Bulgarian pepper: benefits, harms and composition of vitamins, depending on the color. What is useful green bell pepper? Bulgarian vitamins

Bulgarian (or sweet) pepper was known to people already in the 6th millennium BC, and even then people were aware of the beneficial properties of this vegetable. Bulgarian pepper comes from Latin America, the benefits and harms of which will be discussed in detail in this article. At the end of the 15th century, it came to Europe, and then, through the territory of Bulgaria, to Russia and the CIS countries. Therefore, in these countries they began to call it that - Bulgarian.

Useful components of pepper

Bulgarian pepper, the benefits and harms of which are explained by its composition, is the fruit of an annual herbaceous plant belonging to the nightshade family. It can have a different shape (elongated, ovoid, cone-shaped, cylindrical or spherical) and weight (from 0.5 to 200 g). Depending on the plant variety and the pigments contained in the fruits, bell peppers are distinguished by different colors: green, red and yellow, orange, and even purple.

The beneficial properties of bell pepper are due to the vitamins and minerals included in its composition:

The content of vitamins and minerals in sweet peppers may deviate from the indicated parameters depending on the color of the fruit, which means that the benefits and harms of bell peppers of different varieties are not the same. For example, sweet red pepper is the leader in the content of vitamin C (250,000 mcg), so the benefits of red pepper for baby food are greater than from its other types, because children need vitamin C for the full development of the immune system.

What are the benefits of yellow sweet pepper? It contains more potassium than red or green. Therefore, people in adulthood and those who suffer from heart and vascular diseases are advised to give preference to yellow bell pepper.


Despite such a large number of useful components, there are very few calories in bell pepper: only 20-29.5 kcal (depending on the variety of pepper) per 100 g of product. This explains the frequent use of this vegetable for food by those who follow diets and are worried about the harmony of their figure.

Important: Speaking about the calorie content of sweet pepper, you need to pay attention to the variety and color of the vegetable. Green pepper has the least calories (20 kcal), red has an intermediate value (28 kcal), and yellow pepper has the highest value (29.5 kcal).

In addition to low calorie content, the benefits of sweet pepper for those who are on a diet also lie in the high content of B vitamins, which allow you to cope with depression, bad mood and loss of energy, because they so often accompany people who limit their diet.

Another effect is the ability of bell pepper to increase the secretion of gastric juice, which improves metabolism. But this sweet pepper, and its benefits and harms to the body have a downside. Increased metabolism improves digestion, which contributes to weight loss. The same property can also complicate dieting, since increased secretion of the stomach often provokes an increase in appetite.

On guard of immunity

The beneficial properties of sweet pepper in relation to the immune system are determined by the presence of vitamins C and A in it.

Attention: Vitamin C is easily destroyed by high temperatures (over 100˚), so for maximum benefit, sweet peppers should be consumed without heat treatment.

Vitamin A also plays an important role in maintaining the optimal functioning of the immune system. It is able to increase the throughput function of the mucous membranes, due to which infections cannot enter the body. Vitamin A is able to protect against colds, SARS, infections of the respiratory tract and the genitourinary system. This action is based on its ability to increase the phagocytic activity of leukocytes, as a result of which they destroy pathogens faster.

Oncology prevention

How useful is bell pepper for those who want to try to protect themselves from cancer? Let's take a closer look at red bell pepper, its health benefits and harms are due to a slightly different composition from other types of these fruits. Red sweet pepper contains a special substance - lycopene, which serves as a powerful antioxidant and protector of DNA molecules, which reduces the risk of cancerous tumors. In addition, lycopene is able to inhibit the pathogenic microflora in the intestine, showing antibacterial and antifungal properties.

The preventive anti-carcinogenic effect of red bell pepper is also due to the presence of a high concentration of vitamin C in it. Indeed, as a result of exposure to free radicals, damage to cells and their structures, including the genetic apparatus, occurs. This leads to the development of cellular mutations and ultimately can provoke the development of a tumor. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that protects cells from the effects of free radicals and, accordingly, reduces the risk of developing neoplasms.

Possible harm

Despite all the listed positive effects of sweet pepper, not everyone can eat it, because the beneficial properties and contraindications of this vegetable can appear simultaneously.

The possible benefits and harms of bell pepper are explained by its constituent substances. One of the varieties of alkaloids is capsaicin, which just gives this vegetable its distinctive flavor, has the ability to reduce blood pressure and reduce its viscosity. Therefore, for people with ischemic disease and hypotension (low blood pressure), the use of sweet pepper is contraindicated.

What else can be dangerous sweet pepper? The terms of its natural ripening are July-September, but the fruits of this vegetable are on sale all year round. This is explained by the widespread use of nitrate fertilizers and pesticides for the treatment of pepper, when grown in greenhouse conditions. They are able to accumulate in fruits and, upon entering the human body, have a carcinogenic effect. Therefore, it is better to buy fresh bell pepper only during the above period, and use a frozen vegetable for the rest of the time, because when frozen, all the benefits of bell pepper for the body are preserved.

Some symptoms of the appearance:

  • weakened immunity, frequent colds;
  • weakness, fatigue;
  • nervous state, depression;
  • headaches and migraines;
  • intermittent diarrhea and constipation;
  • want sweet and sour;
  • bad breath;
  • frequent feeling of hunger;
  • weight loss problems
  • loss of appetite;
  • night grinding of teeth, salivation;
  • pain in the abdomen, joints, muscles;
  • does not pass cough;
  • increased sweating;
  • pimples on the skin.

If you have any of the symptoms or doubt the causes of ailments, you need to cleanse the body as soon as possible. How to do it .

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Bell pepper is an important vegetable in the kitchen. It can be eaten raw, dried or boiled, and every dish with it will be tasty and healthy. Due to its bright colors, the vegetable is used to decorate salads and other festive snacks. And yet, what vitamins are in bell peppers? What is its main benefit?

Nutrients in sweet vegetables

This sweet and bright vegetable is very rich in vitamins that are beneficial for the human body. Scientists have even learned how to make cosmetics and medicines from it.

At the moment, on sale you can find three types of bell pepper, different in color. The first representative - green - contains steroid alcohols phytosterols. They are useful in preventing diseases such as atherosclerosis. The other two (red and yellow) are good for people with kidney, bone, and heart problems.

Bulgarian pepper is included in most diets, as its calorie content is minimal. 100 grams of this beautiful and tasty vegetable contains only 30 kcal.

Percentage of significant biological elements:

  1. Proteins - 1.3%.
  2. Fats - 0%.
  3. Carbohydrates - 5%.
  4. Water - 92%.
  5. Fiber - 1.8%.

Vitamin composition of bell pepper

Many are looking for an answer to the question of what vitamins are in bell pepper. In fact, there are quite a few of them. And because of this, it is considered very useful for the human body. But if the Bulgarian pepper is subjected to heat treatment, about 70% of the trace elements will simply evaporate. But freshly squeezed vegetable juice is the most useful vitamin drink.

What vitamins are found in bell pepper in the greatest amount?

The mineral composition of bell pepper

In addition to vitamins, bell peppers contain minerals that are also beneficial for the human body.

Expanded composition of pepper

Analyzing the chemical composition of pepper, you can be convinced of its invaluable value to humans. So what are the most useful vitamins in bell pepper?

  1. The content of vitamin C is several times higher than in lemon. A red vegetable contains 200 g of ascorbic acid.
  2. The minerals included in the composition help to cope with baldness, anemia and even osteoporosis.
  3. Capsaicin makes the taste of bell pepper unique. It can help lower blood pressure or improve digestion.
  4. Vitamin A content will help vision and skin. It is also good for hair and nails.
  5. Vitamin P will give the vessels elasticity.
  6. Lycopene prevents the risk of cancer.
  7. Vitamins of group B normalize sleep and help to cope with stress.

What vitamins are in sweet bell peppers in smaller quantities:

Vitamin composition of pepper

Let's try to understand what vitamins are in red bell pepper. The amount is indicated per 100 grams of vegetable:

  • vitamin C - 150-200 mg;
  • thiamine, or vitamin B 1 - 0.05 mg;
  • riboflavin - 0.03 mg;
  • niacin, or vitamin B 3 - 0.5 mg;
  • choline - 5.6 mg;
  • pantothenic acid - 0.99 mg;
  • folic acid - 10 mcg;
  • beta-carotene - 209 mcg;
  • vitamin K - 7.5 mcg.

Vitamins according to the color of bell pepper

Common colors of sweet peppers are green, yellow, and red. Each of them is useful in its own way. Let us dwell in more detail on what vitamins are in bell peppers of different shades.

  1. Red vegetable - sweet and juicy. What vitamins are found in red bell pepper? In fact, there are a lot of them, but the first place is occupied by vitamin retinol and ascorbic acid.
  2. Yellow vegetable. It is dominated by an element called rutin, which is very useful for blood vessels. Also, the amount of phosphorus and potassium is greater than in others.
  3. colors. What vitamins does bell pepper of this color contain? It is difficult to single out any one element. But experts say that this vegetable can prevent cancer.

The choice of pepper must be taken seriously. Firstly, the vegetable should be without visible damage, beautiful and bright. Secondly, the choice of color depends on the future dish. If it becomes a salad, then any bell pepper will do. When the hostess is going to heat-treat the vegetable, the best option would be yellow or red peppers. After cooking, the green vegetable is bitter.

What's useful?

This vegetable is best eaten fresh, so you can get the greatest number of useful components that it contains.

The capsaicin in this product is good for the intestines and the entire digestive tract. The pancreas begins to actively produce a secret, so you can notice an improvement in appetite. Also, the body is freed from harmful substances, carcinogens. Pressure stabilizes, blood flow improves. Capsaicin is able to fight various fungi.

Nutritionists advise overweight people to eat sweet peppers. First, the number of calories is minimal. Secondly, the metabolism in the body is accelerated.

A red-colored vegetable is recommended for people whose work is associated with mental stress. Useful substances have a positive effect on the nervous system, cope with depression. Vitamin C significantly improves hair growth in women, prevents early baldness in men. For pregnant women, bell pepper is also necessary. Using it, they may not worry about blood vessels and bones.

Sweet peppers, especially red ones, help fight anemia. The sweet vegetable contains substances that can fight coughs. So with bronchitis, this vegetable should be included in the patient's diet.

Harmful properties of pepper

The benefits of the vegetable in question are undoubtedly high, but with certain diseases, the vegetable can be harmful. With the following ailments, it is better to abandon this product:

  • prolonged hemorrhoids;
  • intestinal colitis;
  • problems with the liver or kidneys;
  • angina;
  • Heart arythmy;
  • cardiac ischemia;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • gastritis;
  • epilepsy;
  • any mental disorder.

The choice of bell pepper should be approached seriously and competently. Many farmers do not spare pesticides and various chemical fertilizers, so the vegetable becomes harmful. You need to buy only the product that has been tested in special instances. Certificates for vegetables, which the seller is obliged to present to each buyer upon request, will also be useful.

The ripening of bell pepper occurs in July, August and September. But in supermarkets it can be seen on the shelves all year round. All this is possible with the help of nitrates and pesticides. They process a vegetable and grow in a greenhouse. By consuming such pepper, the human body gradually accumulates these harmful substances. Thus, a healthy vegetable can only be bought during the specified ripening period and frozen for the winter.

Any vegetable contains many vitamins and minerals, the only difference is that one has more vitamin E, and the other vitamin B. Raw red bell pepper is an excellent source of vitamin C. Just 40g of pepper per day is enough and the daily norm of this substance will be replenished by 100 %.

What vitamins are in bell pepper?

Ascorbic acid:

Has a powerful restorative effect,

Stimulates wound healing

Antioxidant, helps fight free radical damage

Cleanses blood vessels from anti-sclerotic plaques,

Improves vascular elasticity

Promotes the absorption of iron and the synthesis of hemoglobin.

Promotes the production of interferon. Accelerates recovery in acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections.

100g of raw red bell pepper contains:

  1. 40% of the daily norm of carotene,
  2. 4% of the daily value of vitamin B2,
  3. 5% of the daily requirement of vitamin PP,
  4. 4.5% of the daily value of vitamin E,
  5. 25% of the daily value of vitamin B6.

Beneficial features.

Carotene is deposited in the body with a lack of retinol is synthesized into it. The accumulated pigment acts as an antioxidant. That is why it is considered an anti-cancer vitamin. It lowers cholesterol and reduces the risk of colds.

There is also a lot in bell pepper vitamin B6 (pyridoxine). Which promotes the synthesis of nucleic acids, prevents aging. Reduces muscle spasms, hand numbness. Pyridoxine acts as a natural diuretic. Vitamin B6 reduces the need for insulin and blood sugar. This property is important for people with diabetes.

Bulgarian pepper is a low-calorie healthy product. Its effectiveness largely depends on the color: yellow, red and green peppers contain nutrients to varying degrees and their effect on the body is different.

Bell pepper contains many nutrients. A medium-sized pepper fully covers the daily requirement for vitamin C. It also supplies us with carotenoids: lutein and zeaxanthin. Together, they all protect the eyes from UV rays, prevent night blindness, and prevent diseases such as cataracts and age-related macular degeneration.

Peppers are high in vitamin E, potassium, magnesium and iron. Due to its high calcium content, it promotes rapid healing of bones and joints.

In this article, we will tell you what vitamins are in bell pepper, give a table, tell you how it is good for health, as well as how to choose and store it.

Benefit for health

Pepper helps with intestinal problems such as diarrhea and flatulence. In addition, it promotes improved digestion. It also contains capsaicin, a substance that stimulates blood circulation.

A study since 2013 has found that bell peppers contain the plant substance nicotine, which is also responsible for the addictive effects of tobacco smoke. Therefore, anyone who consumes nicotine-rich vegetables such as potatoes, tomatoes, eggplant, and peppers has a lower risk of developing a nervous illness.

Pepper also contains flavonoids and carotenes. Flavonoids have an antioxidant effect and thus have a great impact on human health. They act as radical scavengers in the body and reduce the risk of certain diseases. Elevated levels of flavonoids reduce the risk of death from cardiovascular disease. Carotenes are found mainly in colored fruits. They also act as antioxidants to protect cells.

Whether it is red, yellow or green, the vitamin composition of peppers differ slightly from each other: they all have almost no calories, depending on the degree of maturity, 100 grams have 19-28 kcal per 100 grams.


per 100 g
nutritional value Percent Daily Value
energy 31 kcal 1,5%
carbohydrates 6.03 g 4%
protein 0.99 g 2%
Total Fat 0.30 g 1%
cholesterol 0 mg 0%
dietary fiber 2.1 g 5,5%
B9 45 mcg 12%
B3 0.978 mg 6%
B6 0.291 mg 22%
B2 0.086 mg 6,5%
B1 0.055 mg 4,5%
A 3130 IU 101%
WITH 127.6 mg 213%
E 1.59 mg 11%
TO 4.8 mcg 4%
sodium 4 mg <1%
potassium 212 mg 4,5%
calcium 7 mg 1%
copper 0.016 mg 2%
Iron 0.44 mg 5%
magnesium 11 mg 3%
manganese 0.111 mg 5%
phosphorus 25 mg 4%
Selenium 0.1 µg <1%
zinc 0.24 mg 2%
Carotene-β 1624 mcg
Carotene-α 20 mcg
Cryptoxanthin-β 490 mcg
lutein-zeaxanthin 51 mcg

Selection and storage

Fresh bell peppers can be readily available in markets all year round. Buy a fresh crop with firm, bright fruits that are heavy for their size.

Avoid overly soft, dull, pale green peppers. Also, avoid those with superficial cuts/punctures, bruises, spots, and shriveled stems.

At home, they should be stored in the refrigerator in a plastic bag, where they stay fresh for about 3-4 days.


The level of spiciness in bell pepper is almost zero. However, their seeds and central core may contain some capsaicin, which can cause severe irritation and a hot sensation in the mouth, tongue, and throat.

Pay attention to some of these points:

  • The capsaicin in chili and cayenne peppers initially causes inflammation when it comes into contact with the mucous membranes of the mouth, throat, and stomach, and soon causes a strong burning sensation that is perceived as pungent. Drinking cold yogurt can help relieve this burning pain by diluting the concentration of capsaicin and preventing it from coming into contact with the stomach lining.
  • Avoid touching your eyes with pepper-contaminated fingers. If this happens, rinse your eyes thoroughly with cold water to reduce irritation.
  • Peppers can exacerbate the condition of gastroesophageal reflux (GER).

- one of the most versatile vegetables with a rich vitamin and mineral composition. At one time, he traveled a long way from the hot countries of Central America before falling into the capable hands of European, or rather, Bulgarian breeders, who brought out the variety familiar to us. Green, yellow, red peppers are used both for preparing a variety of culinary masterpieces, and as an independent dish.

You will learn about what vitamins are contained in bell pepper, about the beneficial properties and dangers of the product from the article.

Bulgarian pepper belongs to the nightshade family. That is, it is a direct relative of eggplant, potatoes and tomatoes. It got its name thanks to the efforts of Bulgarian breeders who bred a large-fruited variety. Another product name is sweet pepper or paprika.

The birthplace of this wonderful vegetable is Central America. Somewhere in the vastness of Mexico and Colombia, wild peppers are still found. After the discovery of a new continent, the conquerors brought with them to Europe the unprecedented wealth of the Indians, among which was pepper.

Interesting. It is noteworthy that in addition to eating, people used the seeds as a tool to scare away wild animals and enemy invaders. The Indians sprinkled seeds on smoldering coals, which led to the appearance of acrid smoke.

At first, the predecessor of bell pepper ended up in Portugal and Spain. Then it appeared in other European countries and the Middle East. Paprika loves the sun, so it is actively cultivated in countries with hot and temperate climates.

Bulgarian pepper is widely used in cooking. Eat fresh, salted, pickled, canned, baked, fried, stuffed. The vegetable miraculously combines with other products, retains about 30% of nutrients during heat treatment.

Composition and nutritional value

The calorie content of paprika depends on the color:

  • in red - 31 kcal;
  • in yellow - 27 kcal;
  • in green - 20 kcal.

That is why the vegetable is considered dietary and is popular with adherents of a healthy diet and all kinds of diets for weight loss.

Bulgarian pepper contains:

  • water - 90 g;
  • proteins - 1.2 g;
  • carbohydrates - 5 g;
  • fats - 0.3 g;
  • fiber - 3.5 g.

Vitamins and minerals

Sweet pepper is a unique product that contains a lot of useful substances:

The benefits and harms of bell pepper

In the 30s of the 20th century, Albert Szent-Gyorgyi derived vitamin C in crystalline form from bell pepper, for which he was awarded the Nobel Prize. And this is not surprising, because a fleshy vegetable contains five times more ascorbic acid than citrus fruits.

In 100 g of red pepper pulp - 150 mg of vitamin. For example, the daily requirement of an adult is about 60 mg. At the same time, an overdose of a valuable antioxidant does not threaten us, since the excess is actively excreted from the body along with urine. Interestingly, during heat treatment, it loses less vitamin C compared to other vegetables and fruits, since it cooks quickly enough.

Due to the high content of B vitamins, calcium, potassium, iron and magnesium, pepper improves overall health, the state of the nervous system, and the musculoskeletal system. With regular use, blood pressure is normalized and blood vessels are protected.

There is a lot of fiber in bell pepper (2 g per 100 g), which has a beneficial effect on the state of the gastrointestinal tract, facilitates the process of digestion, has a diuretic effect, and accelerates the process of cleansing the body.

Beta-carotene and ascorbic acid increase the body's defenses, accelerate the growth of nails and hair, improve vision, the condition of the skin and mucous membranes.

B vitamins normalize sleep, relieve depression, stress, dermatitis, diabetes, relieve fatigue, swelling. Vitamin P strengthens the walls of blood vessels, reduces permeability.

Iron, zinc, calcium, phosphorus, iodine and magnesium increase the level of hemoglobin, improve the quality of life in osteoporosis, regulate the functioning of the sebaceous and sweat glands, and eliminate foci of alopecia.

Paprika contains capsaicin, which normalizes the functioning of the stomach and pancreas, thins the blood, reducing the risk of thrombosis, and regulates blood pressure.

Important. Green bell pepper contains P-coumaric acid, which removes carcinogens from the body. Lycopene in the composition of red peppers prevents the development of cancer. Fleshy fruits reduce the risk of prostate cancer, due to the high content of ascorbic acid.

The use of paprika in food has a beneficial effect on the health of the respiratory system. Manganese, potassium, magnesium, vitamin C prevent the development of respiratory infections that lead to asthma, pneumonia and emphysema.

The vegetable contributes to the preservation of youthful hair and skin, stimulates the production of collagen, and protects against ultraviolet radiation.

Folic acid in pepper reduces the risk of neural tube defects in children. Therefore, doctors advise not to exclude the product from the diet during pregnancy.

Bulgarian pepper harms the body if a person suffers from:

  • diseases of the cardiovascular system - hypertension, ischemia, tachycardia;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract (ulcers, erosion, gastritis);
  • disorders of the kidneys and liver;
  • epilepsy.

The fact is that paprika is rich in coarse fiber and essential oils. These components worsen the condition of a person with a history of these diseases.

However, the positive properties of sweet pepper are much greater than the negative ones. Doctors advise considering the state of health before eating the fruit.

The content of vitamins, minerals, depending on the color of the pepper

The composition of paprika of different colors is approximately the same. But green fruits contain more lutein, red - capsanthin, yellow - violaxanthin. These are antioxidants that neutralize the harmful effects of free radicals on the body. With their deficiency, damage to cells and tissues occurs, signs of external and internal premature aging appear.

Reference. Italian scientists conducted a study trying to find out which color of pepper people consider the sweetest. Most of the participants in the experiment pointed to yellow fruits. Although red peppers contain much more sugar. Apparently, yellow evokes associations with the sun, sweetness and ripeness.


Red paprika contains a lot of beta-carotene and vitamin C. Even 100 g of pulp can satisfy about 70% of a person's need for ascorbic acid. With regular use of the vegetable, we get: an even, healthy complexion, smooth skin, elastic blood vessels, good eyesight, increased mental abilities, including memory.


Yellow peppers are high in vitamin E, lutein and zeaxanthin (an antioxidant that neutralizes free radicals in the retina and improves vision).

Yellow fruits contain more rutin, calcium and phosphorus, which strengthen bone tissue and blood vessels.


Green peppers are rich in folic acid. One fruit covers about 25% of the daily requirement for this vitamin. Therefore, green paprika is recommended for women at the stage of pregnancy planning or gestation.

Fruits of this color improve mood, have a positive effect on the nervous system and the process of hematopoiesis. Green pepper is a source of vitamin E, which is responsible for youthful skin and an attractive appearance.

Reference. The teaching confirmed the information that green fruits contain substances that can reduce the risk of developing cancerous tumors.

The use of bell pepper

Paprika of any color is desirable to use fresh, because it contains the greatest amount of useful substances. Add juicy, crispy pulp to salads, prepare snacks, cuts, soups, borscht, stuff, bake, marinate, preserve.

There are so many recipes for cooking this wonderful vegetable that every housewife will find the best way to cook it. To prepare pepper for the winter and preserve the beneficial properties of the product, use the freezing method. When thawed, the pulp does not lose its shape and does not spread into an unsightly mess.


Bulgarian pepper is forbidden to use for diseases such as:

  • tachycardia;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • colitis;
  • ulcerative lesions of the stomach and duodenum;
  • gastritis;
  • increased acidity of the stomach;
  • pathology of the kidneys and liver in the acute stage;
  • excessive excitability of the central nervous system;
  • ischemia of the heart;
  • epilepsy.


Bulgarian pepper has beneficial properties that favorably affect human health. Vitamins, minerals prevent the development of diseases of the digestive, cardiovascular, musculoskeletal systems. Antioxidants reduce the risk of oncology, improve skin condition, providing a blooming appearance.