Top 10 cafe etiquette rules. Modern rules of restaurant etiquette

Come on time

If you have made a reservation, you can be late for a maximum of 15 minutes. Traffic jams, frost, heat, complex styling, a knot on a tie should be taken into account only by you, but not by the restaurant workers. If you missed your time, and there are no more free tables, then this is not a reason for a scandal. Real ladies and gentlemen will always find a way to negotiate. Others will be shown the door.

Watch your kids

Children, of course, are the flowers of life, especially for loving parents who accustom their children to findining in every possible way. But when your offspring from the flora turn into wildly screaming and running under the feet of the waiter, it will be perfectly fair to ask you to leave the catering area. And do not expect that cartoons on a tablet with sound turned on throughout Ivanovskaya will solve problems with a child's hyperactivity. Headphones are a must. Dinner guests, busy waiters and cooks have absolutely no obligation to love your ill-mannered children, even if you have heard that they do in Japan, Italy or Mars (in fact they do not).

Be polite to waiters

Service in a restaurant is not a form of slavery. The waiter is at work, which is to make your stay in the establishment as pleasant as possible. He takes the order, communicates between the guest and the chef, brings the dishes and cleans the dirty dishes, and can even cheer you up with a smile or a compliment. But he is not your psychoanalyst, not a whipping boy, not a slave and not a toy. In his direction, you do not need to hiss, click or snap your fingers. If you, say, urgently need to change appliances, make eye contact. Cursory vocabulary, cheeky gestures, disdain and flirting are best left outside the restaurant, even if your hottest is late. You will be surprised, but your waiter also goes to restaurants in his free time, and travels abroad for vacations.

Hide your phone

Learn to have fun offline. First, turn off the sound. A freshly downloaded ringtone with a sound flushed in the toilet of water entertains only you, but not those around you. Second, keep your phone in your bag or pocket, at least until you feel the urge to take a picture of the dish that struck you. However, Instagram is also not the most good reason to get your phone during dinner with friends. It is unlikely that they will be pleased to see you pointing your finger at the screen instead of communicating with them. And, of course, do not talk on the phone when your order is taken. It's just rudeness.

Learn how to use a tissue paper

A cloth napkin is a must-have item in any classic restaurant. And also - an indicator of your upbringing, cleaner than language skills or the ability to waltz. So learn to finally use it. The napkin should always lie on your knees and only on your knees. You don’t need to tuck it in the collar of a shirt or the neck of a sweater, this is bad manners. If you need to leave the table for an urgent reason, leave it on the chair. And when lunch or dinner is over, carefully place it to the left of the plate. Remember, this is not a handkerchief, not a makeup remover, and certainly not a pocket for collecting used toothpicks. You should brush your teeth and fix your makeup in the toilet, not at the table.

Learn to handle a knife and fork

Knife in the right, fork in the left - we learned this in kindergarten. We are a cultural nation. But the rest of the rules are given to us with difficulty. Remember: do not hold the knife like it is a pencil. Tilt it at an angle, so it is more convenient to cut food. If you have already started a meal, but you need to be distracted and free your hands, then it is better to leave the cutlery within the plate. Fold them into a house so that the waiter does not think that you are finished. When you have really eaten, the fork and knife should be placed parallel to each other on the plate. If a dinner or dinner party involves a series of servings for different devices, you need to start with the pair farthest from your plate.

Do not pour white wine into a glass from which you drank red

Drinks have their own rituals. Dishes for water and wine are always placed to the right of your plate. As they say, eat with your left, drink with your right. When the waiter pours you wine (red in a larger glass, white in a smaller glass), please do not touch the glass to help him. And you should not pour yourself white into a glass from where you drank red, even if you really want to, and even more so pour the wine you didn’t like into a neighbor’s glass (even with his consent). By the way, when raising a toast, always look into the eyes of your neighbor, and not at your glass. Who knows, maybe this is the beginning of a good long relationship?

Respect food

The food on your plate was not born in a restaurant kitchen. She has come a long way and once grew, blossomed, swam or ran. Treat her with respect. Order only as much as you can eat. Do not ask for ketchup or mayonnaise in an author's and haute cuisine restaurant. Do not blow on the dish, be patient until it cools down. Do not salt or pepper it before tasting it. Don't pretend to be a seasoned restaurant reviewer ("Marco cooked better lobster....") tired of an endless string of Michelin stars. And, of course, you shouldn't publicly compare restaurant food with your mom's cooking. Mom is always better, no options.

Watch your elbows

Aristocrats taught their children to sit properly at the table, forcing them to press books with their elbows to their bodies. This is still relevant! Your elbows should not touch the neighbors either on the left or on the right; they cannot be placed on the table either. And yes, try not to talk with your mouth full.

Objectively evaluate the work of the boss

Leave lengthy arguments in the spirit of “not my tartare”, “ceviche did not surprise you” and “the rabbit did not hook you” to yourself. Only specific comments will help the restaurant: overcooked, overfrozen, oversalted, served stale. Adequate criticism, on the case, addressed to responsible employees, is a hundred times more effective than an offline scandal or online squabbles.

Etiquette in a restaurant refers to a variety of rules of conduct in public places, while it has its own specific norms that are characteristic of this institution.

When you go to a restaurant, you must have an impeccable appearance. In general, this place involves evening attire. If the invitation took you by surprise, it is enough to look neat, clean and well-groomed.

Restaurant entrance

At the entrance to the institution, visitors are usually met by the maitre d', who also escorts you to a free or booked table.

If you accidentally break a plate or glass during dinner, do not fuss - the cost of broken dishes will simply be included in the bill.

When visiting, instead of a fork, they will bring you chopsticks. If you are using them for the first time and are in doubt, then you have the right to ask the waiter to bring you a fork. You will be treated with understanding.

Do not reach for the pepper shaker or salt shaker across the table. Just ask a neighbor with poison or a waiter to serve you an item. The conversation at the table should not be loud and disturb other visitors. According to etiquette, you can’t bend low over a plate, fall apart in a chair, put your elbows on the table. Eat slowly, savoring every bite, enjoy the aroma. Do not blow on a hot dish. Wait until it cools down a bit.

Pull fish and fruit bones out of your mouth with a fork, and do not spit them out. If you absolutely did not like the dish, spit it out discreetly into a napkin held tightly to your mouth.

If suddenly you got a call, apologize to the audience, move away if the question is urgent. In all other non-urgent cases, tell the caller that you will call him back later. According to the rules, to leave for a couple of minutes, you need to ask permission from your friends. It is considered indecent to talk to acquaintances sitting at another table. If you need to talk, either you sit down with them, or together go out into the hall for a conversation.

In the case when your acquaintances enter the restaurant, greet them while sitting. The men stand up if the arrivals join their table. Women don't have to get up.

At the end of the meal

Ask the waiter for the bill. He will bring it to you, enclosed in a folder. You put the money there and give it to the waiter.

The question that causes a lot of stumbling is who pays for whom. Domestic etiquette suggests that the gentleman pays for the lady. Western feminists vehemently oppose this and often pay for themselves.

If the dinner is friendly, then the bill is usually divided in half or asked to be counted separately for each.

Restaurant etiquette prohibits:

  • Loudly call the waiter and snap your fingers.
  • Knock the device on a glass or plate for the same purpose. The attention of the waiter is attracted by a nod of the head or a wave of the hand.
  • Tell the bartender how to prepare drinks.
  • Find out who will pay in the presence of the waiter. Agree on this in advance.
  • Express dissatisfaction with the waiter and make a scandal if something went wrong. Quietly and politely state your thoughts to the head waiter. Most issues can be resolved calmly and quietly.
  • Slurping, eating untidy, crumbling bread or dangling legs is bad form. Just like sipping and licking your fingers.

If you rarely visit restaurants and set aside special dates for this, then it is important to behave correctly in such establishments, observing all the norms of behavior. Not everyone knows that visiting a restaurant is a serious event and it is important to be able to behave properly in relation to your companion, to the service staff and to everyone around you. In order for your trip to be successful, we will tell you about the basic rules of etiquette in a restaurant and the basics of behavior that you must certainly demonstrate.


Since visiting a restaurant does not happen often, you need to have at least a general idea of ​​​​how they behave in it, what you can and cannot do.

This is especially important if you expect a trip to an expensive institution with a name and invite you not out of friendship, but with serious intentions. It is very important to control yourself and prepare in advance for an important event.

The first thing you should pay attention to is the style of clothing that you choose to go to an expensive establishment. Very It is important to be able to dress beautifully, stylishly, but at the same time quite restrained.

For situations when you were invited to a restaurant for a date or a social evening, it is best to choose a beautiful evening dress. It is important that it decorates you, emphasizes the dignity of the figure, but at the same time is not too defiant, because it repels the guests of the restaurant, and can make an unpleasant impression on your companion.

It is important to remember that the man who invited you to such an institution must come in advance to take a table and meet his guest. Opening the door, he must quickly pass himself and let the lady through in order to be able to protect her if necessary.

Experienced restaurant staff can use this gesture to understand who is the guest and who is the organizer of the meeting, who will pay for the meal. If it is necessary to visit the wardrobe, the man must remove the outerwear from the lady and give it away on his own, while leaving himself a number. Approaching the table, the woman should again feel the attention of her companion, who will move the chair for her and invite her to sit down.

In preparation for making an order and having dinner together, you need to take a napkin from the table, straighten it, put it on your knees and do not remove it until the end of the evening. The waiter also needs to place an order correctly, using all the rules of etiquette necessary for this in a restaurant.

You need to be able to show your knowledge in the field of cooking, drinks, desserts and not focus on prices, even if they are very high.

Basic principles

There are certain basics of behavior that are the same for everyone, and only by observing them can you feel comfortable among restaurant visitors. The rules that you will need to remember only help to show maximum respect for everyone who is in the restaurant, so do not resist learning them.

If you are in a restaurant with a company, then wait until everyone brings food, and only then start eating. If a man and a woman are at the table, then the lady will be served first and the food will also be served to her first, however, you can eat it only when your gentleman receives his dish.

A low inclination over a plate is considered bad form; it is generally recommended to sit straight, without slouching and not leaning on the back of a chair.

If you are going to have complex dishes, such as fish or meat, then you need to know that you can only remove the bones from your mouth and with a fork, all other options will be inappropriate. If you do not have such skills, then you should order something easier to consume.

There are rules that people very often do not follow or violate, due to ignorance of them thoroughly:

  • Rules and norms of communication. You can not use swear and obscene words, speak loudly. Such norms should be common to all public institutions, not just expensive ones.
  • Sitting at the table, it is recommended not to slouch, but at the same time keep relaxed. Often, by the manner of behavior and posture of a person, others form an opinion about him.
  • If you need to take salt, pepper, bread or pour wine, and there is a waiter nearby, you need to ask him to help you, and not your companion.
  • A categorical non-observance of etiquette will be an attempt to cool the dishes by blowing on them. If the temperature of the food is higher than you want, you just need to wait, at this time you have a great opportunity to chat with your interlocutor.

  • If you accidentally drop cutlery or dishes, you do not need to get up and pick them up, the restaurant has special staff for this.
  • Instead of damaged dishes, you should ask for new ones.
  • If you have something stuck in your teeth, then you should not calmly pick your mouth, trying to help yourself, you need to cover your mouth with a napkin and gently try to remove food from your teeth.
  • If you get a call while eating in a restaurant, you need to ask your companion for leave and go outside the hall to answer the call.
  • If you have finished eating, you need to ask for a check, and not ask for the amount.
  • If you plan to pay every man for himself, you need to notify the waiter about this in advance so that everyone pays for their order.

If you find it difficult to remember all these rules, choose the 8 most important ones and study them well so that visiting an expensive restaurant will bring you only positive emotions, and not a spoiled evening and shame for many years.

If you are going to go to a restaurant, then you need to know the simplest norms of behavior for visitors so that your visit is successful and enjoyable. Among these recommendations are the most important:

  1. The gentleman always takes care of his lady, showing that she is the most important thing for him, this is manifested in behavior, gestures, conversation, the menu that was offered to her.
  2. While at the table, it is important to follow the rules for using appliances and eat food in such a way that it does not interfere with others.
  3. Conversations at the table can only be conducted in a quiet and calm voice so that other visitors do not listen to what you are talking about.
  4. The attitude towards the staff should be friendly and calm, then there will be reciprocal actions in your direction.
  5. If you need to use the telephone, it is important to leave the main hall and communicate outside of it.

These are the simplest and most basic norms that everyone should know and follow, not even in a chic restaurant, because the basis of all principles is mutual respect and care for everyone around, which is important and correct.

How to behave girls?

If you decide to get together with your friends and go to a restaurant or you were invited by a man, it is important to know how to behave there, observing all the norms of etiquette:

  • So, if you go to a similar institution with a company and arrived earlier than others, then you need to wait for them outside and only then go in with the whole company. If you did not have time to prepare for visiting a restaurant and do not know what to do in some matters, then you should not be nervous, it will be enough just to notice what other visitors are doing and repeat after them.
  • Coming to a restaurant with a companion or friends, it is important not just to eat silently, but to be able to maintain a secular conversation. There are certain topics that cannot be discussed in such places, they relate to death, illness, intimate life, politics and religion.

  • With regards to a handbag, not everyone knows what to do with it in a restaurant. If its dimensions are very small, then it would be best to place it on the table, in case of large sizes, you can put the bag on the floor or a special chair for such purposes, you can still place it on the back of the chair where the woman is sitting. If you need to tint your lips, check your makeup, this cannot be done in the common room, you need to ask permission to retire to the ladies' room, and do all the necessary manipulations.
  • Coming to a restaurant with a gentleman, a lady should say hello if her companion meets a friend. Good manners and proper behavior will be useful for you in any situation, and ignorance of such norms and rules can lead to unpleasant consequences.

Norms for men

The first thing a man should remember when he comes to a restaurant is the rules of gallantry. Pull out a chair for the woman, see if she needs to refill a glass, take her companion's order to the waiter, and resolve any issues that may arise during the evening. A man should also take care that his woman eats well and tasty, therefore he himself can offer her some dishes from the menu. While in a restaurant, a man also monitors the conversation that occurs at the table, directs it in the right direction and controls it.

Coming to a restaurant with a girl, a man should sit at the table only after his companion has settled down. Being in a women's society, it is very important to keep track of your vocabulary and the topics that are raised.

It is important not to abuse topics that are of interest to men. The task of a true gentleman is to create an atmosphere in which everyone will be comfortable and interested.

If a man smokes, then it is not necessary to do this in the presence of a lady or other guests; a special room is provided for this. If your companion does not smoke, then it is worth choosing an appropriate restaurant, where no one will interfere with her cigarette or cigar.

How to have a business breakfast?

For a successful business breakfast, you need to choose an institution that is located closest to the partner's office. The meeting with partners should take place in a place where no one will disturb you, and you can calmly discuss all business issues. An invitation to a business breakfast is usually communicated verbally or by telephone.

Monday and Friday are considered undesirable days for such events.

You should not choose a restaurant that is too pretentious, then all attention will go to etiquette, and it will not be possible to negotiate. If you plan to solve important issues, you must warn the head waiter and the waiter about this so that they do not interfere with you. When choosing a restaurant, you should pay attention to the menu and drinks that are available. Only non-alcoholic drinks are used, and in case of a positive outcome of your meeting, you can order a glass of wine and celebrate successful cooperation.

When choosing a place for negotiations, you need to focus on both prices and the people who visit this place, the social level should be close to yours so that it does not hurt your eyes and ears during a meeting.

About cutlery

The correct use of appliances in a restaurant is a whole science and it is unlikely that it will be possible to master it in just a couple of days. That is why it is important to remember the most important rules for yourself in order to know how to use fork and knife:

  • While eating, it is not allowed to put cutlery on the tablecloth, they are placed on a plate crosswise. In the case of the end of the meal, you need to put a knife with a fork in parallel, the knife is located on the right side.
  • All devices that are located to the right of the plate are taken with the help of the right hand, those on the left - with the left. Desserts are eaten only with the help of special dessert spoons. When eating, the cutlery should be brought directly to the mouth and in no case should you bend over the food to the plate. For a set of salads, a special tool is provided, which is put in place after use.

These are the most important cutlery handling principles that you need to know when visiting cafes, restaurants, and eating in a public place.

How to act after eating?

If after eating you want to leave the restaurant, you need to give a sign to the waiter, and he will bring the bill. If a man pays in your couple, then you don’t need to give any additional instructions, the checkbook will be with him. Often it is brought either to a man or to the one who made the order. If a woman plans to pay for food, it is worth stipulating this in advance so that the attendants know who to contact.

The next important issue will be tips. Not everyone knows how to tip correctly, and how much should be given to the waiter for good work. It is important to say that if you are not satisfied with the work of the waiter, you can leave him without a tip. When everything was done quickly and professionally, you were not prevented from enjoying your meal and everything was cleaned and brought on time, then it would be right to leave ten percent of the amount that will be indicated on the check.

It is believed that etiquette was invented, not only so that snobs could lift their chins by choosing the right fork for fish. They did this so that people would not experience inconvenience.

Modern etiquette: Rules to know and not to forget

Here is a couple in love at the entrance to the cafe and crumples: either the girl is torn to grab the handle, then the guy awkwardly pushes the glass with his hand, then the girl dives under his arm like a dolphin, and he, bending, crawls in after him. This awkwardness would not have happened if both knew for sure: the young man opens the door to the girl while she is waiting nearby.

But are all the other rules really necessary, or are some of them hopelessly outdated? Let's figure it out.

"Do not start eating until the waiters have finished serving the dishes and until all the guests have sat down at the table."

Well, let's say, at the banquet on the occasion of the 60th anniversary, this really needs to be remembered. It would be foolish to sit in front of everyone at the table and start cutting yourself up as soon as possible.

However, in modern realities, most often gatherings with friends take place in an informal atmosphere, and even for birthdays, everyone gathers as best they can. And here it’s stupid, on the contrary, it would be for everyone to wait for Vasya and Lucy, who are always late.

But to start grabbing something from a plate, which the waiter has just set and to which the sauce and cutlery have not yet been reported, is really ugly.

By the way, you should also not salt or pepper the dish before you have tried it, because this gesture will be perceived by the cook as an insult. Well, if the chef, of course, sees ...

This is true for the most lavish reception, where people still bother with serving their ten courses.

But in fact, in restaurants, the trend to simplify serving has long been gaining momentum. For example, in Scandinavian Björn, everything that can be served on stone and wooden boards is served on boards. In bars, in general, half of the menu is tapas (snack for the company), and you have to eat tapas with your hands. Burgers, chicken wings...

Moreover, it is rare that a modern restaurant has a large assortment of forks, most often a trinity: a knife, a fork, a spoon ... Everything is wrapped in a napkin and placed on each table, regardless of what the guest decides to order.

"Don't put anything on the table that isn't food."

And there really is nothing to add. It concerns girls first of all. They are very fond of laying out mirrors near the plate, lipstick, or not just putting a bag on the countertop, but a whole trunk with all the essentials. Men, in turn, lay out packs of cigarettes, car keys, wallets ...

This is all you need to keep to yourself. And phones too. Yes, yes, everyone knows that you are a business person and the Prime Minister can call you at any moment, but let this call disturb you from your jacket pocket. It’s difficult, of course, that’s how it is and not knowing if your subscribers like the photo with the salad, but what can you do.

If you have breakfast, lunch or dinner alone, looking at your phone or reading a book over coffee is quite normal.

Do you know what item can still be put on the table? A small elegant cocktail handbag for women. Only this one.

Also, the bag cannot be placed on your knees or on your chair, but it can be hung on the back of a chair or placed on the floor if there is no special chair (these are often offered in restaurants). The briefcase is also placed on the floor. This is just as important to remember as the fact that the umbrella is always dried closed.

"You should not rub wooden sticks against each other, put them on a bowl, point them at food or move this food on a plate."

When the Japanese see the Russians wielding sticks, they are overtaken by a pre-infarction state. It is, of course, great that we have learned not only to grab sushi sticks, but also to dip them in soy sauce. But in order to show a certain level of knowledge of Japanese cuisine, much more needs to be learned.

For example, a well-mannered Japanese always holds the chopsticks down with the ends with which he takes food. He really does not show them to the beauty he likes at the next table, he does not put them on a bowl with sauce, because this is a gross violation of etiquette.

Don't stick your chopsticks vertically into your food. In East Asia, this is how they designate an offering to the dead.

Do not put cutlery on the table after you have started eating. After that, they can only be put on a plate.

And don't pass food with chopsticks. This is actually a Japanese funeral ritual.

"Don't forget to tip. Tip must be at least ten percent (20 percent in the US) of the order."

Everything happens in life. Sometimes you have to ask the waiter to exchange a bill in order to leave him for tea. Sometimes guests can walk to the nearest ATM. But this is all within the bounds of decency.

But if you did not leave a tip, it means that you categorically did not like the service. This is your form of protest of sorts.

And the trifle is also not worth leaving. Not only because a trifle is still suitable only for tea at a gas station. But also because, first of all, it will be inconvenient for you when the waiter vertically takes the folder with the check and from there, coins fall loudly, like from Pinocchio. It also happens that the waiter, coldly thanking, returns the coins to the guest.

Who pays?

And here the most interesting begins. Etiquette has a lot of vintage rules about this. Most of them are outdated, but it's still interesting to remember them.

And the inviter pays. That is, there is a huge difference between the wording "let's go to a restaurant" and "I invite you to a restaurant" even for people of the same sex. In addition, it is believed that a woman can pay herself if she met a man right in a restaurant (but if alcoholic drinks were drunk, the gentleman should pay for them).

But all this in the 21st century, of course, is observed less and less frequently. But the last rule in modern realities has not been canceled: the question of "who pays" must be resolved before the arrival of the waiter, with him - mauvais ton.

Everyone should follow the rules of etiquette in a restaurant in order to make a good impression of themselves.

Compliance with the rules of etiquette will help you have a great evening, and leave a good impression on others about yourself. Don't know how to behave in a restaurant? Relax and enjoy. But don't forget about etiquette.

  • We all love to have lunch and dinner at home. But sometimes such constancy bothers, and you want to go to an expensive restaurant, taste real culinary masterpieces.
  • Often ladies are invited to the restaurant by their fans, grooms or husbands. How to make a good impression of yourself? What should you say to the waiter, and what can you ask him?
  • It often seems to us that nothing can spoil the rest, destroy the holiday atmosphere. But a lot depends on behavior. If everything is done correctly, good memories of the holiday will remain.

It is better to book a table in advance, but if the decision to go to a restaurant was spontaneous, you should resolve all issues with the administrator. Do not immediately go into the hall and take the first free seat. After all, perhaps the table is already booked by other guests.

The administrator is usually located at his desk near the entrance. If he is not there, then you need to wait, he can deal with visitors who came before you.

So, the administrator invited you to a table. Now the question arises: how to behave in a restaurant, how to communicate with a waiter? Etiquette and rules of conduct:

  • Relax and keep at ease. Remove excess stress, enjoy the evening. Pleasant atmosphere, beautiful design of the hall, gallant waiters, beautiful outfit - all this makes you want to be the hero of the evening. Spend time with pleasure.
  • Start eating with everyone. If food has been brought to you, but other people from your company have not yet, you do not need to immediately grab a fork and knife and use them for their intended purpose. You can warn the waiter in advance to bring the dishes at the same time.
  • Consider the specifics of the restaurant, forget about your tastes. If you go to a fish restaurant, don't order meat. In a famous restaurant that serves delicious steaks, you don't have to limit yourself to salad.
  • Don't be afraid to ask the waiter questions. If there are incomprehensible names of dishes on the menu, ask the waiter what this dish is made of. This is especially important if you are allergic to certain foods.
  • Always ask the price if you are interested. There is nothing shameful in this. The waiter may suggest a restaurant specialty and you may ask for a price.
  • Leave a tip. According to the rule of etiquette, you need to leave 10% (of the value of the check) or more to the waiter for a tip. It's a shame not to leave a tip if you've been well served.

Customers mostly don't talk to waiters. The restaurant employee must take the order, serve the guest at the highest level and ask to pay for dinner. Visitors should have a good rest and not bother about the fact that they can do something wrong or say the wrong thing.

Etiquette in a restaurant - cutlery: how to use, how to put after a meal?

In a restaurant, you usually have to use more than one fork and knife. But do not be afraid of a large number of devices near your plate. Here are some tips on how to use it, how to put cutlery after eating. The rules of etiquette in a restaurant on this occasion say the following:

  • Remember the order in which the dishes are served. First, a salad - cold or hot, then the first course, if you ordered it, and the second course.
  • Start your meal with the forks and knives furthest away from your plate., and move to those that are closer.
  • If the fork or knife has fallen off the table, do not focus on it.. Call an employee of the institution, and ask to replace the device for you.

Remember: The length of the salad knife is the same diameter as the appetizer plate, the appetizer fork is slightly shorter. The length of the second course knife is equal to the diameter of the plate in which the dish was brought to you. The table fork is long, and a long spoon and knife are used to serve portions from a shared plate.

  • Dessert dishes are served with other utensils: knife with a sharp tip, a fork with three cloves and a small spoon.
  • Fruits are served with special cutlery: fork and knife for eating fruits are smaller than dessert cutlery.
  • Separate spoons are used for drinks: for coffee - coffee, for tea - tea. A teaspoon can be used for soft-boiled eggs, as well as for cocoa drink and smoothies.
  • Additional devices: tongs, special forks, spoons and knives. With a two-pronged fork, you can take a piece of herring, as well as eat crab or shrimp. A small spoon, which is in the salt shaker, helps to add salt to the dishes. With the help of tongs, they put confectionery, sugar, marshmallows, sweets and marmalade on their plate.

Restaurant etiquette - cutlery

Important: If there is red or black caviar on the table, then there is a special spatula to put this dish on a plate. A large rectangular spatula is designed for shifting meat or vegetables. A small figured spatula is used for pate.

General rules for using cutlery:

  • The knife should always be in the right hand.
  • When you eat food with a fork or spoon, keep the utensils parallel to the table.. Do not blow on a hot dish.
  • If there is some soup left in the bowl, you can finish it. tilting the plate away from you. Scoop up the rest of the soup carefully, do not hit the plate.
  • During a pause or conversation at the table, cutlery must be placed on a plate, next to food.
  • If the knife and fork lie parallel to each other on the plate, and the knife is turned with the tip towards the fork, which indicates the end of the meal. For the waiter, this suggests that the plate can be removed.

In the following video, an etiquette specialist will tell you how and what a well-mannered person should do at the table, and how to use forks and knives correctly.

Video: How to use cutlery correctly

You should not take with your hands at the table what you can eat with the help of cutlery. A dish that can be eaten with a fork should not be eaten with a spoon. There are many nuances of behavior at the table, like eating a barbecue, a burger or an expensive dish. Here are some rules:

  • Shish kebab pieces are removed from the skewers and eaten with a knife and fork..
  • Burger should be held with hands. Cutlery is not used. Bite off in small portions and chew the dish for a long time.
  • Expensive dish, for example, lobsters are served with special cutlery. Using a sharp knife with a hole, break out the claws. Use a two-pronged fork to eat lobster meat. To the left of the plate will be a bowl of water. In it, you can rinse your hands after a meal.

The main thing in a restaurant is to eat silently. But, if you can’t, for example, cope with a lobster, ask the waiter to help.

The napkin always accompanies us at the table. This is not only a decor item, but also a unique serving item that helps to facilitate the meal. Often in a restaurant you can see that a person ignores the napkin or pretends that it does not exist. No need to be afraid of this serving item.

How to use napkins in a restaurant - rules:

  • This hygiene product should be on your lap, not on your neck or on a table.
  • If the napkin is dirty, you can ask the employee of the institution to replace it with a fresh one.
  • At the end of dinner, the napkin is left to the left of the plate. You should not put this item on a plate, no matter you used a cloth napkin or a paper one.

If you need to leave during dinner, a napkin is also placed next to the plate on the left. It is unacceptable to hang it on the back of a chair or put it on its seat.

As soon as the waiter or your companion poured beer into glasses, you need to start drinking it. This drink is usually poured according to a special mark. If there is no such mark, then no more than 3/4 of the glass should be poured.

According to beer etiquette in a restaurant, one should not drink a lot of beer or stretch the process for a long time. First, half a cup is drunk, and the rest is divided into two doses. Do not mix beer with other types of alcohol. Dark beers are worth drinking in the cold season with salads and hot dishes. Light beers are good to drink in summer with shrimps or pistachios.

If you came to the restaurant before the rest of your friends from your company, then you should wait for everyone outside. The waiter pushes the chair back to the girl as she sits down at the table. But, if there are several girls, then their companions help them.

Other important rules of etiquette in a restaurant at the table for a girl:

  • Hide your excitement. If you don't know how to use certain appliances correctly, see how others do.
  • At the table you need not only to eat, but also to keep up the conversation. There are forbidden topics: about illness, death, sex, religion and politics.
  • No smoking at the table even if it doesn't bother anyone. There are designated smoking areas in the restaurant.
  • When the wine is poured into glasses, do not rush to drink it.. The host must say a toast or take the first sip. Before drinking a drink, you need to wipe your lips with a napkin, otherwise there will be greasy marks on the glass.
  • When the waiter starts serving the dishes, take the napkin from the plate and place it on your lap.
  • If you are allergic to a certain food, you should not talk about it in full hearing or scandal. Just leave the plate with this dish untouched.

Wrap long pasta with a fork and knife. After that, quickly put them in your mouth. Bones from meat or fish that ended up in the mouth are placed on a fork, and then on a plate. If they are too small, you can take them out with your index finger and put them on a plate.

When entering a restaurant, a man opens the door to a woman. The door to the hall is also opened by a man and the lady is let in first. Near the table, the woman chooses the place she likes, and the man must move the chair so that she sits down.

The rest of the rules of etiquette in a restaurant at the table for a woman with a man:

  • It is indecent to pull up a chair if you are sitting uncomfortable.. You can just move to the edge.
  • If there are two menus, then they are served to both the woman and the man. If there is only one menu, then the lady chooses first.
  • Don't limit yourself to the cheapest dishes- this will indicate doubts about the viability of a man.
  • Do not order the most expensive dishes, because you do not consider yourself a woman who will take advantage of the opportunity. Pick something in the middle for the price.
  • A girl should not say "Order to your taste". One can only ask, “What do you recommend?”
  • The order is made by a man, and the lady expresses her wishes to her companion who shows care and resourcefulness in this way.
  • Previously, it was impossible to keep your elbows on the table- this rule of etiquette is a thing of the past. In the company of a young man or with friends, no one will pay attention to this. If you are dining with the older generation, then it is better not to risk your reputation.
  • Eat slowly and calmly. Don't talk while eating. Start the meal before the man, and finish the meal later.
  • Do not rush a man when he eats and don't ask the waiter to bring the bill. He will do it himself.
  • A man finishes a romantic dinner. But, if the lady wanted to leave earlier, she can do this by apologizing to her gentleman.
  • The man usually pays the bill, and a woman should not feel embarrassed about it. If the man and woman are friends, then you can pay the bill in half.
  • Leave beautifully This is also the main thing in the restaurant. You can thank the waiter for dinner and the head waiter. The man leads the lady to the exit, opening the door for her. He picks up outerwear in the wardrobe and dresses himself. Only then does he help the lady get dressed. She must patiently wait for help from her companion.

If you do something not according to etiquette - do not worry. A man will still see you as a well-mannered prude who behaves beautifully in a restaurant and at the table.

Many transactions are concluded not in the company's meeting room, but in the restaurant. Everything affects the result - behavior, the ability to eat mussels or spaghetti, and much more.

Business etiquette in a restaurant - rules for a dinner to be held at its best:

  • Guests should not come hungry. After all, the purpose of a business lunch is to resolve specific issues.
  • If you are invited to a business lunch, then you need to book a table in advance and study the restaurant menu.
  • Both parties should be well versed in cutlery.
  • It's indecent to complain about service or food. Don't discuss your diagnosis when refusing a meal if you have an allergy, ulcer, or other illness.
  • Before drinking wine or water from a glass, blot your lips. so as not to leave traces of food on the glass.
  • Do not eat if invited guests have already finished their meal.
  • Topics of religion, medicine and politics are not discussed at the table. Talk only about work. You can talk about children, touch on the topic of weather, history or sights.
  • business papers laid out after the waiter clears the table from plates and food.

A business lunch helps to establish friendly contacts with partners and contributes to successful teamwork.

Do not use your mobile phone in a restaurant. Turn off the sound and leave your cell in your coat pocket. Telephone etiquette in a restaurant forbids talking at the table. If you are waiting for an important call, then put your phone in your pocket or purse. When the mobile rings, apologize to your companion and leave the room to talk.

Often when going to a restaurant, many people ask themselves: “Who pays in a restaurant?” If you go with a man for a romantic evening, then he pays. If you have friendly relations, pay in half. At the banquet, the initiator of the feast pays.

Remember: Who will pay for dinner should be agreed in advance. It is indecent to find out when the waiter has already brought the bill.

Communicate politely with the waiter, and he will help you choose the most delicious dish in this restaurant. Next time, the waiter will definitely tell you which dish the chef turned out to be very tasty, and which one is better to try next time.

Video: Etiquette. How to behave in a restaurant