Birch kvass for vivacity and health. The best DIY homemade recipes

In the sultry heat, you want to drink cold kvass from birch sap, the recipe of which was known to our ancestors in Ancient Rus'. The drink not only quenches thirst, but also fills the body with useful components. The presence of prebiotics in birch kvass puts it on a par with fermented milk products. Such a product is quite common on supermarket shelves, but it is better to make it at home in order to be 100% sure of its quality and usefulness.

Many historians say that as early as 6,000 BC, ancient people drank a drink very similar to modern kvass. It was prepared from bread crusts, tree bark and herbs.

The first memories of a healing drink are found in the manuscripts of Pliny, Hippocrates and Herodotus. Ancient scientists spoke of this product as a cure for many ailments.

In general, the word "kvass" in the Old Russian language means "sour drink". As you can see, initially this word had a slightly different meaning. "Ipatiev List" and "Legend of the Rich" mention a useful product. A little later, kvass becomes a very popular drink in Rus', both boyars and mob drink it.

At first, kvass was made only from stale rye bread. But time does not stand still, and traditional recipes are supplemented and changed. So, later kvass was already prepared from rye and barley malt, adding mint leaves and raisins. Interestingly, the northerners used currant leaves and Irish moss as integral ingredients of the drink. At the same time, they began to prepare kvass from birch sap.

In the 19th century, Russian scientists began to investigate kvass for the presence of useful components. Even the legendary scientist Mendeleev, who loved to drink kvass, studied it for the content of micro and macro elements.

Birch sap in the expanses of the Soviet Union was popular in the 50s of the last century. Therefore, it is not surprising that in 1946, thanks to the Institute of Nutrition of the Academy of Medical Sciences, a recipe for making kvass from birch sap was recommended. In those days, juice, granulated sugar, lactic acid bacteria and yeast were used to make a drink. Then it was cooled to 6°C, sweetened, decanted and poured into containers.

After the collapse of the USSR, the production of birch sap and kvass from it fell sharply, now the product has become less accessible.

Unfortunately, the modern quality of most food products does not match those produced during the Soviet Union. Therefore, the question of the usefulness and quality of products is very acute, especially when it comes to young children. Therefore, most people, choosing between purchased and home-made kvass, stop at the latter option.

Birch kvass - benefits and harms

A drink made from natural birch sap is a fermentation product.

On a note! According to recent studies, drinking one glass of the drink daily for 14 days improves overall health: beriberi, depression and chronic fatigue disappear.

Due to the fact that birch sap kvass contains a huge amount of vitamins, enzymes, organic acids, macro- and microelements, it has a beneficial effect on almost all systems of human internal organs:

  1. Normalizes the functioning of the digestive system. Birch kvass is a source of prebiotics that contain a group of vitamins B. Along with lactic acid products, the fermented drink helps to restore the balance of beneficial microorganisms in the intestines.
  2. Improves the condition of skin, hair and nails. This property is again associated with the presence of prebiotics and B vitamins in kvass. Traditional healers use birch kvass in the fight against acne, acne and juvenile acne.
  3. Increases the body's defenses and prevents the development of many pathologies. Due to the content of ascorbic acid (vitamin C), taking kvass from birch sap helps prevent colds and SARS, and also strengthens the immune system.
  4. Has a diuretic effect. Birch kvass, slightly accelerating the work of the kidneys, helps to get rid of puffiness. In connection with this property, it is taken for weight loss, although there are discussions about fat burning.
  5. It removes toxins and toxins from the body. This property is associated with the presence of prebiotics and other useful elements in kvass.

On a note! Sometimes birch kvass is used as a vaporizing agent in baths.

Inhalation of steam helps in the treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract and diseases of the skin.

Despite the great benefits, it has some contraindications. It is highly recommended not to drink with the following pathologies:

  • pancreatitis;
  • gastritis with increased acidity;
  • cholecystitis;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • food intoxication.

There is no consensus on whether birch kvass can be consumed by young children, pregnant and lactating mothers. In many sources you can find completely different information. Therefore, it is better to introduce a drink into the diet, starting with a small dose (50 ml), so as not to cause an eating disorder or increase lactation.

Traditional recipes for birch kvass

Since ancient times, our grandfathers and great-grandfathers loved to experiment just like we do now. Therefore, recipes for making a healthy drink with the addition of honey, cranberries, barley and other ingredients have come down to our time.

Birch kvass with yeast. To prepare the product, you need to prepare:

  • birch sap - 10 l;
  • yeast - 40 g.

First, the juice is boiled, cooled and yeast is added. Then it is placed in a cool room for two or three days, it can be a cellar or basement. When the drink is infused, three-liter jars are “blowed” over hot steam, kvass is poured into them and rolled up with lids. It can be stored in the pantry for about 6 months, and in the refrigerator for even longer.

Recipe with Borodino bread. To prepare a delicious drink, you need to purchase the following ingredients:

  • Borodino bread - 1 loaf;
  • birch sap - 3 l;
  • raisins - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • roasted coffee - 1 tbsp. a spoon.

A few crusts of Borodino bread must be put in a three-liter jar, as well as raisins and roasted coffee. The whole mixture is poured with birch sap, and gauze is placed on the neck of the jar and a rubber glove is put on. When it swells, kvass should be filtered and poured into a clean container. The drink is placed in the refrigerator for two days, after which it is ready for use.

Cranberry and honey recipe. To prepare birch kvass, you need to prepare:

  • birch sap - 3 l;
  • honey - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • cranberries - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • mint leaves.

Honey, cranberries and mint are added to a three-liter jar. Then the container is filled with birch sap, a rubber glove is put on it and placed in a warm place. When the glove inflates, it means that the fermentation process has already ended. Kvass must be filtered and poured into a clean jar. The drink is left for 2 days in the refrigerator, and then drunk.

Village recipe. To prepare kvass from birch sap, you will need the following ingredients:

  • birch sap - 10 l;
  • black bread crackers - 200 g;
  • dried cherries - to taste;
  • dill - to taste.

Birch sap is poured into an oak barrel. Breadcrumbs are placed in a linen bag and lowered into a barrel, tied with a long rope. Fermented juice must stand for 2 weeks in the basement or cellar. After the fermentation process is completed, dill and some dried cherries are added to the kvass.

Original recipes for birch kvass

By adding a variety of ingredients, you can prepare a very tasty kvass, which will be much healthier than Coca-Cola, Fanta and other carbonated drinks.

Recipe with orange. To make a drink, you need to purchase:

  • birch sap - 2.5 l;
  • yeast - 10 g;
  • granulated sugar - 250 g;
  • orange - 1 pc.;
  • mint - a few leaves;
  • raisins - 3 tbsp. spoons.

Probably, representatives of the older generation perfectly remember the song performed by the legendary "Pesnyary" with the words: "And the Motherland generously gave me birch sap, birch sap" ...

This nectar of early spring with an illuminating sweet note is dear to the heart of every Russian and has been valued from time immemorial. It is consumed fresh, curative kvass is made from birch sap and even moonshine.

Juice is not only tasty, but also useful, especially after winter beriberi, as it is rich in vitamins C and group B, as well as trace elements. They drink it to increase immunity, and simply because it tastes good. And also he has healing properties, helps in the treatment of a number of diseases:

  • perfectly cleanses the body, removes toxins and deposits in blood vessels, joints;
  • strengthens the cardiovascular system;
  • improves brain activity;
  • enhances physical endurance, gives energy;
  • useful for people who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, as it restores the acid-base balance;
  • due to diuretic properties, removes excess water from the body, relieves swelling and partially regulates blood pressure;
  • boosts immunity.

However, despite the obvious benefits, people with kidney stones and peptic ulcers should not get too carried away with them.

Note that birch kvass retains all the beneficial properties of the juice.

Important. Kvass prolongs the preservation of valuable juice up to six months, while sterilization significantly reduces its benefits.

The "thorns" of the resulting carbon dioxide improve the taste, perfectly quenching thirst, refreshing in the heat. Drinking a glass of birch kvass daily, you will quickly feel improvements:

  • in a week or two, beriberi and spring depression will pass, energy and efficiency will increase;
  • prebiotic bacteria, invariably present in fermentation products, along with the vitamin-mineral complex of kvass, improve the functioning of internal organs: improve digestion, get rid of poisons accumulated in the liver and kidneys;
  • the skin heals, there is an active elimination and healing of youthful acne;
  • the condition of hair and nails improves: brittleness is eliminated. Hair begins to grow better, have a healthy look.

Attention. For beauty, in addition to the use of kvass, masks and lotions from it are used.

Harvesting juice without damaging the tree

An adult healthy birch can give up to 7 liters of valuable juice (or apiary, as it is called in another way) without harm. But it is worth taking care of its capabilities, and then in the spring it will be possible to use bounties again.

Carefully. If too much juice is taken away, the birch may die.

Therefore, do not be greedy and carefully "heal" the wounds after the selection of the healing fluid, so that the tree has enough nutrition for further development.

Some "tourists" use this technique: they break off a branch from a birch, and insert a stump into a bottle. Then they take the collected raw materials, and leave the wounds on the trees. A broken branch can also cause the death of a tree!

So the best method is:

Take a tube of small diameter (silicone, metal, wood) and drill a hole exactly in size in a birch (no deeper than 5 cm), at a distance of about half a meter from the ground. Insert the tube tightly into it and lower the tip of the tube into the jar. You can use a groove instead of a tube.

Peculiarities. A good container for collecting birch sap is plastic water bottles of 5-6 liters. But it is desirable to store juice in glass.

After the selection of juice in reasonable quantities, a wooden cork (a piece of dry twig, etc.) is hammered into the hole. The cork will quickly swell and seal the wound. It is advisable to additionally lubricate the chopik with garden pitch before hammering in order to protect the birch from possible infection.

How to cook at home

The combination of birch sap with honey is especially useful. Two useful components complement each other, and kvass based on them is extremely tasty and healing.

With honey and lemon

Sweet and sour tingling taste will appeal to both adults and children. Take:

  • 10 liters of fresh birch sap;
  • 50 g raw baker's yeast;
  • 200 g (half a glass) of honey;
  • juice from 1-3 lemons (to taste).

Mix a glass of sap and yeast, let rise. Add honey, mix. Then - lemon juice.

Mix the mass with birch sap. You can - in a large bottle or in a saucepan, then pour into three-liter jars (not at the very top) and close with nylon lids. Leave at room conditions. After 3-4 days the drink is ready.

Without yeast, on bread sourdough

This kvass is prepared on ready-made bread sourdough. Let's take:

  • 10 liters of juice;
  • 3-4 tablespoons of honey;
  • 7 tablespoons of bread sourdough.

We mix the ingredients. We insist in the room for 3-4 days. We bottle it and send it to the coolness of the basement or cellar for a couple of weeks to reach.

Advice. For a richer color and bready taste, add 500 grams of dried rye crackers.

When bottling, strain.

How to cook kvass using raisins?

The addition of raisins is due to the fact that from this kvass acquires additional sharpness, the amount of carbon dioxide increases in it. This makes it even more pleasant to drink, and at the same time it is hundreds of times more useful than store-bought carbonated drinks made from chemical components.

Note. Before adding raisins to kvass, it is not soaked.

You may or may not wash. And if you wash - then not for long, with cold water. The wild yeast on the surface will create the effect of light fermentation even in cool weather.

With raisins and dried fruits

This recipe will help add a pleasant fruity note to the finished kvass. Choose dried fruits to your taste, you can mix (pears, apples, cherries, prunes, dried apricots, etc.). A recipe has been known for a long time, according to which, based on 10 liters of birch sap, they take:

  • 200 g raisins;
  • 500 g dried apples.

You can cook in a 20-liter enamel saucepan. The mixture is left warm, covered for about a week. When “burning” appears, kvass can be filtered, bottled and corked (from now on, keep cool).

Attention. To protect kvass from insects, it is advisable to cover the pan with gauze (in 2-3 additions), and then with a lid.

If you do not filter, but take the pan to the basement with all the contents, then day by day the drink will become tastier and stronger.

Making this kvass on the basis that children will also drink it, you can add half a glass of sugar, and at the end of fermentation, strain it.

With dark raisins

This kvass is prepared in early spring, but it will gain the necessary properties only by the summer. It is pleasant not only to drink it, but also to cook okroshka on it (see:). It does not lose its healing properties for a long time.

Take 10 liters of birch sap and 80 large black raisins. Mix everything in a large bottle, close the lid tightly and send it to the cellar, where it will slowly ripen. A ready-made drink can be bottled, corked and enjoyed all summer long.

Children's "carbonated" nectar with orange

This naturally carbonated, sweet and tasty kvass is very popular with children. Yes, and the benefits of it are hundreds of times greater than from "chemical" drinks.

For 2.5 liters of fresh birch sap you will need:

  • 1 chopped orange;
  • a handful of raisins (50 g);
  • 10 g raw baker's yeast;
  • a couple of sprigs with mint and lemon balm leaves. Considering that natural birch sap is available only in early spring, it can be dried, but fresh is better;
  • 1 cup of sugar.

Distant yeast (mash, add a pinch of sugar, a little juice, wait until they start to rise). Mix everything except raisins in a jar. Put in a warm place for a couple of days.

When fermented, pour into half-liter glass bottles. Add 3 raisins to each, seal securely and send to the cellar or refrigerator. A day later, sweet birch kvass is ready.

Advice. Bottles with clips (for example, from) are good for corking.

lemonade kvass

This kvass with lemon is an excellent immune stimulant, moreover, it is delicious and refreshing. Both adults and children will like it.

A simple option is to replace the orange with a lemon in the previous recipe. But a drink with honey is more useful. So let's take:

  • 10 liters of fresh birch sap;
  • juice from 3-4 lemons;
  • 3 spoons of honey;
  • 50 g raw yeast;
  • 50 g raisins.

Mix all the ingredients at once, stir. There is a possibility - we close the whole drink in one container, no - we pour it into jars, distributing the raisins equally. We put it in the cold. After 3-4 days, kvass is ready for use.

Delicious coffee kvass with black bread

This invigorating birch sap drink acts like an energy drink, giving vigor and a surge of strength. The taste strongly resembles bread kvass.

  • 2.5 liters of birch sap;
  • 150 g crusts of black Borodino bread;
  • 50 g raisins;
  • 0.5 cups of sugar;
  • 50 g coffee beans (some consider the number of grains as raisins.

Roast coffee beans in a dry frying pan, stirring occasionally. Roast the bread crusts in the oven. In a jar, pour all the ingredients with birch sap. We put on a rubber medical glove, fix it with a rubber band on the neck of the jar.

After 2-3 days, the glove will “raise its hand”, then we pierce one of the fingers with a needle. If it inflates a lot, we pierce the other finger. We wait until the fermentation is over and the glove falls off. Kvass is filtered, sealed in bottles, for a couple of days - in the refrigerator or cellar. You can submit!

Dark birch-barley kvass

The rich color of dark beer and the slightly intoxicating properties of this kvass will appeal to lovers of refreshing drinks with a slight degree.

It is necessary to take 1 kg of selected barley, wash it, dry it, and then fry it in a dry frying pan until golden or almost brown. Pour into a container, pour 10 liters of fresh birch sap. Cover and leave to ferment in the room. Try periodically.

After a few days, when a slight hoppy taste is already felt, bottle it, cork it and send it to the cellar. It is stored up to six months, without changing the taste and useful properties. An open bottle should be drunk a day or two in advance.

Spicy citrus kvass with ginger and oranges

For those who love the spicy spiciness of ginger and the refreshing orange, this recipe is for you. Would need:

  • 3 liters of birch sap;
  • 2 oranges;
  • 50g grated fresh ginger root;
  • 5 g fast-acting dry yeast;
  • 1 tsp honey;
  • 150 g of sugar;
  • 15 mint leaves (fresh or dried)
  • 0.5 lemon - optional.

Cut oranges and lemons, grate ginger. Put in a fermentation container and add honey, yeast, sugar, mint leaves. Heat birch sap to 25-28°C. Pour in the ingredients, making sure that the container is no more than 2/3 full. Cover with a thick cloth and leave warm for a day. Then bottle, seal and store refrigerated.

Sweet kvass without yeast with dried fruits

For 5 liters of birch sap, take:

  • 250 g of any dried fruits that you like;
  • 1.5 cups of sugar;
  • 50 g raisins.

Dissolve sugar in strained birch sap, add raisins. Cover, leave warm for three days, then strain, bottle, add 3 raisins for every half liter, cork and send for a week in the cold.

Is fermented birch sap suitable for kvass?

As a rule, even in the refrigerator, freshly picked birch sap is stored for no more than two to three days. Many believe that such a product is already spoiled and cannot be saved. But in vain, because it is perfect for kvass, but only if the fermentation process has just begun. Do not pull, but turn the juice into kvass, which is stored much longer and prolong the benefits of a natural Russian healer.

You can use a simple recipe from what is on hand. For 2.5 liters of apiaries, take 1.5 cups of sugar (honey), a handful of raisins and a few dried crusts of black bread.

Kvass became viscous. Can it be saved?

Kvass sometimes becomes viscous, although it does not change the taste. This happens more often with sugary drinks.

Most likely, not the best processes began in kvass, and the best solution would be to put a brew on it and overtake it. Birch moonshine is clean and pleasant to drink.

Conditions and terms of storage of birch kvass

It is believed that birch kvass is stored for no longer than three months. However, connoisseurs claim that they drink it all summer and even the whole year, until the new collection of apiary. In most cases, kvass in a hermetically sealed state in the basement can be stored for up to six months. That is, if there is enough stock, then you can drink it all summer.

Video - cooking recipes

A simple recipe for making birch kvass:

How to save birch sap in the form of kvass:

Kvass from birch sap with raisins:

Homemade birch kvass from barley and caramel malt:

(1 ratings, average: 5,00 out of 5)

- the pride of the national kvass. The recipe was invented by the Slavs. From ancient times, the valuable tree was worshiped, and the tree elixir was added not only to kvass, but also to wine and honey. On its basis, the legendary Scythian birch was cooked.

How to make kvass from birch sap at home? The secrets of cooking have survived to this day, I will talk about them in the article. Natural birch sap is an excellent preparation for kvass, as it does not lose its beneficial properties and qualities during the fermentation process. Birch "tears" are a natural preservative given to us by nature, more useful and natural than food products.

Let's move on to cooking technology. Several recipes are available.

Classic kvass on birch sap with barley

Kvass on birch sap with barley is a source of nutrients and vitamins. It tastes like ordinary kvass with yeast. The cooking process is simple, takes a minimum of time.


  • Juice - 3 l,
  • Barley - 100 g.


  1. I carefully filter fresh birch sap from chips, bark and other extraneous natural “gifts”. To do this, I use gauze folded in several layers. I let it cool down for two days.
  2. I dry the barley in a pan. The taste of the drink directly depends on the roasting time. If the unpeeled grains are supported longer, then the future kvass will turn out with bitterness. For a delicate taste, I lightly roast the barley so that the grains have a golden color.
  3. I pour grains wrapped in gauze into the purified and chilled juice for convenience.
  4. I insist kvass in a warm place. During maturation, stir twice a day. After 3-4 days, kvass will darken, acquire a pronounced taste of cereals.
  5. I filter and bottle.

Video recipe

Kvass from birch sap with dried fruits


  • Birch sap - 2.5 l,
  • Dried fruits - 150 g.


  1. I wash dried fruits in running water several times. I do not soak, but immediately put it in a pre-prepared jar.
  2. I pour birch sap, cover with a towel or multilayer gauze.
  3. Fermentation requires heat.

Kvass from birch sap with honey


  • "Tears" of birch - 5 l,
  • Fresh yeast - 50 g,
  • Lemon - 1 piece,
  • Honey - 100 g,
  • Raisins - 3 pieces.


  1. I filter kvass through gauze. I pour the yeast with a small volume of water - 40-50 ml.
  2. Squeezing juice from a fresh lemon.
  3. I mix liquids, add honey, pour yeast.
  4. I take a 5-liter bottle, mine, put a few pieces of dried grapes on the bottom.
  5. I pour the drink, close the lid loosely. I put the birch-honey mixture in a cool place.
  6. After 3 days kvass is ready for use.

How to cook bread kvass on birch "tears"


  • Juice - 3 l,
  • Dry yeast - 1 g,
  • Rye crackers - 300 g,
  • Sugar - 1.5 tablespoons.


  1. I pour the pre-strained juice into a saucepan, pour out the sugar and mix thoroughly. I add yeast for a sharper taste. To make the drink softer and less vigorous, you can put only rye crackers. I use both bread and yeast.
  2. I leave it to infuse throughout the day. I put it in a warm place.
  3. I pour the drink into jars or bottles, carefully straining. I put it in the refrigerator.

I use it as a refreshing and invigorating drink and an okroshka base. Use the recipe for health!

Cooking birch kvass with orange


  • Birch "tears" - 2.5 l,
  • Orange - 1 piece,
  • Sugar - 1 cup
  • Raisins - 25 grams,
  • Melissa and mint - a few bunches,
  • Yeast - 10 g.


  1. I peel an orange, cut it into slices. I mix the yeast with a little sugar. I send the mixture into a jar, throwing bunches of fresh grass, a chopped orange and the remaining granulated sugar.
  2. Stir, add juice. I put it in a warm place. It will take 2 to 4 days to cook, depending on the temperature.
  3. The finished product is bottled. I use 0.5 liter containers. I pour a few pieces of raisins into each for flavor. I send it to the refrigerator for storage.
  4. In a day, birch kvass will “ripen” and can be used as a soft drink or an unusual base for okroshka.

Video recipe

The benefits and harms of kvass from birch sap

Beneficial features

The classic bread drink contains a large number of probiotic bacteria that have a beneficial effect on the activity of the gastrointestinal tract and the body's immunity. Using birch sap instead of filtered water only enhances the positive effect. The content of salts of magnesium, potassium, manganese, iron, aluminum and other useful components has a beneficial effect on the general condition of the body.

The drink invigorates, refreshes and tones, is used as a prophylactic against colds, in the spring period of vitamin deficiency, etc.

The "tears" of the primordially Russian tree contain natural defenders of immunity - phytoncides. These are active substances that inhibit the development of bacteria produced by plants naturally.

Kvass based on birch sap is used as a replacement for expensive cosmetics. It makes a rejuvenating mask. The product is applied to the face steamed after the bath and left for half an hour. Then the natural mask is washed off with water. Kvass is used to make a hair strengthening agent, which is suitable for normal and oily curls.


In moderate doses, the drink is harmless. Gastritis and other inflammations of the mucous membrane are a contraindication to frequent use. The prohibition for consumption is an allergy to birch pollen, which is rare.

Birch sap has gained wide popularity due to its rich chemical and biological composition. In addition, such a drink brings great benefits to the body.

But you can drink it in its pure form only for a limited period of time, but on its basis you can prepare very tasty, refreshing, and most importantly healthy kvass.

Even our ancestors noticed that birch sap, fermented in wooden barrels, significantly increased efficiency and perfectly quenched thirst and hunger.

There are several different options for making kvass based on birch sap.

All of them are united by two traditional factors:

  1. The freshly harvested sap of this tree.
  2. Wooden barrels for fermentation and direct preparation of the drink itself.

In modern conditions, it is not always possible to use a container made of real wood for making a drink, so you can replace it with a glass jar or an enamel pan.

with raisins

This is one of the oldest recipes. The finished drink has a pronounced taste of birch sap. It perfectly quenches thirst and helps to quickly restore strength after heavy intense exercise.

For cooking you will need:

  • 5 liters of birch nectar;
  • 250 g of granulated sugar;
  • 50 g dark raisins.

Important! It is not recommended to wash raisins before use. It is he who will act as yeast, since on the surface of unwashed dried berries, there are all the necessary bacteria.

Cooking process:

  1. Heat the juice to a temperature of 40 degrees.
  2. Add sugar to it and mix thoroughly until all its particles are completely dissolved.
  3. Pour the syrup into a fermentation container.
  4. Add raisins to liquid and mix well.
  5. Cover the container with a cloth and put in a warm place for three days for fermentation.
  6. Pour the drink into bottles and refrigerate for another three days. After that, kvass is considered ready for use.

Reference! The finished drink prepared on the basis of birch nectar should be stored in a hermetically sealed container in a cool place. In this case, the guaranteed shelf life is 20 weeks.

Watch a video that tells how to make birch sap kvass with raisins and dried fruits:

with barley

Another old version of the preparation of tasty and healthy kvass. It uses a minimum of products, and the end result will pleasantly surprise and please you with taste and aroma.

Cooking Ingredients:

  • freshly picked birch sap - 6 l;
  • dry barley - 200 g.

A non-alcoholic drink prepared according to this recipe is very similar in color and aroma to ordinary bread kvass. It can be stored in hermetically sealed bottles in a cold place for up to 7 months.

Preparing kvass from birch nectar is very simple:

  1. The liquid must be carefully filtered through several layers of gauze.
  2. Sort through the barley and remove damaged or empty kernels.
  3. Pour the grain into a suitable container.
  4. Heat the juice over low heat to 65 degrees and pour over the barley.
  5. The container is covered with a cloth and cleaned in a dark and warm place for 4 days. Then kvass is filtered and cooled.

Reference! It is recommended to enhance the taste of the finished drink and to color it in a pleasant brown color, roast the grains in a dry frying pan until golden brown. It should be borne in mind that if the barley is not separated from the husk, the finished kvass will have a slight bitterness in the aftertaste.

The video shows how to properly prepare birch kvass with barley, oats and wheat:

With bread

Another option for making delicious and refreshing kvass is with bread.

Method 1. Antique

Cooking Ingredients:

  • birch sap 2 l;
  • 3 crusts of rye bread;
  • 150 g of granulated sugar;
  • 50 g raisins.

This recipe appeared several centuries ago.

Preparing kvass is very simple:

  1. It is necessary to carefully strain the birch sap.
  2. Put scalded and dried raisins in a jar.
  3. Add granulated sugar and bread crusts to the container.
  4. Heat the juice to a temperature of 40 degrees and pour the contents of the container with it.
  5. Mix everything thoroughly and remove for fermentation for two days in a warm place.

Ready kvass, strain and bottle. It is ready to use immediately after cooling in the refrigerator.

Method 2. Refreshing

Cooking Ingredients:

  • 5 liters of birch nectar;
  • 250 g of granulated sugar;
  • 15 pcs. raisins;
  • 450 g of rye bread;
  • 50 g fresh mint leaves;
  • 250 g barley.

Reference! The finished drink has a pleasant, invigorating and refreshing taste. It is best to use it for consumption in its pure form.

The more chilled it is, the more pleasant it is to drink.

The cooking process consists of the following steps:

  1. Cut the bread into small cubes with a side of about one and a half centimeters and dry in the oven until crusty. The main thing is that the crackers do not burn.
  2. In a thick-walled frying pan, preferably in a cast-iron pan, melt the sugar and boil it until a caramel shade is obtained. No need to add water!
  3. In a similar container, it is necessary to fry the barley grains until golden brown.
  4. Strain birch sap through cheesecloth and pour into a large saucepan.
  5. Boil the nectar for a couple of minutes on a slow fire, then remove the container from the stove.
  6. Finely chop the mint leaves and add them to the bowl of hot juice.
  7. Pour all other ingredients into the liquid, mix well and leave for half an hour. during this time, the granulated sugar will completely dissolve, and the crackers will soften.
  8. Pour the liquid into a glass jar and put on a glove with a small hole in the finger.
  9. Leave for three days at room temperature.
  10. Pour the finished kvass into bottles, adding three raisins to each liter of the finished drink.
  11. Cool kvass for 24 hours in a refrigerator.

Important! Kvass based on birch sap prepared according to any of these recipes should not be stored in plastic bottles. Ordinary glass jars are best suited for storage, which can be hermetically sealed with tight nylon lids.

The video describes the technology for making kvass from birch sap with bread:

How to drink?

Birch kvass contains all the same useful properties as the juice of this tree. Despite its apparent benefits, this soft drink should be consumed in limited quantities, and not all people can use it.

Reference! Birch kvass has a powerful diuretic effect, so it should be drunk in limited quantities for people with diseases of the urinary system, as well as for those people who suffer from urolithiasis.

This drink should be consumed in accordance with the following recommendations:

  1. If kvass is used for the first time, then a single dose should not exceed 100 ml. At the same time, on the first day it is allowed to drink no more than 250 ml of this drink.
  2. If this drink is used as a basis for making cold soups, then it must be diluted with purified water in a 1: 1 ratio.
  3. Even if this healthy soft drink is well tolerated, it should not be consumed more than 1 liter per day. At the same time, it is better to divide the daily volume of kvass into several equal portions.
  4. It is best to drink such a liquid after eating, especially for those people who have increased stomach acidity and diseases such as ulcers or gastritis.

Attention! For children under 10 years old, it is better not to give birch kvass at all. Most pediatricians say that it is best to include this drink in the diet no earlier than at the age of 12. At the same time, you can drink kvass 150 ml once a day, no more than three times a week.

Properly prepared birch sap is a real benefit for the body, but only if it is properly consumed, stored and prepared.

Particular attention should be paid to the main ingredient - birch sap:

  1. Nectar collection is best done away from urban settlements.
  2. It is necessary to collect sap from trees in early spring, it is at this time that it contains the maximum concentration of nutrients.
  3. Birches are suitable for collection, at least two years old and with a trunk diameter of at least 25 cm.

Important! The collected nectar is recommended to stand for 3-5 hours before further use, and then carefully filtered through several layers of gauze.

Only birch kvass, prepared with all these recommendations in mind, can be considered a real healthy product.

To strengthen the immune system, many begin to collect birch sap and make delicious kvass. Birch sap is not inferior to many vitamins, for this it is worth going to the forest to put jars. Kvass from birch sap is very rich in vitamins, which are very necessary for our body. This drink has been known to many since ancient times. They drink kvass from various toxins and toxins, cleanses the liver and digestive tract. Birch sap begins to be collected at the end of April until the end of May, but you need to be very careful in the forest, many are afraid of encephalitis mites. There are a lot of different kvass recipes. Today we will look at the most famous.


  • Birch sap 8 - 10 liters;
  • Sugar 500 gr;
  • Dried raisins 500 gr;
  • 1. We filter fresh birch sap from debris.
    2. We wash the raisins in hot water
    3. Mix raisins with sugar and add birch sap. Stir until the sugar is completely dissolved.
    4. It is necessary to pour into jars, preferably 3 liters. We close not with a lid, but with a thin cloth or take gauze.
    5. Keep kvass for 2 days.
    6. We filter our finished kvass and enjoy.
    7.Can be stored for 4 months.

Fragrant kvass from birch sap with honey and lemon


  • Birch sap 6-8 liters;
  • Liquid honey 40 gr;
  • Lemon 3-4 pieces; citric acid 2h/l;
  • Yeast (preferably live 50 gr)
  1. 1. We decant birch sap from small debris.
    2. Squeeze out lemon juice or dilute with 2 tsp citric acid.
    3. Add liquid honey.
    4. We dilute live yeast with water.
    5. Mix all the ingredients.
    6. Pour everything into glass jars. The drink must be tightly closed with a cloth and kept for 3 days at room temperature.

Delicious birch sap kvass with black bread and coffee


  • Birch sap 2-3 liters;
  • Black bread 3 crusts;
  • Sugar 150 gr;
  • Small raisins 50 gr;
  • Coffee beans 50 gr
  1. 1. We filter the birch sap.
    2. Roast coffee beans for 3-4 minutes.
    3. Fill the raisins with hot water, rinse well. Dry the raisins.
    4. Put sugar, coffee, raisins into a three-liter jar and pour juice.
    5.Into the jar we insert a rubber glove with a pierced hole instead of a lid.
    6. When the glove rises, then kvass began to ferment. We are waiting for 2 days when the rubber glove returns to its position.
    7. We put it in the refrigerator. You can drink after a day.

Dark kvass from birch sap with barley


  • Birch sap 3 liters;
  • Dry yeast on the tip of a spoon.;
  • Barley 3-4 tbsp;
  • Crackers without seasonings 150 gr;
  • Sugar 3 tbsp;

Barley gives kvass not only a fragrant taste, but also a dark color of kvass. From barley kvass, you can cook okroshka in the summer.

  1. 1. Pour the juice into an enamel pan and heat it up.
    2. Pour the juice into an enamel pan and heat it up.
    3. In a pan without oil, fry the croutons and send to the pan.
    4. Fry the barley too and put it in a saucepan.
    5. Stir with sugar until dissolved.
    6. Cover with a lid and leave for 36 hours to ferment kvass. Place in the refrigerator.

How to cook tasty kvass from birch sap with oranges


  • Orange 1 pc;
  • Birch sap 2 - 3 liters;
  • Raisins 2 tsp;
  • Yeast 10 gr;
  • Mint 3 leaves;
  1. 1. Cut oranges into slices.
    2. Grate yeast with sugar.
    3. In a jar, add an orange, yeast, sugar and pour birch sap.
    4. Pour into jars and add raisins. Keep in refrigerator for 24 hours and kvass is ready!

Sweet kvass from birch sap with dried fruits without yeast


  • Dried fruits 1 kg;
  • Birch sap 2 - 3 liters;
  • Raisins 300gr;
  • Barberry sweets 2-3 pcs;
  • Mint 3 leaves;
  1. 1. Rinse the raisins and dry for about an hour.
    2. Add all ingredients to a container, preferably jars.
    3. Keep kvass for 3-4 days at room temperature.
    4. You need to stir every day. After it stops fermenting, you need to bottle.

Video Lemonade from birch sap. Preservation of birch sap

Video-How to preserve birch sap for the winter