Baykhov tea. Why is tea called baikhov? and how is it different from the usual one? Ceylon white tea

Baykhov tea is one of the most famous and frequently purchased drinks.

Previously, only one sort of tea was considered "baikhov".

Baykhov tea - what is it

In shops you can find the inscription "long-term" on different brands of tea. Now she means that there are individual tea leaves in the box that passed:

  • withering;
  • twisting;
  • fermentation;
  • drying.

What does “long tea” mean and why loose tea is called this way is known from history. One of the nationalities called expensive and rare white tea "bai hao". Translated, this means "white villi".

The modern drink has lost its common properties with those "villi", but remains a popular product. The quality depends only on the reliability of the manufacturer.

For many people, long tea has become a favorite because it has the same taste from childhood, when flavored tea bags were not so popular.

Even small changes in the technology of processing leaves allow you to get a new product in taste and quality. There are several popular types of tea and many rare ones.


This type of drink is the most popular. Brewed it should have a deep brown color without a grayish tint.

The tighter the tea leaves are twisted, the higher the quality of the tea.

Depending on the country where the tea is produced, its properties can vary significantly.

The color of the drink can be either reddish or almost black.

You can get acquainted with all the beneficial properties of black tea.


The technology for making green tea is such that the color of the finished drink will not be bright. Fermentation is fast, therefore leaves do not have time to oxidize to a dark color.

The shade of the tea may differ from brand to brand and variety, but should be greenish. The lightest drinks are considered the best.

Green tea does not need to be boiled to make it tasty. Enough water with a temperature of 70 - 80 degrees.

Sugar and milk are not added to this tea. Honey and stevia are best combined with it.

We wrote about what types of green tea exist, as well as how to brew them.


Long tea yellow tea is no longer a red, but not yet a black version of tea.

Special oxidative processes make it possible to obtain this unusual drink.

The taste of yellow tea is well remembered. It has an amber hue and leaves a pink mark on the cups.

The raw materials of expensive varieties are young buds.


Raw materials for white tea - green tea that was harvested in early September or late April... Subsequent weak fermentation leads to the appearance of white villi on the tea leaves. The villi are rich in etheric compounds.

It is believed that this drink is the most useful. It is distinguished by the pallor of the infusion, but it has a rich taste and aroma. It was this tea that was originally called baikhov.

The price difference from other teas can be significant. It is difficult to find it in bags, since on sale it is more often presented as loose tea.


If the fermentation process of black tea is shortened, red tea is obtained.

The shelf life of ready-to-brew tea leaves is maximized as they are resistant to oxidation.

Red tea has a delicate taste and complex aroma. It is brewed with almost boiling water.

The drink belongs to elite varieties and is quite expensive.

Oolong (or "oolong")

This type of tea originated in China and has a long history. There are strict and complex rules for its production.

The process of brewing oolong correctly is a real tea ceremony.

It is customary to drink oolong tea without sugar, separately from eating and smoking.

We have a separate article on the benefits and dangers of milk oolong.


People's taste preferences when choosing tea vary greatly.

For example, oolong tea is the best tea for some customers, although there are those who cannot drink it due to its specific taste.

Buyers tend to prefer black and green long tea. They pay attention to the absence of "dusty" notes in the aroma of the drink, the absence of dyes and artificial additives.

Before buying unusual tea it is worth buying a small volume of it... Most stores allow the purchase of a 5-10 gram sample, or a small 30 gram package, to sample a new drink.

Few know how tea is made. Tea leaves go through many stages of processing before they turn into a ready-to-eat product.

The first procedure is withering... It consists in the gradual dehydration of the leaves. The process takes 10 to 24 hours in the shade and 3 to 6 hours in the dryer.

The liquid level is reduced by more than half. Elastic leaves are sent for further processing.

The second procedure is twisting... Leaves are crumpled by hand or with special rollers. During compression, juice and oils are released, which are impregnated with raw materials.

The next process is fermentation... It is its conditions and duration that most of all affect the result. By regulating fermentation, drinks of different color, taste and smell are obtained from the same leaves.

Withered and twisted leaves are spread in a dense layer in a dark cool room and kept until the required oxidation stage.

A photo of leaves with different oxidation times shows how their color becomes darker and richer over time.

When the leaves are sufficiently oxidized, they are dried in the ovens. The quality of processing determines how long the aromatic properties of the finished product will remain.

If the temperature is too low, the finished product will be spoiled by moisture and mold odors.

Granulated tea goes through another stage of production- it is not only crumpled, but also bunched into small balls.

Ready tea is sorted into:

  • large-leaved - more valuable;
  • medium-leaf - having sufficient flavoring properties;
  • small-leaved - tea dust, the price of which is very affordable.

Leaf tea is much tastier and more aromatic than tea dust. Tea packaged at the place of production is valued higher than sorted later. So the leaves do not have time to absorb foreign odors.


A cup of strong tea is a well-known remedy for fatigue, weakness and overwork. The drink tones up and improves overall well-being. It can be drunk even during the treatment of poisoning.

Drinks with thyme or bergamot, oregano or chamomile have additional beneficial properties.

Health benefits can be obtained with regular consumption of quality tea:

  • strengthening of blood vessels;
  • increased immunity;
  • improving the condition of the skin, hair and teeth;
  • getting rid of viral infections;
  • normalization of metabolic processes;
  • regulation of cholesterol and hemoglobin levels in the blood.

In strong tea, the content of tannins is noted in large quantities. They tone the human body, help fight viruses and food poisoning.

Tannins and caffeine have a tonic effect. Their action is smoother for the body than when drinking coffee.

The chemical composition of tea includes many compounds. Vitamins B1, B2, C, K, P and PP are contained in small quantities, but they will not be superfluous for human health. Besides them, tea contains iron, selenium, manganese and other macro and microelements.

The nutritional value of the leaves does not really matter for people who follow a diet - there are almost no calories left in the drink.

Popular manufacturers

The assortment of long tea is very wide. Some popular brands are shown in the table.

By origin, long tea can be:

  • Ceylon - strong, with a reddish tint and sharp taste;
  • Chinese - soft;
  • Indian;
  • Krasnodar - very rare;
  • Baku;
  • Georgian and others.

Storage conditions significantly affect the safety of tea. Tea leaves are able to absorb moisture and odors. For storage convenience, it is worth giving preference to packaging that closes well.

Potential harm

Tea abuse leads to the "washing out" of nutrients and mineral compounds from the body.

An experiment was carried out at the University of Hawaii where a group of students drank 6 cups of tea every day. The state of health of the students soon worsened - there were problems with sleep, mood and appetite.

Analyzes showed a lack of vitamins. Experts then suggested that tea tannins "bind" and remove some substances.

With a single consumption of an excess amount of strong tea you can feel the symptoms:

  • insomnia;
  • increased nervous irritability;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • redness and a feeling of heat on the skin of the face;
  • unpleasant sensations of compression in the region of the heart;
  • feelings of anxiety and unreasonable fear.

The characteristics of domestic and imported tea in Russia are regulated by GOST.

For example, for packaged green tea it is GOST 1939-90, and for black tea it is used GOST 32573-2013 and the interstate standard “Packed baykh black tea. Specifications ”, which replaced GOST 1938-73.

Each characteristic is indicated in the documents - the normal aroma and color of drinks, the rules for their classification and transportation.

Package marking is also regulated in such a way that dubious goods do not appear on store shelves.

Currently, many varieties of this drink are called long tea. When choosing tea, you should focus only on its quality.

In the Soviet past, domestic shelves were surprised by the monotony of the goods presented, and tea was no exception. Each family purchased a black long-sleeve shirt with an Indian elephant on the package as standard.

Whether it is now. Black tea alone, and this type is preferred by 90% of the population of Russia, is produced in an unthinkable number of names. And you can get confused at all in the varieties of tea with additives.

To avoid disappointment in the future, we decided to test 11 types of black tea, for which we purchased a drink in the capital's supermarkets and sent it for examination to the testing center of NPO Impulse LLC.

Our reference Traditional tea-producing countries are Sri Lanka, India, China and Japan. Exactly one third of Russian tea imports come from Sri Lanka, followed by India (25.2%), China and Kenya provide about 9% each, and Vietnam closes the top five - about 8%.

The technology of collecting and drying tea is complex, time consuming and requires true skill. Therefore, manual labor is still used in this area with might and main: only tender young leaves are torn from the branches.

During processing, water is removed from the tea leaf, the content of which is reduced to 3-7%. In addition to drying, the raw material undergoes fermentation; after its full cycle, the tea leaves acquire the black color familiar to most people. However, the process can be stopped at various stages and you can get green, white and even blue tea.

Tea infusion contains three types of alkaloids: caffeine, theobromine and theophylline. Most of all in the drink is caffeine, it is found in the tea leaf in a complex with other substances and it is often called theine. Having a milder effect on the body than caffeine, theine tones up well, increases physical activity, mental and physical performance, and has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system.

Tea is converted into an irreplaceable dietary product by polyphenols, which include more than 30 substances, in particular tannins. They create the effect of astringency, due to which the tea infusion stimulates the activity of the salivary glands and quenches thirst well.

Most of all tannins are in green teas. Moreover, the higher the grade of tea, the higher the content of tannins in it. These polyphenols dissolve well in hot water, so when the strong brew is cooled, they precipitate and the drink becomes cloudy. If it is heated again, the transparency will return. If this is not observed, then the tea is of poor quality.

The aroma of tea is determined by the composition and concentration of aromatic substances in freshly harvested raw materials and depends on the harvest season, the breed of the tea bush, the degree of maturity of the leaves, and the region of growth. There are more aromatic substances in spring tea than in summer and autumn tea, in young tea it is more than in mature tea.

In each locality, tea has its own special aromatic palette. Of the samples we purchased, only three were packaged at the place of growth of raw materials - in Sri Lanka: Ahmad Tea OP, Dilmah and Nuwara Eliya Mlesna. Twinings English Breakfast Tea is packaged in Poland, the rest - in Russia: these are Greenfield Magic Yunnan, Riston, Lipton, Brooke Bond, Akbar, Matre de The Noir "Ceylon with tips" and "Crown of the Russian Empire".

All samples are produced in accordance with the manufacturers' own specifications. The mold content in all samples turned out to be significantly lower than the permissible level, and no metal-magnetic impurities were found at all.

Physicochemical indicators were also in order: the amount of water-soluble extractive substances, the mass fraction of moisture and total ash in all samples corresponds to GOST. The first indicator shows the freshness of the tea. This means that in those cases when tea was packaged far from plantations, the raw material did not stale and did not lose valuable properties.

The results of the tasting turned out to be more curious. According to experts, Twinings English Breakfast Tea, declared by the manufacturer as the highest grade tea, in fact, is not such and is only up to the first. Brooke Bond has a similar problem.

Ahmad Tea OP also overestimated himself: judging by its appearance, it is not a large leaf, but a medium leaf tea, although in taste and aroma it corresponds to the highest grade.

Greenfield Magic Yunnan pretended to be the first: the “bouquet” variety is indicated on the box - the best according to the Russian classification. However, the number of tips was not enough to qualify for this title, and therefore the tasters attributed it to the highest grade.

But Matre de The Noir "Ceylon with Tips", on the contrary, was modest: experts believe that it belongs to the "bouquet" variety, although the highest is stated on the box.

On the whole, testing has shown that tea producers on the Russian market can be trusted. You just need to be able to choose a quality product.

Always pay attention to the information on the package, the more, the better. Ideally, the region where the tea is harvested should be indicated.

The second indicator is the quality of the packaging: the better the sealing, the higher the likelihood that the contents will not lose quality.

Expensive teas should be kept in the refrigerator in a hermetically sealed ceramic jar.

What the letters say

OP (ORANGE PEKOE) Tea in this class contains only whole curled leaves, usually young. This is the "royal" tea (orange is nothing more than the Orange Royal Dynasty of the Netherlands, the country - the largest supplier of tea in the 16th century). Regular ORANGE PEKOE does not contain tips, however, there are varieties with the addition of buds.

BP (BROKEN PEKOE) Tea made from broken or cut leaves, which are waste from the production of whole leaf tea or are specially ground. Such a mixture is brewed faster and infused stronger, but at the same time subtle shades of taste and aroma are lost.

P (PEKOE) Poorly rolled, coarse, stiff sheet.

CTC (CUT, TEAR AND CURL) Granulated tea. The leaves are passed through rotating, fine-toothed rollers that cut and curl them. Tea brews stronger and has a brighter color, but less rich aroma.

F (FANNINGS) Seeding, small particles of tea (used for tea bags).

D (DUST) Crumbs, the smallest particles of tea (used for tea bags).

Tasting results

Ceylon black large-leaf tea "Dilmah" (THE SINGLE ORIGIN TEA 100% PURE CEYLON)

Highest grade

Appearance: especially large-leaved, twisted, heterogeneous, with a small amount of open and rough leaves, a broken leaf and a small number of petioles.


Aroma: quite pronounced

Taste: tart, rough, with bitterness

Score: 4.25

Corresponds to the highest grade

Long leaf black tea Ceylon large-leaf "AKBAR" / "AKBAR"

Highest grade

Infusion: above average, transparent

Aroma: pronounced, pleasant enough

Taste: rather tart, with a bitter aftertaste

Broiled sheet color: copper brown

Score: 4.25

Corresponds to the highest grade

Long leaf black tea Ceylon large-leaf "CROWN OF THE RUSSIAN EMPIRE" so-called. "MAY"

Highest grade

Appearance: especially large-leaved, twisted, with a small amount of coarse leaves and a small number of petioles.

Infusion: above average, transparent

Aroma: quite pronounced

Taste: rather tart, bitter, rough

Broiled sheet color: copper brown

Score: 4.25

Corresponds to the highest grade

Ceylon black leaf tea O.P. "AHMAD TEA"

Appearance: medium-leaf (VOR), rather uniform, twisted, with petioles.

Infusion: medium, bright, transparent

Aroma: pronounced

Taste: tart, astringent, with pronounced bitterness

Point score: 4.5

Corresponds to the highest grade in taste and aroma and does not correspond to the appearance (harvesting) declared on the label

Brooke Bond black loose leaf tea

Highest grade

Appearance: heterogeneous, small-leaved, with open plates of tea, petioles and fibers.

Infusion: medium, clear

Aroma: quite pronounced

Taste: medium astringency

Broiled sheet color: copper brown

Score: 3.75

Corresponds to the first grade

Long leaf black tea "LIPTON YELLOW LABEL TEA"

Highest grade

Appearance: fairly uniform, medium leaf

Infusion: medium, bright, transparent

Aroma: quite pronounced

Taste: tart, astringent

Bonded sheet color: copper

Score: 4.25

Corresponds to the highest grade

Long leaf Ceylon black tea, standard O.R. "RISTON CEYLON PREMIUM"

Appearance: very large-leaf, uniform, even, well-curled

Aroma: pronounced, pleasant

Taste: tart, full of astringent, with a harmonious bitterness

Broiled sheet color: copper brown

Point score: 5

Corresponds to the highest grade

Ceylon black leaf tea "Matre de The Noir" Ceylon with tips "

Highest grade

Appearance: large-leaved, even, well-rolled, with a small amount of silver tips

Infusion: medium, bright, transparent, with a reddish tint

Aroma: pronounced, pleasant, with a light floral note

Taste: tart, full, astringent, with a harmonious bitterness

Broiled sheet color: copper brown

Point score: 5, 25

Corresponds to the variety "Bouquet"

Black tea Ceylon medium-leaf "NUWARA ELIYA Mlesna" / "Nuwara Elia Mlesna"

Highest grade

Appearance: mixed: medium-leaved with large-leaved, well twisted

Infusion: medium, bright, transparent, with a reddish tint

Aroma: pronounced, pleasant

Taste: tart, astringent, with a harmonious bitterness

Bonded sheet color: copper

Score: 4.75

Corresponds to the highest grade

Large leaf black tea "Greenfield" Magic Yunnan

Variety Bouquet

Appearance: large-leaved, well-rolled, even, with a few golden tips

Infusion: above average, transparent

Aroma: pronounced, pleasant, with a light note of dried fruits

Taste: rather tart, soft, with a dried fruit flavor

Bonded sheet color: copper

Point score: 4.5

Corresponds to the highest grade

Long leaf black tea tm. "TWININGS" "ENGLISH BREAKFAST TEA" / "English tea for breakfast"

Highest grade

Appearance: heterogeneous, small-leaved, with open plates of tea, petioles, fibers and fines

Infusion: medium, clear

Aroma: quite pronounced

Taste: medium astringency

Bonded sheet color: copper

Point score: 3.5

Corresponds to the first grade

It is difficult to say exactly when a person first tasted this drink, amazing in its properties, - black Ceylon tea. It has been at least several millennia since people began to use this product. In Russia, this drink warms well after being in severe frost. In England, he is an integral part of meetings and get-togethers at home. In Central Asia, tea is used to defeat the unbearable heat of the desert. It can be drunk both hot and cold, with the addition of ice.

The history of Ceylon tea

Today, China and India remain the leaders in the cultivation and processing of tea leaves. The third position is firmly held by Sri Lanka. The black Ceylon tea grown here has long won respect around the world.

Until 1870, Ceylon was famous for its coffee. But an unexplored disease has plagued most of the island's coffee plantations. The British, whose colony at that time was the island, reoriented agriculture to growing tea. The mountainous terrain and climate have created all the necessary conditions for this. Real black Ceylon tea is grown in the provinces of Uva, Dimbula, Nuwara Eliya. These areas are located at altitudes of at least 2000 meters. Clean mountain air is ideal for the growth of elite. The rest of the island is also involved in the cultivation of such plants. But such tea is considered second-rate and is used as an additive for more expensive products.

The most famous varieties on the world market are Pekoe, Dust and Silver Tips.

Types of tea

Black Ceylon tea is an aromatic drink of dark red color. When consumed, a pleasant astringency is clearly felt. This product perfectly tones and invigorates. Black Ceylon tea is divided into types depending on the area and growing conditions.

The most valuable varieties are sown in the highlands of Sri Lanka. The height at which this tea is grown starts from 2000 meters. Nuwara Eliya has one of the largest processing plants for such crops. Elite varieties give the drink a soft golden color. The product itself has the finest aroma and low viscosity.

Uva, Dimbula and Uda are located at altitudes from 800 to 1500 meters above sea level. The tea cultures of these regions are suitable for the preparation of drinks of medium and large strength, each of which has its own unique taste.

Kandy tea, grown on the plateaus, will best satisfy the desires of gourmets who love rich aromas. This drink goes well with milk.

Black ceylon tea

The name "baikhovy" drink was given thanks to traders from Russia. The Chinese phrase "Bai Hoa" actually means the presence and number of small cilia on the surface of the tea leaf. They are called tips. The taste and aroma of the drink is directly related to this characteristic. It is a mistake to consider any loose tea as baikh tea. This drink is easily identified by the presence of small tea leaves.

Ceylon black contains a large amount of vitamins - phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and calcium. All this is constantly needed by the human body in large quantities. When brewing, the color should be close to black. The presence of tea leaves of a light shade indicates poor processing of the product or a fake. The quality can also be judged by the way the tea leaves are rolled. A strong tight curl indicates the original. The leaves should not crumble and be lethargic. Baikhov Ceylon tea is divided into small-leaf and large-leaf.

Ceylon tea, large leaf

This product uses whole leaves from the top of the tea tree. Moreover, the largest specimens are selected. Most often, young buds are found with leaves. Whole leaves are curled into small balls. When brewed, they bloom. Unspoiled leaves best of all preserve the qualities and properties of the drink.

Black Ceylon tea with large leaf differs from others in a longer brewing time. It has the greatest astringency and a pronounced aftertaste. In terms of substances that tone the body, large-leaf tea is far ahead of its counterparts.

A drink made from large leaves is slightly more expensive than other varieties.

Ceylon white tea

Ceylon teas delight us with a huge variety. White, black, turquoise, green, with or without additives - each variety has its own connoisseurs.

Elixir of immortality - so they call This species is grown in only two places on the planet - in China and Sri Lanka. This product has a short shelf life, it is difficult to store and transport it for a long time. Harvesting is done only twice a year, namely in September and April. They do this exclusively in the morning. This way you can get the greatest amount of nutrients. These difficulties are more than offset by the effectiveness with which the drink affects the human body. For medicinal purposes, white tea is used for diseases of the cardiovascular system, oncology and toothaches. It is an antiviral agent that heals wounds and prevents tumors. Such a product will not be able to reveal its properties if it is brewed in hot water.

White tea is known for the following varieties: Green Snow, White Peony and Silver Needles.

Turquoise tea

Sulfur Dragon Tea is the name given to this product in Asia. Turquoise drink differs from other varieties in the complexity and painstaking collection. The leaves are specially dried, calcined with hot air until the required fermentation is achieved. According to its characteristics, turquoise tea is located between green and black.

The main effect it has is to improve metabolism and burn fat. Turquoise drink is one of the best weight loss aids.

Black Ceylon tea: beneficial properties

The beneficial properties of this product are determined by its unusual composition. Essential vitamins: A, B, C, K and P. These substances contribute to the health of the cardiovascular system. Of the trace elements, phosphorus, potassium, fluorine can be noted.

What else is black Ceylon tea useful for? The properties of this drink are endless. A long list can be compiled from them. Black tea contains a large number of amino acids that are required by the human body. The leaves contain a significant proportion of essential oils. One third of black tea consists of Astringency depends on the content of tannin and kakhetins.

Properties of tea

  • The drink we are considering is a low-calorie product. This property is used in many types of diets.
  • Black Ceylon tea prevents viruses and infections from entering the body. This allows it to be used as a prophylactic agent against colds.
  • Frequent use of the drink in the diet does not allow the development of such an ailment as atherosclerosis.
  • Black Ceylon tea has a positive effect on the human nervous system. The drink has a calming effect, relieves depression and neuroses, strengthens sleep and eliminates anxiety. But at the same time, with a large dose, tea can cause a completely opposite reaction.

  • It removes toxins and cleanses the body of harmful substances - this is perhaps one of the main beneficial properties of black tea. Thanks to the drink, you can get rid of excess weight and improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Black tea removes sand from the kidneys.
  • Helps to enhance the activity of the brain.
  • Prevents blood clots.
  • Drinking tea, even in small quantities, relieves fatigue, invigorates and tones the body.
  • The ability to renew cells helps to increase immunity.
  • Regular consumption of black tea prevents cell aging and is the key to longevity.
  • Black tea serves to enhance human sexual function.

Enjoy your tea!

Such a drink as tea has long been a tradition of consumption in countries around the world. Russia and the CIS countries alone annually purchase about 50 thousand tons of tea products in Sri Lanka (Ceylon), which speaks of its incredible popularity. Ceylon varieties receive the highest estimates of experts, surpassing in many criteria even the Indian (Assamese) varieties, from which they were bred. And in order to fully appreciate the quality of tea from Sri Lanka, not only in taste, but also with knowledge of the matter, it is worth getting to know him and the main tea wisdom better.

History of Sri Lanka and the technology of growing Ceylon tea

Nowadays, Ceylon (the modern name is Sri Lanka) is associated with tea by most people. However, even at the beginning of the 19th century, enterprises in this region specialized exclusively in the production of coffee for export and were headed by British colonialists. For the first time, a tea plantation in this area was planted by a Scottish-born James Taylor in 1967, it was equal to only 8 hectares of area, and was a trial batch, which did not pin great hopes on. The main focus of the entrepreneur was still directed to the cultivation of coffee beans, not tea.

Two years later, insects ruined the coffee plantations, and in order to save the enterprise from collapse, it was decided to make up for the loss with tea plantations, which grew quickly, yielding crops throughout the year. Europeans liked Ceylon tea, and in a short time gave Taylor more profit than coffee. The tea business began to grow rapidly and develop: less than ten years later, the production volume was increased to 400 hectares, by the beginning of the twentieth century. - up to 120,000 hectares. During this time, eminent tea producers such as Thomas Lipton, whose business is doing well now, moved to Sri Lanka.

In order for Ceylon tea to be fragrant, invigorating, of high quality, it is grown and harvested in a special way:

  • The best teas are grown at an altitude of 1000-2700 m above sea level, so they are most saturated with solar heat. These are high-mountain and a number of mid-mountain types of tea.
  • Alpine teas grow at an altitude of 1200 m and higher, and are considered the best. In Sri Lanka, such plantations include Nuwara Eliya - the source of the highest quality Ceylon tea leaves. Teas from the plantations of Alas, Dimbula also belong to the alpine ones. In total, these varieties account for about 27% of the total tea production in Ceylon.
  • Medium-altitude teas are planted at the level of 600-1200 m, such teas account for only 19% of the total export volume. These are teas of medium and high quality, full-bodied, with excellent taste, often with original taste characteristics. These include plantations in the Kandy and Galle regions.
  • Low-mountainous grow on flat plantations 600 meters above sea level and below. These are teas of low, medium grades, which are often used for the manufacture of mixtures, packaging, flavored products. These include the plantations of the Ratnapura region.

The quality of the tea also depends on the correct application of the processing technology. So, from the moment of ripening to packaging, tea leaves go through the following stages of exposure, which affect the taste, aromatic value:

  • Collection of tea. During the collection, according to the technology, it is supposed to remove only the top two leaves and the bud. Only tea made from the top leaves can be considered high quality. The lower parts of the tea plant are also often used, but in the manufacture of low-quality tea, small-leaved or blend (mixture).
  • Withering tea. This is a process of primary processing of tea leaves, during which the leaves are slightly dried under the influence of freely circulating warm air.
  • Curling tea. This is the effect on the structure of the leaf, followed by the release of tea enzymes, which give the tea aroma, tart taste and curled shape. How long the tea can be kept in good condition depends on the correctness of this stage (on how the leaves curled).
  • Fermentation of tea. The process of leaf oxidation (absorption of oxygen by it) under the influence of a damp-cool climate, the result of this stage is the primary darkening of the leaf, and bitterness appears. This step is skipped when making green tea.
  • Drying tea. This is a run of raw materials through a stream of hot air for the purpose of final drying. In this case, the tea will finally acquire its dark shade.
  • Sorting tea. Run the finished tea products through vibrating nets of different clearance levels, in order to screen out sheets of different sizes. This is how small, medium, large leaf tea is formed, which is then packaged and sold.

Classification of long tea by the type of leaf

The word "baikhovy" comes from the Chinese "bai-hoa", which means "white eyelash" (we are talking about kidneys - tips found in tea collections), and denotes loose teas that need to be brewed. By the size and integrity of the sheet, they are divided into:

  • Large leaf tea - whole first, second, third or fourth tea leaves of high to medium quality. They are presented in the Orange Peko (royal, high quality) and Peko (lower quality) grades.
  • Medium leaf tea - broken or cut leaves and tips (unopened buds). Represented by the Fluveri Broken Orange Peko class.
  • Small leaf tea - small broken leaves, sowing or dust. It is used independently or for the production of packaged products. Represented by classes of tea "Broken Orange Peko", "Broken Orange Peko Fannings", "Broken Orange Peko Dust".

Benefits of Large Leaf Black Tea

All varieties of Ceylon large-leaf tea are made according to the same technology, and the plants themselves are of high quality and pronounced taste. However, large leaf tea has some advantages over other types of these products:

  • Such tea is of better quality, has astringency, since the leaf and all its aromatic substances remain intact, small and medium-leaved - these are only fragments, often stems, leaf crumbs.
  • The presence of a large amount of "dropout", which is broken tea, may indicate improper processing, which directly affects the quality.

The benefits and harms of the drink

Positive points:

  • tea invigorates;
  • activates metabolism;
  • normalizes the work of the cardiovascular system;
  • normalizes the digestive tract;
  • tea improves the state of the nervous system;
  • good cancer prevention;
  • useful during pregnancy;
  • produces a rejuvenating effect;
  • tea promotes weight loss.


  • hot tea is bad for the stomach and esophagus;
  • can lead to yellowing of teeth;
  • in large quantities can cause insomnia, headache;
  • excess tea can lead to an increase in blood pressure (green - to a decrease), stress on the heart;
  • causes increased secretion of gastric juice, and therefore is harmful to ulcers;
  • the strengthening, astringent properties of tea can aggravate constipation;
  • may make fever worse.

How to brew black tea correctly

  1. Scald the teapot.
  2. Put tea in it (1 teaspoon for 1 cup of tea).
  3. Boil water, do not keep boiling for a long time.
  4. Pour boiling water into the teapot.
  5. Cover with a lid and a napkin on top (not a towel).
  6. Insist 5 minutes. Tea is ready!

If you want to learn more about how to infuse Ceylon tea with large leaves, see the tea ceremony with your own eyes, and understand how best to extract an aromatic bouquet from it, watch the video link to which you will find below. It contains step-by-step instructions on how to brew this healthy, strong and very aromatic drink correctly:

Tea rating, according to experts

Tea name Tea rating (max = 6)
1 "Matre de The Noir" Ceylon with tips " 5,25
2 RISTON CEYLON PREMIUM. Orang Pekoe-standard 5
3 "NUWARA ELIYA Mlesna" ("Nuwara Elia Mlesna") 4,75
4 "AHMAD TEA". OR-standard 4,5
5 "Greenfield" Magic Yunnan 4,5
7 "AKBAR" / "AKBAR" 4,25
8 "Crown of the Russian Empire" ("Maisky") 4,25
10 Brooke Bond 3,75

Where to buy and how much does it cost in Russia

Ceylon tea is very popular in Russia, it is the main importer of tea products from the island of Sri Lanka, and therefore this drink can be purchased at any grocery store. However, if the purpose of the purchase is to collect high quality, then it is better to look for such tea in specialized points of sale or trusted online stores, here are some of them:

Addresses of outlets and online stores in Moscow Estimated price, rub./100 g of tea
"Two tastes". TK "Troika", pav. 234 80-182
"Radhika". St. Electrodnaya d. 2, building 36 300-420
"SmartTea". Prospect Mira, house 4, building 1 160-220
Tea shop "Green Monkey". 200-350
Vintage trade mark. 180-260
Betford trade mark 140-280
Internet supermarket "Edamol". 170-190

When buying tea in packaging, we are deprived of the opportunity to examine the contents, smell it, or at least evaluate the appearance. In this case, it remains only to be guided by the data that the manufacturer indicates on the label. On the packaging you can read about the type of tea, the country of origin, quality marks indicating the purity of origin and control over its production, region of growth, variety, expiration dates. Special designations in the letters of the Latin alphabet indicate the manufacturing technology, size and quality of tea leaves. You can often see the inscription "long tea" on the label. It will not be superfluous to find out what it is.

What is long tea

To understand what long tea means, you need to know that after processing, all tea is divided into three main groups:

  1. Baykhovy.
  2. Pressed.
  3. Extracted.

The last group includes instant drinks, which are produced in liquid or powder form. Pressed tea, as the name implies, is pressed. However, its main difference is not in the shape that it is given (tile, disc or brick), but in the quality of a tea leaf. The coarsest raw materials (shoots of tea bushes and mature lower leaves) are pressed into bricks, and crumbs of tea leaves and dust are used for pressing the tiles.

Long tea is the most common type, which is considered loose in our country, since its tea leaves are not connected with each other. But this interpretation of this term is not entirely accurate. The word "baikhovy" comes from the Chinese "bai hoa", which translates as "white eyelash". This is the name of the tips present in its composition - unblown leaf tea buds with white villi.

The more buds in tea, the more valuable and high-quality it is, the more refined its taste and aroma. In ancient times, Chinese tea traders sold their wares to Russian merchants, repeating the word "bai hoa" to emphasize its value. The merchants, without going into the intricacies of translation, realized that this word is almost synonymous with high quality.

In the future, all high-quality loose teas were called baikhov, in contrast to pressed teas, which were made from raw materials of inferior quality. This name has stuck to them to this day. Depending on the technology and methods of processing the tea leaf, black (or red), green, white and yellow long tea, as well as oolong tea, are distinguished. The quality and taste of each of these types still depends on the presence of tips in the composition, as well as on their quantity.

Long green tea

Long green tea is usually divided into two types: leaf and broken (cut). The second category differs from large leaf tea, which has whole leaves without damage. Green, unlike black tea, practically does not undergo fermentation (oxidation) and retains much more biologically active substances. Its infusion has a yellowish-green hue. The best is the drink with the lightest infusion.

Long tea

Black long tea differs from green tea by the method of production. With the existing method of processing and receiving, it goes through the stages of drying, rolling, fermentation and final drying. By the size of the tea leaves, it is divided into three types:

  • sheet;
  • broken;
  • small.

The first category includes large leaf black tea. Broken, or, as it is also called, "broken", contains medium-sized tea leaves, and the small category includes seedings and crumbs. Each of these groups, in turn, is subdivided into categories depending on the quality of the raw materials that are used for production. The sheet is divided into four categories, the middle one is also into four, the broken one into two. Each of the categories is designated by the corresponding Latin abbreviation, in which all letters have their own meaning, for example:

  1. T. - "tippy", tea tips, thanks to which the drink acquires a delicate aroma and taste.
  2. S. - "special", selected, exclusive black long tea.
  3. O. - "orange", young whole twisted leaves.
  4. P. - "pekoe", mature leaves without tips.
  5. B. - "broken", a broken tea leaf.
  6. D. - tea crumbs.

Black long leaf tea has tea leaves of a very dark color, almost black. The more firmly the tea leaf is twisted, the higher its quality is considered.

Other species

In addition to green and black, other types of long tea are also produced:

  1. Yellow. In China, it is made from high quality raw materials and is called "imperial". It goes through the following processing stages: drying, steaming (light roasting), curling and drying. This type of tea belongs to the weakly fermented. Its infusion has a scent with floral notes and has a significant tonic effect.
  2. White. This species is considered elite and is made from tips and young leaves. Has an almost colorless infusion, rich aroma and rich taste.
  3. Oolong. It is obtained by withering, rolling, short fermentation, frying, re-rolling and drying.

Benefit and harm

The benefits and harms of long tea are due to its chemical composition. The most valuable substances found in tea leaves are:

  • vitamins A, groups B, C, PP, K;
  • essential oils;
  • tannins;
  • trace elements (iron, magnesium, potassium, etc.);
  • polyphenols (tannins, catechins, etc.).

It should be noted that the absence of a fermentation stage preserves a large number of useful elements in green tea. It contains almost ten times more vitamin C than black, and almost twice as much catechins, which have strong antioxidant properties. As for the harm of the drink, this applies, first of all, to the content of caffeine. To minimize its effect on the body, you should not consume strong brewed tea in unlimited quantities.


Black and green long packaged tea, like other types of tea, are produced today by many tea powers. The main manufacturers are:

  1. China. Green tea produced in the southeastern provinces of China has always been considered one of the best. Today he also confidently holds the palm.
  2. Sri Lanka. The best black long tea is produced here, which is known as Ceylon (since the former name of this island is Ceylon). High mountain tea produced in Sri Lanka is considered practically the standard of taste and quality.
  3. India. Indian tea may well compete with Ceylon tea in its taste, but it is slightly inferior to it.

Long tea is also grown in Georgia and southern Russia. Krasnodar variety "Extra" is produced from the leaves of high-mountain tea bushes, which are collected and processed by hand. It is considered the northernmost tea in the world. Recently, a packaged drink is gaining popularity, produced by many manufacturers. It can be either black or green. Often it is very small fractions of tea leaves, dust and crumbs placed in a bag. Manufacturers can also produce high-quality expensive long tea in bags, but this is much less common.