatest protective effect.

Cancer is one of the common causes of death around the world. But how exactly can broccoli help in this fight? ...

Broccoli contains powerful phytonutrients that will help you cleanse your body faster. They help activate, neutralize and eliminate unwanted toxins.

And isothiocyanates, which are also found in broccoli, help control the detoxification process at the genetic level. They are also super effective in fighting inflammation in the body.

13. Broccoli is great for alkalizing the body.

Broccoli is one of the most favorite foods among vegetarians. And all because it contains protein and in nutritional value can compete not only with eggs, but also with beef, according to the website

Therefore, you can eat this vegetable even raw, just remember some of the restrictions that you learned about above.

But, if you are still a beginner, try stewing broccoli with several other types of cabbage at once: cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, cabbage. It will work out great combination with many useful elements and vitamins. All that remains is to add a little spice.

An excellent combination is obtained if you stew broccoli with eggplant, mushrooms and carrots. This is another dish filled with benefits.

You can also add a few sprigs of broccoli to your vegetable soup, cooked on chicken breast.

Use brocooli in your cooking or add it to some of your green smoothies.

Valentina Gorbunova on her blog offers a super healthy recipe for broccoli pesto sauce. This recipe is truly a delight. After reading it, I really want to try something like this...

Final Thoughts

The benefits of broccoli for the body are incredible. Just like any food, any recipe containing this product.

And know that today you have recipes in your arsenal that will help you introduce more healthy dishes into your diet.

What else can you add about broccoli? Maybe you have a recipe? Write in the comments below!

A close relative of cauliflower, broccoli appeared on the vegetable shelves of our country not very long ago. Although in Europe this vegetable has long been very popular, especially in Italy, Spain and the UK. This dietary low calorie product, attractive in appearance, highly valued for its beneficial properties. Therefore, lovers of broccoli dishes are people who want to be healthy and maintain a slim figure.

This type of cabbage is good in any form - it can be stewed, fried, baked and boiled. But fresh vegetable salads with the addition of broccoli and its freshly squeezed juice are especially useful.

What vitamins does broccoli contain, what are its health benefits and harms to the body, how to cook it correctly? Let's talk about this today. You will find out why nutritionists recommend including it in your diet more often, and together we will prepare a couple of delicious, healthy dishes from it:

Broccoli - benefits and harm to the body

Benefits of broccoli

The benefits of this type of cabbage are due to its composition. Broccoli contains a wide variety of beneficial substances. There are vitamins: C, PP, most B vitamins. There are vitamins E, K, U. The content is very needed by the body beta-carotene, it is superior to other vegetables that contain it.

By composition minerals- potassium, calcium, sodium, iron and phosphorus, broccoli is far ahead of its relative cauliflower. It also contains selenium, magnesium and zinc.

It contains dietary fiber, saccharides, acids, and other biologically active substances that help keep the body healthy and reduce the risk of many diseases.

For example, chlorophyll, which is an important component of this cabbage, helps improve blood composition - increases hemoglobin.

Broccoli contains a complex of substances necessary for normal heart function and functioning. nervous system. Therefore, people with heart disease and neurological problems must increase their consumption.

It is useful to include soft inflorescences (heads) of this type of cabbage in the diet of people weakened by the disease, as well as those who are recovering from treatment. Cabbage is useful for older people, pregnant women, and nursing mothers. Doctors recommend introducing it as complementary food to babies from 7-8 months.

This indispensable product for everyone who is fighting against overweight and follows a diet. After all, per 100 g of product there are only less than 30 kcal.

This variety of cabbage contains kaempferol, which prevents the development of allergies and effectively combats its symptoms, reducing negative impact allergens to the body. Well, substances such as lutein and zeaxanthin improve vision and reduce the risk of developing eye diseases.

Sulforaphane, which is also contained in broccoli, prevents the development of microorganisms that cause gastritis and peptic ulcer. Magnesium improves heart function and improves digestion. The presence of natural soft fiber promotes effective cleansing intestines from toxins. Thanks to choline and methonine, regular consumption of this cabbage helps reduce cholesterol levels (distinguish), eliminates excess fats, activates the secretion of bile.

Doctors have discovered another very important property vegetable: the presence of sulforaphane in broccoli makes it a valuable preventative against certain varieties oncological diseases, since sulforaphane prevents the development of cancer cells.

Broccoli: how to cook broccoli correctly?

Destroys during heat treatment large quantity useful substances. To preserve them if possible, cook broccoli for no more than 5-7 minutes. If the product is frozen, then 10-12 minutes. After this, serve the heads of cabbage as a side dish for meat or fish dishes.

However, to reap maximum health benefits, consume it raw or poached as an ingredient. vegetable salads. As a dressing, use sour cream, olive oil, lemon juice or soy sauce.

Let's look at a very simple recipe, very tasty, healthy salad, which can be used as a side dish for meat, or as an independent dish:

Broccoli salad with garlic

Prepare the products: 6 inflorescences (heads of cabbage), 1-2 small cloves of garlic, a little sunflower oil, and better olive oil. Still need 1 tsp 5% wine vinegar(necessarily white), 0.5 tsp not bitter grainy mustard, parsley, salt, .

How to cook:

Boil the young inflorescences for 3-4 minutes, then drain in a colander. Let the water drain completely and the cabbage cool well. Pass the garlic through a garlic press. Mix the gruel with salt. If desired, add a little ground pepper. Thin the garlic paste a small amount vegetable oil, add vinegar, put mustard. Mix well.

Place the broccoli heads in a salad bowl and pour over garlic dressing, mix gently. Refrigerate for 2-3 hours.
Now we will need which, which was the topic of our conversation not so long ago. So, sprinkle with finely chopped herbs ready salad and serve.

Vitamin cocktail

From fresh cabbage inflorescences you can prepare a wonderful vitamin drink- A great addition to breakfast. To improve the taste, we added apple juice as a component:

To prepare two servings you will need: 6 fresh heads of cabbage, 2 apples, 2 carrots.

Peel and wash the vegetables under running water. Remove the cores and seeds from the apples. Cut everything into pieces. Grind the broccoli using a blender. Transfer the puree into a jug.

Separately, using a juicer, squeeze the juice from the chopped apples and carrots. Pour the juices into the broccoli puree and mix everything well. Pour into glasses and garnish with fresh mint leaves. The drink should be drunk immediately after preparation. During storage, it loses its beneficial properties.

To whom can broccoli be dangerous? What is the harm to the body from cabbage?

In general, broccoli has practically no contraindications. This vegetable is a dietary product and is useful at any age. The only prohibition on use is the existing one. Such people, of course, should not use it.

She will bring everyone else undeniable benefit, as it helps keep the body healthy. Of course, you don't need to eat broccoli alone. It is enough to include it in your menu 2-3 times a week. Be healthy!


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Broccoli is a variety of cauliflower that is distinguished by its heads of intense green color. The described vegetable is very popular among those who choose proper nutrition and healthy food.

Low calorie and delicious product is also valued in folk medicine, since it contains many useful substances and microelements. This cabbage is well digestible in any form.— it can be baked, boiled, stewed or fried. In addition, fresh broccoli is also a great addition to your daily menu.

What does broccoli contain?

Beneficial features of this vegetable are due to the optimal biological content in the product active substances and valuable microelements. The table below shows chemical composition cabbage inflorescences.

Vitamins Microelements Other substances
Carotene Potassium Water
Thiamine Calcium Cellulose
Riboflavin Magnesium Ash
Pyridoxine Sodium Natural sugars
Pantothenic acid Phosphorus Food indoles
Ascorbic acid Iron Amino acids
Vitamin E Zinc Kholin
Folic acid Selenium Chlorophyll

It is worth noting that broccoli is non-calorie product, since 100 g of vegetable contains from 30 to 34 calories. The share of vegetable proteins in such cabbage is 2.82 g, and it also contains carbohydrates of 6.60 g. Broccoli is also valuable because it contains a minimum of fat. A large number of dietary fiber- fiber, has a good effect on intestinal function and makes a dish out of it green vegetable even more useful.

Minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, sodium, manganese, when combined with vitamins, enhance healing properties cabbage They normalize the condition of bone tissue and have a positive effect on the process of hematopoiesis. Iron contained in green inflorescences ensures oxygen transport in the body and improves the functioning of the endocrine glands.

The benefits and harms of broccoli (video)

Numerous vitamins and folic acid contained in the inflorescences protect the body from negative influence environment. For example, ascorbic acid and carotene prevent premature aging of the body, improve vision and condition skin. Regular consumption of broccoli dishes also has a positive effect on human immunity.

There is noticeably more carotene in broccoli than in other types of cabbage. It increases the body's protective properties and has a positive effect on the health of the retina. Potassium contained in the inflorescences has a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system, expels it from the body excess liquid and reduces the risk of heart disease.

Essential amino acids, which broccoli is rich in, contribute to the production of serotonin, which has a positive effect on human well-being. Therefore, dishes made from this product are indispensable for increased mental stress and chronic fatigue.

It is known that cabbage proteins contain choline, which normalizes the nervous system and also helps lower the level of bad cholesterol and fatty acids in the blood. . Doctors note the presence of indoles in broccoli- unique substances that inhibit the growth of malignant tumors in the body. In addition, they reduce the risk of ulcerative processes in the digestive organs and fight pathogenic bacteria.

Undoubtedly, including broccoli in the diet prevents the appearance of overweight, has a positive effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and reduces the risk of developing atherosclerosis.

Medicinal properties of broccoli

Green inflorescences contain a lot of fiber, which means they contribute to gentle cleansing intestines and even treat chronic constipation. Vitamins and minerals in cabbage accelerate tissue regeneration processes in the human body, and most importantly - small portion The product stabilizes blood sugar levels and strengthens the walls of blood vessels, so broccoli is very useful for diabetics.

Knowing the benefits of this type of cabbage, we can highlight the following healing properties:

  • strengthening;
  • anticancer;
  • cleansing.

Broccoli, steamed for a few minutes, has an anti-inflammatory effect on the human body. Active components natural origin protect tissues from cancer development; young inflorescences of the vegetable are especially useful. Vitamin C in cabbage is a strong antioxidant, which not only has a positive effect on the quality of skin and hair, but also improves immunity.

Nutritionists strongly recommend including broccoli in your diet, as this vegetable is famous for its low calorie content and abundance of coarse dietary fiber. For smooth weight loss, it is enough to eat stewed or boiled inflorescences 2 times a day, and they can also be added to salads. The plant protein in broccoli helps maintain muscle and vitality.

Broccoli for weight loss (video)

For women Broccoli inflorescences are a real natural cure for many ailments. For example, if you have mastopathy, you should definitely eat this vegetable in any form every day. For men's health The described variety of cauliflower is also healthy, which is why it should not be neglected; systematic use of the vegetable as a side dish reduces the risk of prostate cancer and also helps to gently cleanse the body.

A healthy diet strengthens the immune system, normalizes metabolism and helps relieve unpleasant symptoms. Currently, broccoli-based preparations have been created that can be purchased at the pharmacy.

What else is this amazing vegetable useful for? Broccoli has long been used not only to maintain the health of the body, but also for the beauty of skin and hair. Cabbage seed oil keeps the face fresh, prevents premature aging and treats flaking. In addition, it helps to smooth the hair and gives it shine, and is effective against split ends. Reviews about this product are most often positive; this product is no worse than industrial balms and masks.

The benefits of vegetable seeds are due to increased content they contain fatty acids and useful vitamins, and applying the oil is easy and pleasant.

If you want to eat broccoli in for health purposes, That the best option There will be a salad of tender inflorescences of young cabbage. It can also be blanched without loss of vitamins and nutritional properties. In this case, the usefulness of the product will be preserved, and its taste will remain piquant.

Possible contraindications

It is generally accepted that such cabbage cannot harm the human body. However, many people cook the vegetable incorrectly. Eg, It is not recommended to use a decoction of broccoli florets, since it contains guanine, which is not part of healthy eating.

Powerful heat treatment negatively affects the quality of the vegetable; it loses vitamins and minerals, which means it becomes useless. Don't fry the broccoli too much in a lot of oil.

If you have pancreatitis, you should carefully consider dishes made from such cabbage. In the acute phase of the disease, it provokes the appearance of colic and bloating, since the green vegetable contains a lot of fiber. How many servings of the product per day can a person eat in this case? Doctors recommend consuming an average of up to 200 g of boiled broccoli daily in the form of soups, purees or stews. For gastritis with increased acidity gastric juice, you should avoid raw broccoli florets. In this case, it will be useful cabbage dishes steamed, as well as boiled vegetables.

Broccoli is known for its beneficial properties. It is believed that it contains more vitamins and minerals than any other vegetable.

Broccoli - dietary product.

Regardless of the type (this cabbage is not only green, similar to a tree, but also purple with a small number of inflorescences), broccoli has the following beneficial properties:

  1. Decreased blood levels. The large amount of soluble fiber in broccoli slows down the absorption of fats and promotes their elimination from the body.
  2. Reduces inflammation and allergy symptoms. Kaempferol from broccoli reduces the body's reactivity to potential allergens, and omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids have anti-inflammatory effects.
  3. Antioxidant. All cruciferous vegetables, which include broccoli, have a high concentration of vitamin C, flavonoids, lutein, zea-xanthine, beta-carotene and other substances that neutralize free radicals and protect body cells from peroxidation products.
  4. Strong bones. Broccoli contains a lot of vitamins, which is necessary to maintain normal bone mineral density and prevent osteoporosis.
  5. Prevention of thrombosis and bleeding. The large amount of vitamin K in this cabbage helps maintain balance in the blood clotting and anti-clotting system.
  6. Healthy. Broccoli contains a substance called sulforaphane, which protects the endothelium, the inner lining of blood vessels, from damage and inflammation that can be caused by diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and metabolic diseases.
  7. Suitable for diet. Broccoli is high in slow-release complex carbohydrates and fiber, which helps the gastrointestinal tract function, maintains normal blood sugar levels and prevents overeating. What's more, a cup of chopped broccoli has the same amount of protein as a cup of rice or corn, but only half the calories!
  8. Cleansing the body. Glucaraphanin, gluconasturcin and glucobrassicin are special phytonutrients that take part in all stages of detoxification: activation of the process, binding of waste and toxins and their elimination.
  9. Maintaining acid-base balance. For each chemical process The body requires its own acidic or alkaline environment. Excessive acidification increases the risk of disease. Broccoli successfully neutralizes excess acids and helps us stay healthy.
  10. Prenatal preparation. The high concentration of folic acid in cabbage will help not only prepare for pregnancy, but also solve problems with conception!

Composition and calorie content

100 grams of broccoli contains:

ComponentContentPercentage of Recommended Daily Value
Energy value34 kcal1.5%
Carbohydrates6.64 g5%
Protein2.82 g5%
Fats0.37 g1%
Cholesterol0 mg0%
Cellulose2.60 g7%
Folates63 mcg16%
Niacin0.639 mg4%
Pantothenic acid0.573 mg12%
Pyridoxine0.175 mg13%
Riboflavin0.117 mg9%
Thiamine0.071 mg6%
Vitamin A623 IU21%
Vitamin C89.2 mg149%
Vitamin E0.17 mg1.5%
Vitamin K101.6 mcg85%
Sodium33 mg2%
316 mg7%
Calcium47 mg5%
Copper0.049 mg5.5%
Iron0.73 mg9%
21 mg5%
Manganese0.210 mg9%
Selenium2.5 mcg5%
0.41 mg4%
Carotene-ß361 mcg-
Cryptoxanthin-ß1 mcg-
Lutein-zea-xanthine1403 mcg-

How to select and store?

Fresh broccoli is now available year-round. When purchasing, try to choose bright, dense cabbage with good aroma. Withered specimens with yellowed areas and broken branches will no longer bring much benefit. The best thing, of course, is the broccoli that you grew yourself, but if you don’t have a summer cottage, just try to purchase vegetables from trusted sellers.

At home, place the purchased broccoli, florets down, in a container of salted water, and after 30 minutes, rinse under running water. This way you can wash off all the pesticides and dirt from the cabbage.

Broccoli can be cooked and eaten immediately, or frozen for future use. Surprisingly, in frozen industrially cabbage contains even more vitamins than store-bought cabbage. This is explained by the fact that vegetables are frozen almost immediately after harvesting, but are sold in fresh they arrive much later (with the exception of markets where direct supplies go), when some of the useful substances have time to break down.

What to cook?

Broccoli can be eaten both with inflorescences and leaves with stems.

Application options:

  1. Fresh cabbage florets can be eaten raw or in salads.
  2. Broccoli florets can be steamed or quickly fried (stir-fry), then mixed with other vegetables, tossed with a dressing of oil, onion, pepper, garlic and salt and served with meat or poultry.
  3. Broccoli goes very well with cauliflower, so add it to soups and stews a few minutes before cooking.
  4. Puree steamed broccoli. This side dish goes perfectly with.
  5. Add kale florets to omelettes.

Cook for a long time (longer than 2 minutes) or cook in microwave oven Broccoli is not recommended. During heat treatment Folates, antioxidants, phytonutrients are destroyed, and cabbage loses its beneficial properties.


Like other members of the cruciferous family, broccoli contains a substance that can trigger an exacerbation of thyroid disease in people with disorders endocrine system, so it’s better for them not to eat such cabbage.

Broccoli intolerance is an extremely rare individual trait, so this vegetable can be considered completely harmless.