Balm from Karelia is the natural force of the North. How vodka is made in Karelia Whose cloudberry vodka

Morosha vodka is produced in Russia, the city of Vologda, at the Russian North distillery under the auspices of the Global Spirits alcohol holding. The composition of vodka usually includes mineral water, rectified ethyl alcohol, alcohol tincture from flax seeds and natural honey.

Among the varieties of this brand, Morosha Dzherelnaya, Morosha Reserved and Morosha Carpathian are the most common. Vodka is sold in oval glass bottles, with a polymer cork stopper, with a polyethylene-sealed neck. There is no dispenser in the bottle, and the main label is supplemented with a counter-label in the form of a leaflet.

Features of the production of "Moroshi"

The technology for making Morosha vodka does not differ much from the production of other brands, since the principles for preparing this alcoholic beverage are common and unchanged. But for the preparation of Moroshi, the manufacturer uses some individual methods and technologies, due to which vodka acquires a special softness, taste and aroma.

Vodka producers usually use powerful reverse osmosis or sodium-cation filtration systems, which purify the water, but at the same time destroy some of its valuable properties. In the manufacture of Morosha vodka, natural living water is used, which is not passed through filters, but settles, while retaining absolutely all of its useful properties.

Thanks to the use of purified ethyl alcohol of the "Lux" category, the drink becomes not only strong, but also pleasant in taste.

Varieties of vodka "Morosha"

The main types of Morosha vodka are:

  • Morosha Zapovednaya. Differs in an exclusive smell and aroma of Carpathian herbs. The composition includes: motherboard, elderberry, linden, white locust, violet, lemon balm, thyme, medicinal verbena.
  • Morosha Carpathian. It is distinguished by its special softness and piquant taste. This effect is achieved by using a special infusion of oatmeal, which also acts as a sorbent.
  • Morosha Dzherelnaya. The only vodka in the world, which includes high mountain spring water.
  • Morosha on mineral water of Karelia. Vodka has several levels of softness and is made on the basis of mineral water and ethyl alcohol of the Alpha class.


Prices for Morosha vodka depend on the region in which it is sold. The minimum cost of Morosha vodka for a 0.5 liter bottle is 290 rubles. The maximum cost for the same volume is 350 rubles.

How to distinguish original vodka from counterfeit?

To be completely sure that you are buying a real Morosha, and not a fake, you should familiarize yourself with some of the features of the original, including:

  • capping. Morosha vodka is always corked with a polymer stopper, under which there is no dispenser. The cork and neck tightly fit the factory film.
  • Labels. In addition to the main label on the front side, the original bottle must have a counter-label in the form of a leaflet. All labels are glued perfectly evenly on a thin layer of adhesive that never protrudes beyond the edges.
  • Transparency. Morosha vodka is made on the basis of spring or mineral water, so it will never contain sediment or foreign small particles. Even turning the bottle upside down, you will not see anything but a pure transparent drink.

History and development of the brand

Vodka "Morosha" has received its recognition as an environmentally friendly brand of alcoholic beverages. After the release of this brand became a production flow, after 3 months, 1 million bottles of vodka were produced monthly. Vodka is bottled in bottles with a capacity of 200, 500, 700 and 1000 ml.

At the moment, the Moroshi manufacturer is negotiating the supply of this drink to more than 70 countries of the world.

Provide yourself with the best flavor and aroma combinations, trusting in alcohol, which has already become the subject of an ideal for a wide audience of consumers. Morosha vodka in this case is an excellent example of products thanks to which you can get an unforgettable experience from any event, whether it's an anniversary or a meeting with an old friend. In every sip of the drink, true purity and a unique recipe are hidden, designed to give genuine pleasure.

Did you know? Moroshy in the Carpathians is called a thick milky fog that envelops the slopes of the valley.

Any representative of a famous brand is an environmentally friendly product with phenomenal taste and aroma characteristics. This is a vodka that not only managed to win the widest audience of consumers in a short time. It has taken a leading position among the most developing alcohol brands in the world, as evidenced by the statistics of the IWSR agency.

Composition of Morosha vodka

The main source of pride for any representative of a famous brand is untreated mineral water, which is produced in the territory of the Eastern Beskydy reserves. Moreover, for each product, water is taken from its height. As for other components, they should include pure plant materials. Depending on the chosen alcohol, it can be wild rose, Carpathian herbs, particles of medicinal vervain and much more.


The visual performance of alcohol implies exceptional transparency without impurities and shades.


In terms of the aromatic base, sophisticated vegetable and light grain plumes act.


The gastronomic basis of each representative of the line is based on fragrant herbal notes and velvety floral nuances.

Which Morosha vodka is softer?

All types of Moroshi are divided according to the level of softness into 1, 2 and 3. The strongest among the representatives of the segment are products of the 3rd level, but the lightest - respectively, the 1st. The volume of the bottle is not affected by the level of softness. All variations of drinks of the famous brand are produced in containers with a capacity of 0.5, 0.7 and 1 liter.

How to distinguish an original from a fake

Before deciding what to eat vodka with, be sure to approach the selection procedure with all your inherent responsibility. The alcohol market today is oversaturated with counterfeit products, and counterfeit products can be found on almost any brand. To choose a really good vodka, we recommend considering the following nuances:

  • Place of purchase. Buy strong alcohol only in specialized stores where the customer can provide the proper permits. It is advisable to avoid stalls, grocery stores and other dubious points of sale.
  • Consistency. Original Moroshi is based on premium purity. That is, the presence of neoplasms in the form of sediment, impurities or turbidity are direct signs of low-quality alcohol. Pay special attention to the degree of viscosity. Shaking branded alcohol in a bottle, you will see a small oily residue on its walls, which will disappear over time.
  • Container forms. All drinks of the Morosha brand are supplied to the market in branded bottles, which were developed by London Brand Consulting. The style of the design of the container suggests the shape of a drop. Also noteworthy is the fact that the product is sealed with special Italian corks made from natural raw materials.

How to serve

Morosha is not some kind for you, but a classic product that is absolutely not demanding in terms of tasting. It is enough to adhere to the classical principles of presentation, and you can enjoy the assemblage without resorting to any additional manipulations. The drink is drunk in one even sip from small glasses. At the same time, it is desirable to cool it thoroughly before consumption, to approximately 5-10 degrees.

You can also put alcohol in the freezer. From this, its taste will not deteriorate, moreover, it will acquire smooth, laconic trains that can surprise and delight with its aromatic nature.

What products are combined with

Like a good one, Ukrainian Morosha performs well at large feasts. This strong alcohol is combined with a large number of dishes, including cold cuts, salads, seafood, fruits and much more. Every taster can pick up the perfect pair.

Other uses

In order for the process of tasting strong alcohol to bring you the most intense and vivid impressions, we recommend that you pay attention to the recipes of such mixes as -Orgasm-, -Black Russian-, -Alyosha- and -Brain Tumor-. In each of the above cocktails, popular alcohol will manifest itself from a new, previously unfamiliar side. Moreover, all these mixes can be prepared at home.

Did you know? For the production of its vodka, Global Spirits draws water at various heights, from 470 to 1050 meters.

Types of vodka Morosha

Today, Global Spirits is ready to offer consumers a fairly wide selection of strong alcoholic beverages. At the same time, each drink of the line has its own unique taste characteristics. The most popular brand representatives include the following products:

  • Premium. It has a pure transparent color and a harmonious taste, in which notes of herbs and flowers can be traced. Aromatic indicators are based on vegetable and grain plumes.

  • On the water of Lake Synevyr. An ideally pure product with a delicate spicy aroma, as well as delicate hints of eucalyptus and linden on the palate.

  • Dzherelnaya. Transparent drink with traditional tart aroma. Refined grain nuances can be heard in its gastronomic indicators.

  • Carpathian. It has exquisite transparency and spicy grain undertones in taste. The aromatic base exhibits a classic tart alcohol trail.

  • Reserved. Alcohol of a perfectly pure color with a mild aftertaste. In gastronomic indicators, the dominant positions are assigned to herbal and grain nuances. The aromatic component looms as plumes of fragrant herbs.

Historical reference

Morosha vodka is produced by the Lvov Distillery Hetman, which is owned by Global Spirits. This is the largest alcohol corporation in Eastern Europe, which was founded in 2008. Today, its assets are concentrated in Ukraine, Russia and the United States.

The assortment of the enterprise, in addition to vodka, includes a number of cognacs, tinctures, champagne, vermouth, wines and low-alcohol drinks. For the first time, the Morosha trademark appeared on the market in 2011, and after six months, sales of this product reached record monthly volumes of 1 million bottles. The products of the Global Spirits holding can now be found in more than 85 countries around the world.

Morosha vodka for a relatively short period of existence on the market was able to acquire a large number of admirers, as well as numerous awards from international competitions. All thanks to the amazing taste and high quality ingredients. At the same time, it should be noted that each representative of the trademark is an individual product with its own tasting characteristics. Therefore, by paying attention to this alcohol, you can find your standard. Visit your nearest liquor store today to buy a bottle of hard liquor for an upcoming meeting with old friends.

In the light of the New Year and Christmas holidays, it would be useful to review high-quality vodkas for the upcoming feast. Recently, a product from which the head does not hurt in the morning is not often seen. Morosha vodka has proven itself well on the Russian market. The name is associated with the northern orange berry. But the name of the brand was given not by cloudberries, but ... by a natural phenomenon observed in the Carpathian Mountains. Evaporation rises in the gorges above the forest. “Mountains are smoking,” say the locals, and call this phenomenon cloudberry. But if you buy the vodka of the same name in Russia, it turns out that its producer is located in Vologda. And spirits are diluted with purified water from the lakes of Karelia. What is the catch, and who actually produces Morosha vodka? Let's figure it out. In our article, we will analyze the qualities of this product based on consumer reviews.


Morosha vodka is the brainchild of the Global Spirits alcohol holding. She saw the light in August 2011 in the Ukrainian city of Lvov. Why was the production capacity of the local vodka factory "Hetman" chosen for the production of the drink? Because not far from the capital of Galicia, the spurs of the Carpathian Mountains - the Eastern Beskydy - stretched. It is known that vodka as a product, only forty percent consists of alcohol. The rest of the alcoholic beverage is water. And its quality directly affects the softness and drinkability of vodka. For the Ukrainian "Moroshi" moisture is extracted from the high-altitude sources of the Carpathian National Reserve, lying at altitudes from 470 to 1500 meters. This water does not need additional purification. She is simply defended.

Russian vodka Morosha

Over time, the Global Spirits alcohol holding, having gained popularity in Ukraine, decided to expand its production capabilities. He entered into an agreement for the production of Morosha vodka with the Russian North Limited Liability Company, which is located in the city of Vologda. For the production of the drink, the same container is used as in Ukraine. The holding positions itself as ecological, and therefore the bottle is stylized as a drop of water, and the back label is made in the form of a tree leaf. What is the Russian vodka "Morosha" made of? The composition of alcohols is different. Some brands are made from flax seeds or rye flakes. Also in the composition appears rectified ethyl alcohol and natural bee honey. And water for dilution is brought to Vologda a thousand kilometers away - from the lake region of Karelia. It is mined from wells of various depths. Since the water is artesian, it also does not require deep purification.

Types of Ukrainian vodka

Morosha fell in love with consumers. By the end of 2011, the concern announced the release of one million bottles of products per month. Over time, the range of products has been enriched. At the moment, the Hetman plant produces such types of Moroshi. "Dzherelna" (translated as "Rodnikovaya") is a classic vodka and the most democratic in price. Water for it is extracted from a key at a height of four hundred and seven meters. The neck and bottle are decorated in yellow-green colors.

In the recipe of "Moroshi Karpatskaya", in addition to higher mountain water (the source is located at 630 meters above sea level), there is an alcohol infusion of oatmeal. The color of the bottle is blue.

Luxury vodkas of the Ukrainian line are "Morosha on the water from Lake Synevyr" and "Premium". The bottles for them are made of blue and dark green glass. In the bouquet of the first product, notes of linden blossom and eucalyptus are guessed, and the second - of verbena and rose hips.

Reviews about Ukrainian vodkas

Morosha is a very popular brand in the country, and is catching up with such undisputed sales leaders as Nemiroff, Khortytsya and Khlebny Dar. The cheapest is "Dzherelna" vodka "Morosha". The reviews claim that this is a quality product that does not cause a severe hangover and heaviness in the stomach. To taste, it is a classic vodka without extraneous odors and tastes. But users also appreciated other types of Moroshi. "Reserved" on herbs is in demand. Vodka "On the water of lake Synevyr" and "Premium" because of the high price goes as a gift option. These are very high quality drinks with a spicy aroma and a very mild taste. The original design of the bottle protects the product from counterfeiting.

Russian types of vodka

Here, the production of this brand began later. But LLC "Russian North" is also trying to diversify the range. At the moment, only three types are produced. Their distinctive feature is the softness of vodka. Morosha is sold in green, blue and red bottles. Containers for vodka - a quarter, half and 0.7 liters. In Ukraine, the Gelman plant also produces Morosha in liter bottles.

What does the term "softness" mean? After all, the water for the Russian Morosha vodka is extracted from springs in Karelia. It is pure in itself, does not require filtration or boiling. The fact is that in the production of "Moroshi" alcohols are selected for water, and not vice versa. And in their softness lies the "drinkability" of the final product.

Green Morosha

This vodka is the cheapest of the entire line. Its softness level is No. 1. It contains mineral water from Karelia, luxury ethyl alcohol. Natural honey gives a special charm to the drink. An alcohol infusion of rye flakes has also been added to the recipe for green Moroshi. And this product is inexpensive - 335 rubles for a half-liter bottle. What do consumers say about the taste and other qualities of green "Moroshi"? It will delight lovers of classic vodka. When chilled, it is easy to drink, it gets along well with other ingredients in cocktails. No fusel impurities. Honey and rye flakes are not felt in taste. But if you go over the dose, then the deceit with which Morosha vodka sneaks up to the body will come to light. Consumer reviews advise that in order not to have a headache, limit yourself to one hundred grams of this product. But as a budget option, and even under a barbecue or an ear in nature, this is exactly what you need.

Softness Level No. 2

The people call it - vodka "Morosha blue". Of course, even here it was not without mineral water from Karelia. But the “blue” one differs from the “green” sister in a really mild taste. Instead of rye flakes, her recipe uses an alcohol infusion of flax seeds, as well as natural honey. The color of vodka is absolutely transparent. The taste is slightly sweet, very soft. Aroma - classical, vodka, without any impurity. For the price, the blue "Morosha" is not much different from the green one. Therefore, consumer reviews recommend purchasing it, overpaying a couple of rubles, but getting a really soft and “drinkable” product. Such vodka is better tolerated by the body, the head does not hurt after it. Because of the sweetish taste, ladies are not averse to trying it.

Vodka "Morosha" red

We can say that the Russian North plant has put its soul into this product. The model for the red "Moroshi" was the Ukrainian counterpart "Premium". Like all Ukrainian vodka of this brand, the Russian "softness level No. 3" is made on high-quality grain wheat alcohol. In addition, an old recipe was taken as a sample. In addition to alcohol and mineral water from Karelia, cloudberries, thyme, peppermint and rose hips are the components of vodka. These herbs give the drink the perfect aroma of pure luxury vodka with a subtle hint of ice. The taste of the product is slightly sweet. Vodka, as the reviews assure, is very soft, does not tear the throat. The aftertaste is long and warming.

How much does Morosha red vodka cost? Surprisingly, its price gap from the green and blue sisters is very small. In different alcohol shops it is sold in the range of 340-360 rubles for a half-liter bottle.

Thus, the main characteristics of vodka under the Morosha brand are considered. As can be concluded from the above, this is a quality alcohol at an affordable price.


As part of a rolling study of strong alcoholic beverages, an examination of vodka of 49 brands from 34 manufacturers was carried out. The goods sent for research are made on the basis of alcohols of the degree of purification “lux” and “alpha”. The products were examined in 22 quality and safety parameters. Most of the goods are Russian-made, but there are also foreign ones - from Finland, Sweden, Belarus and France. The cost of production ranged from 205 to 1554 rubles per bottle. The good news is that there is no “singed” vodka among the studied samples. Drinks of 18 brands turned out to be of high quality, and 31 were of even higher quality. They comply not only with the requirements of current quality and safety standards, but also with the requirements of the advanced Roskachestvo standard. Mostly high-quality goods were drinks produced in Russia, one - in Finland, one - in Belarus. 29 Russian-made goods can qualify for the Russian Quality Mark.

Russian quality system standard

The standard of the Russian Quality System combined the existing GOST standards for vodkas and special vodkas, and also established for potential recipients of the Russian Quality Mark increased requirements for the content of methyl alcohol, the concentration of fusel oils, aldehydes and esters. Alkalinity has also been introduced into the leading standard of Roskachestvo. The required level of localization of production to be awarded the Russian Quality Mark is at least 98% of the cost of goods.

STO “Russian quality system. Vodka Conformity Assessment»

  • Alkalinity - no more than 2 cm3.
  • The mass concentration of acetaldehyde in 1 dm3 of anhydrous alcohol is not more than 3 mg.
  • Mass concentration of fusel oil - no more than 5 mg.
  • Mass concentration of esters (methyl acetate, ethyl acetate) in 1 dm3 of anhydrous alcohol is not more than 5 mg.
  • The volume fraction of methyl alcohol in terms of anhydrous alcohol is not more than 0.003%.
  • Mass concentration of crotonaldehyde (denaturing additive) in 1 dm3 of anhydrous alcohol is not allowed.
  • Organoleptic evaluation - not less than 9.4 points.

The quality of alcohol is at the forefront

Vodka - at first glance, the product is simple: alcohol and water. But the quality of vodka is very different. Often the product is falsified - when there is a complete or partial replacement of edible alcohol with a cheaper, technical one. Much depends on how well the alcohol is purified from foreign, sometimes toxic impurities (for example, fusel oils, aldehydes). Of course, the abuse of strong drinks is harmful to health in any case. But if vodka contains components that are unacceptable by GOST or technical regulations or permitted by GOST, but contained in quantities exceeding the maximum allowable, it can become deadly even in small doses. Most of these components are removed from the drink during alcohol purification - rectification.

For reference

Rectified ethyl alcohol is produced from food and non-food raw materials. For the production of vodka, in accordance with the requirements of GOST 12712 “Special vodkas and vodkas. General technical conditions”, rectified ethyl alcohol from food raw materials of the highest purity, “extra”, “alpha” and “lux” can be used.

To find out the nature of alcohol (whether it is food or technical), and also to check how well it is purified, the experts looked in the samples of vodka sent for examination:

  • methanol - methyl alcohol, the use of which is deadly to humans;
  • acetic aldehyde, which is contained, for example, in alcohol-containing non-food products, the so-called "Hawthorn";
  • toxic chemical elements such as lead, mercury, cadmium, arsenic: they can get into vodka from raw materials (wheat, potatoes);
  • fusel oils and esters;
  • furfural - a by-product of fermentation, is also removed during rectification; if cleaning is poor, furfural is present.

The drinks were also tested for the content of crotonaldehyde. Its presence would indicate that denatured alcohol is present in the composition. In the vodka sent for research, crotonaldehyde was not found.

Denatured alcohol (denatured alcohol) is alcohol that is not intended for food purposes. A mixture of ethyl alcohol with a small amount of methanol, gasoline, kerosene or other methylated spirits is used as a solvent for varnishes and varnishes.

The nature of the alcohol was additionally determined by the spectral-luminescent method of alcohol identification. It turned out that only edible alcohol was used in the manufacture of the studied vodka.

comments Marina Medrish, head of the laboratory VNIIPBT, branch of the FGBUN "Federal Research Center for Nutrition and Biotechnology":

Currently, most often vodka is produced on the basis of rectified ethyl alcohol "lux" and "alpha". Alcohol "Lux" is produced from various types of grain and their mixtures in various proportions. It can be wheat, rye, triticale, corn. Alcohol "alpha" is produced from wheat, rye or a mixture of them in various proportions. There is a risk to buy vodka produced on the basis of alcohol from non-food raw materials. To identify counterfeit vodka, it is necessary to determine the nature of the origin of alcohol. In order to make sure that the product is made on the basis of alcohol from food raw materials, a spectral-luminescent analysis is carried out: the spectral characteristics of the studied vodka sample are compared with the spectral characteristics of control reference samples prepared on the basis of alcohol from non-food raw materials.

And how likely is it to meet “singed” vodka (a cheap low-quality surrogate) in retail? According to Vadim Drobiz, Head of the Center for Research on Federal and Regional Alcohol Markets, the problem of quality and safety of vodka concerns mostly illegal retail, where there is no control.

- In 2017, about a billion liters of vodka will be sold in licensed retail, which is under strict control. I am absolutely sure that there will be no claims either for safety or for the quality of vodka products in legal retail. But, unfortunately, there is also an illegal retail sector (for example, unlicensed shops, pavilions, kiosks, handicrafts, etc.), where about 250 million liters of illegal vodka are sold annually. Such products are produced in semi-handicraft conditions using stolen illegal alcohol and often do not meet the mandatory requirements of technical regulations,- notes Vadim Drobiz.

How to check at home if there are fusel oils in vodka? Just put vodka on your hands, grind and smell. A sharp unpleasant odor indicates the presence of fusel oils.

Honestly - about cleaning

We mentioned that for the preparation of vodka, rectified ethyl alcohol from food raw materials of the highest purity, "extra", "lux" or "alpha" is used.

Among the vodkas sent for examination, the products of eight brands, according to the labeling, are made from alpha alcohol: Graf Ledoff, Chestnaya, Morosha, Khortytsya, Russian currency Platinum, Solnechnaya village, Lake Great”, “Belebeevskaya”).
One is made from the highest purity alcohol (Absolut).
The rest - from alcohol "luxury".

As part of the study, experts correlated the types of alcohol declared on the label with the actual characteristics of the product, in particular, the content of methyl alcohol in it.

In food alcohol cleaning "alpha", the content of methyl alcohol is allowed not more than 0.003%. In "extra" cleaning alcohol - no more than 0.02%. In alcohol of the highest purity - 0.03%.

As the study showed, all manufacturers are honest with consumers in this matter. An actual overestimation of the category of alcohol, when, for example, alcohol of the highest purity was used instead of the declared "lux", was not found.

However, it turned out that the “modest” Absolut vodka has indicators not of the highest purity alcohol, as indicated on the label, but of alpha alcohol. This may be due to the fact that Absolut vodka is produced in Sweden. In European countries, food alcohol is not divided into varieties, as in Russia. There, regarding the purification of alcohol, there are no concepts of “lux” or “alpha”.

The question may arise whether it is advisable in this case to evaluate the grade of alcohol from a foreign product? Nevertheless, since this vodka is sold in Russian retail, the experts evaluated foreign products according to the criteria adopted in the Russian Federation in order to characterize the quality of foreign-made vodka in categories understandable to the Russian consumer.

And Absolut showed its best side here.

Strict requirements for hard water

The quality of vodka depends not only on alcohol, but also on water. Such water should contain the necessary set of micro- and macroelements, various salts (sodium + potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphates, nitrates, sulfates, chlorides). How many of them should be - this range is determined by the technical regulations.

In production, water for an alcoholic drink is specially softened, the cations of “inappropriate” calcium and magnesium are replaced by potassium and sodium cations. Then the water can be subjected to reverse osmosis. Sulfates are removed, which give vodka bitterness.

For some vodkas that are made with milk refinement, hard water is used to allow the casein in the milk to settle out.

According to the results of the study, there are no comments for most of the products.

  • Sodium and potassium are slightly more than the optimal amount - in Tomsk Standard vodka - 80.7 mg / dm3 (GOST recommends up to 60 mg / dm3). This can be explained by the use of an ion exchange plant for water treatment.
  • Excess content of calcium, magnesium, chlorides and sulfates was recorded in Parliament vodka. This may be due to the purification of vodka with milk.

comments Marina Medrish:

– Prepared water is used for the production of vodka. Special water treatment provides vodka with a mild taste, pure aroma and optimal salt composition. Therefore, the technical regulations for the production of vodka spelled out the requirements for treated water. One of the most important indicators affecting the stability of vodka during storage is hardness. The excess content of calcium and magnesium ions leads to the appearance of turbidity and sedimentation in the finished product, and, consequently, its rejection. In the production and technological regulations for the production of vodka, not only the maximum permissible, but also the optimal indicators are defined, which make it possible to obtain a finished product with high organoleptic properties. What exactly the salt composition will be in vodka is up to the manufacturer, but it must be in strict accordance with the requirements of the current regulatory documentation.

With the right concentration of alcohol and a certain purification of water, the product must have the appropriate alkalinity. According to the increased requirements of Roskachestvo, the alkalinity of vodka should not exceed 2 cm3. There are no comments on this parameter for the studied goods: the alkalinity of the samples is from 0.5 to 1 cm3.

The taste of a bygone era

Organoleptic tests have confirmed the theory of the importance of water treatment. Vodkas, in which the water, apparently, was prepared in accordance with the technological instructions and the manufacturer's recipe, scored the minimum number of points during the tasting.

  • The taste of "Tomsk Standard" was noted as sharp, burning. The average tasting score is 9 points.
  • The taste and aroma of "Parliament" is sharp, there is bitterness in the taste. The average tasting score is 9 points.

Also did not reach 9.4 points set by the leading standard of Roskachestvo, the goods of the trademarks "Every Day", Graf Ledoff, "Honest", Nemiroff, "Kalina Krasnaya", "Maikopskaya", Medoff, "Platinum Currency", "Larks" , Veda, Old Kazan, Absolut, Milovka, Morozovskaya Gorka, Russian Steel, Lyuli-Luli.

Well, who scored the highest score (9.6) during the tasting?

These are vodkas of such brands as Zelenaya Marka, Zimnyaya Doroga, Sovereign Order, Five Lakes, Russian Standard, Beluga, Belebeevskaya.

However, keep in mind that taste is subjective. If the consumer prefers a harder drink, this is his own business.

- In Soviet times, in our country, no one drank soft vodka at all,- notices Vadim Drobiz. – Soft vodka from more purified spirits was drunk only in the West. In Russia, vodka fashion was different - we loved hard, real men's vodka. In the post-Soviet era, consumer habits began to form in favor of soft vodka. This is a female type of vodka. In my opinion, this does not mean that vodka is better or worse from the highest purity alcohol, "lux" or from "alpha" alcohol - this is vodka with a different taste. Today the market is saturated, and consumers can choose a variety based on their personal preferences.

Degrees and volume

In addition to the above, the vodkas sent for research were tested for the strength of the drink, the fullness of the filling.

  • The strength of ordinary vodka can range from 37.5 to 56%.
  • The strength of special vodka is from 37.5 to 45%.

Fake vodka often has a low strength. Therefore, during the study, compliance with the labeling of the volume fraction of ethyl alcohol was also checked. It turned out that the strength of drinks varies between 39.9-40%. Only vodka "Parliament" is a little stronger than the rest, literally by a tenth of a degree - 40.1%.

The completeness of filling into the bottle was also evaluated. It turned out that the bottles of vodka contain no less than stated on the label, and sometimes a little more.

So, in vodkas "Honest", "Morosha", "Five Lakes" - 510 cm3 instead of 500 cm3; in vodka "Lake the Great" - 257 cm3 instead of 250 cm3.

Marketing ploy or pure truth?

Manufacturers often write on labels that vodka is purified with milk or with a 13-meter-long carbon filter. Or that the manufacturer uses a special triple silver filtration. Consumers sometimes perceive this as a marketer's fantasy. Is it true or not?

– All of the above are existing cleaning technologies, – our expert says Marina Medrish. – The traditional classical method is the filtration of a water-alcohol solution on carbon columns. When filtered on carbon columns, both adsorption and oxidation processes occur, which forms a special aroma and taste of vodkas. This water-alcohol mixture purification technology is typical only for Russian vodka production. At present, silver and platinum filtration is quite often used at the enterprises of the industry. When cleaning with milk, milk powder is added to the sorting to precipitate foreign impurities with milk protein, this cleaning method has been known in Rus' since ancient times (for example, this applies to Parliament vodka - ed.).

Sometimes producers write that in the manufacture of vodka they use water from Lake Baikal or from glaciers or melt water. Vadim Drobiz doubts that in this case the information is sufficiently reliable:

I think it's advertising and marketing. A consumer who is concerned about such nuances may be advised to ask the manufacturer for confirmation. If you don't receive one, please notify the FAS. (If the label contains false information, this is a reason for the consumer to complain to the regulatory authorities - ed.)

Alcohol with water is not vodka!

On the labels of many vodkas, many ingredients are indicated in the composition, in addition to alcohol and water. For example, alcoholized infusions of mountain ash, raisins, oatmeal, pine nuts ... Sugar, soda, honey, etc.

Marina Medrish explains what it is for:

- At present, a huge number of recipes for vodkas and special vodkas with a unique aroma and taste have been developed. The quality, toxic safety and stability of vodka during storage, as well as its organoleptic characteristics, depend on the included prescription ingredients.

Karelian balsam is a strong alcoholic drink produced on the basis of a unique collection of three dozen medicinal herbs and berries growing on the territory of the Republic of Karelia.

It is a bitter brown liquid with a noticeable red tint and a rich herbal aroma with a strength of 45 degrees.

Karelian balm is not only an alcoholic drink, but also a remedy that can be used for preventive and therapeutic purposes.

Karelian balsam is produced by the AlcoWorld company in Karelia, at the Petrovsky Petrozavodsk distillery owned by it, where it was developed in 1976.

The composition of the drink

Karelian balsam is distinguished by its unique composition, which gives it not only a rich pleasant taste, but also proven healing properties. The collection of all herbal components of this alcoholic drink is carried out in ecologically clean areas of the Republic of Karelia.

The composition of the Karelian balsam includes: lingonberry, St. , honey, Peruvian balsam oil. In addition to these plant components, pure and mineral water, ethyl alcohol, sugar, natural dye and flavor are used in the production.

As evidenced by the reviews of buyers and connoisseurs of this drink, they chose Karelian balsam primarily because of the natural composition of its raw materials and its collection in an ecologically clean region, and only then because of the taste.

How to drink Karelian balm correctly?

You should always remember that no matter how useful the Karelian balm is, it still remains a strong alcoholic drink. This is exactly the case when the old Russian rule about the fact that everything is good in moderation works wonderfully.

The daily norm of balm for an adult healthy person should not exceed 150 ml. Eating more is bad.

Most often, the drink is drunk in its pure, undiluted form, previously poured into small liquor glasses. Small sips allow you to truly enjoy the depth of taste and pleasant aroma of Karelian balsam. We do not recommend drinking a glass in one gulp to the bottom.

This drink improves the functioning of the digestive system, so it can be used as an aperitif and digestif.

It can also be added in small amounts to freshly brewed coffee or tea. In this case, one teaspoon of balm will be enough for a cup.

Popular cocktails

Highball champagne.

To prepare one serving of this cocktail, you will need the following ingredients:

  • champagne - 200 ml;
  • balm - 1 teaspoon;
  • sugar syrup - 1 teaspoon;
  • a piece of lemon zest and ice.


Place 3-4 ice cubes in a tall glass. After that, add sugar syrup and balm there. Then pour the champagne. Stir the cocktail with a teaspoon or straw. Place the zest in a glass and serve.

Love harmony.

You will need:

  • dry white wine - 250 ml;
  • orange juice - 70 ml;
  • balm - 15 ml;
  • honey - 1.5 teaspoons;
  • lemon juice squeezed from half a lemon;
  • a pinch of cardamom


Pour the white wine into a small decanter and add all the ingredients one by one. Mix thoroughly. The cocktail is ready, you can pour it into tall glasses and serve.

Healing properties

First of all, you should remember that the information posted in this section is the observations and reviews of ordinary people. It has nothing to do with official medicine. Before using Karelian balm for treatment, be sure to consult a qualified doctor.

It has long been noticed that the use of this balm in the most positive way affects the vitality and mood of a person. In this regard, it is recommended to drink a small amount of Karelian Balsam in case of nervous overload, stress, shocks, or simply at the end of a hard day.

In addition, judging by the reviews of its connoisseurs, the balm is a wonderful cold remedy. It should only be remembered that such treatment is allowed only at the very beginning at the first signs of the onset of the disease. But if you already have a fever, you can not be treated with alcohol.