Andychef cheesecake with raspberries. Cheesecake Andy Chef - classic recipe and variations

Cheesecake- a classic dish of American cuisine, which has firmly entered the menu of cafes around the world. It is quite simple to prepare, and the result is an incredibly tasty and tender dessert. We will make classics of the genre - Cheesecake New York. Shall we try to cook?

The hardest part about making cheesecake is finding the right cream cheese. According to authentic recipes, Philadelphia cheese is used. The main disadvantage of this cheese is that it is now very difficult to find in stores in Russia. In search of analogues, I tried many different cheeses and settled on the Danish curd cheese Arla Natura Creamy. But at the present time, again, it is not available in Russia, so you have to buy Russian-made curd cheeses, of which there are only one or two on the shelves and that’s it. For example, Bon Cream Creamy cheese turns out very well, and it’s also one of the most budget-friendly options at the moment. I also think Almette Creamy and Hochland Creamy would be suitable.

No processed cheeses, cottage cheese, sour cream or Mascarpone are suitable. And even more so Cream Bonjour and other less healthy cheeses. We're not making a casserole.

Total preparation time for cheesecake: 8-10 hours (including its “ripening” in the refrigerator)!


The basis
  • shortbread cookies 300 g
  • butter 100 g
  • cream cheese 600 g
  • sugar 150 g
  • eggs 3 pcs.
  • cream 30-35% 200 ml

The amount of ingredients is calculated for baking in a mold with a diameter of 22-24 cm; for a mold with a diameter of 26 cm, we increase the amount of ingredients by 1.5-2 times, unless, of course, you like a low cheesecake. If you are going to prepare a cheesecake version without sides, only with a shortbread base, then use 150 g of cookies and 50 g of butter.

The final weight of the cheesecake is approximately 1.5 kg.


We take out all the necessary products (eggs, cheese, cream and butter) from the refrigerator in advance and leave them to “warm up” to room temperature.

After 30 minutes we take up the base - a sand layer. To do this, take any shortbread cookies you like. White, dark, with nuts - any. I used Baby Cookies, which contain butter rather than margarine. It's a small thing, but nice.

Preparing shortbread crumbs. To do this you need to grind the cookies. The easiest ways are a blender or food processor. The method is a little more complicated: crumble and roll the cookies placed in the bag with a rolling pin.

At this point, our oil has melted on its own, has become plastic and is ready for further work. I do not recommend melting the butter, as it is distributed in the shortbread crumbs in the form of drops, is poorly retained and will leak out during baking.

Combine crumbs and butter. You should get a loose mass.

Now pour our mixture into the mold. It is best to use a springform pan; I have a pan with a diameter of 24 cm. The bottom can be covered with baking paper - it will be easier to remove the cheesecake. We compact an even layer with something flat - for example, the bottom of an aluminum mug. You can make it with sides, or without, I love it when the cheesecake has a side. Place the finished base in the oven for 5 minutes, preheated to 180-200°C. After this, remove from the oven and leave to cool.

Now for the cheesecake itself. Mix the curd/cream cheese and sugar well until smooth. The easiest way to do this is with a mixer. But! We just need to mix evenly, not beat! So we do everything at minimum speed, otherwise bubbles will appear and our cheesecake will look like holey cheese.

Add eggs one at a time. Mix the mixture very well after each addition of the egg. Let's take our time. We try not to beat the mixture too much - if the mixture is oversaturated with air bubbles, the cheesecake may swell and crack during baking. Therefore, now we work not with a mixer, but with a spatula or whisk.

And at the very end, add the cream (no need to whip it) and mix gently again. Pour the filling into the mold with the base.

Lightly tap the pan on the table a couple of times (this way we will avoid bubbles and unevenness of the dough, since those bubbles that are close to the top border of the cheesecake will come out).

Next we will bake the cheesecake. All sorts of different recipes on the Internet suggest wrapping the pan in foil, pouring water into the pan and essentially baking it in a water bath. This is done so that the cheesecake does not rise too much and does not crack. But in the end, we only have a wet base and difficult preparation. We will bake like this: first put the oven in a preheated 200°C oven for 15 minutes, then reduce the temperature to 110°C and cook the cheesecake for about an hour. It all depends on some features, for example, the diameter of your mold. Here's how to guide yourself: the center of the cheesecake should jiggle a little (if you move the pan), but not be too liquid. It took me 15 minutes + 1 hour to bake the cheesecake in a 24 cm pan. I usually place the baking sheet a little closer to the bottom of the oven. If you are afraid that the top of your cheesecake will burn, then prepare a sheet of foil in advance so that if something happens, you can cover the top of the pan.

But that is not all. It is also important to refrigerate the cheesecake properly. If you take it out of the oven quickly, it will probably crack. Why do we need cracked cheesecake?! The cheesecake needs to be cooled in several stages. Immediately after turning it off, it must be left for 40-60 minutes in the oven with the door ajar, then kept for half an hour at room temperature. Next, you need to run a knife along the walls of the mold, and after that put it in the refrigerator. Gradual cooling greatly reduces the risk of cracks in the cake!

Cheesecake New York It turns out very tender and homogeneous. The texture is like a very soft curd mixture. To get the full flavor, the cheesecake should be in the refrigerator for at least 6-8 hours; I always leave it overnight and the morning will be happier with a great dessert for coffee. Here you can again train your willpower. The peak of taste occurs on the third day, this is no joke. We must assume that after turning off the oven, the cheesecake cooking process is not over. When cooled and in the refrigerator, the cheesecake continues to cook, but in a slightly different sense from our usual understanding.

If desired, you can place pieces of juicy ripe fruit or berries on the cheesecake. Or serve it classic - pure cheesecake with a mint leaf and a little strawberry sauce. Bon appetit!

By the way, there is another option to cook if you really really want chocolate to lift your dull mood. But if you are too lazy to bake cheesecake or don’t have an oven, then pay attention to the recipe.

“, which everyone liked for its ease of preparation and appearance? So, while I’m warming up in Krasnodar, I’ll give you another cold cheesecake recipe. Everything is completely different here. Cheese is light in all respects: cheaper on a budget (someone said that velvet can ruin a family budget), less filling and cute when cut. Let's start with the base, which was told to me in Kazan at @davanika_studio, it is in the form of a soft paste without oil, so tasty that I had to take a ring of a smaller diameter, because I ate a third of the paste at once. Next comes a delicate white mousse with lemon sourness; aesthetes can add pieces of fruit to get an excellent cut. It’s airy and doesn’t make you feel like you ate three tons in one fork. Well, a bright flavor accent in the form of thick fruit jelly. Cheesecake is a dish of variations, so you will read not just a recipe, but instructions on how to create your own, how to play with flavors and presentation. The dessert is extremely tasty; during the shooting, half of it suffered from my attacks. At the same time, we don’t even go close to the oven, and for the most part we are only engaged in transferring the masses from one container to another; this does not require much work.

Mangoes are a stunning fruit that are fun to peel, improve your eyesight, are available ripe all year round, and when added to a smoothie the texture is unique.

Let's start with the cheesecake base. The first thing that comes to mind is cookies and butter. But not today. Let's do it a little differently and you will forever forget the old version of the cheese base, I guarantee. Whatever, I’ll now use it separately as a dessert, it’s so delicious.

I take Yubileiny, simply because it is always in stores and is easy to find. You can take any similar one. White or chocolate – it’s up to you too. Place 120-130 grams of cookies into a blender and grind into dust. Of course, you can also grind it by hand, but it will take years. It’s better to use a meat grinder if there is no other option.

If the blender bowl is not very large, or it does not cope well with grinding, load the cookies in portions, and transfer the finished powder into the bowl.

And then the secret. We use milk instead of butter. Any fat content and manufacturer. Yes yes, there is nothing tastier than cookies with milk, so why don’t we use this standard. Add milk to the cookies a little at a time. It will take you about 30-60 g. Add a teaspoon at a time and mix well and thoroughly. I think any liquid will work here. Coffee, juices and more.

The goal is a smooth, firm paste, similar to a soft potato pie. It doesn't crumble for me.

That's it, let's prepare the form. I took a 16mm ring, pegrament and border film (they have it in the store). Take 16-18 cm springforms or rings of the same diameter. I doubt you'll be able to remove a delicate cheesecake from a solid mold, much less a silicone one.

We work in the same way as with modern desserts. Take something hard like a baking sheet or cutting board and put parchment on top. There is a ring on it (height 5-6 cm). There is border tape inside. In order for it to stick well, you need to walk the inside of the walls with a damp cloth, then the film will stick perfectly and the cheese will be even on the outside. A little secret: if you take a film wider than the height of the ring, you can fill in MORE mass.

We put our paste in the center of the ring and distribute it along the bottom. It is much softer than the oil base, so I did it with a spatula. You may want to make the sides too, so double the amount of pasta in the recipe.

The main thing is to get an even layer, just to make a beautiful cut) Don’t be afraid that in a small form there may be too thick a layer of the bottom layer. Even if it’s 1 cm, you’ll thank me later. The same base is also suitable for cheesecakes with pastries.

We put it in the refrigerator so that the base becomes harder and the shape does not get in the way on the table. Let's start with the filling. She is also unusual. It may seem like we crammed every dairy product we had in our refrigerator into a cheesecake. Nothing like this. Everyone just has their own way to help make the dessert fantastic.

Traditionally we soak gelatin. Simply roll up the leaf and place it in a glass of ice water. The powder must also be immersed in ice water, which is 6 times more than the mass of gelatin. We have 15 grams of leaf. Accordingly, you will need 90 grams of water for powder. If you want to ask me about agar, please read about both agents and understand that they are COMPLETELY different ingredients. I can’t imagine how you can replace a tomato with a cucumber, for example.

Pour cream into a cold bowl (200 g, 33-35% fat, no less).

Beat well with a mixer.

In a larger bowl, combine curd (aka cream) cheese. I have this Hochland in jars, Almetta is suitable, even mascarpone or cream cheese. Everything is the same as in the cake cream recipe. The main thing, once again, is not processed cheese))

So, cheese (250 g), sugar (50 g, more if you like it sweeter) and yogurt (200 g). Yogurt of any fat content, I had a neutral taste of 2.5%. If you make a filling with some flavor, then feel free to use yogurt with it, for example, apricot.

Squeeze the juice of a small lemon (30-40 g) there. This sourness will perfectly complement the overall taste; in part, the dessert will seem lighter.

Beat with a mixer until smooth.

Remove from heat, wait a couple of minutes for it to cool - gelatin works when the liquid is between 82-85 degrees. Squeeze out the leaf gelatin.

And dip it into hot milk, mix well with a whisk so that the gelatin disperses and there are no lumps. Powder is administered with water.

Pour milk into the mixture with cheese and mix again.

Then add the whipped cream and mix the mixture with a spatula.

Carefully pour it into the ring. Don't forget that we still need half a centimeter for the top. Therefore, in the 16th form you may have a small amount of filling left. Suddenly, you want to add fruits or berries. No problem, pour half the filling, then scatter randomly pieces of fruit or berries. But, only those that do not give juice (it will ruin the structure). Strawberries, apricots, mangoes and everything like that. Even compote peaches from a jar, just drain the juice. And then cover with the second half of the filling.

It is better to level the top surface so that it looks beautiful.

Place the mixture in the refrigerator until completely frozen. This will take an hour and a half to two hours.

Once the filling has hardened, you can start working on the top layer.

We prepare gelatin according to the same scheme, this time 5-6 grams.

For the second ingredient, you will have three options: fresh fruit, puree or juice. You can make a puree from juicy fruits (berries) simply by grinding them in a blender (if suddenly it turns out to be porridge and not puree, add a little liquid, preferably juice). I didn’t find a good mango this time, so I took puree (can be in bags, or frozen in boxes like ice cream). If there is no puree, take juice, richer, preferably with pulp. I needed about 120-150 g of puree. Everything will depend on the shape and its height.

Place a third of the mixture in a saucepan and bring to a boil again. Let it cool a little (still the same 82-85 degrees) and add squeezed sheet gelatin (or powdered gelatin with water). Stir with a whisk until smooth.

Now combine with the remaining 2/3. Why did we do this? The hot mass is needed for the gelatin to disperse. But in order not to wait long for the mass to cool down, we dilute it. Obviously, the hot mass would ruin the surface of the filling.

If you touch the mass with your finger, it should be barely warm. This is a good temperature for pouring.

The edge above the ring came out of the film and I filled in a larger layer than the height of the ring would allow. The total was about 8 mm.

Place in the refrigerator until completely frozen. When the cheese is ready, remove the ring and remove the film.

Beautiful, and most importantly delicious.

  • Curd cheese - 300 g
  • Sugar - 75 g
  • Nut butter – 75 g
  • Sour cream 15% – 150 g
  • Cream 33% – 100 g
  • Eggs - 2 pcs
  • Yolk - 1 pc.
  • Cookies – 100 g
  • Butter 82.5% - 45 g
  • Eggs - 1 piece

There is a group of desserts that quickly took their rightful place in confectionery history forever - these are cheesecakes! Remember how they appeared in our childhood and became a trend for the next decade. We can say that this was the first real dessert that began to teach us that we can drink tea with something interesting, not cloying and surprising. A good cheesecake is always baked because it is impossible to achieve a similar texture using a cold method. And then creativity begins. Portioned mini cakes, cakes of any size and configuration, round, rectangular, with a basic number of layers or entire compositions of three to five components. Cheesecake is a constructor whose main rule is an amazing curd consistency, which manages to combine an amazing external density and a fantastically delicate texture inside.

Last June, I went to Beijing for a week to remember what real cheesecakes taste like. Then I tried more than thirty cakes! Different tastes, textures, unusual flavors and additional layers - all this delighted me, and in my head I wrote down important details, what I liked, what I wanted to change. Many people have the wrong attitude towards cheesecakes due to the fact that finding a good one today is quite difficult. That's why I want to restore the good name of the CHEESECAKE dessert this year.

Let's start with pistachio! The most tender you've ever tasted. Its body literally melts in your mouth, however, it adequately holds its shape and geometry and has a good shelf life. The base will be neutral in taste, so as not to distract you from the most important thing, and at the same time it will be tender, and this is important for this cheesecake texture, you will not pick it with a fork, as sometimes happens. In addition to pistachio, I will give you a couple more flavor options for heating. And most importantly, I’ll teach you how to cook them correctly! You will get a perfectly smooth top, not a single crack and the correct geometry, all without a water bath or other complications! The ingredients will also be the most common, believe me, I’m an expert in this! I highly recommend starting because with this cheesecake we will start falling in love with dessert all over again! Therefore, let's not waste time and # Let's Cook!

The first and most important rule for making cheesecake is to minimize bubbles. Not only does air in the mass not help us, but it can even cause those very cracks and dips that are often associated with making cheesecakes.

Therefore, use a paddle attachment if you have a planetary mixer. If not, use the mixer at minimum speed, or maybe even just a silicone spatula. Place cottage cheese (300 g) in a mixer bowl. I took Hochland in blue packs, it is available in every city and I recommend starting your experiments with it. Next is sugar (75 g).

Three important points:

1. we want to get a homogeneous mass, so after each addition of new ingredients, we stir it until smooth

2. Our mass thins out gradually, that is, the thickest ingredients come first, and the thinnest ones at the end

3. all ingredients are at room temperature - this means take them out at least an hour and a half before cooking

Mix ingredients at minimum speed.

Add sour cream (150 g) and pistachio paste (75 g). Mix again.

Add heavy cream (100 g).

After mixing the ingredients again, add the eggs one at a time (2 pcs).

And then one yolk. As you can see, there are almost no air bubbles on the surface.

Now the basics.

Break 100 grams of cookies. I used Savoiardi (lady fingers) for extra tenderness. Plus, they are not as sweet as many other types of cookies. But you can take whatever you like.

Break the cookies and add soft butter (50 g) and an egg (1 pc).

A planetary mixer with a paddle attachment does an excellent job of homogenizing the future base. You can puree the same ingredients in a stationary blender.

We will bake the cheesecake in a metal ring (160 mm), which we will place on a silicone mat. We line the sides with parchment, the denser it is, the better. Now I would advise taking acetate film.

Distribute the entire mass of the base along the bottom. Do this carefully so that the “bottom” of the cheesecake is even.

The bottom is distributed tightly, so the cheesecake mass will not leak.

Carefully pour the filling on top. You will end up with approximately 5-5.5cm in height for the entire cheesecake.

Place in the oven preheated to 95 degrees (top and bottom). Low temperature is also one of the factors influencing the appearance of cracks on the surface of the cheesecake. Bake it for 2.5-3.5 hours.

Do not open the oven for the first 2 hours. Then, once opened, simply pull the pan slightly towards you. You should see the cheesecake jiggling only in the center (an area about 3cm in diameter). This means it is ready and you can turn off the oven. However, the cheesecake will remain in it until it cools completely.

There are times when you really don’t want to bother with the dough, turn on the oven and spend a lot of time and effort preparing dessert. Then an almost win-win option will come to the rescue - no-bake cheesecake. Ready-made cookies are perfect as a base, but you can experiment with the filling. Housewives successfully replace the classic cheesecake mascarpone cheese with regular cottage cheese and actively use fruit and berry jelly with a wide variety of compositions - it makes the cheesecake much more attractive.

I suggest making a no-bake raspberry cheesecake with cottage cheese and cookies - the recipe is so successful that it turned out tastier and easier than I expected! If you decide too, it is fundamentally important to get rid of the bones, otherwise the dessert will be hopelessly spoiled. Everything else is pretty ordinary. By spending very little time and performing simple manipulations, you will end up with a tender and aromatic cheesecake that will look and taste just like a restaurant one, prepared by a professional chef. Be sure to try the raspberry cheesecake!


  • cottage cheese 8% 200 g
  • sour cream 20% 200 g
  • sugar 4 tbsp. l.
  • sugar cookies 200 g
  • dark chocolate 90 g
  • fresh raspberries 2 cup
  • gelatin 3 tsp.

How to make no-bake cheesecake with cottage cheese and cookies and raspberries

  1. Prepare ingredients for making cheesecake: cottage cheese, cookies, dark chocolate, sugar, gelatin, sour cream and, of course, berries.

  2. Rinse the raspberries, let the water drain well and add half the sugar. Leave for a while so that the berries release their juice.
  3. Pour gelatin into 150 ml of cold water.

  4. Place the cookies in the chopper bowl.

  5. Process until the crumbs are not too fine. If you don’t have such a kitchen unit, put the cookies in a plastic bag and give it a good pat with a rolling pin.

  6. Melt the dark chocolate in a water bath or in the microwave. Add to cookies.

  7. Stir.

  8. Line the mold with cling film, pour out the chocolate chips, spread them over the bottom and compact well with your hands.

  9. Place cottage cheese, sour cream and remaining sugar in a bowl.

  10. Grind until smooth and without grains. Transfer half of the swollen gelatin to another container and heat until it dissolves. Do not overheat it under any circumstances, otherwise it will lose its gelling properties. Add gelatin to the curd mixture and stir.

  11. Pour the mixture onto the cookie crust and refrigerate for 30-40 minutes to set.

  12. Place the raspberries prepared in advance in a sieve and wipe. Discard the bones.

  13. Add the remaining gelatin to the resulting raspberry puree (pre-dissolve).

  14. Pour onto the frozen curd layer and place in a cool place for final hardening. This will take 2-3 hours, but it’s better to leave it overnight.

When serving, garnish with fresh raspberries and mint leaves.

On a note:
— instead of fresh, it is good to use frozen berries, jam or ready-made jelly from bags;
- raspberry jelly can be placed on top of the dessert, or you can mix it with cottage cheese, then the cheesecake will get a beautiful pink color;
- It is not necessary to make the bottom layer chocolate, but then it is worth adding melted butter to the cookie crumbs.

In the summer there are so many berries and fruits that you don’t know which baked goods to choose. So I, being carried away by blackberries, completely forgot about raspberries. This season I only baked cupcakes with it once, but didn’t get around to doing the rest. I decided to make raspberry cheesecake anyway. I've been wanting to experiment with this option for a long time, and I really liked how it turned out. I share the recipe with a feeling of complete satisfaction.

Raspberry cheesecake is a very elegant pastry worthy of a holiday table.

So, prepare the necessary products.

Traditionally, making cheesecake starts with the base. I took regular shortbread cookies, broke them into pieces and crushed them in a food processor along with walnuts until they were fine crumbs. To do this, you need to use a “metal knife” attachment.

Add very soft butter to the resulting crumbs (you can also melt it a little in a saucepan) and beat again. The resulting crumb will be moist and will hold together well.

Pour the crumbs into a springform pan with a diameter of 22 cm and form it into a basket with sides about 4 cm. Place the pan in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

Now let's get to the filling. Pour cottage cheese into a bowl, add sugar, vanillin, sour cream and eggs. Mix the mixture with a spoon.

Then add starch and beat everything together using an immersion blender.

After this, place fresh raspberries in the bowl of a food processor and pulse until smooth.

Rub the raspberries through a sieve until the puree is seedless.

Add raspberry puree to the curd filling and blend everything together again with a blender.

Remove the cookie pan from the refrigerator and pour the curd filling into it.

Preheat the oven to 170 degrees and bake the cheesecake for 60-70 minutes. The cheesecake should remain slightly runny in the center; it will firm up as it cools. First, leave the cheesecake in the oven until it cools, then leave it on the table until the pan and baking have cooled. Place the cheesecake in the refrigerator overnight to fully ripen.

Remove the finished raspberry cheesecake from the mold: carefully remove the side and transfer the cheesecake to a plate using a spatula. The cheesecake turns out to be the most tender, with an excellent texture; you can eat it with a spoon, but it also cuts well. You can decorate the cheesecake with fresh raspberries.

Bon appetit!