Sponge cake from childhood with peanuts “Gift. Gift cake Gift cake according to GOST

We offer to reproduce at home another wonderful dessert from Soviet times - the “Gift” cake according to GOST. This confection has a very simple composition - a standard sponge cake, Charlotte buttercream and roasted peanuts. Nothing unusual, but the taste is balanced and impeccable. And for those who remember the cake from childhood, the recipe will bring back pleasant nostalgic memories.

So, first we bake a classic fluffy sponge cake with a fragrant light crumb, if possible we give it time to rest. Next, we proceed to “assembly” - pour sweet syrup over the cakes and coat them with cream. The decoration of the dessert is very basic - completely cover the top and sides with roasted peanuts and sprinkle a little with powdered sugar.


For the biscuit:

  • egg whites - 6 pcs.;
  • egg yolks - 5 pcs.;
  • sugar - 150 g;
  • flour - 150 g;
  • vanilla sugar - 1 teaspoon.

For impregnation:

  • water - 100 ml;
  • sugar - 100 g;
  • rum or cognac - 1 tbsp. spoon.

For Charlotte cream:

  • egg yolk - 1 pc.;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • milk - 150 ml;
  • butter - 150 g;
  • sugar - 100 g;
  • vanilla sugar - 1 teaspoon;
  • rum or cognac - 1 tbsp. spoon.

For frosting the cake:

  • peanuts - 200 g;
  • powdered sugar - 1 teaspoon.

Cake “Gift” according to GOST recipe with photo

  1. The “Gift” cake is prepared on the basis of a classic sponge cake, which does not contain soda or baking powder, so you should work with the dough especially carefully and carefully! We distribute the whites and yolks into different dry and perfectly clean bowls. We begin to beat the whites, gradually increasing the speed and adding 100 g of sugar in small portions. We do not stop working with the mixer until the protein mixture turns into a stable snow-white mass. Thoroughly beaten egg whites should stay in place when the bowl is tilted and turned over.
  2. Pour the remaining granulated sugar into the yolks, add a portion of vanilla sugar for flavor (don’t forget to put one yolk for the cream in a separate bowl and put it in the refrigerator, covering it with a lid). Beat until a fluffy, smooth and thick mass of light color is obtained. We work with the mixer for about 4-5 minutes.
  3. Transfer the fluffy whites to the yolks in small parts (in 3-4 approaches), mixing each portion from the bottom up in one direction.
  4. We do not allow sudden movements - we work slowly, very smoothly and carefully, so that the delicate “air” mass does not fall off. It is convenient to mix the dough with a silicone spatula.
  5. Measure out a portion of flour and gradually sift it over the fluffy egg mixture, again in 3-4 additions.
  6. Carefully mix each portion again - move the spatula in one direction from bottom to top, as if wrapping the dough inside. We ensure that all flour clots disappear and a smooth composition is obtained. We try to maintain volume and not let the dough settle!
  7. According to GOST, the “Gift” cake has a square shape, so for baking the sponge cake we select an appropriate container with a side of 22-24 cm, no more. We cover the bottom with parchment paper and do not grease the walls with anything. Distribute the dough in an even layer, leveling the top. If there is no suitable square shape, it is not forbidden to use a regular round one at home.
  8. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees, and then send the biscuit there. Bake for about 30-40 minutes. We try not to open the oven again or slam the door so that the biscuit does not settle. We check the readiness using a wooden skewer/toothpick - the stick should come out of the dough completely dry.
  9. Turn the pan with the baked biscuit over and place it on a wire rack or on two inverted bowls. Leave in this position until it cools. This step will prevent the top of the crumb from possibly settling.
  10. We take out the cooled biscuit and run a knife blade along the sides of the mold, separating the baked goods from the walls. Take out the crust and remove the parchment paper. Before further preparation, let the biscuit rest at room temperature for at least 5 hours, then the crumb will crumble less when cut and will better absorb the impregnation.
  11. To prepare the impregnation, pour sugar into a small saucepan and add water.
  12. Place on the fire and, stirring, bring the mixture to a boil and the sugar grains dissolve. Cool the sweet liquid and add alcohol for flavor.

    Cream for cake “Gift” according to GOST recipe

  13. Combine the yolk remaining after preparing the sponge cake with the egg and a third of the milk. Stir thoroughly.
  14. Mix the remaining milk with sugar (vanilla and simple), bring to a boil over low heat.
  15. Stirring continuously, pour the mixture of eggs and milk into the milk syrup in one motion. Cook, stirring continuously, until slightly thickened.
  16. To check readiness, you can scoop a portion of cream onto a spatula and draw a line with your finger - the mark should not immediately float. Make sure that the cream does not overheat, otherwise the egg may curl. We work on low heat and constantly stir the mass. We wait for the finished cream to cool completely.
  17. Beat soft butter at room temperature until creamy.
  18. Gradually (in small portions) introduce the completely cooled milk cream, continuing to work with the mixer. While whipping, add a spoonful of cognac/rum.
  19. We get a lush and homogeneous Charlotte buttercream.

    Assembling the “Gift” cake

  20. Cut the “rested” sponge cake into two layers. Carefully pour syrup over the bottom one.
  21. Apply a little more than half of the cream, leveling the oil layer.
  22. Pour the second cake with impregnation and place it on top. Cover the cake on all sides with the remaining cream.
  23. To top the cake, fry the peanuts in a dry hot frying pan, stirring, for about 7-10 minutes.
  24. After cooling, peel the peanuts and then lightly chop them with a knife (until coarse crumbs).
  25. Sprinkle the cake on all sides. Lightly press the peanuts with your palm to help them adhere better to the dessert.
  26. Sprinkle the cake with powder sifted through a fine sieve on top. Place in the refrigerator for 4-5 hours, and then you can treat yourself to dessert.

The “Gift” cake according to GOST is ready! Bon appetit!

Another holiday cake with a simple and affordable recipe - Gift. I have loved it since childhood: juicy sponge cake, delicate butter cream and lots of crispy peanuts - this is an extraordinary delicacy. Previously, it could be bought in any confectionery shop of the former Soviet Union, but today the quality of modern desserts does not inspire confidence, so we’ll make it at home. We will prepare the Gift Cake according to GOST, although with a slight change: I suggest using more nuts - it will be even tastier!

This wonderful cake is based on a classic white sponge cake soaked in sugar syrup and cognac. The filling will be Charlotte buttercream, which we will also use to cover the top and sides of the cake. The decoration of this dessert is more than simple: roasted peanuts and just a little powdered sugar. Everything is simple, easy and amazingly tasty. By the way, this dessert is very similar to the legendary Fairy Tale cake, so lovers of such baked goods will definitely appreciate it.




Cream Charlotte:


Cooking step by step:

Since we will be preparing the homemade Gift cake over 2 days, I deliberately divided all the photos of the necessary ingredients into several stages. First, we will prepare the products for the classic sponge cake: wheat flour (highest grade), granulated sugar (if desired, you can use powdered sugar) and medium-sized chicken eggs (45-50 grams each).

Wash the chicken eggs, dry them thoroughly and separate them into whites and yolks. Personally, I always do it this way: I carefully break each egg on the table (this way the likelihood of damage to the yolk is minimized), and then I pour everything into a cup. I carefully take out the yolk directly with my hand, passing the white through (or through - which is correct?) my fingers, and transfer it to another dish. This is the method that allows you to get a pure yolk and the maximum amount of protein. Place all 4 yolks in a bowl in which we will prepare the biscuit dough. Add 80 grams of sugar (the remaining 40 grams will be needed when beating the whites).

Beat everything with a whisk or mixer at high speed for about 4-5 minutes until the mass becomes homogeneous, smooth and light. During this time, the sugar crystals should completely dissolve.

Then, in a clean, dry and grease-free (you can wipe with a slice of lemon, then wipe the bowl dry) bowl, beat 4 egg whites. First, at low speed, and when the whites turn into a light foam, gradually increase the speed to above medium and continue beating. At this time, add 40 grams of sugar in parts and beat the whites into a stable and tight snow-white foam. The result is French meringue - a stable protein cream that holds its shape perfectly and doesn’t even think about moving. If you don't beat the whites enough, the sponge cake may not rise properly or may sag a lot after baking.

In 3-4 steps, add the whipped whites to the yolk-sugar mixture. No more mixers, blenders or food processors!

When all the whites are in the bowl, sift 120 grams of premium wheat flour into it. Just not all at once, but in 2-3 passes, each time mixing it into the air mass with folding movements (scraping from bottom to top).

Traditionally, the Gift cake is made square, but at home you can easily make it round. I have a square silicone baking dish (20x20 centimeters), the bottom of which I covered with a piece of parchment paper. We do not lubricate the walls with anything so that the biscuit dough can climb along them when baking, thereby rising well. Using a spoon or spatula, place the dough into the pan and smooth it out.

We bake the biscuit in a preheated (this is important!) oven (I only use bottom heating) at medium level for 15 minutes at 200 degrees, then lower the temperature to 180 degrees and bake for another 15-20 minutes. During baking, do not open the oven door so that the biscuit does not fall off. We check the readiness using a wooden splinter (toothpick or skewer), which should come out of the sponge cake completely dry. Let the baked goods cool in the slightly open oven for about 15 minutes. My biscuit sank slightly (the mound sank and the surface became flat) - this is normal.

We remove the baking paper - thanks to it the biscuit does not stick to the bottom. For today, the preparation of the Gift cake is complete: the sponge cake must be kept at room temperature for at least 8 hours, and even better - 10-12. This is necessary so that when cutting it does not crumble, and when soaked it does not turn into porridge.

The next day (or in the evening of the same day, if you baked the sponge cake in the morning), you can continue preparing the homemade Gift cake. Here are the products for impregnation: water, granulated sugar and a little cognac for flavor.

Impregnation is as easy as shelling pears: in a small bowl, combine granulated sugar and hot boiled water. Mix everything thoroughly until the sweet crystals dissolve, add cognac and let the impregnation cool to room temperature.

Next we move on to preparing the Charlotte cream. We will need butter (at least 72% fat, or 82% is even better), granulated sugar, milk (any fat content), one medium-sized chicken egg, vanilla sugar and cognac.

Let's prepare a syrup, which we then add to the butter. Place a raw chicken egg in a small thick-bottomed saucepan or saucepan, add 125 grams of granulated sugar and 80 milliliters of milk.

Place the dishes on low heat and, with constant (!) stirring, cook the syrup for about 2-3 minutes after boiling. Do not leave the stove for a minute, as the eggs may curdle and the syrup will burn to the bottom of the pan. The result is a completely homogeneous, smooth, delicate custard, which in consistency resembles liquid condensed milk.

Place a piece of cling film on top (end-to-end to prevent a crust from forming) and cool to room temperature. It’s cold now, so it’s advisable to take the cream out to the balcony, where it will cool down in literally 5-7 minutes.

The final stage of preparation is preparing Charlotte buttercream for the Gift cake. Place soft butter (150 grams) in a suitable bowl. It must be taken out of the refrigerator in advance and left on the table for 3-4 hours. Add a tablespoon of vanilla sugar.

Beat everything with a mixer at high speed for at least 5 minutes, until the butter becomes fluffy and turns white. You will have to beat the cold butter for about 20 minutes, so be sure to let it warm up.

It's time to collect your homemade cake as a gift. Cut the biscuit lengthwise into 2 equal layers. This can be done using a bread knife (with serrations), a simple thread or a special fishing line.

Choose a flat dish on which to serve the cake. Place the bottom soaked cake layer.

We are preparing a biscuit.

Beat the whites with half the sugar until soft peaks form.

Beat the yolks with vanilla essence and the remaining sugar until white.

We combine the whites with the yolks. Gradually sift the flour and knead a light dough. Mix as carefully as possible to squeeze out as little air as possible from the dough.

Place the dough in a pan lined with parchment.

Place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees and bake until done, about 35 minutes. Remove the finished cake from the oven and let it sit in the pan for 15 minutes. Then remove from the mold and cool completely. Cut into 2 layers.

According to GOST standards, it is recommended for the biscuit to stand for a day to stabilize. But from time to time I neglect this and make cakes from fresh ones.

Preparing the impregnation. Combine sugar with hot water and stir until dissolved.

Preparing the cream.

Combine the egg with sugar and stir.

Add milk. Mix with a whisk and place on low heat. Cook, stirring constantly, until thickened - if you lower a wooden spoon into the mixture, remove it and run your finger along the convex side of the spoon, the path from your finger should remain clear for some time. At the same time, make sure that the cream does not overheat, otherwise the yolk will curl and flake.

Cool completely, covering the surface of the mass with film so that a crust does not form on it.

Beat the butter with a mixer until creamy. Gradually, without stopping whisking, add the cooled milk mass one spoon at a time, beating well after each addition.

Fry the peanuts - in a frying pan or in the oven (5-7 minutes at 200 degrees). We chop not very finely with a knife.

Assembling the cake.

Soak the cakes with sugar syrup.

Place 3/4 of the cream on the bottom cake layer and smooth it out.

Cover with the second cake layer. Coat the top and sides with the remaining cream.

Sprinkle with chopped peanuts on all sides. Place in the refrigerator for 4-5 hours, or preferably overnight.

Enjoy your tea!

GOST - this means quality - the finished product contains only natural ingredients. State standard – it sounds proud!

Once upon a time in the last twentieth century, in a country called the Soviet Union, almost all food industry products had this symbol on their packaging - GOST. And those who did not reach this honorary title wrote TU on the packaging - that is, compliance with technical conditions.

Nowadays, this specification will not surprise anyone, especially in the confectionery industry. With all the variety of types of cakes and the range of prices for them, only a real optimist can be confident in the quality of the finished confectionery products. Well, if only you yourself are present when the cake is made in the pastry shop, checking the packaging of all the ingredients involved in the cake, then yes. Maybe there will be one hundred percent GOST. But who will let you into the confectionery shop?

Well, you can go the other way by organizing a mini-pastry shop in your kitchen where you can bake “Gift” cake, of course, according to GOST. This is the same cake from childhood, to which you don’t need to add anything extra, so as not to distort its majesty - quality.

As for the composition, it is the most ordinary - sponge cake, impregnation for cakes and cream. Crushed peanuts are used as decoration. And these very ordinary products make a magnificent “Gift” cake.

The biscuit is baked both in the oven and in a slow cooker. If you choose to bake the cake in the oven, you can use a square pan. But in a multicooker there will be no such choice; the bowl in it is always round. And the baked sponge cake needs to be set aside for 8-12 hours, so it is better to bake it in advance.

The finished cake will need to be cut in half and immediately soaked in syrup, and therefore it will be more convenient to first prepare the syrup and cool it, and immediately soak the baked cakes with it.

But the cream, which is called Charlotte, can be prepared while baking the sponge cake. When preparing it, you also need to take into account some features, which will be described below.

For the sponge cake for the “Gift” cake you will need:

120 g flour
4 eggs
120 g sugar
1 tsp baking powder

How to prepare a sponge cake for the “Gift” cake according to GOST

The dough can be prepared using a food processor or mixer. To do this, place the eggs and sugar in a deep container or the bowl of a food processor and beat thoroughly:

Mix flour with baking powder, add to first mixture, mix. The dough is ready:

Grease the bowl with oil, lay out the dough and set the Baking for 1 hour.

This is what a finished biscuit looks like in a slow cooker:

Remove the finished biscuit from the bowl, cover with a towel and leave to cool for 8 hours or more. It won't dry out under a towel.

How to prepare cream for the “Gift” cake

(Charlotte cream)

Let me remind you that the cream for this cake is called Charlotte, and is prepared on the stove in a saucepan, but not in an enamel one.

Place an egg in a saucepan, beat it lightly and add 125 g of sugar. Mix these two ingredients together. Add hot milk (80 g), it can be heated in the microwave. Mix:

Now put the saucepan on the fire, bring its contents to a boil, reduce the heat and cook the cream for about five minutes, stirring constantly.

Remove the saucepan from the heat, close the lid and leave to cool. In winter, the saucepan can be placed on the balcony, and the lid on the saucepan will allow the cream to cool evenly.

When the syrup has cooled, you need to beat 150 g of soft butter (the highest quality butter) with vanilla (at the tip of a knife), beat better with a mixer, the butter should be fluffy. And when the oil becomes airy, gradually pour a teaspoon of cognac into it. And after that, combine the cooled cream and whipped butter, and the butter must be added gradually, this will guarantee that the cream will be solid and will not break up into lumps and grains.

So, the biscuit is ready, the cream is ready. You also need to prepare the syrup.

For the syrup, you need to heat 110 g of water in a saucepan, add 100 g of sugar, dissolve the sugar in hot water. Remove the saucepan from the heat; the sweet water can be poured into another container to quickly cool the syrup. And when it cools down, add a tablespoon of cognac and rum to it. No rum? Then two tablespoons of cognac.

How to decorate a “Gift” cake

The biscuit needs to be cut into two parts, each part should be blotted with syrup, trying to do it evenly.

Apply a thick layer of cream onto the bottom cake, leaving a smaller portion of Charlotte for coating the sides and top.

Place the second part of the sponge cake on the cream, apply the remaining cream to the sides of the cake and to its surface.
And lastly, decorate the surface of the cake on the sides and top with crushed roasted peanuts.

Leave “Gift” to soak for several hours and only then can you start drinking tea.

Yes, the process of preparing a cake according to GOST takes time from the hostess, but the result exceeds all our expectations, and through our taste buds we again find ourselves in our happy and carefree childhood. Long live “Gift” according to GOST!