Achma from Armenian lavash. How to prepare achma from pita bread with cheese and cottage cheese according to a step-by-step recipe with photos

Every housewife loves to delight her household with new delicious and original dishes. But very often, due to lack of time, everyday bustle and fatigue, we simply run out of imagination, and culinary inspiration completely disappears. Today we will tell you about one simple and unusual dish - achma. It is ideal for breakfast, dinner and even a holiday feast.

Achma is a dish of Georgian cuisine. In terms of ingredients, it resembles khachapuri, but differs in the method of preparation. The biggest difficulty is to roll out the dough as thin as possible. Achma is a high-calorie dish, so you shouldn’t get carried away with this product often.

In this article we will take a closer look at 3 recipes for achma from lavash, with Adyghe cheese and a lazy version.

Achma from lavash

This dish is prepared very quickly and does not require much effort!


  1. Lavash (preferably Armenian) - 5-6 pcs.
  2. Any hard cheese - 200 gr.
  3. Eggs - 2-3 pieces
  4. Butter - 50 gr.
  5. Dill, parsley
  6. Kefir


  • Take a baking dish and grease it thoroughly with butter. Place 2 pita breads on the bottom so that they hang slightly outside.
  • Grind the remaining pita bread into small pieces. Beat eggs with kefir, adding salt and herbs.
  • Dip all the pieces in this mixture. Three cheeses on a coarse grater.
  • Next, sprinkle a layer of cheese on top of the pita bread in a baking dish. Next are our pieces of lavash soaked in kefir-egg mixture. Thus, we alternate layers until we achieve the required height.
  • Once you've finished with the last layer, cover the resulting dish with the overhanging edges of the pita bread. If you have some kefir mixture left, grease it with it; if not, use butter.
  • Bake the dish in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for about 20 minutes.
  • As you can see, there is nothing complicated in this recipe, and you will definitely cope with it even the first time! The dish is perfect for a tasty and satisfying breakfast.

The next recipe we will look at is achma with cheese.

Achma with cheese


  1. Adygei or Suluguni cheese - 1 kg.
  2. Ghee butter - 400 gr.
  3. Flour - 1 kg.
  4. Water - 1 tbsp.
  5. Eggs - 5-6 pcs.
  6. Sour cream - 1 tbsp.
  7. Salt - to taste


  • First you need to make the dough. Take a whisk, beat the eggs with it, add water and a little salt. Next, knead the dough thoroughly and divide it into 8 parts. Make one a little larger than the rest.
  • Then roll the resulting pieces of dough into balls and leave to stand for about 15 minutes. After the balls have settled, roll them out into large circles using a rolling pin.
  • Grease the parchment with melted butter and place the largest circle on it. Next, boil water in a saucepan and dip one layer of dough into it one at a time for 10-15 seconds, and then quickly place it in cold water.
  • Next, place the dough on a regular linen towel and dry well. It's time for the cheese. Grate it on a coarse grater and mix with butter and sour cream.
  • Now we lay out the layers: on the very first cake layer, which lies on parchment, place 4 layers of dough in a stack, generously greasing them with butter. Place half of the cheese filling on the 4th cake layer and place the remaining 3 layers of dough on top again. Don't forget to oil them too! Place the rest of the cheese filling on top. Next, carefully fold the edges of the dough of the bottom layer up.
  • Cover the dish with foil and place the dish in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. Wait 15 minutes. Then remove the foil and return the dish to the oven for 10 minutes. It is recommended to serve the pie hot!

Another variety is lazy achma made from lavash.

Lazy achma from lavash


  1. Armenian lavash - 4 pcs.
  2. Cottage cheese - 500 gr.
  3. Chicken eggs - 3 pcs.
  4. Butter - 30 gr.
  5. Milk - 0.5 l.
  6. Hard cheese - 200 gr.
  7. Salt - to taste


  • The first step is to prepare a baking dish by greasing it with butter and lining it with pita bread. Three cheese, mix it with cottage cheese, add salt, milk and beat in eggs.
  • Divide the remaining pita bread into pieces that correspond to the diameter of your baking dish.
  • Each piece needs to be soaked in milk and then placed on a layer of cheese and curd. When the achma is formed, cover it with the rest of the pita bread and pour milk over it. Bake the dish for about 45 minutes until ready. at 180 degrees. Before serving the pie, decorate it with herbs.

Cooking real Georgian achma is an entire art, and maybe even a science... There are many subtleties in it. But there is an option for homemade and simple preparation of this wonderful dish - achma from lavash.

You can simply buy pita bread, or you can simply prepare it yourself.

For achma of pita bread with cheese, prepare the ingredients according to the list.

Achma can be collected in a round baking dish. I cook from round pita bread, but you can also make a version from rectangular ones. For the filling, grate the suluguni and mix it with one or two eggs.

For the sauce, combine kefir and one egg and mix too, add salt to taste, but keep in mind that suluguni may already be salty.

The first step is to place 3 round pita breads slightly overlapping each other, grease with kefir sauce and place the suluguni filling in the center.

Then cover the filling with pita bread (or a piece of pita bread), crinkling it a little if necessary.

Pour a little kefir sauce on it, i.e. moisturize.

Next, add the cheese filling again and repeat the layers as many times as planned. Then tuck the free ends of the bottom pita breads and cover with another pita bread. I will have 3 layers of cheese filling, sandwiched with pita bread. Pour the last layer with kefir sauce and add a piece of butter if desired.

Bake the achma at a temperature of 180-200 degrees in the oven for about half an hour.

Lazy lavash with cheese is ready.

Bon appetit!

In this recipe, the quality and quantity of pita bread and kefir greatly influences the final result. Thin lavash and 400 ml of kefir will make achma soft, melting in your mouth and very cheesy. It will hold its shape when cut into portions only after it has been in the refrigerator. I like this option the most - I present it to you. If you want your achma to be denser in structure, reduce the amount of kefir to approximately 300 ml, and you can add a little more than 200 g of lavash. At the same time, there is no need to pour the kefir-egg filling onto the bottom (only onto the cheese layers themselves and on top). In this case, there will be a lot of dough and a thin layer of filling, and the portioned pieces will easily keep their shape.

Grease the mold with oil and line it with pita bread so that the edges hang down (if you are using sheet pita bread, place 2 sheets crosswise). In my case, I divided the roll into 2 parts (its length is 1 meter). I covered the bottom with one, and used the second part for the inner layer.

Mix the eggs with a fork.

Add kefir.

This is our fill.

Pour a little filling onto the bottom (so that it is all covered with filling by about 0.5 cm).

Tear the remaining lavash into arbitrary pieces (do not chop).

Place the pieces of lavash in the kefir-egg sauce...

And mix.

We divide the cheese into three parts. Pour the first part of the cheese onto the bottom of the mold, covered with filling.

We remove the soaked pieces of lavash from the filling and place them on top of the cheese (there will be two layers of lavash pieces, so at this stage you lay out exactly half).

Add cheese again.

Place the other half of the pieces.

Sprinkle with remaining cheese.

Raise the edges of the pita bread and cover the entire top with them.

Fill the mixture with the remaining kefir-egg filling, place thin slices of butter on top and place in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 20-25 minutes.

As soon as the achma turns brown, you can take it out. A very tasty dish that can be served as an addition to first courses or as an independent dish, for example, for breakfast! Tasty, satisfying and very fast! Bon appetit!

If not, then we hasten to please you with the recipe for its preparation. Outwardly, it resembles a layered Russian pie with cheese filling, only a little more aesthetically pleasing. Its rich taste cannot be forgotten or confused with anything - warm melted cheese combined with the most delicate dough gives an unforgettable pleasure.

Some may find the dough preparation process quite lengthy and exhausting. There is truth in this, but there is a very simple recipe for busy and lazy housewives - achma from lavash. The taste is slightly different from the traditional dish, although this does not make it worse. To simplify the task, use a slow cooker. This lightweight option will pleasantly please you and cover all the costs of backbreaking labor.

"Lazy" achma from Armenian lavash

Ingredients: three sheets of thin Armenian lavash, two hundred grams of Russian cheese and feta cheese, three eggs, low-fat kefir (half a glass), butter (50 grams). If desired, you can take fresh herbs: dill, parsley and cilantro. For sharpness and piquancy - garlic, pepper.

Cooking method in a slow cooker

We grate two types of cheese - on a medium grater. Separately, whisk the fermented milk drink with the eggs. You can sprinkle with black pepper or other spices to your taste. Take the finished pita bread out of the bag and cut out three small circles (to fit the size of the multicooker bowl). One layer will be larger than the rest. We cut or tear the remaining dough with our hands and fold it into the kefir mass.

Grease the inner surface of the container bowl with a small amount of butter and place a large layer into it. Sprinkle generously with cheese filling on top, cover with the next circle, then add grated cheese again and fill with egg mixture. We lay out all other products in a similar sequence.

The last layer will be a small circle of pita bread, filled with kefir mass. Cut butter on top. Achma from lavash is sent to the multicooker for 50 minutes, in the “Baking” mode (150C). After exactly half an hour, turn the cake over so that it bakes evenly. The finished dish should sit for a while. Serve warm with sour cream and herbs. Very satisfying, nutritious and original.

Georgian achma with suluguni cheese

Real achma is made from boiled dough, the recipe of which consists of simple and affordable ingredients. You'll have to tinker a little and devote some time to it, but believe me, it's worth it. Any cheese will be suitable as a filling. In Georgia, they usually put Suluguni or Ossetian in the pie. But this is not important.

Necessary ingredients: half a kilogram of suluguni, a little less than a glass of sour cream, two eggs, flour (300-400 grams), butter (one hundred grams), water (1/3 cup) and salt.

Step-by-step technology

First you need to knead the dough from eggs, water, flour and salt. It should be elastic. Adjust the amount of flour yourself. Cover the bowl with the dough with a towel and let stand for 10 minutes. Divide it into three balls - one larger. Roll out the largest cake into a very thin layer and place it on the bottom of the baking sheet, so that the sides hang down. Brush well with melted butter.

We also roll out the remaining balls and boil each one for two minutes and immediately lower it into a container with cold water. Place a layer of boiled dough on top of the raw crust, cover with grated cheese mixed with sour cream and butter. We alternate all layers until the products run out. Cover the last boiled flatbread with the sides, grease with butter or sour cream and place in the oven for 40 minutes (200C).

Georgian pie with curd and cheese filling

The next recipe is from pita bread. Ingredients of the dish: half a kilogram of cottage cheese, four Armenian pita breads, three eggs, milk (half a liter), hard cheese (two hundred grams) and dill.

Cooking process

Beat the cottage cheese in a blender or grind using a sieve. Add whisked eggs, milk, grated cheese and chopped dill to the mixture. Place the prepared filling on a refractory baking dish and place a flat cake on it, previously soaked in milk. Alternate all layers. With the fourth layer of lavash we complete the whole process. Coat with butter and bake for 40 minutes. Curd achma with lavash cheese is an amazing finger-licking appetizer.

Recipe with Adyghe cheese

For five flatbreads, it is enough to take one egg, half a liter of milk, one hundred grams of sour cream and 50 grams. butter. And of course, the main ingredient of the pie is cheese; in our recipe there are two varieties: Adyghe (350 gr.) and Russian (100 gr.).

Achma from lavash is made similarly to the recipes described above. Beat the eggs with a blender, then add sour cream and combine with grated Russian cheese. Mash the Adyghe with a fork and transfer to a separate container.

Keep two layers of dough in milk, preferably warm, and place on a baking sheet so that the edges hang over the side. Cut the remaining cakes into neat squares and also soak in milk. We spread the sour cream mixture, on top - pieces of lavash, butter, Adyghe cheese - alternate the layers several times. The result should be a tall pie. Cover with the hanging dough and bake for half an hour at 200C.

Serve warm achma. This lavash recipe is suitable for any housewife. Interpret with different types of cheese, add vegetables or mushrooms and share your own culinary masterpieces. The dish should be stored in the refrigerator.

Even when heated, it does not lose its taste and remains soft. Achma from lavash will become a “lifesaver,” especially when you need to quickly prepare something unusual and nutritious from available ingredients.

Achma-khachapuri is a complex Georgian dish that is prepared from thin boiled dough with pickled cheeses and requires culinary skill. I want to offer a version of lazy achma, which can be prepared quite quickly from thin pita bread with cottage cheese.

They say that if you add a little soda to cottage cheese, it will begin to melt in the oven, like good cheese. I didn’t do this trick; although the cottage cheese in the filling didn’t melt, it turned out very juicy. I consider this lazy achma a worthy replacement for a real Georgian dish.

To prepare lazy achma from lavash with cottage cheese, take the following products.

Salt and pepper the cottage cheese and add chopped cilantro. Stir until you are satisfied with the taste of the cottage cheese.

In a separate bowl, mix kefir and egg, beat with a fork and add a little salt.

Grease a baking dish suitable for baking and lay out a sheet of pita bread, slightly gathering it so that its central part is in the mold and the edges hang down. Soak the middle of the pita bread with the kefir-egg mixture using a brush.

Place one third of the prepared cottage cheese. Drizzle with butter.

Place the second sheet of lavash on the cottage cheese, as shown in the photo. Soak the pita bread again with the kefir-egg mixture.

And again - a layer of cottage cheese and butter.

Cover the second layer of cottage cheese with pita bread, as shown in the photo, folding the left and right edges towards the center. Soak in kefir again.

Place the last part of the cottage cheese, sprinkle with butter.

Fold the last edge of the pita bread over the curd filling.

Soak the surface of the lavash with the kefir-egg mixture and roll the edges of the lavash inward using the blunt side of a knife. Cut the resulting pie into pieces and grease with the remaining butter, trying to get the butter into the cuts. Bake the achma in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 15-20 minutes.

As soon as a golden brown crust has formed, the achma of lavash with cottage cheese is ready.

Try the simplest version of lazy achma. Bon appetit!

She is so tender and soft...