DIY butterfly made from a "corn sticks" construction set. Master class with photos

Bags of corn pops grab our kids' attention the same way they once grabbed ours when we were kids.

And even now, many of us are not averse to crunching with pleasure on a mountain of these incredibly mouth-watering sweets. But soon satiety sets in, and it happens that another half a bag of corn sticks is thrown onto the shelf in the kitchen, where they humbly await their time to be eaten. However, you can make an unusual dessert from them, and today you will learn how to do it.

Chocolate chak-chak with toffee

    • Ingredients:
  • A package of corn sticks – 200-300 gr.
  • Medium hard toffee – 400 gr. (“Kiss-Kiss” or analogues).
  • Black chocolate – 80-100g. (1 tile).

Butter – 100 gr. (from 72.5%, natural).

  1. Recipe:
  2. In a saucepan with a thick bottom, place the butter cut into cubes, toffee and chocolate broken into pieces. If you don’t have a thick-bottomed pan at hand, then in this case it is better to make a water bath.
  3. Place the pan on low heat or in a water bath. Stirring constantly, wait until the butter and chocolate melt and the toffee dissolves.
  4. Once the mixture has become homogeneous, turn off the heat and stir for another couple of minutes to allow the mixture to cool slightly.
  5. Take the sticks out of the bag and place them in a large bowl.
  6. Pour the resulting mixture over the sticks and mix quickly and thoroughly so that the mixture is distributed over all the sticks.
  7. Immediately place the sticks on a plate in the form of a slide or form several spherical cakes from them.

Place the resulting dessert in the refrigerator for 15-20 minutes.

This dessert is actually incredibly easy to prepare. But this isn't the only recipe that uses this crunchy treat. Another preparation option is also simple, but the resulting dessert will taste and look completely different from the sweets of the previous recipe.

Crispy sweet balls

  • Ingredients
  • Corn sticks – 150 gr.
  • Butter – 100 gr.
  • Condensed milk - 1 can.
  • Honey (liquid) – half table. spoons.
  1. Coconut shavings or cookies for sprinkling.
  2. Grind the sticks into medium-sized crumbs.
  3. Add condensed milk and honey and mix.
  4. The next step is to add soft butter and mix the mixture until smooth.
  5. Place the resulting sweets on a dish and put them in the refrigerator for 20 minutes to harden.

A simple and delicious dessert is ready! If desired, condensed milk can be replaced with boiled condensed milk, and butter with coconut cream mixed with powdered sugar. Bon appetit!

Video recipe for making corn sticks cake

I don’t forget for a minute that my site is not only about traveling with a child, and that’s why I have in my stash a lot of articles and ideas on the topic of child development in all areas, not just travel. I believe that there should be no distortions, you need to find balance and harmony in everything. And it is most important to do this in raising a child. I don’t always succeed in this, to be honest, but I try =) This means that we also play various interesting and educational games, no doubt. And today’s article is about one of our favorites. I'll tell you what play corn is, how to play it, and what crafts you can make from a corn maker!

I don’t know who came up with this wonderful toy, but the idea is truly amazing. Game corn, as one might think, is indeed made from corn starch, but the composition is already more reliable and dense than that of simple corn sticks, and therefore it does not crumble as much. The corn construction toy is colored with natural food dyes, so you can literally eat it! True, it’s not sweet at all, but children often can’t resist trying it for themselves :)

Description of the corn constructor

Game corn looks like ordinary corn sticks, which we are accustomed to since childhood. Despite the fact that these corn kernels are voluminous, they are still soft, which is why they are very pliable, and with pressure they can be turned into anything you want.

The set of a corn cutter usually includes plastic knives, a sponge for water, as well as molds with which you can give different looks to the parts.

I ordered this box online from a Korean store, and it was apparently designed for a group of children, because... Not only was the box with corn itself huge, but there were also several sets of tools in it. Also, in addition, we received various instruction books on what can be assembled from a corn crusher.

How to play Corn Constructor

It's very easy to create with play corn! The bottom line is that wet corn kernels stick together. You just need to slightly wet the corn stick on the desired side, and it will easily stick to the other. In this simple way you can “stick out” a huge toy.

Corn can be crushed, turning into bricks or flat cakes, from which you can then cut out whatever you want.

You can even draw with it, because when soaked, the corn “melts” and the dye leaves a mark. I will talk about all the options for how you can use the corn constructor below.

What can be made from game corn

You can create anything you can with your imagination using a corn maker! And I'm absolutely not making this up. With the help of the convenient tools included in the set, the play corn can be crushed in every possible way and turned into a variety of shapes. You can cut it with knives and make new shapes from it.

It is easy to twist, screw, roll - in general, it is an ideal material for a child. Develops hand motor skills no worse than plasticine!

Agree, there are many variations in this picture alone. Just imagine what wonderful crafts you can make with children using construction toys. I will share instructions for some crafts with you.

Cooker crafts

Despite the fact that almost anything can be built from play corn, at the initial stage children, and even adults themselves, are lost, because they have never worked with such material and their imagination has not yet run wild. Mishutka and I often first make all sorts of crafts according to the instructions, and then, having understood the principle and process, we come up with something of our own.

Below I post instructions for various crafts made from a corn maker. Click on the names of crafts that interest you and a detailed description of how to make a toy here or another will open.


. Rocket

. Excavator

. Bunch of grapes

. Flower

. Tree

. Caterpillar

. Butterfly

. Grasshopper

. duck

. Giraffe

. Dinosaur

. Castle tower

. Bridge

. House

. Ice cream

. Ring trap

. Top

. Slippers

. Clown

. Different stories

. Other examples of crafts

You can download all these photos of corn maker crafts in one archive to your computer so that the instructions are always at hand! ;)

The archive contains photographs of all the crafts with similar instructions on how to make them, as well as several photographs of spreads with tips on how to play the corn constructor.

Please note that to open the archive you need to enter a password website.

Drawing with Play Corn

As I mentioned above, you can draw with these colored cornflakes. Our set even included a special thimble-type tool. You insert a corn stick into it, wet it a little and move it along a sheet of paper. He draws very well, the colors are saturated, although such a “core” runs out very quickly :)

You can draw a picture with a regular pencil, but then paint it with different colors of corn. This option is probably even more correct, because... It is very easy to paint with cornflakes and they give a watercolor effect due to the water.

Applications from corn construction kit

Another option for using game corn is to make appliques. Wet parts of the construction set easily stick to paper. Just use thick sheets, preferably cardboard.

You can first draw the outlines for the child, or give some ready-made coloring book, asking him to cover this picture. Interestingly, the applications turn out to be voluminous. The created characters seem to come out of the pictures. I think it's incredibly cool!

Game corn on the go

Since I write about traveling with children, I always remember to think about what toys to take with me. So that they are both educational and easy, and really captivate the child. So, the corn construction set is just an ideal option for the road. Of course, you don’t need to take a lot with you; it’s enough to put a small bag so that your child has enough to occupy his time, say, on a plane or airport.

Firstly, the gaming corn is very light, literally weightless. Secondly, it can be used in such a huge number of variations that such a game certainly will not immediately bore the child. Thirdly, all buildings can be easily disassembled if desired, but the parts remain, i.e. From a limited amount of corn, you can assemble crafts several times. Of course, they won't last forever, but they'll last for the trip.

So this corn game is perfect for a child’s activities while traveling!

As you understand, Mishutka and I’s opinion is that the corn construction set is simply wonderful! Not only is it very unusual (and I absolutely adore everything non-standard), but it also has enormous potential! And most importantly, the cucurator is suitable for ages from 1.5 years to 15! True true!! It will be incredibly interesting for kids to glue, because doing it is very simple. And for older children, it will be fun to simply follow the flight of imagination and create something. This is truly a toy for any age.

The only negative is that if you don’t keep track, you’ll then scoop this corn out of all the cracks)) These are children, so it’s quite expected :) Mishkus just drags himself to bury himself in the whole box, the corn is very soft and airy, pleasant to the touch . If the box hadn’t been too small for me, then I probably wouldn’t have been able to resist dipping into it once either)))

This kit will replace your material for modeling and applique. I purchased it specifically for a children's birthday. After thinking for a long time about what to do with the children at the holiday, I chose this, once again surprisingly versatile product.
What particularly attracted me:
- an environmentally friendly product with food coloring (even if a child puts it in his mouth, there should be nothing terrible in the form of poisoning)
- does not get dirty (unlike plasticine, glue, paints and even felt-tip pens)
— there are no limits to your imagination in use, you can sculpt figures, you can glue them onto paper. Our kids did both.
And now from a practical point of view...
- a plastic knife is good, it’s not so dangerous for children, but I recommend using scissors. It seemed more convenient to me.
- using a sponge, it should be slightly damp, otherwise the corn will melt quickly.
— there are a LOT of corn in this set. Enough for a long, long time. We've already had enough fun and now we've decided to use this constructor when learning the alphabet. Let's learn the letter and paste over its outline.
I advise, children like it.

A very good idea, a 5-year-old child coped with the modeling easily, the only difficulty was cutting the corn. You can sculpt sculptures and make paintings, there are a lot of details, it took very little for one lesson. The corn dye makes your hands very dirty, but it washes off easily and does not cause any allergies.
We really liked the set.

I bought it at a children's store. great thing. good quality. All individual parts can be peeled off from each other and built/created anew. just a flight of fancy. It’s better to buy large boxes at once. It will be cheaper. and the child will only be happy.

What do you think about such an unusual designer? Do you already have one in your home? Do you think your kids would like it? Share in the comments, I'm very interested! :)

Where can I buy a corn construction set?

I ordered corn for a game in Korea when such a miracle was not yet available in Russian stores. So our huge box is many years old and we are still making corn crafts) Nowadays you can find play corn in various children's stores. For example, it is also sold in the popular online store Labyrinth, where it is easy to order and delivery to many cities in the country is absolutely free.

Irina Aleksandrovna Babich

We will need:

1. Corn sticks. You can use both regular ones (if you want to color them yourself) and ready-made colored ones. (shown in example).

2. A piece of fleece fabric.

3. A little water (to wet the fabric).


Many of us have noticed that corn sticks characterized by adhesive properties. To do this, just wet them slightly.

1) wet a piece of fleece in water

2) take corn stick and with one side lightly press it onto the fleece so that it gets slightly wet. Then we quickly take another one stick and repeat the action.

3) glue sticks together, while creating various figures, of course, using limitless imagination

The example shows corn men, but you can go further and glue together houses, flowers, trees and even cities.

The most important advantage of this type skill- this is gluing WITHOUT using GLUE! and the presence of natural ingredients, which is important for working with children.

Master class on making a butterfly from the "Corn sticks" construction set

Author: Milenina Anna Vadimovna, teacher of the 1st qualification category of MBDOU No. 157 in Murmansk.
Description: Step-by-step master class on making a butterfly from a “corn sticks” construction set. This development may be useful for primary school teachers, preschool teachers, tutors and parents. (Children's age 6-9 years).

The corn sticks construction set is a new generation children's educational toy made from 100% natural and safe material - corn flakes. The sticks are colored with food coloring. To “glue” the parts together, you just need to blot them with a damp sponge and connect them. Using the convenient tools included in the set, parts can be transformed into different shapes. You can cut them in a stack and make new shapes. The sticks are easy to crumple, twist, screw, roll - this is an ideal material for a child that develops hand motor skills no worse than plasticine.

Target: making a butterfly from an unconventional material (construction set “corn sticks”)

- learn to work with an unconventional designer;
- development of imagination, creative abilities;
- promote the development of fine motor skills and coordination of movements;
- consolidate knowledge about butterflies;
- cultivate a caring attitude towards all living things.

Preliminary work: viewing presentations, looking at illustrations, reading poems, stories, riddles on the topic “Butterflies”.

Guys, I'm a butterfly...
My house is not a jar.
Put away your net
And close it with a hook.
Slowly approach.
Admire and look!
And the hunt will appear -
You can even take a photo.
N. Shumov

Material: “corn sticks” construction set, damp sponge, stack.


We make the body of a butterfly from three parts

We connect two parts together. On one side we flatten the workpiece a little.

We make 8 such blanks.

Using a damp sponge, we connect four pieces together. These will be the butterfly's wings.

We attach the wings to the body

We make a head from two yellow sticks

We attach the head to the body

Pinch off two pieces of corn sticks, moisten them and roll small balls with your fingers. These are the eyes. We attach them to the head.

Take a dark colored stick. We cut it lengthwise in a stack, wet the parts and roll them into flagella. We bend them. This is a mustache.

We attach the antennae to the head of the butterfly.

The butterfly is ready!
This craft can be used to decorate the interior, decorate a gift, or as a toy.