Orange juice - interesting ways to prepare a healthy drink. How to squeeze juice from an orange without a juicer? Making a healthy drink at home

Food and drink

How to squeeze juice from an orange without a juicer? Making a healthy drink at home

May 10, 2016

Natural orange juice is a wonderful drink. It has a rich citrus taste, is rich in vitamins, and is perfectly refreshing in the heat. There are many varieties of this drink on sale, but their quality is often questionable. Happy owners of juicers can pamper themselves with fresh juice every day, but what should those who have not acquired modern equipment do? Is it possible to do without it? So, let's talk about how to squeeze juice from an orange without a juicer. By the way, this is not such a difficult matter.

Making your own orange juice

Ripe oranges are so juicy that sometimes you can extract the juice by cutting the fruit in half and pressing hard. From two halves you will get almost a whole glass of fragrant orangeade. To make the process go faster, keep the fruit in boiling water (3 minutes) or in the microwave (1 minute) in advance.


Many people also know how to squeeze juice out of an orange without a juicer, using a special device - a citrus press. It is a cone-shaped plastic funnel that simply screws into half of the fruit and makes it easier to squeeze out the juice. This thing is sold in hardware stores and costs very little. And the result obtained is in no way inferior to that produced by expensive electronics.

Video on the topic

Straining through cheesecloth

Continuing the topic of how to squeeze juice from an orange without a juicer, we cannot fail to mention the most effective, but rather labor-intensive method. We peel the fruit and place the slices in a colander lined with several layers of gauze. Using a pestle, squeeze the juice into a container. Wrap the remaining pulp in gauze and squeeze thoroughly.

Brute force

Don’t know how to squeeze juice out of an orange without a juicer, and don’t have any devices like a citrus press at hand? No problem! Arm yourself with a cutting board and a knife. Roll a whole orange on the board, pressing it firmly against the surface. When it becomes soft, make a hole with a knife and simply squeeze the juice into a glass. One of the options for this method suggests simply kneading the orange thoroughly with your hands so that the juice comes out of the slices.

Variety of flavors

Well, we figured out how to squeeze juice out of an orange without a juicer. You can start practicing. And all these methods are also good for other citrus fruits: grapefruits, lemons, tangerines, limes, sweeties, pomelo. Experiment with different flavors, alternating and combining them.




Orange juice is an excellent tonic drink and a source of vitamin C. It will make waking up as easy as caffeinated coffee. The only drawback of freshly squeezed juice is that without preservatives it will begin to spoil within 10 minutes. You can’t prepare it the night before, otherwise you’ll have to add sugar to it, which needs to be dissolved when heated. Heat treatment reduces the amount of nutrients.

How to squeeze orange juice with your own hands: step-by-step recipe

To prepare a glass of morning drink you will need 2-3 oranges and a little cold boiling water. Two juicy oranges yield about 150 ml of healthy juice. To make the nectar cold, it is better to put the oranges in the refrigerator in the evening. The main rule of a healthy diet is the absence of sugar, citric acid and other preservatives.

Attention! Juicers with metal parts are not used for squeezing citrus fruits. When the metal comes into contact with the acid contained in oranges, grapefruit, and lemon, the metal oxidizes. This reaction harms metal parts, gives the dish an unpleasant taste, and makes it hazardous to health.

How to squeeze juice from citrus fruits without a juicer (video)

How to make juice from three or four oranges

To prepare a glass of nectar from juicy sweet and sour oranges for two you will need:

  • No more than 5 minutes of time;
  • Cutting board;
  • Juicer with plastic grooved tip;
  • Three or four oranges;
  • 1/2 cup chilled boiling water.


  1. You need to take care of the cleanliness of fruits even before putting them in the refrigerator. You need to wash oranges with hot water to remove all protective compounds from the peel, which are no less beneficial to health than gasoline. They are applied to all fruits and vegetables for long-term storage.
  2. Boiling water is also prepared in the evening. It must be placed in a carafe for natural cooling at room temperature.
  3. In the morning, all that remains is to take out the oranges, divide each of them in half, perpendicular to the location of the segments.
  4. The citrus fruit halves are strung onto the cap one by one. They need to be turned on this cap so that the juice begins to flow into the bowl. In this case, large pieces will remain on the plastic grid.
  5. If the oranges are very sour, then the proportion of water and natural juice can be changed by diluting one to one.

Juice is a drink in which the water content is no more than 50%. The optimal combination of 70% natural concentrate and 30% water.

Orange juice: how to make 9 liters at home

Considering that oranges can cause diathesis, combined nectars, where the concentrate content is from 30% to 50%, are more suitable for children. If the diet involves a pure orange drink, then the concentrated juice content should be less than 30%. For several kindergarten groups you can make a drink from four oranges.

Four oranges – 45 glasses of juice

Nine liters of a flavorful orange drink will be obtained from four fruits, while from three fruits you can squeeze out only one partial glass of natural 100% juice at home. Peeled fruits are more suitable for baby food. If the drink is intended for adults, then unpeeled oranges can be used. The peculiarity of preparing this drink is that the fruits must first be frozen. In this case, you cannot do without a blender with a metal blade. Stainless steel is practically not susceptible to damage from the acid of citrus fruits, so contact of the product with the metal will not affect the taste.

When choosing cooking utensils, you should avoid aluminum items. Considering the large volume of the drink, it is better to take an enamel bucket and a wooden spatula for stirring.

To prepare nine liters of orange drink, this dish cannot be called juice, you will need:

  • 4 oranges;
  • 1 lemon;
  • 1 kg granulated sugar;
  • 9 liters of filtered water.

It will take several hours to prepare the drink.

Is it possible to make juice from frozen oranges?

The only difference is that in the first option it is suggested to puree chilled fruits in a blender, while in the second the raw materials are prepared from frozen ones.

  1. Fruits must be washed, dried and cut.
  2. Slices of orange and lemon, with or without peel (optional), go into a blender.
  3. The resulting fruit mass is transferred to a capacious enamel bowl and filled with 3 liters of water. It should sit for 2-3 hours. If the fruit is crushed together with the zest, then it is undesirable to keep it for a longer period, as the drink will turn out to be bitter.
  4. This is followed by several stages of straining. First through a colander, then through a sieve, and finally, it must be strained through several layers of gauze.
  5. 6 liters of water are poured into a bucket and brought to a boil. You need to make sugar syrup from it.
  6. The entire kilogram of sand is added to the water with constant stirring. Stir until it is completely dissolved.
  7. The strained juice is added to the sugar syrup, everything is mixed, and heated to 90-95°.
  8. Next, cover the drink with a lid and leave to cool. If part of it is intended for storage, then it should be poured into sterilized jars while still hot and sealed with metal lids.

Advice! To rid orange peels of bitterness, they must be doused with boiling water, wiped dry and placed in the freezer for several hours.

How to provide kids with orange juice for a long time without taking up a lot of storage space

Syrups and concentrates take up the least amount of storage space. Cold pressing requires preservatives - sugar and citric acid. If you squeeze it with steam, less sand is used, and the natural sourness of the orange is preserved. Due to this, the need for citric acid is reduced.

For baby food, it is better not to use this preservative at all, replacing it with a small amount of lemon juice. This will make the taste more pleasant and safer for children’s delicate stomachs.

Orange juice from a juicer

The number of processed fruits is not limited.

  1. Washed, cut into 2-4 parts, the oranges are placed in the upper compartment of the pressure cooker before setting it on gas. The compartment closes.
  2. Water is poured into the lower compartment, up to a certain level. The upper part of the juicer is installed on it. A clamp is installed on the faucet to prevent steam from escaping.
  3. Squeezing oranges occurs relatively quickly. Its appearance will be noticeable by the filling of the transparent tube of the faucet. As soon as the liquid begins to fill the tube, the clamp must be removed and a container placed to collect it.
  4. It is necessary to replenish the water in the lower part of the pressure cooker periodically. It is better to do this together - one lifts the top part, the other pours water. After this, the spin cycle will be temporarily stopped until the steam becomes intense again. At this time, you can remove the used raw materials from the top of the juicer and fill the bowl with fresh fruit.
  5. You can determine whether to add sugar or not by tasting the drink.

The squeezed juice must be heated to 70-80° C and poured into sterilized glass jars. The worst enemy of all canned food is air, so it is better to seal the cans with metal lids. If you pour juice into bottles, you can plug them with tightly rolled newspaper, as our grandmothers did. It will not ferment in a cool place.

Orange juice with pulp

Some people love liquid orange juice, others cannot imagine it without pulp. It retains more of the orange flavor, but you can only squeeze it out with a juicer.

For juice with pulp, special oranges are needed; they differ from ordinary ones:

  • loose lobule structure,
  • have thick bright orange skin,
  • they are sweeter
  • during spinning they produce less waste.

If you squeeze it through an electric juicer, where the product will only come into contact with plastic parts, then you don’t need to boil it. After heating it twice to 70°C, it can be rolled into sterilized jars. It will keep in the refrigerator for a long time. This concentrate can be used to dilute a delicious drink, make jelly and other desserts.

Orange juice for the holiday

It's nice to drink warm drinks when it's cold, but orange juice tastes better when it's chilled. Wanting to enhance the healing properties of citrus fruits and replace cranberry juice with this bright aromatic drink, spices were added to the drink - cinnamon, star anise, cloves, allspice. This bouquet perfectly copes with ailments caused by hypothermia. The main advantage of winter orange juice is that it is pleasant to drink warmed up.

  • 1 liter of juice;
  • 0.5 liters of water;
  • 1 cup granulated sugar;
  • 2 star anise flowers;
  • 1 clove;
  • A few vanilla seeds;
  • 2 peas of allspice;
  • 1/3 teaspoon ground cinnamon;
  • A tablespoon of lemon juice.


  1. Except for star anise, all spices are ground and placed in a saucepan with water and sugar. In order for the water to become saturated with aromas, you need to let the syrup boil for 2-3 minutes.
  2. The spices need to be strained out; for this you can use a fine sieve.
  3. Flavored water is combined with orange juice. The drink can be served on the table or, after bringing it to a boil, pour it into containers prepared for preservation.

Given the pleasant jelly of oranges, they can be combined with peach, pineapple, mango and other fruit juices that require the addition of citric acid. At home, instead of concentrated citric acid, it is healthier for the digestive tract and tooth enamel to replace it with natural lemon.

Orange compote drink (video)

Not a single holiday is complete without orange juice. This drink helps fight illnesses by saturating the body with vitamin C. In winter it warms, and in summer it tones. Tinctures of orange peel with alcohol and water help in the treatment of many diseases, due to the high content of essential oils in the peel. Starting your morning with a glass of sunny drink will give you a great boost of energy.

Natural orange juice is a wonderful drink. It has a rich citrus taste, is rich in vitamins, and is perfectly refreshing in the heat. There are many varieties of this drink on sale, but their quality is often questionable. Happy owners of juicers can pamper themselves with fresh juice every day, but what should those who have not acquired modern equipment do? Is it possible to do without it? So, let's talk about how to squeeze juice from an orange without a juicer. By the way, this is not such a difficult matter.

Making your own orange juice

Ripe oranges are so juicy that sometimes you can extract the juice by cutting the fruit in half and pressing hard. From two halves you will get almost a whole glass of fragrant orangeade. To make the process go faster, keep the fruit in boiling water (3 minutes) or in the microwave (1 minute) in advance.


Many people also know how to squeeze juice out of an orange without a juicer, using a special device - a citrus press. It is a cone-shaped plastic funnel that simply screws into half of the fruit and makes it easier to squeeze out the juice. This thing is sold in hardware stores and costs very little. And the result obtained is in no way inferior to that produced by expensive electronics.

Straining through cheesecloth

Continuing the topic of how to squeeze juice from an orange without a juicer, we cannot fail to mention the most effective, but rather labor-intensive method. We peel the fruit and place the slices in a colander lined with several layers of gauze. Using a pestle, squeeze the juice into a container. Wrap the remaining pulp in gauze and squeeze thoroughly.

Brute force

Don’t know how to squeeze juice out of an orange without a juicer, and don’t have any devices like a citrus press at hand? No problem! Arm yourself with a cutting board and a knife. Roll a whole orange on the board, pressing it firmly against the surface. When it becomes soft, make a hole with a knife and simply squeeze the juice into a glass. One of the options for this method suggests simply kneading the orange thoroughly with your hands so that the juice comes out of the slices.

Variety of flavors

Well, we figured out how to squeeze juice out of an orange without a juicer. You can start practicing. And all these methods are also good for other citrus fruits: grapefruits, lemons, tangerines, limes, sweeties, pomelo. Experiment with different flavors, alternating and combining them.

Orange juice is a popular drink and many people around the world start their morning with a glass of citrus juice, not only to enjoy the taste, but also to recharge with vitamin C and organic acids, which have a positive effect on the body. You can preserve all the benefits only with proper preparation, which the recipes presented below will help you with.

How to make orange juice?

Orange juice can be prepared in a variety of ways. In addition to the popular freshly squeezed juice, there is a classic version of the drink in which the juice is squeezed out of a kilogram of oranges and diluted with syrup made from 200 g of sugar and a liter of water. The resulting nectar is heated over fire for 3 minutes and poured into jars.

  1. Natural orange juice should be prepared only from high-quality and juicy citrus fruits. They must show no signs of rotting or deterioration and must be washed under running water.
  2. If you want to get orange juice with pulp, you should cut the citrus in half, scoop out the pulp with a spoon and add it directly to the drink.
  3. Juice prepared for one serving should be consumed immediately or refrigerated for no more than 3 hours. This is very important, since such drinks quickly deteriorate and can ferment during long-term storage and exposure to high temperatures.

Orange juice, the benefits and harms of which are concepts that have a thin border between each other. Only excessive consumption (over 500 ml of juice) can harm the body, but if used correctly, it will help restore immunity, increase resistance to stress, strengthen blood vessels, the digestive system and get rid of anemia.

  1. Orange juice is low in calories, so it can be safely included in your diet. Nutritionists advise using the “Korolek” variety, which contains substances that can destroy fat reserves.
  2. You should start getting acquainted with the juice gradually: at the beginning, take no more than 50 ml per day on an empty stomach, then increase the dose.
  3. People with gastrointestinal diseases and allergies are recommended to dilute the juice with water in a 1:1 ratio.

Freshly squeezed orange juice is a storehouse of vitamins. Many people refuse to drink a healthy drink, citing the lack of special equipment for squeezing juice, although this can be done with their hands. To prepare, the orange is heated in hot water, kneaded by rolling it on the table, cut in half and, using hand strength, squeezed.

  1. An important step before preparing the juice is to press firmly and roll the orange on the table. Such actions help to crush the citrus membranes, which allows you to subsequently squeeze out the liquid without any residue.
  2. Several punctures with a sharp knife in the pulp of each half will also ensure a good release of juice.

Orange juice for the winter

Most people prefer store-bought juices to homemade ones, arguing their choice due to the high cost of the latter. Juice from 4 oranges will help dispel such a myth, since it is the most economical option, allowing, through simple manipulations, to obtain as many as 9 liters of delicious nectar from simple and affordable products.


  • orange - 4 pcs.;
  • water - 9 l;
  • sugar - 800 g;
  • citric acid - 30 g.


  1. Pour boiling water over the orange, dry it and put it in the freezer for 2 hours.
  2. Grind together with the pulp in a meat grinder, pour in 3 liters of water and let it brew for 10 minutes.
  3. Strain through a colander, then through cheesecloth.
  4. Add the remaining water, sugar and citric acid, stir, and after an hour pour the orange juice into bottles.

Those who want to combine a pleasant taste with a huge range of vitamins should definitely roll it up with an orange for the winter. The unique combination of vegetable and citrus will make the drink bright, invigorating, aromatic, provide a lot of useful substances and a pleasant sweet and sour taste, which absolutely neutralizes the specific pumpkin taste.


  • orange - 4 pcs.;
  • pumpkin pulp -1.5 kg;
  • water - 2.5 l;
  • sugar - 250 g;
  • citric acid - 40 g.


  1. Chop the pumpkin pulp, boil in water for 25 minutes and puree.
  2. Remove the zest from the oranges, peel them, and grind the pulp in a meat grinder.
  3. Add the zest and pulp to the pumpkin puree, add sugar, citric acid and simmer for 5 minutes.
  4. Pour thick orange juice into sterile jars and seal.

A find for lovers of delicious budget drinks. In addition to its low cost, this aromatic drink is no different from fresh juice and is easy to prepare. To remove bitterness, oranges are frozen, peeled and squeezed. The resulting juice is mixed with syrup, boiled for 15 minutes and poured into jars.


  • water - 500 ml;
  • orange - 1.5 kg;
  • sugar - 120 g.


  1. Thaw frozen oranges, peel and grind in a blender.
  2. Squeeze the resulting juice and strain.
  3. Make syrup from water and sugar.
  4. Pour the juice into it and cook for 15 minutes.
  5. Pour into sterile jars and sterilize for 20 minutes.

Apple and orange juice for the winter is an ideal remedy for strengthening the body. Orange contains vitamin C, and apple is rich in iron, which makes the drink an effective antiviral medicine. Moreover, the combination of apples and oranges gives an excellent sweet and sour blend, so drinking such a healing remedy is also pleasant.


  • apples - 2.5 kg;
  • orange - 5 pcs.;
  • sugar - 80 g.


  1. Peel and seed the apples and pass them through a juicer.
  2. Cut the orange along with the zest, add half the juice and cook for 5 minutes.
  3. Rub through a sieve, add the remaining sugar and simmer for 5 minutes. Pour into containers and roll up.

With orange for the winter - a drink that gives freshness and a good mood, because carrots and oranges are leaders in the content of carotene and vitamin A, which strengthen the immune system and have an encouraging effect on the body. In addition, pure carrot juice is not very pleasant, but when combined it acquires a delicate and bland taste.


  • carrots - 1.5 kg;
  • orange - 800 g;
  • sugar - 150 g.


  1. Pass the peeled carrots and orange through a juicer.
  2. Mix both juices, add sugar and boil for 5 minutes.
  3. Pour into containers and roll up.

Orange juice can be prepared in a variety of ways at home. So, by chopping an orange along with the peel, you can get an original and healthy drink, because the orange peel contains twice as much fiber as the pulp of the fruit and helps strengthen the intestines, and its essential oils strengthen the nervous system and immunity.


  • water - 3.5 l;
  • orange - 5 pcs.;
  • lemon - 1/2 pcs.;
  • sugar - 120 g.


  1. Scald the oranges with boiling water.
  2. Grind together with the peel in a blender.
  3. Add sugar and a liter of boiling water to the mixture and set aside for 3 hours.
  4. Strain, add the remaining water, squeeze out lemon juice and cool.

An orange juice recipe can turn into not only a tasty, but also a practical preparation if you preserve it in concentrated form. This technology will help save space on pantry shelves and delight you with a thick, healthy vitamin drink that can be diluted with water, reducing or increasing its quantity.

Many of us have given preference to natural and healthy drinks. These include freshly squeezed juice. A juicer will be an assistant in its preparation. But, it is not enough just to acquire a device. You should also figure out how to squeeze juice in a juicer. Let's look at examples.

How to squeeze juice from an orange in a juicer?

You can do it in two ways:

1. Classic orange juice. It is obtained using devices that operate on the principle of a crusher or press. The second option is interesting because the device does not require electricity to operate and the process is easy. Plus, this juicer cleans quickly. The first option looks like a cone, which is used to squeeze out juice. To get it you need to cut the orange into two parts. Then place one of them with the pulp on the cone and turn it several times. The result is a thick fresh juice with pulp.

2. Juice with bitterness. It is known that all the beneficial substances of citrus fruits are contained in the subcutaneous layer. This is a white skin that we try to clean. If you want to get a large dose of vitamins, then take a universal juicer. An orange, previously peeled, is placed in it. The juice is squeezed out very quickly because the technique works automatically. True, it takes much longer to wash than a mechanical assistant.

Decide which method suits you best. The first option is ideal for lovers of juice with pulp. The second one is suitable for those who do not like sweet juices. At the same time, they like the drink to be bitter.

How to squeeze juice from apples in a juicer?

Fresh apple juice is one of my favorites. It is the basis of many combination drinks. How much does carrot and apple juice cost? How to do it correctly? First of all, you should decide for what purpose you are preparing it.

If you need juice for the day, then use a centrifugal juicer. It copes well with hard fruits. First you need to wash the apples and remove the core from them. It is better to pour the resulting drink into a glass container; you can take an enamel container. To prevent it from darkening, add a little lemon juice to it. You can make a delicious puree from the pulp or add it to pancakes.

If you plan to process apples from the garden, then get a Soviet juicer. It will help you prepare a delicious drink for the winter. Typically, 10 kg of fruit produces 4 liters of juice. Apples can be placed whole in this juicer. All waste will come out in the form of cake. By the way, don't throw it away. This is an excellent compost for your garden.

How to squeeze juice from a pomegranate in a juicer?

This is not to say that this drink is particularly popular. But, this is the first remedy for those who want to increase hemoglobin. You can squeeze it out in the following ways:

1. Using a citrus juicer. The process is carried out in the same way as when making fresh orange juice. You need to take half a pomegranate and apply it to the cone. Then turn it until the skin remains in your hands. The disadvantage of this method is that the juice turns out bitter. It is given by partitions that are located between the pomegranate grains. If you add honey or sugar to the juice, the bitter taste will go away.

2. Using a universal juicer. You need a model that processes berries. To squeeze the juice, you need to wash the pomegranate and peel it. To do this, make shallow cuts in the peel. Then you need to open the pomegranate and clear it of partitions. Place the resulting grains in the fruit compartment and turn on the device. Pomegranate juice does not last long, so it is enough to use one fruit per serving of drink.

Juices squeezed yourself are much healthier than store-bought drinks. The only thing is that you shouldn’t abuse them. We also do not recommend drinking juice on an empty stomach. This is especially harmful for people with gastrointestinal problems. If you want to get the maximum benefit, then a glass of fresh juice a day is enough.