Protein shakes for weight loss: reviews, composition, instructions. How to make a protein shake at home

Protein is an essential nutrient for people looking to lose weight and build the body of their dreams. The body spends more energy on its assimilation than on processing carbohydrates. At the same time, protein saturates for a long time, quickly suppresses hunger. Protein shakes for drying and weight loss are actively advertised now. The price of quality drinks is rather big, but you can easily prepare them yourself. They will not only be cheaper, but also tastier than store-bought ones.


Mechanism of Action and Benefits of Protein Drinks

Protein is essential for building muscle tissue. There are many unbalanced diets in which it does not enter the body enough. As a result, along with the first lost kilograms, it is the muscles that burn and leave, the hated fat remains. This should not be allowed, you can add light protein foods to the diet: chicken, dairy drinks, low-fat fish. But there is not always time to cook them; over time, the taste of monotonous (path and healthy) food is frankly boring. This is where protein drinks come to the rescue.

Why cocktails are useful:

  • give the body protein;
  • satisfies hunger well and for a long time;
  • easy and quick to prepare;
  • give strength and energy;
  • have different tastes.

Another huge plus is the low calorie content. In terms of energy value, a protein shake for weight loss will be much less than a full lunch or dinner, but it will satisfy no worse.

Types of ready-made proteins

There are many types of powdered protein shakes available. It can be tasteless or already with additives. In any case, the product is prepared according to the instructions on the package. You can also notice the difference in price. Sometimes it reaches several thousand rubles. The cost depends on the base product, amino acid concentration, manufacturer.

Main types:

  1. Soy. Cheap protein, contains 50% amino acids, intended for vegetarians, allergy sufferers.
  2. Whey isolate. It stands out for its high amino acid content (up to 90%), high-quality cleaning.
  3. Whey hydrolyzate. Expensive, has a slight bitterness, but contains up to 98% amino acids.
  4. Whey. Contains 60% amino acids, neutral taste, falls into the middle price category.
  5. Casein. It contains 60% amino acids and has a slow activity.

How and when to drink cocktails

Protein drinks are often used as a substitute for breakfast. In this case, they are supplemented with grain bread, walnuts, fruits or berries, herbs. A good portion of protein will saturate until lunchtime, give strength and energy. It is advisable to use it two hours before training or one hour after it.

Protein shakes can be consumed in place of lunch or dinner. But don't overdo it. Whole food must be ingested. A healthy person needs 2 g of protein per 1 kg of body weight. Calculating the rate is easy. An excess of cocktails will only harm, increase the load on the kidneys, and provoke a deficiency of other important substances.

Advice! You need to drink protein shakes slowly, through a tube, this will contribute to better protein absorption, and the feeling of satiety comes only 15 minutes after eating.

Protein Powder Shake Recipes

Powdered soy, whey or casein proteins are used to prepare drinks. They can be without flavors and flavorings, or they may already contain something. For breeding, use low-fat milk or drinking, mineral water, juices, coffee. Additionally, you need a mixer or blender. They will prevent the appearance of lumps, the mass will turn out to be homogeneous, light and tender.

Yogurt and fruit cocktail

Protein Powder - 2 tablespoons l.
Natural yogurt - 140 ml
Fruit - 100 g

You can take any fruit, except for bananas. Rinse, cut into slices, put in a blender, add yogurt, add protein powder. Beat for 2 minutes until smooth. If the fruit is not very juicy or the yogurt is too thick, you can add a small amount of purified water.

Chocolate protein shake

Skim milk - 300 ml
Powder - 2 tbsp. l.
Cocoa without sugar - 1.5-2 tbsp. l.

Combine protein powder with cocoa, stir to prevent lumps from forming. Add cool milk in small portions, continuing to stir. Lower the blender, beat the chocolate cocktail for two minutes.

Slimming cocktail with mocha flavor

Boiled coffee - 1 cup
Honey - 1 tbsp. l.
Chocolate Flavored Whey Protein - 1 tbsp l.
Milk - 100 ml

Add fresh honey and chocolate-flavored whey protein powder to the milk. However, a neutral product can also be used. Beat for a minute. Combine with prepared coffee. Stir the slimming drink to combine the flavors.

Slimming cocktail "Strawberry in chocolate"

Skim milk - 260 ml
Protein Powder - 2 tablespoons l.
Strawberry - 100 g
Cocoa - 1 tbsp. l.

Rinse the strawberries, dry, remove the leaves with twigs, pour into a blender or other convenient for chopping dishes. Kill in mashed potatoes. Pour in the cocktail powder mixed with cocoa, then dilute the mixture with milk. Stir until smooth for 2-3 minutes.

Video: Making Protein Shakes at Home

Homemade Protein Shake Recipes

In the preparation of protein shakes for weight loss, only natural protein products are used: milk, kefir, cottage cheese, raw eggs. Of course, these drinks contain less protein, but they are much cheaper. They are tasty and nutritious, give energy, great for satisfying hunger, losing weight. Also, for cooking, you will need a blender, utensils convenient for whipping a drink, a knife.

Important! Since eggs are used raw, it is very important to pay attention to their quality. Be sure to wash the shell with soap before cooking, it may contain salmonellosis pathogens.

Pineapple slimming cocktail with eggs

Fresh or canned pineapple - 3 slices
Fresh egg white - 2 pcs.
Yolk - 1 pc.
Water - 150 ml
Walnut - 1 pc.

Put pineapple cut into pieces, egg whites and one yolk in a blender, add water, beat until smooth. Pour the drink into a glass, add one chopped walnut. Stir, drink protein shake immediately after preparation.

Banana Milk Protein Shake

Milk - 500 ml
Bananas - 300 g
Nuts - 30 g
Honey - 3 tbsp. l.
Cottage cheese - 100 g

Combine honey, cottage cheese, add bananas, broken into pieces, any nuts to your taste. Grind the mass into a homogeneous puree. If the curd is liquid, you can take 200 g. Dilute the cocktail with whole milk of any fat content, beat for another minute.

Strawberry Cottage Cheese Slimming Shake

Fresh or frozen strawberries - 150 g
Milk - 250 g
Cottage cheese - 150 g
Honey to taste

Combine washed strawberries peeled from leaves with cottage cheese, add honey to taste, grind with a blender to obtain a homogeneous puree. Pour in milk. Beat for a minute.

Protein shake with protein and orange juice

Sour cream 10% - 200 g
Egg white - 1 pc.
Orange juice - 160 ml
Honey - 1 tbsp. l.
Lemon - 0.5 pcs.

Put sour cream, honey in a blender bowl, add raw egg white, squeeze juice from one half of a lemon. Stir with a blender until smooth. Dilute the cocktail with fresh orange juice. Pour the drink into a glass. Add chopped nuts or mint leaves to taste.

Spicy Ginger Cinnamon Slimming Shake

Kefir or natural yogurt - 250 ml
Fresh ginger - 5 g
Dry cinnamon - 0.3 tsp
Dry red paprika - 0.3 tsp

Peel the ginger root, cut off the required amount, chop with a knife, pour into a blender. Add sweet paprika and cinnamon. You can prepare this cocktail in a spicy version with the addition of ground red pepper, which has a fat-burning effect. Pour kefir or natural yogurt, beat for 2 minutes. Drink chilled, for weight loss, this cocktail is useful to consume at night.

Protein shake with ice cream

Whole milk - 300 ml
Creamy ice cream - 100 g
Powdered milk - 3 tsp.
Egg - 1 pc.

Shake the egg until smooth, add both types of milk. Whisk together for about three minutes. Add ice cream. Optionally sweeten the drink with honey; for flavor, you can add a little vanillin. Stir again, literally for a few seconds, pour into a glass, consume immediately.


Protein powders contain a large portion of protein, you can not use it in excess of the norm specified in the instructions. It is forbidden to take drinks during breastfeeding, as well as during pregnancy, when the load on the kidneys is increased. You can not use protein products for weight loss in childhood and old age.

The main contraindications:

  • respiratory system diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • kidney and urinary tract problems;
  • cardiovascular diseases.

Do not forget about individual intolerance. Foods with increased allergenicity are often used as additional ingredients: honey, eggs, chocolate, coffee, citrus fruits, strawberries and other berries, and fruits.

Video: Protein drink with cottage cheese for weight loss

People who pay great attention to a healthy lifestyle often ask the question, is a protein shake good or bad? Protein drinks are used in sports dietetics. In this case, it is worth studying the contraindications and indications for use before preparing such mixtures.

What are the benefits and harms of protein shakes

Protein - what is it?

In order to talk about the negative effects and dangers of protein shakes on the human body, you need to understand what protein is. Protein is a high molecular weight organic substance made up of amino acids that are linked by a peptide bond. Protein is the main material for the production of new cellular structures throughout the body.

In sports nutrition, protein is usually presented in the form of a powder mixture, somewhat reminiscent of baby food. It is used to quickly replenish protein deficiency in the body associated with increased physical activity or as a preventive measure to correct an unstable diet.


What cocktails are there

The main component of high-protein mixtures is artificially synthesized high-quality protein of animal or vegetable origin. Manufacturers can add fructose and sucrose to better absorb proteins and increase their nutritional value. Powdered milk or plant-based dry soy concentrate is often used as a filler.

To increase the beneficial properties, the manufacturer can artificially enrich the product with vitamin complexes, fats, and mineral supplements. The most common vitamins are A, B, C and PP.

The composition may contain potassium and sodium salts. Food flavors and colors are used to give the best taste.

What are the mixtures made from?

All protein on the market is a protein that is artificially synthesized in the laboratory. Their main difference lies in the feedstock from which it is extracted. Based on the composition of the raw material, it can be whey, casein, soy or egg.

Protein types and their properties

Among the whole variety of modern protein shakes, there are several main subgroups:

All mixtures are selected individually, depending on the purpose of use, as well as personal intolerance to individual components.

Why does the body need protein?

Protein is a key building block for our body. One of its main functions is muscle synthesis. There are about one hundred thousand types of proteins in the body. They are necessary for tissue regeneration and the constant maintenance of internal chemical processes.

What foods to find protein

About 20% of our body is made up of protein. Only water in our body contains more. Thanks to protein, the body is able to carry out structural and biochemical reactions necessary for the cardiovascular system, muscle contractions, and strengthening the immune system.

Correctly organized protein nutrition is used by athletes not only for muscle building. The so-called protein diet, in which the total calorie content of foods is reduced, and protein intake is strictly rationed, is very popular among athletes during the "drying" period. Nutritionists have also not ignored this style of eating and believe that it is well suited for girls who are looking after their figure.

The importance of protein in our diet is invaluable. They are vital for normal growth and development, for example, for children, and for women during pregnancy. A lack of essential amino acids can adversely affect the health of a growing child or a still forming fetus.

The harm of protein mixtures

Despite the fact that the components contained in sports supplements are mainly of natural origin and are completely physiological in relation to the human body, they still have their side effects. The main danger is protein and sweeteners - fructose and lactose.

The extremely high content of high-protein foods is harmful to the human body. Its excess is a serious load on the liver and kidneys - they have to act on wear and tear, excluding its excess. Its high concentration in the diet can lead to diarrhea, constipation and flatulence. And these are just the most harmless symptoms.

Excessive use of this product for a long time leads to an increase in body weight. Its individual intolerance is also possible. Sometimes there is a rash on the skin, and the formation of acne is evidence of an endocrine disruption. Along with other negative factors such as:

  • sedentary lifestyle,
  • abuse of fatty foods,
  • can contribute to fatty liver and the development of cirrhosis.

Effects of high protein blends on men

Due to their specific hobbies, representatives of the stronger sex often use sports nutrition than women. In this regard, there are many rumors that the use of mixtures causes impotence and contributes to baldness. We want to reassure you right away - the correct use of sports mixtures does not pose any danger for men. Do not confuse high protein cocktails with steroid medications.

The effect of cocktail on men

In contrast, when high-protein foods are consumed in men, testosterone levels increase, which leads to increased sex drive. As for baldness, here is one scientific fact. Our hair is mainly made up of protein. Before they fall out, and they are renewed, they grow up for two to three years and in the growth stage, protein plays a primary role. Therefore, just its lack can cause the rarest hair.

The only exception for the male population is the consumption of soy blends. Experts do not recommend it for frequent use. Soy-based products contain phytoestrogens. The action of these substances is very similar to the action of female sex hormones, and this can contribute to the feminization of the male sex.

The effect of protein mixtures on women

How Protein Affects Women

In contrast to men, women most often use sports nutrition while losing weight. Our body spends more energy on the breakdown of protein than on the processing of fats and carbohydrates. Therefore, high-protein cocktails have become an indispensable product, especially for girls, promoting a protein diet. This product helps to dull hunger and helps you adhere to an accurate calorie intake.

The consumption of high-protein foods promotes the renewal of red blood cells or red blood cells in the blood. Protein is the main material on which the entire process of hematopoiesis is built. This is especially true for women during their menstrual cycle.


To the question, can protein shakes have a harmful effect on the human body? The obvious answer is yes. Like many other products, they have their own culture of consumption and their own contraindications. Is it possible to minimize negative consequences? The answer is also yes.

How to take protein

To do this, you must follow a small set of generally accepted rules. First of all, you should control the rate of protein intake. Under normal conditions, a person needs 1 g of protein per 1 kg of body weight. Depending on what goals you are pursuing, and with an increase in physical activity, this rate can be increased to 5 g.

Persons with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys need to consult a doctor before using sports nutrition. The same recommendation applies to people suffering from lactose intolerance, diabetes and pancreatitis.

High-protein cocktails do not carry any specific manifestation of harm to the human body. As with many aspects of life in sports nutrition, it is important to find the optimal balance and the right approach. So when using mixtures, if you find the optimal rate, you can say that they have more benefit than harm.

Protein benefits and dangers video

Protein shakes can have positive and negative effects on the human body. To fully understand the role they play in our life, watch the video

Protein cocktail- this is a carefully selected set of useful components, among which the main role is played by an extract from natural water-soluble proteins obtained from whey, egg white or soybeans.

The product has low calorie content: entering the body, the protein is easily absorbed without increasing the body fat. Protein Shakes Clinically Proven speed up metabolism, which means they help to quickly drive away unwanted deposits. Together with physical activity, the drink contributes to the formation of relief due to the active participation of protein in muscle contraction.

Protein shake for weight loss and muscle gain

What are the benefits of protein shakes? Let's take a look at the two main functions of the product: gaining muscle mass and losing weight.

  1. Gaining muscle mass. Protein shakes are recommended before and after exercise. A pre-workout glass helps the body to stock up on the full amount of protein needed to build muscle and reduce body fat. A serving of protein drink after is a great way to recharge and get enough nutrients and energy for the day.
  2. Weight loss. With a balanced diet, it is recommended to replace a protein shake with no more than 2 full meals. It is also an excellent substitute for high-calorie and fat-rich foods: the feeling of fullness from the drink persists for a long time due to the long-term absorption of proteins by the body, so you will not want to eat for a long time. A sufficient amount of protein in the diet is the key to sustainable weight management results.

Protein shake in 2 minutes: quick and easy

You can prepare such a drink yourself or purchase a ready-made product. The Herbalife Formula 1 protein shake will help you get complete protein without increasing calories.

This product contains:

  • 17 grams of protein per serving, including valuable soy protein.
  • A complex of 23 essential vitamins and minerals.
  • Antioxidant vitamins A, D, C, E - up to 50% of the recommended daily amount in each serving.
  • Fiber to optimize the digestion process and detoxify the body.

The Formula 1 protein shake is a low-calorie product that forms the basis of the Herbalife weight loss program.

The drink is easy and quick to prepare and is presented in 8 flavors: cappuccino, melon, vanilla, chocolate chip cookies, strawberry, passionfruit, pina colada and crème brulee. It is recommended to consume Herbalife Evening Cocktail for a balanced and light dinner.

Just a couple of minutes to prepare, and in your glass a delicious and healthy breakfast, a full snack, a hearty lunch or a healthy dinner. You can add fruits, vegetables, berries, muesli or oatmeal flakes to your cocktail to taste.

Homemade protein shake recipe

We have prepared a recipe for a delicious, light and fresh cocktail with the addition of "Formula 1" from Herbalife. We hope you enjoy it!

Cocktail with cucumber, celery and dill

  • 2 tbsp. l. protein shake "Formula 1" *,
  • 250 ml of water,
  • 45 g fresh cucumber
  • 45 g celery
  • 5 g dill
  • 5 ml lemon juice.

Chop the ingredients, add water, juice and dry mix for the Formula 1 cocktail and mix in a blender for 1-2 minutes.

112 kcal accounts for:

  • proteins - 11 g,
  • carbohydrates - 14 g
  • fat - 1 g,
  • fiber - 5.5 g

* When using Formula 1 Protein Shake, follow the directions for use as indicated on the label.

Protein Shakes Benefits

For busy people at work, protein shakes can help quickly and permanently satisfy the feeling of hunger, have a tasty snack without disrupting the function of the digestive tract and without leaving the workplace, because a cocktail can be prepared in advance, the product is perfectly stored at room temperature in a thermos for 3 hours. Protein consumption will be useful not only for weight loss, because it is known that proteins from amino acids are also responsible for the functions of the digestive system, the delivery of nutrients and trace elements to the tissues of the body, strengthening the immune system and restoring hormonal levels.

Herbalife health consultants will help you to make adjustments to your diet free of charge and to select Herbalife products to suit your individual needs and goals. To contact a consultant, fill out the form.

13 August 2016, 11:00 2016-08-13

Any athlete can make a protein-based cocktail for himself. To do this, you need desire and the right ingredients. A proper and balanced diet is key for a bodybuilder. In order for the achievements in this matter to be high enough, it is necessary that your body gets the right amount of protein every day. Chicken breasts or juicy grilled red meat is the first thing that comes to mind, but it takes time to prepare such a dish, which usually never happens. And the very process of digesting meat takes a lot of energy from the body and such a hearty meal cannot be combined with a visit to the gym. On the other hand, you can replace meat dishes with an equally effective remedy.

Various types of proteins, which are powdered concentrates, are excellent alternatives. With all this, each species has its own specific task: muscle recovery, body weight gain. Concentrated proteins could hardly boast of good assimilation by the digestive organs. They literally forced bodybuilders to grimace like a toothache. Nowadays, the modern market gives you the opportunity to choose the most varied and tasty proteins. Despite this, the regular procedure for taking such powders that are diluted in water gives few positive results. They cannot be compared to natural food. In this article, we give you the opportunity to choose one of the most sought-after natural and fresh protein shakes that suits you best and that you can prepare at home. Let's first discuss the most favorable time of day for drinking such homemade cocktails - this is undoubtedly morning!

At this time, the level of glycogen in the liver decreases, since the body has not received any food throughout the night. In principle, the energy that is spent during sleep is insignificant, there is nothing wrong with that. On the other hand, a lack of glycogen, combined with active actions after a person has awakened, can activate the release of catabolic hormones that eat away at muscles. After you wake up, you can drink a protein shake, in which you have previously added fructose contained in many fruits, and in particular in honey. Compared to fructose, glucose is consumed immediately after entering the muscles, and fructose is converted into glycogen after entering the liver.

Before you go to workout, you must recharge your body with nutrients that stimulate muscle growth and help provide them with energy. To do this, you need preferably slow proteins (20 grams) and carbohydrates (40 grams). Ordinary meals in this situation will not be effective. Firstly, training with a full stomach is not the best option, and secondly, the assimilation of regular food is a long process. In this case, it is best to use a whey protein shake. Stop your choice again on fructose when choosing carbohydrates. Fructose gradually releases energy and does not stimulate secretion, which we absolutely do not need at the beginning of a workout, since it significantly lowers blood sugar levels and prevents fat burning.

After finishing your workout you need to complete two missions - to restore glycogen and supply your muscles with more protein. And our protein shakes will help us with this. The best choice would be whey protein (40 grams), but more recently it became known that for the best effect casein should be added to this protein, from which muscles will grow much better. Fast carbohydrates are also needed, the minimum dose is 60 grams (rolls, chocolates, candy).

A bodybuilder needs to eat every two to three hours, which is not always the case, especially if you are working and not on vacation. But a prepared protein shake

which contains honey and fruits will easily come to the rescue in this situation. So you can make the rudimentary protein soaking a pleasure. You can use whey protein, casein, or a mixture of both as a base.

It is imperative to prepare your muscles for the night time, as they are depleted during sleep. You do not need to fill your stomach with ordinary food, because during sleep it does not digest heavy food. Here, too, a protein shake comes in handy. Long-lasting casein is the main ingredient in the cocktail. You can take carbohydrates, but only in small portions. During sleep, muscles do not need energy and excess carbohydrates will be converted into fat.

You will naturally spend more time preparing these cocktails than dissolving the powder, but the result is worth the cost.

1. Hot cocoa before bed:

  • One scoop of whey chocolate protein;
  • Half a cup of homemade low-fat cheese
  • One packet of instant cocoa.
  • Cooking method:
  • Heat the milk well, but it is unnecessary for it to boil. Pour it into a blender after adding protein, cheese and cocoa. Beat the mixture until smooth.
  • Such a cocktail will contain 0 grams of fiber, 1 gram of fat, 44 grams of protein, 20 grams of carbohydrates, 275 calories.

2. Homemade protein shake vanilla, which is taken after training:

  • One scoop of vanilla-flavored casein;
  • Half a cup of vanilla milk.
  • Cooking method:
  • In a separate bowl, stir the yoghurt and protein until smooth. Pour the milk into a large glass and pour the protein and yogurt mass into it, then gently stir with a spoon.
  • This shake contains 0 grams of fiber, 61 grams of carbohydrates, 1 gram of fat, 48 grams of protein, and 443 calories.

3. Cocktail "Peach Flavor", which is taken in the morning before training:

  • One scoop of vanilla whey protein;
  • One bag of oatmeal;
  • One cup of water
  • Half a can of canned peaches without syrup.
  • Cooking method:
  • Mix all ingredients in a blender until smooth.
  • This shake contains 2 grams of fiber, 2 grams of fat, 24 grams of protein, and 306 calories.

4. Cocktail "Freshness of orange" is taken also in the morning before training.

  • One cup of freshly squeezed orange juice
  • Half a cup of vanilla skim yogurt
  • One scoop of vanilla whey protein.
  • Cooking method:
  • Mix all ingredients in a blender.
  • The composition of this cocktail: 2 grams of fiber, 1 gram of fat. 43 grams of carbs, 27 grams of protein, and 208 calories.

5. Cocktail "Chocolate with nuts-1", taken before training.

  • One cup of skim milk
  • Half a crumbled chocolate bar;
  • Half a cup of grated almonds.
  • Cooking method:
  • Mix protein and milk in a blender. Then pour the chopped chocolate bar and grated almonds on top. Eat a cocktail, preferably with a spoon.
  • The composition of this product:
  • 8 grams of fiber, 17 grams of fat, 39 grams of protein, 41 grams of carbohydrates, and 457 calories.

6. Cocktail "Chocolate with nuts-2", take after training.

  • One scoop of vanilla-flavored casein;
  • One cup of lemonade
  • One scoop of whey protein.
  • Cooking method:
  • Stir all the ingredients together with the lemonade in a tightly closed container.
  • Please note that lemonade should not be taken with a sweetener (asparkame), but with sugar.
  • This cocktail contains 0 grams of fiber, 1 gram of fat, 43 grams of protein, 65 grams of carbohydrates and 445 calories.

7. Cocktail "Mocha", taken before training in the morning or in the afternoon.

  • Two tablespoons of honey;
  • One scoop of chocolate flavored whey protein;
  • One cup of hot coffee.
  • Cooking method:
  • Mix everything in a blender
  • Ingredients.
  • This cocktail contains 0 grams of fiber, 0 grams of fat. 20 grams of protein, 36 grams of carbs, and 215 calories.

8. Banana protein shake, taken before training in the afternoon or morning.

  • One cup of skim milk
  • One medium banana
  • One scoop of chocolate-flavored whey protein;
  • One tablespoon of nut butter.
  • Cooking method:
  • Mix the ingredients well in a blender.
  • This cocktail contains 2 grams of fiber, 16 grams of fat, 37 grams of protein, 46 grams of carbohydrates and 461 calories.

9. Energy cocktail for the press diet

  • Three quarters of a cup of instant oatmeal pre-soaked in water
  • Two scoops of chocolate-flavored whey protein;
  • Two tablespoons of low fat vanilla yogurt
  • Two teaspoons of peanut butter.
  • Cooking method:
  • Mix all ingredients in a blender.
  • This shake contains: No. gram of fiber, 4 grams of fat, 12 grams of protein, 29 grams of carbohydrates and 220 calories.

10. Protein cocktail "Strawberry"

  • Two scoops of whey protein;
  • One cup of 1% milk
  • One cup of frozen strawberries;
  • Two teaspoons of peanut butter;
  • Six detailed ice cubes.
  • Cooking method:
  • Mix all ingredients in a blender.
  • The shake contains: 3 grams of fiber, 5 grams of fat, 11 grams of protein, 26 grams of carbohydrates and 186 calories.

11. A cocktail of oranges and bananas

  • 250 milliliters of concentrated frozen orange juice;
  • Half a cup of vanilla low-fat yogurt
  • One medium banana
  • Six detailed ice cubes;
  • Half a cup of 1% milk.
  • Cooking method:
  • Mix all ingredients well in a blender.
  • This shake contains: 2 grams of fiber, 2 grams of fat, 8 grams of protein, 33 grams of carbohydrate and 171 calories.

12. Cocktail "Berry"

  • Three quarters of a cup of soaked oatmeal in skim milk
  • Three quarters of a cup of skim milk;
  • Three-quarters cup of a mixture of frozen blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries;
  • Two scoops of whey protein;
  • Three crushed ice cubes.
  • Cooking method:
  • Mix all the ingredients well in a blender.
  • This shake contains: 4 grams of fiber, 1 gram of fat, 7 grams of protein, 27 grams of carbohydrates and 144 calories.

13. Protein cocktail "Summer" made at home

  • Two-thirds of a cup of frozen strawberries;
  • Two scoops of whey vanilla protein;
  • 120 grams of low fat vanilla yogurt;
  • One medium banana
  • Three quarters of a cup of 1% milk
  • Half a cup of cantaloupe, cut into small cubes;
  • Three cubes of crushed ice.
  • Cooking method:
  • Mix all the ingredients.
  • This shake contains: 4 grams of fiber, 2 grams of fat, 9 grams of protein, 39 grams of carbohydrates and 199 calories.

You can also use cocktail recipes from famous people who have made a lot of progress in the field of bodybuilding.

14. Arnold Schwarzenegger's Protein Shake

  • Half a cup of creamy ice cream;
  • Two glasses of milk;
  • Half a cup of skim milk powder
  • One fresh egg.
  • Cooking method:
  • Mix all ingredients until smooth in a blender.

15. George Zangas' recipe cocktail

Fresh fruits or berries;
300-350 grams of fruit juice or milk;
Three fresh eggs;
Two teaspoons of brewer's yeast;
Two scoops of protein powder;
Four ice cubes.
Cooking method:
First, whisk the fruit with juice or milk in a blender, then add all the remaining ingredients and mix until smooth.

16. Steve Reeves cocktail

Three fresh eggs;
Two tablespoons of powdered milk;
400 grams of freshly squeezed orange juice;
One banana;
One tablespoon of gelatin;
One tablespoon of honey.
Cooking method:
Mix all ingredients in a blender.

17. Cocktail of Valentin Dikul

100 grams of cottage cheese;
Three teaspoons crumbled
Two teaspoons of honey;
150 grams of sour cream.
Cooking method:
Pour sour cream into a blender, then cottage cheese, chocolate and honey. Beat until smooth.
Of course, a cocktail with powder will give more results, but in order to avoid harm to your health, you should not dwell on them.

18. A quick cocktail of champions that can be consumed at any time other than a hard workout.

450 grams of yogurt;
7 tablets of sugar substitute (preferably "Sladis");
A pinch of vanilla sugar;
200 grams of fat-free cottage cheese.
Cooking method:
Pour cottage cheese, yogurt, sugar substitute and vanillin into a blender.
Stir and consume 20 minutes before training.
This cocktail contains: 8 grams of sucrose, 1.5 grams of fat, 21.3 grams of protein, 17 grams of carbohydrates and 167 calories.

Do not purchase special cocktails from unknown manufacturers and people who sell them from under the counter. Such drugs may contain anabolic steroids and narcotic substances. These dubious remedies can be the starting point for health problems and troubles before a drug test. They can also turn into excess protein in the diet. Uric acid is one of the constituents of protein metabolism, and if you abuse proteins, it is possible to cause the development of gout and urolithiasis. Use caution and caution with your protein shakes.