Birch brunettes in folk medicine and the alcohol industry. Treatment with birch green “brunki” What are birch brunki

Hi all!

I think you have already heard more than once about this recipe for the Tibetan elixir of youth, found by the UNESCO expedition in 1971. in Tibetan monasteries, which was written on clay tablets back in the 5th century BC.

Today it has been translated into all languages ​​and tested by more than one thousand people, including me personally. But I won’t go into this, I described everything in detail in the picture, it enlarges and everything can be read.

Birch buds medicinal properties

Birch is one of those trees whose healing properties are recognized by any medicine.

(folk, official, Chinese, Indian, etc.)

Particularly valuable medicinal raw materials in birch are birch buds, collected during the period of their swelling from late April to early May, during sap flow, while they have not yet opened, which is very, very important!!!

It is these buds that contain the most important medicinal component, which has phenomenal healing power - this is essential oil, which is a thick balsamic liquid with a very pleasant aroma and contains a large number of biologically active components

It is this oil that has a huge number of useful medicinal properties that can restore the functioning of damaged organs and systems of the human body.

I read in one source that

birch bud oil can turn any skin into velvet!

You will almost never find a ready-made herbal balm or elixir that does not contain birch buds.

Traditional medicine gives them a wide range of medicinal properties that really prove their effectiveness.

Let's look at some recipes for using birch buds.



Birch buds are effectively used as a diuretic for various diseases of the genitourinary system and edema of cardiac origin.


Infusion of birch buds is used for diseases of the liver, biliary tract, cholecystitis


The effectiveness of using birch bud infusion for various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract has been proven.


To do this, make inhalations with an infusion of birch buds and use them to gargle.


Birch buds are a very effective remedy for various skin diseases: eczema, furunculosis, acne, dermatitis, erosions, wounds, burns, bedsores, etc.

To do this, use medicinal baths with infusion of birch buds and prepare an ointment that is rubbed into diseased areas of the skin.


Alcohol tincture of birch buds very effectively relieves inflammation and joint pain and can be used for:

rheumatism, gout, lumbago, arthritis, joint pain



Birch buds can be used as an infusion during periods of weakening of the body after suffering serious illnesses, during a cold accompanied by bronchitis and fever, loss of strength and energy, and fatigue.


According to Eastern medicine, birch buds harmonize the condition of hollow organs: stomach, small intestine, large intestine, gall, bladder, three heaters. Affects the endocrine system: pineal gland, pituitary gland, thyroid gland, pancreas, adrenal glands, ovaries, testicles. And also on all properties and pathological conditions of systems.


An infusion of birch buds can replace a tonic for dry skin, is very useful for acne and helps treat age spots


This video talks about birch buds very well


Since buds are soft plant materials, it is best to prepare an infusion from them.

To do this, half 1 tsp. crushed birch buds are poured with half a glass of boiling water and infused in a boiling water bath in a sealed container for 15 minutes. Cool for 45 minutes at room temperature, strain and consume 3 times daily.

With this method of preparing infusions (applies to any herbs), all beneficial substances are completely transferred from medicinal raw materials into the infusion, which makes it possible to obtain a full therapeutic effect

Store for 1 day in the refrigerator.


Birch buds are infused in a ratio of 1:10 for two months in 70% alcohol, shaking occasionally, in a dark place. Then filtered. Store in a cool place, protected from light

Tinctures from birch buds just as useful as propolis tinctures.


You need to take unsalted butter and kidneys.

Place in a small saucepan in layers: a layer of butter, a layer of kidneys (the thickness of the layers is 1 cm) and so on until it is filled. Close the lid. Place all this in a warm place for 14-18 hours (you can use a stove, oven or hot radiator). Then you filter it all and squeeze it through cheesecloth. Store the finished ointment in a cool place. Apply by rubbing into painful areas of the body in the evening before bed, once a day.


Kidney failure

  1. Contraindications for use

After all, birch is one of the most common trees in the temperate climate zone.

The medicinal properties of birch buds were valued in ancient times; as soon as sap began to flow in the spring and the buds began to swell, they were carefully cut from the branches and dried, later used to prepare medicinal decoctions and infusions.

During the same period, healing birch sap is also collected, which brings great benefits to health.

Collection of birch buds

Birch buds are collected in the spring during the swelling period. From mid-April - early May. Birch buds are collected while they are not yet open, while birch sap is moving along the tree trunk.

This is very important, because collecting birch buds too early is useless. They still have too few nutrients. The buds are collected by hand or cut off along with the branches.

The color of the buds is brownish-brown, sometimes greenish at the base. The smell is balsamic, intensifying when rubbed. The taste is slightly astringent, resinous.

It is better to collect birch buds outside the city, away from highways and factories, then it will be an environmentally friendly raw material.

Dry them outdoors or in dryers at a temperature of 25–30 degrees. Store them in cloth or paper bags or in glass containers.

Medicinal and beneficial properties of birch buds

To fully appreciate the benefits and medicinal properties of birch buds, you need to consider their biochemical composition. Those who like to take a steam bath with a birch broom know how pleasant the air becomes. So - the same fragrant essential oils as in the leaves are also contained in birch buds.

Birch buds contain essential balsamic oil, which includes betulenic acid, betulol and betulen, resinous substances, alkaloids, flavonoids, fatty acids, vitamin C, PP, carotene and saponins, tannins and minerals (magnesium, calcium and iron).

Pesnyary - Birch sap

The oil obtained in an amount of 5-8% by steam distillation of the buds is a thick yellow liquid with a pleasant balsamic aroma.

The beneficial properties of birch buds are known not only to folk medicine, but also to traditional medicine. They have a diuretic, choleretic, diaphoretic, blood purifying, analgesic, disinfectant, wound healing effect.

This is an excellent anthelmintic; birch buds relieve inflammation and have a strong antibacterial effect, killing typhoid microbes. Birch bud tincture (1:5) exhibits antimicrobial activity against antibiotic-resistant forms of 144 strains of staphylococci isolated from patients with various forms of purulent infection.

This allows you to treat various purulent infections, such as phlegmon, furunculosis, peritonitis and mastitis. Essential oils contained in birch buds have a destructive effect on invasions.

Preparations prepared from the buds of the plant are prescribed for swelling of cardiac origin.. Birch buds increase diuresis and quickly reduce swelling in the periphery, even when traditional diuretics do not have the desired effect. For edema caused by functional kidney disorders, such treatment is not recommended, since resinous substances can irritate the kidney tissue.

The choleretic properties of birch buds are used for diseases of the liver and biliary tract. In addition, they are used in the treatment of bronchitis and tracheitis as a disinfectant and expectorant. Birch bud preparations are also used for hygienic and therapeutic baths.

As can be seen from the above, birch buds have a lot of medicinal properties.

Application of birch buds

As mentioned at the beginning, this medicinal raw material is mainly used in the form of infusions. It is also widely used in folk medicine in the form of alcohol tinctures and ointments.

Infusions and decoctions of birch buds are used in otolaryngology and dentistry as an anti-inflammatory, decongestant and epithelizing agent for stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontal disease, glossitis, sore throat, chronic tonsillitis, acute respiratory diseases in the form of rinses and applications of gauze napkins moistened with infusions or decoctions.

In folk medicine, birch buds are used to treat gout, rheumatism, and joint pain. They will help in the treatment of burns, eczema, and acne. Compresses made from a decoction of birch buds will have a wound-healing effect.

Thanks to their regenerative effect, birch buds promote faster cell regeneration. In the treatment of arthritis, trophic non-healing ulcers, edema, a decoction of birch buds will have a diuretic and strengthening effect on the body.

For diseases of the mouth and throat, it is recommended to gargle with a decoction that contains birch buds.

Birch bud decoction - recipe

10 grams of kidneys (about 5-6 pieces) are poured into 0.2 liters of hot water, then boiled for 15 minutes, cooled and filtered. It is recommended to drink this decoction every day, half a glass between meals. It will help restore the body during colds and flu, and provide the necessary vitamins in the spring. You can gargle with it for sore throat, stomatitis or periodontal disease; it reduces swelling, having diuretic and choleretic properties.

Alcohol tincture of birch buds

Alcohol tincture of birch buds is recommended for colds, laryngitis, bronchitis, tracheitis, pulmonary tuberculosis, indigestion, poor appetite, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, stomach and duodenal ulcers, dysentery and dyspepsia in children, pinworms and roundworms, as choleretic and diuretic, for kidney stones and bladder diseases, for headaches and migraines, for atherosclerosis.

The tincture is useful to give to seriously ill people after stress, especially to women after an artificially terminated pregnancy, during a difficult menopause, with edema of cardiac origin, and with liver disease.

Preparation of alcohol tincture (internally)

Pour 20 g of dry crushed birch buds into 100 ml of 70% alcohol or vodka, leave in a dark, cool place for 3 weeks, shaking the contents periodically, strain, squeeze out the rest.

Take 20 - 30 drops per 1 tablespoon of water 3 times a day 15 - 20 minutes before meals.

Alcohol tincture for external use

As an external analgesic, anti-inflammatory agent, alcohol tincture of birch buds is used for rubbing and compresses for rheumatism, gout, joint pain, lumbago and bedsores, in the treatment of minor wounds, skin erosions, skin irritation with purulent discharge, in the treatment of acute and chronic forms of eczema, bad healing ulcers, in the treatment of myositis and arthritis, for toothache in the form of a mouth rinse.

Preparation of tincture for external use

Birch buds are ground in a mortar and poured with alcohol at the following rate: for 1 part by weight of buds - 5 parts of alcohol. In the absence of alcohol, you can use high-quality vodka. After a week, the tincture is ready for use.

Birch bud ointment

There are two ways to prepare kidney ointment:

The first method requires 700–800 grams of unsalted butter and birch buds as needed. Take an enamel pan and alternately add oil and birch buds into it in equal finger-thick layers. After this, the closed pan is wrapped in foil and placed in a preheated oven for a day. You can add camphor to the resulting ointment to enhance the therapeutic effect (a little, about five grams).

The second method is simpler - pour boiling water over birch buds, filter this liquid and mix it with melted lanolin. After the resulting mass has hardened, drain the liquid formed on the surface. The ointment is ready for use.

The ointment obtained by these methods can be rubbed into sore joints every evening. In addition to rheumatism, it will be useful for eczema.

Birch buds. Contraindications

Birch buds have, albeit minimal, contraindications for use. Birch buds should not be used for medicinal purposes by women during pregnancy and lactation..

It is also recommended to use them very carefully in acute diseases of the urinary system and renal failure.

Ideally, you should consult your doctor before ingesting birch buds. This is not always possible, but it will avoid many troubles.

Birch buds - benefits and beneficial properties of birch buds

author: Marina Kurochkindata: 12/12/2012

Birch buds are a unique natural remedy that helps get rid of a whole bunch of diseases; it is noteworthy that this is a very effective and environmentally friendly medicine that is accessible to most people. After all, birch is one of the most common trees in the temperate climate zone. The beneficial properties of birch buds were valued in ancient times; as soon as sap began to flow in the spring and the buds began to swell, they were carefully cut from the branches and dried, later used to prepare medicinal decoctions and infusions. During the same period, healing birch sap is also collected, which brings great benefits to health.

What are the benefits of birch buds?

To fully appreciate the benefits of birch buds, you need to study their biochemical composition. Birch buds contain essential balsamic oil, which includes betulenic acid, betulol and betulen, resinous substances, alkaloids, flavonoids, fatty acids, vitamin C, PP, carotene and saponins, tannins and minerals (magnesium, calcium and iron).

Since ancient times, traditional medicine has used the beneficial properties of birch for the treatment and prevention of various diseases. According to Russian legends, epic heroes drank a decoction of buds to restore strength after battles and long campaigns. And modern medicine recommends the use of birch preparations for the treatment of sore throats, gingivitis, stomatitis, periodontal disease and other diseases of the throat and oral cavity. In addition, birch buds have an expectorant, diuretic, antifungal, anti-inflammatory and diaphoretic effect.

Application of decoction of birch buds

Preparations prepared from the buds of the plant are prescribed for swelling of cardiac origin. Birch buds increase diuresis and quickly reduce swelling in the periphery, even when traditional diuretics do not have the desired effect. For edema caused by functional kidney disorders, such treatment is not recommended, since resinous substances can irritate the kidney tissue. The choleretic properties of birch allow it to be used for diseases of the liver and gall bladder.

Birch buds are used for pulmonary tuberculosis as an antibacterial, expectorant and hemostatic agent. Patients with oncology include kidney decoctions as part of complex treatment. The benefits of birch buds are also great for atherosclerosis - they quickly remove harmful cholesterol from the body. Due to the content and beneficial properties of vitamin PP, birch buds are used for weight loss (this vitamin promotes the breakdown of fats).

Birch bud tea can be used as a remedy against seasonal vitamin deficiencies. It will replenish the deficiency of carotene and vitamin C, and help cope with weakness, drowsiness, chronic fatigue and irritability.

It is worth noting the cosmetic benefits of birch buds; the decoction strengthens hair and gets rid of dandruff. Other folk recipes for hair growth will also help improve hair growth.


Any medicines that contain birch buds cannot be used for chronic and acute diseases of the urinary tract, renal failure, and during pregnancy.

By the way, it begins quite early - when the snow has not yet melted from the ground. It was then - in March - that connoisseurs and experts on the healing powers of nature begin collecting miraculous birch buds or, as they are popularly called, birch “bruneks”... Every year there are more and more collectors of medicinal raw materials in Ukraine.

Our Nature's Pantry

Komsomolskaya Pravda asked what exactly was collected in Ukraine this year.

Of course, traditionally alder buds, birch leaves and brunettes, oak and birch bark, sorrel, sage, rose hips, celandine, yarrow, fennel, licorice,” medicinal plant collector Peter Nagirnyak shares with us. – And also tansy, motherwort, cinquefoil, iris, St. John's wort.

According to Peter, collecting bruneck birch has always been and remains the most labor-intensive.

Collecting “brunki” is like panning for gold, he admits. – Imagine that we used to cut brunkas from the branches one by one. Over time, they began to bring from the forest branches of birch trees cut by foresters. But this still didn’t make the job any easier. After all, first you need to carry the fagots out of the forest, load them into a cart and take them home. Then dry it properly - so that the brownies do not dry out, but also so that mold does not form on them. The branches are threshed like ears of corn. To do this, a cloth is laid out on the floor, where the broils are poured during threshing. Next, you need to select them one by one and collect them in canvas bags. Well, why not golden sand!

What do bees know?

By the way, bees use birch buds for propolis. So the tincture of birch buds in its medicinal properties differs little from the tincture of propolis, but it is more accessible and widely used in the treatment of various diseases.

Experts say that in terms of their effects on the human body, ordinary birch ginseng is not inferior to the widely advertised garden ginseng, which has been artificially cultivated for a long time. And brunkas in Ukraine are collected in the wild, and exclusively in ecologically clean areas. This means that they manage to absorb and retain maximum nutrients. That is why our domestic phytoraw materials - including birch brunettes - are especially valued abroad.

As studies have shown, unblown brunkas are rich in flavonoids, essential oils, contain vitamins C and PP (improves metabolism), carotene, as well as minerals: magnesium, iron and calcium. Thanks to this, brunki have a strengthening, decongestant, choleretic, anti-inflammatory and tonic effect.

Cold remedy

Now, when it’s damp outside, the healing effect of the brunka tincture is difficult to overestimate,” says herbalist Boris Skachko. - You can buy it at the pharmacy, or you can prepare it yourself at home. Take 1 part of the buds, grind in a mortar, add 5 parts of alcohol. Leave in a dark, warm place for 7 days. If you have a fever and symptoms of ARVI, you first need to rub your body with it, and then wrap yourself in a blanket and drink tea - also from birch buds. Such therapy can warm you up, reduce aches, relieve fever - and the cold will go away!

Phytoraw materials in industry

And, as it turned out, medicinal plants today are widely used not only for the preparation of preventive or therapeutic agents - all kinds of ointments, tinctures, decoctions and extracts. Based on phytoraw materials, the food industry produces a wide variety of infusions and aromatic alcohols.

To create a specific formulation, medicinal raw materials, for example, birch broncs, are poured with a water-alcohol mixture, said Sergei Grigorenko, chief technologist of the Crimean Vodka Company. – When infused, aromatic and biologically active substances pass into liquid. And to prepare vodka, the finished infusion is distilled in a special installation to obtain an aromatic alcohol.

Note (about methods of dealing with a hangover):

It has long been noticed that natural remedies help a person who has had too much to drink. For example, this recipe: pour boiling water over birch brunettes - 1 teaspoon per half liter of water. Let them soften, then mash so that more active substances are released and the leaves unfold,” herbalist Boris Skachko also shared with Komsomolskaya Pravda. - You need to drink this infusion throughout the day: 3-4 sips every half hour. Thus, the excretory system is activated and the blood is cleansed. In addition, birch buds have a mild tonic effect and stimulate brain function. By the way, you should not drink tea, coffee or energy tonics while fighting a hangover. A person who has had too much to drink already has swelling of the blood vessels in the brain, and caffeine consumption only increases blood flow. The risk of stroke increases.

Tinctures based on certain birch components are considered one of the most useful. They are, in fact, a ready-made vitamin complex and in small doses can easily help improve your health. Everything is used to prepare such tinctures: brunka, juice, buds, earrings.

Birch tincture on brunki

Birch buds are called brunki. A tincture prepared on their basis helps with kidney diseases, colds, throat diseases, stomach ulcers, and also alleviates the course of tuberculosis. Buds suitable for infusion should be collected in the spring, when they have already swollen, but have not yet opened. Too early buds have not yet acquired useful substances, and there is no point in using them. Before use, the buds are usually dried outdoors or in a dryer, maintaining a temperature of approximately thirty degrees, and then stored in glass jars or bags.

There are quite a few recipes for making birch tincture with brunka.

Recipe? 1 (The tincture is more medicinal than for direct drinking)


  • dry brownies? 20 g;
  • 70% alcohol or vodka? 100 ml;

This tincture is left in a dark, cool place for three weeks, stirred regularly, then filtered and taken before meals in the amount of 20 drops per tablespoon of water.

Recipe? 2. Vodka based on birch brunettes


Brunki are placed in a glass jar and filled with alcohol. The settling period is 10 days, after which they must be filtered.

Recipe? 3


  • fresh brunettes and birch leaves (you can do without the leaves, but they add richness to the taste) ? 200 g;
  • vodka or moonshine? 6 l.

The brunettes and leaves are placed in a glass container and filled with 2 liters of alcohol, after which they are infused for 3 days in a dark, warm place. After straining, they are refilled (the liquid from the first infusion is kept in a cool, dark place at this time) and infused for another 3 days. This liquid is also separated, after which the third stage begins, similar to the first two, but it must be infused for 10 days, after which all three resulting liquids are mixed and filtered.

Tinctures based on birch sap

Birch juice? one of the best bases for making tincture? it has a distinct unique taste and the same smell. Therefore, it is no coincidence that a large number of corresponding recipes appeared. Not only tinctures are prepared from it, but also moonshine, wine, mash and some other types of alcoholic beverages.

Recipe? 1. Tincture with propolis


  • propolis? 200 g;
  • vodka or moonshine? 1 l;
  • Birch juice? in the desired quantity.

Propolis is crushed, poured into a bottle and filled with vodka, after which it is mixed or shaken for half an hour. It takes three days to infuse it, shaking and stirring regularly, after which the resulting tincture is diluted with birch sap.

Recipe? 2. ?Princely? moonshine with birch sap


  • sugar? 3 kg;
  • dry yeast? 40 g (you can use 200 g of pressed baking powder);
  • Birch juice? 10 l;
  • milk or kefir? 1 tbsp. l.

Birch sap heats up to 30 °C? Is it not recommended to make it hot? and mixed with sugar. Yeast is bred in warm water. The container intended for fermentation is filled with the resulting birch syrup and diluted yeast so that it remains empty by another third (this place will be occupied by carbon dioxide during the fermentation process). A spoonful of a dairy product or the milk itself is poured in, allowing the amount of foam to be reduced, and the mash is placed in a warm place under a water seal, where it settles for 10-12 days until it acquires a lighter shade and becomes bitter. After this, it can be filtered and distilled using one of the convenient methods. The resulting moonshine based on birch sap can be improved by purification with charcoal or after re-distillation.

Tinctures from birch catkins

To prepare this drink, exclusively male types of earrings are used. These tinctures are more of a medicinal nature and are almost never used independently, outside of medical advice.
goals? primarily because they require very small doses. Birch catkins in tinctures help against heart disease, as well as stomach ulcers and tuberculosis. They are collected in early summer or late spring, shortly after the bud collection ends.

Recipe? 1


  • birch male catkins in a quantity sufficient to fill 2/3 of the intended glass jar or bottle;
  • vodka or moonshine in the remaining 1/3 volume.

Glass containers are filled with earrings, which are then filled with alcohol. It is sealed and left in a dark, cool place to settle for 21 days. For medicinal purposes, the tincture can be consumed without straining, but it is better to do so, otherwise over time it may acquire an unpleasant bitter aftertaste, which will be extremely difficult to get rid of.

This tincture is taken in an amount of no more than a teaspoon, slightly diluted with water, half an hour before meals. This should be done no more than two months in a row and no more than a couple of times a year.

Recipe? 2


The earrings are placed in a glass container and filled with alcohol, after which they are infused in a dark, cool place for 10-15 days. This tincture should be taken in an amount of no more than 40 drops three times a day. The course should not last more than two months in a row.

Before preparing birch tincture with any base, you should pay attention to the fact that pollen and birch resin (especially its buds) are quite allergenic and before the slightest suspicion of a reaction, it is better to carefully check everything.

Another important point is that most birch tinctures are intended for use in small doses, and only in this case will they be beneficial to the body, while in general they are ordinary rather strong alcohol. Therefore, you should drink them carefully and in moderation.

The alcoholic drink moonshine is made at home. Lovers of strong drinks appreciate it because I have the opportunity to create a product with my own hands, adding only high-quality ingredients. In addition, moonshine can be given unique tastes, colors, and smells. There are many recipes that can be used to make a variety of drinks. Moonshine made from birch branches is made in the spring, when sap flow begins and the buds swell. This tincture in small quantities is considered healthy, has a spring, fresh taste and a pleasant, straw-like hue.

Moonshine on birch brunkas

Recipes for making moonshine with birch buds

Moonshiners have many recipes and secrets with which they add flavor to moonshine. Birch chips will help create a high-quality product if used skillfully.

For such a drink you will need barely swollen buds that have not yet blossomed. Pluck them from the tree together with young branches. Then the buds need to be dried in a warm place and threshed. There is no difficulty in this, take a twig and hit it on the ground until the buds fall off. You can come up with other ways to thresh branches, the main thing is to get results. You can buy birch buds at the pharmacy, or you can infuse moonshine on fresh, just picked birch buds.

1) Recipe 1.

For the classic birch tree recipe, prepare:

  • moonshine - 0.5 liters;
  • kidneys - 50 grams;
  • honey - one teaspoon.

Mix all the ingredients and place in a dark place for ten days. During this time, the drink will acquire color and a pleasant taste. After you strain the tincture, you can try it. The number of kidneys can be reduced. Some people add 50 grams per three liters and get a beige, aromatic drink.

2) Recipe 2.

If you want to give your drink a spicy taste, then the second recipe is ideal for you:

  • 40 grams of birch buds need to be pounded in a mortar.
  • Kidneys, five grams of ginger, three grams of ground galangal, two grams of ground cinnamon, pour in 350 ml of moonshine and leave for about a month.
  • Strain thoroughly. This way we will get the essence we need. It is suitable for ten liters of tincture.
  • Let's make a drink. To do this, add 30–35 ml of essence and a little sugar per liter of moonshine.
  • Let it sit for three to four days.

The tincture will acquire a yellowish color and a sharp, pleasant taste.

3) Recipe 3.

Another recipe will make a pleasant tincture. Here you will need six liters of moonshine and 200 grams of fresh birch buds and leaves. The leaves add richness to the taste.

The tincture is prepared in three stages:

  • First, fill the brunki and leaves with two liters of moonshine and leave for three days in a dark place.
  • We separate the liquid and pour a new portion of moonshine into the kidneys. After three days, strain, separating the liquid.
  • We fill it for the third time, only for 10 days. After this, mix all three liquids and strain them. The birch tincture is ready.

Berezovka with a soft aroma of spring can be prepared using the following ingredients:

  • liter of moonshine;
  • 30 grams of fresh birch buds; if the kidneys are dry, add half as much;
  • two teaspoons of honey;
  • 50–150 grams of birch sap.

Mash the birch buds in a mortar and add honey. After half an hour, pour the raw material with moonshine and mix thoroughly, place the liquid in a jar in a dark place for ten days. Shake the jar periodically. After this, strain the tincture. If the moonshine turns out to be cloudy, strain it through cotton wool. Do not use immediately, keep the tincture in the dark for another two days.

The buds will add flavor and specificity to the moonshine, and the juice will remove the pungent odor.

Useful qualities of birch brunettes

Birch buds have a positive effect on the human body and treat many diseases. They enhance immunity and have antiviral and antimicrobial properties.

Birch tincture will help cure bronchitis, intestinal and liver diseases, migraines, and has diuretic and choleretic properties. In order to prepare it, take 20 grams of dry birch buds and 100 grams of moonshine or alcohol. Mix, leave for about three weeks in the dark. Shake the liquid periodically. After the mixture has infused, strain it. This tincture is used internally in the form of drops.

In order to make a tincture for external use, take birch buds, crush them in a mortar, pour moonshine or alcohol in a ratio of 1:5. Leave them for about a week.

This tincture is taken for the following problems:

  • As a rubbing agent. The tincture is rubbed into the skin for rheumatism, back pain, and joint problems.
  • For the treatment of certain types of eczema, purulent discharge, minor skin lesions.
  • To relieve toothache, rinse your mouth with tincture.

Skin diseases, hemorrhoids, and infections can also be treated with birch tree tincture. To do this, 20 grams of dry buds are infused in 0.5 liters of moonshine. In order to cure middle ear disease, infuse birch buds in 70% moonshine or alcohol for about two months. Drop the prepared tincture into your ear three times a day. This product can also be used for disinfection.

Moonshine infused with birch hazelnuts has a pleasant color, spring aroma and beneficial properties. The tincture is easy to drink and does not have a pungent odor. Many different recipes will help you achieve specific taste.

Dear doctors and healers! Usually, when it comes to treatment with traditional medicine, we mean tinctures and preparations from medicinal herbs. I myself stock up on them for future use and look forward to the coming of summer. I recently learned that even in the spring months you can acquire a “panacea” used to prepare all kinds of healing potions. These are birch buds. I would like to know what diseases they heal from and how to use them in home treatment?



Due to the presence of a unique complex of healing components, birch buds can be successfully used to treat diseased joints, as a diuretic, choleretic and diaphoretic, while simultaneously providing an analgesic effect...

ABOUTThe medicinal properties of birch have been known for a long time.Particularly popular among traditional healers was an alcoholic infusion of birch brunettes. (that’s what kidneys were called at that time). People valued it for its ease of preparation and velvety-soft taste, using it as a preventive measure, anddoctors prescribed tincture forkidney and stomach diseasesand for rapid healing of wounds.

“A white birch tree under my window...” The poet who wrote these lines seemed to be visiting me, since in my front garden there really is a birch tree planted by my grandfather. Over the years she has grown quite tall, which is why my neighbor from time to time tries to convince me to cut down the blond beauty. “It’s dangerous,” he says, “to have such a tree near the house - suddenly a strong wind will blow in, break off the branches, and if the broken trunk falls on the roof, you won’t think it’s enough!”

I just can’t bring myself to take an ax or a saw and destroy such beauty. So I get off with general promises. They say, let the beauty live longer and please the eye. After all, cutting it down takes a minute, but growing it takes years and decades.

And recently an acquaintance from Crimea came to visit me. I saw a birch tree and clasped my hands:

“Yes,” he says, “you have a real living pharmacy under your window!”

I didn’t immediately understand what was going on. I grow greens in the front garden, but their price is a penny at the marketnyday. There is nothing to be excited about this. And the fact that my friend meant birch could never have occurred to me.

“I,” he says, “came to you on time.” Soon the time will come to collect birch buds - so I’ll go to the forestno need to go. You have enough of this goodness. I hope you don't mind?

So, quite by accident, I found out that in the family of my friend,birch buds are called a real panacea. They have been treated with them since ancient times, and are considered the best alternative to many medications.

True, in order to prepare this raw material in the spring, you have to work hard - go to the forest where blond beauties grow. And here is a birch tree - right in the yard.

Of course, I say, take as much as you want, I don’t mind. Just explain why you call birch buds a panacea?

I asked a question and expected to hear a short answer. And as a result, I listened to a real lecture about howOnly these spring days provide an opportunity for real experts in traditional medicine to prepare raw materials that cure hundreds of diseases

Panacea for partelita

Modern research has confirmed the wisdom of our ancestors. It turns out that thanks to the presence of a unique complex of healing componentsbirch buds can be successfully used to treat diseased joints, as

Russian beauties

diuretic, choleretic and diaphoretic, while also providing an analgesic effect.

And in the essential oil contained in the kidneys, betulin, betulol, and betulenic acid were found, which makes it possible to use themfor the treatment of upper respiratory tract diseases .

Besides,Alcohol infusion of birch brunettes is an excellent anti-inflammatory agent, normalizes kidney activity and removes toxins and harmful substances from the body. And kidney tea is indispensable in case of obesity, as it improves the metabolic process.

In the West, they were well aware of the healing properties of birch buds (buds). Western pharmacologists were especially interested inrejuvenating effect of alcohol infusion on birch buds and the possibility of their widespread use in cosmetics. The main obstacle to the transition to mass production and use of preparations from birch buds was the lack of sufficient raw materials. As it became known from recently declassified archives of the Soviet era, a way out of this impasse has been found.

In the early 1960s, several meetings of the party leadership of the Soviet Union took place with the heads of the largest pharmaceutical enterprises, at which an agreement was reached on the terms of supply of birch buds, which became one of the articles, albeit unspoken, of foreign exchange earnings in the country long before active exports abroad oil.

To fulfill these obligations, a special order was issued on the planned procurement of birch buds (the word “brunki” was also used in the name). At the end of December, special groups were formed, which for three months - from January to April - were engaged in collecting swollen, but not yet blossomed brunkas.

Cut branches were tied into bundles. The next stage was drying and packaging the material in special containers. But only part of the collected raw materials was exported, since the party leadership of the Soviet Union was itself well aware of the healing properties of birch buds. The raw materials were sent to specialty pharmacies, where a unique infusion was prepared from them.

From a hundred ailments

Every year in April, my friend’s family goes to the forest in time to collect the buds of white birch that have not yet blossomed, as a very valuable medicine.

Birch buds are harvested during the period of sap flow, when they are especially resinous and fragrant, but have not yet opened.Collecting buds too early, before they swell, is irrational, since at that time they still have few resinous and aromatic substances .

The buds are collected by hand or branches with buds are cut off. After drying, the branches are threshed, and the remaining buds are cleaned of branch debris and other impurities. Dry the buds in the open air or in dryers at a temperature of 25-30 degrees. They are stored in cloth and paper bags or in glass containers.

Both ointments and tinctures

In folk medicine, birch buds and young twigs are used in the form of water infusions, alcohol tinctures, ointments, as diuretics, diaphoretics, and for gout and rheumatic diseases.

In scientific medicine, birch buds are usedfor edema of cardiac origin, for diseases of the liver and biliary tract, and also as an expectorant.

Preparations from birch buds and leaves are usedfor hypo- and avitaminosis, for edema, atherosclerosis, stomach and duodenal ulcers, for chronic kidney and bladder diseases, for nephrolithiasis, for intestinal spasms and as an expectorant for laryngitis, bronchitis and tracheitis.

Water infusion of birch budsUsed for chronic kidney diseases, especially in the formation of kidney stones and bladder stones.

An aqueous infusion of birch buds is usedin the treatment of diabetes mellitus: 2-3 tbsp. spoons of kidneys are poured with 2 cups of boiling water, infused in a warm place in a tightly sealed container for 6 hours, then filtered and this dose is taken during the day in 3 doses.

A decoction of birch buds is beneficialfor inhalation in inflammatory processes of the upper respiratory tract, externally - in the treatment of arthritis (inflammation of the joints) and as a wound healing agent . To prepare the decoction, take 2 teaspoons of birch buds, pour a glass of boiling water, leave in a boiling water bath in a tightly sealed container for 30 minutes, cool at room temperature for 10 minutes, filter and take in 3 doses 20-30 minutes before meals.

To prepare an alcohol tinctureBirch buds are ground in a mortar and poured with alcohol at the rate of 1 part by weight to 5 parts of alcohol (alcohol can be replaced with vodka). After a week, the tincture is ready for use.

As an external analgesic and anti-inflammatory agentalcohol tincture of birch buds is used for rubbing and compressesfor rheumatism, gout, joint pain, lumbago and bedsores, for wound healing, for skin irritation with purulent discharge, for the treatment of acute and chronic forms of eczema, poorly healing ulcers, for myositis and arthritis, toothache, for rinsing the mouth with gum disease .

Alcohol tincture of birch buds (1 Art. a spoonful of tincture in a glass of cold boiled water) is used for douching for leucorrhoea in women.

For various lesions of the extremities (eczema, for example ) hot baths are very beneficialwith the addition of alcohol tincture of birch buds at the rate of 10 ml of tincture per 1 liter of water. Hands or feet are immersed in a hot bath once a day. The water temperature is the highest the patient can withstand. The duration of the procedure is at least 30 minutes. After the bath, do not wipe the affected areas of the skin, but let them dry. The course of treatment is 15-20 days. In most patients, the itching disappears after taking the first 3-4 baths. A quick cessation of itching has a beneficial effect on the general condition of patients with eczema.

As a local anti-inflammatory agentYou can prepare birch cakes: take 2 parts of birch bud powder for 1 part honey and mix until a thick, uniform mass is formed. If the honey is very liquid, you can increase the amount of powder.For furunculosis and carbuncles formation these lozenges are used as a concomitant therapy. They can be applied under a bandage for 3-4 hours and then replaced. It is recommended to leave this bandage on all night.

For various coughs a mixture prepared from 2 tbsp helps. spoons of birch buds and 50 g of unsalted butter. Place the mixture on the fire, bring to a boil (but do not boil), simmer over low heat or in the oven for 1 hour, then remove from heat. When it has cooled down but is still warm, strain, squeeze, discard the kidneys, add 200 g of honey, stir well and take 1 tbsp. spoon 4 times a day.

Preparations from birch buds are usefulfor functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, pain in the stomach and intestines, for stomach and duodenal ulcers, for dysentery and dyspepsia in children.

Proven Recipes

Healers prepare an ointment from birch budswhich is usedfor joint diseases of both rheumatoid and gouty nature. 1 cup of birch buds is ground into powder (or fresh ones are ground into a paste) and ground in 0.5 kg of fresh interior fat. Place in the oven in a clay pot and simmer for 3 hours a day (if there is no oven

over low heat in a water bath) for 7 days. After this, the hot fat is poured into jars. The raw materials are filtered and discarded.

Apply this ointment externallyFor inflammation of the glands, eczema - for any skin diseases. And for tuberculosis a teaspoon of ointment in 50 ml of warm (45-50°C) milk, 3 times a day before meals - orally. This drug has a good effectwith lupus erythematosus, especially if taken simultaneously internally and externally - for lupus ulcerations, as well asfor erythema nodosum, vasculitis, dermatoses, dermatomyositis; for bedsores, varicose ulcers, lichen.

For cholecystoangiocholitis with high acidity Pour 2 teaspoons of birch leaves into 200 g of boiling water and leave for 1 hour. Strain. Add baking soda to the infusion at the tip of a knife. Drink 50 g 3-4 times a day 10 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 40 days.

In acute cholecystitis accompanied by hepatic colic (but without gallstones) leave 10 g of birch buds in 0.5 liters of vodka or 90 percent alcohol diluted 1:1 with water for 12 days in a dark place in a well-sealed container. Strain on the 13th day. Use 1 tbsp. spoon every 3 hours, regardless of food, from eight in the morning to eight in the evening. To the liver areacompress from steamed birch broom (leaves and branches) 3 times a day for 45 minutes.

Treated with birch buds - and got my hearing back!

Some time ago I succeeded with the help of vodka infusion of birch budsget rid offrom hearing loss second degree. When a relapse occurred a year later, I again resorted to the help of birch buds and my hearing returned. Many of my friends became interested in this experience and asked me to tell them in more detail about the recipe and how to use it.

I’ll say right away that the idea of ​​treatment The well-known herbalist Dr. Dannikov suggested cutting buds to me. In one of his articles he writes: “Alcohol tincture of birch budssuccessfully curedchronic purulent mesotympanitis - acute inflammation of the middle ear without perforation of the eardrum.

Birch buds are infused with 70% alcohol in a ratio of 1:10 for two months, shaking the contents periodically. Alcohol drops are applied in the usual way. After a thorough toilet of the ears, the tincture is instilled in a warm form (+ 37 degrees), 3-5 drops three times a day.

Once a day, patients with chronic otitis should rinse the ear with this tincture. Treatment is carried out for 10-15 days.

Ten percent alcohol tincture of birch budscan be successfully used fortreatment of otitis. It does not have a toxic or allergic effect and at the same time has a pronounced disinfectant and anti-inflammatory effect.caloric and anesthetic effect."

In addition to ear diseases, birch buds can be used to treat anydiseases of the genitourinary system, malignant ulcers, oncological diseases. With the help of alcohol: kidney racks save even hopeless patientswith peritonitis - postoperative inflammation of the abdominal

no cavity. When there are no anti biotics no longer work, the tincture kills pathogenic microbes.

Birch buds

Water or alcohol infusion of kidneyshas diuretic, choleretic, blood purifying, analgesic, wound healing, anti-inflammatory, disinfectant effects. It curesdiabetes mellitus, thrombophlebitis, gastrointestinal diseases, etc.

Dr. Danikov lists the healing properties of birch buds on twenty pages. Evenjoint diseases, rheumatism Traditional healers healed with the help of birch buds or leaves. Why is this miraculous remedy forgotten today?People very rarely buy birch buds in pharmacies. The answer is simple - general ignorance in the field of traditional medicine. Most doctors also don’t know what miracles our simple birch is capable of. I can assume that pharmacists are deliberately keeping silent about the universal effect of birch preparations - they are too cheap, you can’t make millions of fortunes.

That is why the market is overstocked with expensive synthetic drugs, although the chemistry is far from safe for the body.

I'm five minutes to seventy. I am deeply retired and watch with regret as my “colleagues” rush around pharmacies, worrying about the fact that they do not get discounted expensive drugs. All this worry only shortens your life. Screw these discounted medications, go to the forest in April and collect more birch buds so that you have enough for the whole year.

Prepare a tincture based on birch buds. This is how you heal. There will be more sense. Trust my many years of experience .

Birch buds helped heal my stomach!

This remedy for stomach pain is much better than all the advertised tablets. It doesn’t just relieve a spasm that doesn’t allow you to live in peace, but it also forces a lazy stomach to work normally, produce the necessary enzymes and not be “capricious.”

However, many people treat the vagaries of their stomach with disdain. I ate something spicy or sour, felt discomfort in my stomach, and instead of thinking about its causes, I immediately reached into my pocket for pills.

Apparently, the years of intrusive advertising have not passed without a trace for many of us. And how could it be otherwise, when on TV almost every day you see a person who has “noise and commotion” in his stomach and who, after taking a pill of a magic remedy, is ready to eat even “fried nails.”

Many of us tend to believe in miracles. And advertising “healings” impress us more than the advice of doctors and healers. This is probably why there are more miracle cures, but for some reason there are no fewer diseases. And then it is known that all these “quick” remedies help for the time being,- for a while, and then the stomach simply gets out of control. So what should we do then?

I myself fought with this body for a long time, for a long time and unsuccessfully. Neither medications nor diets helped. My overweight friends were jealous of me, saying, wow, I retained this figure even after marriage and after the birth of two children.

How can I explain to them that the problem is my fear of food, which causes severe pain in the stomach. You can’t not eat either - that makes it even worse. So I suffered from diet products, which also often gave me stomach pain.

I learned about birch bud tincture by accident. I had heard before that they were very useful, but I didn’t think that they would help me specifically. It's always like that. You hear about a healing remedy, nod and immediately forget, thinking that it definitely won’t help you.

But then my mother took over my treatment. Her stomach began to act up as she got older. She increasingly complained of pain, nausea appeared, and her appetite disappeared. It is always easier to be treated together, so we took on this matter.

To treat the stomach, you need to prepare a tincture from birch buds.

A teaspoon of dry buds is poured with 100 ml of 70-degree alcohol and infused in a dark place at room temperature. The tincture will be ready in3 weeks. You need to strain it and start taking 20 drops regularly three times a This dose was enough for me to forget about a bad stomach for a long time